Debug with mono d - debugging

I'm trying to use mono d to develop some vibe.d applications and I'm having trouble with the debugger. Sometimes I can't see the content of some variables. Also, in order to have any symbols at all, I need to remove my complete "buildTypes" configuration in my dub.json.
Also, when starting a debug session, I get this:
"&"warning: GDB: Failed to set controlling terminal: Operation not permited\n""
Finally, I cannot stop my application using the mono d "stop" command. I always need to use the kill -9 on my application or else it keeps running.
Any idea how to solve these issues?
In general I'm struggling to find a confortable working environment. Tried Visual Studio+VisualD, Eclipse+DDT, and Monodevelop+Mono-D, but all have their issues, almost always related to debugging. What is everyone else using?
Thanks a lot,

GBD based debugging is not that good in Mono-D. Eclipse can understand more of D constructs by my opinion, but the best option there is to use VisualD w/ Mago. Unfortunatelly current version of Mago makes VS 2013 very unstable.
Could you please put there your failing dub.json configuration?
I'm assuming you are using an Ubuntu with a recent version of GDB. You can ignore this warning, it's beacuse of some GDB 7.x vs GNOME terminal thing, I'm sure that will be fixed soon. As a workaround you can use Mono's integrated terminal for debugging.
I ain't have this "stop" issue. Which version of Monodevelop and Mono-D are you using? It is advised to use a recent beta instead of the stable release, I'm using Monodevelop 5.6 right now without any issues.
I think Mono-D + Linux is by far the best option that you could have for D development right now despite it's issues.


Extendscript Toolkit debugger fails: Can't start debug session

Not a programming problem per se, but rather a programming environment problem that I have been unable to find a solution to.
The problem relates to Adobe's Extendscript Toolkit (both 3.5 and 4), but so far I haven't been able to solve the problem, so here I am...
The error I get has appeared more or less over night. I didn't experience this problem yesterday, nor this morning. But exactly WHAT has happened is beyond me. I have removed preferences, I have uninstalled, reinstalled, created a new user, restored old preferences from Time Machine and I'm now pretty much lost for options.
Basically, nothing works in ESTK anymore. Just opening ESTK and entering alert('Hello') won't work. Neither will $.writeln(). Everything running from within ESTK seems to give the same error;
Cannot execute script in target engine 'main'
With details:
Cannot execute script in target engine 'main'!
(#1116) Can't start debug session.
Below is a screenshot taken from the new user I created to test, same problem.
The "funny" thing is that all the scripts (InDesign CS5, still hanging on to it for reasons) still work perfectly in the applications' script panels. So there is nothing wrong with the scripts (heck, they haven't changed one bit, and still refuses to run in ESTK).
As mentioned, I've tried installing the ESTK CC (version 4) as well, but the very same problem occurs there. Which leads me to think the problem lies somewhere else, but I do not know where, and why.
So, if anyone can shed any light on this issue, at all, I would be very happy. Debugging is basically the only thing ESTK is good for in my book, but now that even that functionality is gone, I don't know how to efficiently debug the scripts which is kind of hampering the workflow.
For reference, I'm running InDesign CS5 (from the old Creative Suite) on a 2008 Mac Pro with 10.11.6 (El Capitan) installed. Well aware that it's pretty out of date, but that is beside the point here.
In the above mentioned forum, Adobe has published a stable workaround!You just have to correct a setting inside the estk application:
Open the file(Mac): “/Applications/Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CC/ExtendScript”
Search for the value: 604800000 (line reads bt.timeout = 604800000)
Replace that value with 604800 and save
Quit ExtendScript Toolkit and relaunch.
I can confirm that it works.
From the adobe Forum :
"we have found a first workaround: just change your date to any date before 20-nov-2018"
Seems like a date issue :(
I just published a quick update about this on the Adobe Tech Blog.
For the time being, if you dismiss the dialog, you can still run your script via ESTK and step through code as usual.
Alternatively, if you really want to avoid the dialogs, and you don’t mind setting your clock back, you can sidestep the issue by setting your system clock back to November 19, 2018 or before. On most systems, changing the system time can have unintended side effects, so this isn’t recommended unless you’re really certain about it.

Erlang and wxWidgets - Possible Bug

I am on Mac OSX 10.7 however I believe this would also appear in 10.8+
Try running (within erlang)
Which will produce the following output:
beam.smp[2733:f0b] CFURLCreateWithString was passed this invalid URL string: '/System/Library/CoreServices/CommonCocoaPanels.bundle' (a file system path instead of an URL string). The URL created will not work with most file URL functions. CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath or CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPathRelativeToBase should be used instead.
Now the demo runs just fine but why output this line then?
It speaks nothing of erlang and after some browsing around it seems as if this is a wxWidgets bug as people have the same issue in python and that it is Mac OSX centric due to the CommonCocoaPanels.bundle in the output.
Its really just an annoyance for now as everything runs just fine. But it is more than likely a bug, no?
How can it be fixed?
As far as I know wxErlang is currently broken on MacOS and maintainers promise to fix it after wxWidgets 3.0 release.
Which version of wxWidgets are you using? I used wxWidgets 2.8.12 under Mac OS 10.6.8, custom build for Carbon with -arch i386.
In wxWidgets 2.8.x, Carbon is the recommended library because it is the
more stable. Cocoa is incomplete in wxWidgets 2.8.x. If you are interested
in using Cocoa, you should start with wxWidgets 2.9.x where Cocoa is
much more complete.
The framework itself looked somehow alien to Max OS (maybe because of Carbon), a small part of API was broken (this does not prevent programs to actually run - just small annoyances).
For my future reference, and that of others..
The following will work without displaying the above error message.
P = wx:new(),
F = wxFrame:new(P, 1, "main", [{size, {600,600}]),
WindowOpts = [{size, {600,600}}, {style, ?wxSUNKEN_BORDER}],
W = wxWindow:new(F, ?wxID_ANY, WindowOpts),
wxFrame:connect(F, close_window, [{skip,true}]),
wxWindow:connect(W, paint, [{skip, true}]),
Strangely enough even with all my trial and error debugging, line by line, there is really no easy way to get to the bottom of it. It turns out to be the inclusion of a:
process_flag(trap_errors, true)
Will generate that error. I am positive there is nothing crashing that would invoke the actions of the flag.
Deep error. Little consequence.
Lets hope they get it fixed along with the 3.0 upgrade.

kdevelop debugger automatically detaches from a process after a few steps

I am trying to debug a few C++ applications with KDevelop 4.0.1(on KDE 4.4.5 and gdb 7.0.1) on Debian 6.0.6. Irrespective of what part of the code I break into, the debugger detaches automatically after stepping through a few instructions. I didn't find anything on this topic on any forums. I tried a few things below.
Debugging using gdb on shell works perfectly fine.
Tried debugging multiple applications, but the issue is seen.
Reinstalling KDevelop did not help.
Am I missing some configuration that could cause this behavior?
(I am new to kdevelop)
Thanks for any help.
My guess is that is related to pretty printing of an uninitialized variable.
Lots of fixes have been applied to KDevelop and gdb, you should consider updating to a more recent version.

Compiling Win64 versions of GLFW under mingw64

first off, I really need to make a 64bit version of glfwdll.a and glfw.dll (so I can hopefully finally succeed in getting the Go glfw bindings to work under Windows ... was a breeeeze under Linux!)
Seems like I now succeeded in compiling 64bit versions of glfwdll.a and glfw.dll using mingw64, MSYS and their make scripts, even though I did get a couple of error messages along the lines of "maincrt entry point not found, using default 0xsomehexnumber instead" or some such. Entry points of course refer to executables, in this case those in the examples directory.
And indeed, most of them don't work! All got built however. The following executables work:
listmodes.exe mtbench.exe mthello.exe and particles.exe -- the latter being the only graphical (3d gfx) example working for me (the former ones just outputting some test infos onto the console window).
Now what's the issue with the other ones? They don't crash, they don't report anything to the console... I run them, they return immediately, silently.
Is my GLFW build broken? How to fix? What's the big difference between the 4 examples that work and the others that don't?
This is a fairly new, vanilla Win7 64bit installation. No crapware, everything up to date, UAC and Themes are off, not a lot of software installed at all, Nvidia GPU driver updated (GPU Caps Viewer and the likes run fine, so OpenGL is there).
I'm not yet allowed to add comments, so I'll post this as an answer.
The issue you're having is due to three separate bug in GLFW. I fixed them today and the fixes will be included in GLFW 2.7.6. Until then, you can use trunk from the GLFW Subversion repository.
To be sure that you really have no DLL-hell issues with the opengl32.dll, glu32.dll, glut32.dll etc., check out the Event Viewer tool and see if there are some warnings or errors for you app.
This is my thought because you are only able to run the mtbench and mthello which have nothing in common with the "real" OpenGL API.
No clue about particles.exe though - maybe GLFW checks for errors internally and call the exit() routine ? Check the %errorlevel% also.
Also take a look here:
There is a GameMenu() function which may exit silently if "!glfwGetWindowParam( GLFW_OPENED )", which obviously means that OpenGL was not initialized.
The same function serves as an exit flag here
Once again, double-check the DLLs !
I believe that you are experienced not to make "advanced" mistakes in the build process, so there just might be some funny thing happening at the "user level".
And another suggestion:
Some parameters might not work exactly for you.
To "fix" the samples try commenting out the glfwGetWindowParam call.

How to tell if (VB) code is running inside Visual Studio?

I'm using VB Express 2008. I know how to tell if code was built in debug more or release, but now I would like know how to tell if it is running in the Visual Studio IDE or not (so that I can add some debug MsgBox() and not worry about them showing if I ever accidentally ship a debug version).
Is System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached what you're looking for?
If you're building for Test and Prod, consider using a preprocessor directive in your code.
#If DEBUG Then
#End If
This falls down, of course, if you ship a debug-built binary to a non-dev environment. I understand this is attacking the problem from another angle from where you asked the question (the IDE).
Try checking the IsAttached property of System.Diagnostics.Debugger
If you want to make sure you never show debug messages to users, you can use Debug.Write() and Debug.WriteLine(). These commands will output the text supplied to the debug output window. Note that you can attack a debug output window to a program running production code on a customer's machine without installing a development environment!
Testing for an attached debugger does not indicate that the debugger is also inside an IDE. It is quite common in many environments to attach debuggers to production code running on a customer system to identify what is going wrong on a particular customer's installation and usage. Testing for a debugger and then presuming you are in an IDE will foul out this usage of debuggers in a production environment.
