Upgrade MySQL to 5.5 or above - winginx

I am trying to upgrade MySQL to 5.5 or above but having problems as mysqld in not in mysql/bin and after upgrading it cant find the right file locations.

If you used the MySql Installer, your files will most probably be located in the Windows program folder.
If you want to continue, first uninstall MySql 5.5, then go on with updateing MySql in Winginx.
If you want to upgrade the mysql version in Winginx, you can download the ZIP from http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.5.html
I assume you installed Winginx in C:\Winginx
Move the mysql folder from C:\Winginx\mysql to C:\Winginx\mysql.bak
Create a new mysql folder under C:\Winginx
Extract the 'share' and 'data' folders from the downloaded package to your empty 'mysql' folder.
Extract the mysqld.exe from the package /bin folder to your 'mysql' folder
Extract the my-small.ini from the package to your 'mysql' folder and rename it to 'my.ini'. Please note! You cannot use the my.ini shipped with Winginx. mysqld will fail with this my.ini for MySql 5.1.
You need to add following lines to my.ini under the block [mysqld]
# The MySQL server
basedir = ../mysql
datadir = data
bind-address =
If you need to change some settings, do not use the Winginx Workbench. It will add MySql 5.1 style settings to your my.ini and make the server fail. Directly update your my.ini if needed.
I tried to continue to use the /data directory with my existing tables, but unfortunately the table format needs to be converted from 5.1 to version 5.5 format. For me the 'mysql-upgrade.exe' failed to convert my tables, so I had to start off with the default /data directory from the package and then migrate my data via mysqldump.


How to embeded postgresql into project?

I want to embeded posgresql. i try to print help. there's no options to read config. but the weird. postgres read config from -D options, the file is postgresql.conf that create from initdb.exe. whichis data directory. but the config can set data dir location. so for me is weird management. why not like usual application. just have command to read config file. the real problem is postgres log give error dont know where the lib folder. from postgresql structure folder lib 1 up from bin.
what i want is lib folder inside bin.
i try to set config that relate to library name, nothing help
dynamic_library_path 'c:\project\bin\lib'
command that i use to start postgres server
pg_ctl start -s -W -D data -l log/system.log
I am not sure in which programming language or IDE you want to use PostgresSQL. Usually it is easiest to simply include the proper Nuget packages. And it is getting even more easier if you chose to use the EntityFramework to access your data.

How to make composer packages global

After creating a few duplicate snipe it installations I think it's better to move installed composer packages to a global location (so I won't have to download/install them each time I create a new snipe it instance). How and where should I put these ? Already moved composer to /usr/local/bin . Ultimate goal is to remove the packages from the vendor subfolders and load them from global location. What would need to be changed in the snipe it folders ?
Running Ubuntu server 20.04
What I did was:
copy site1 to site2
create db for site2
add extra ip in apache ports.conf to listen on
add ip in netplan yaml file
create new ssl key for extra ip
created conf for site2 in sites-available + a2ensite
modified .env for url app key en db settings
My main problem is that php artisan key:generate throws an error when in root of site2. Was able to generate app key with echo "base64:$(openssl rand -base64 32)" and site2 works as it shoulds for now.

How can I use MariaDB (XAMPP) in Windows?

I am new using XAMPP. I have installed it and everything works fine, but I don´t know how can I manage MariaDB engine to create and set new DDBB. My goal is to create a website in localhost and use MariaDB to develop a "Sign in" system for the users.
Every tip is welcome. Thanks!
Well, it depends on what you mean by 'using mariadb on windows'. If it's starting mariadb, then navigate to \xampp\mysql\bin and start mariadb i.e.
cd \xampp\mysql\bin
mysql -u root -p
If you want to create a website using with mariadb backend, make sure you save your work in the htdocs folder inside the xampp folder

How do I connect mongodb to an existing set of database files

I downloaded a mongoDB database, meaning I got a set of XXX.0 [xxx.1, ...] and XXX.ns files. I installed mongoDB (on Mac OS X using Homebrew) and ran mongod with the dbpath parameter pointing to a directory with these files in it. However, when I use the mongo shell and ask to see available databases or collections, I get nothing but the 'local' database and no collections. What am I doing wrong? how can I get mongoDB to 'see' the database in the directory?
Based on the database files naming that you have downloaded, the files were generated using MongoDB MMAPv1 storage engine. As if it were generated with MongoDB WiredTiger storage engine, you would have collection.*.wt files.
Now, if you have just installed through homebrew the latest stable version of MongoDB which is currently v3.2. This would have come with the new default storage engine of WiredTiger.
If you also have the local.<n> and local.ns files in the directory, MongoDB would give you an error stating incompatibility of storage files like below:
[initandlisten] exception in initAndListen: 28662 Cannot start server. Detected data files in /data/target created by the 'wiredTiger' storage engine, but the specified storage engine was 'mmapv1'., terminating
Without these files mongod will run with WiredTiger storage engine and would ignore the existing(copied) MMAPv1 files.
If this is your case, you can run mongod with the --storageEngine option to specify MMAPv1. This would set mongod to run with MMAPv1 storage engine. Example:
mongod --dbpath <your db files dir> --storageEngine=mmapv1
Also for the record, checkout mongodump and mongorestore to export/import the database contents in binary format instead of copying the database files.

PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\xampp\php\ext\php_oci8.dll' - The specified module could not be found

I want to use php oci8 function , but I got this error
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library 'C:\xampp\php\ext\php_oci8.dll' - The specified module could not be found. (C:\xampp\apache\bin\httpd.exe -d C:/xampp/apache)
I have follow all this step
How to enable Oracle Connection to PHP on XAMPP
Install XAMPP 1.7.3 on your Windows. (Please remove the old version of XAMPP and please delete C:\xampp BEFORE installing the new version of XAMPP).
Extract InstantClient to C:\instantclient_11_2 folder.
Open system setting at Start Menu > My Computer(right click on the icon) > Select Properties > Advanced Tabs > Environment Variables.
Add to ‘System Variables’ by clicking ‘New’ button and insert the following values:
a. Variable Name : PATH
b. Variable Value : c:\instantclient_11_2
Click OK to accept new modification.
Open C:\xampp\php\php.ini by using notepad.
Find string oci8 and remove the ; symbol at the beginning of the string line.
Save and Exit.
Restart you laptop/pc to accept new modification on xampp.
I setup at Window Server 2008 R2 64bit.
Can anyone help?
Have you ever try to copy the files orannzsbb11.dll , oci.dll and oraociei11.dll to c:\windows\system32 ? try it. It worked for me :)
I had to face the same issue.But as this link suggests
OCIEnvNlsCreate() failed. When i try to connect my oracle database in php
I copy paste everything inside instantclient to System32 folder.
this way worked for me.
