chid processes of a given process by PID - shell

Can anyone tell me how to get the child processes of a given process by PID using shell commands bash or tcsh?
i' ve tried many options of 'ps' command
ps --pid $pid, but i don't know if it's correct.

just use:
pgrep -P $your_process1_pid


is there any way to know the pid of a launched program?

if I launch a bash script as a child, I can pass its own pid to the parent by using $$.
Is there any way to find the pid of a program that I launch from a script in background
ping x.x.x.x &
what's the pid of that ping ?
(I just hope I expressed my self correctly ... my English is not the best)
PS. I'm looking for a simple and clean solution, I can imagine something like:
ping -t10000 -W10 x.x.x.x &
ps ax | grep 'ping -t10000 -W10 x.x.x.x'$
but is too complicated, also even that I used switches to personalize it is not clean, it may catch another processes in the system
The variable $! has the PID of the last background process you started.
Use this: $! right after executing the command whose PID you want. It means, though that you need to use an ampersand (&) after the command, to start it in background. E.g.:
my_command & CMDPID=$!
echo "$CMDPID"

Kill a child process that has detached from the shell

I want to control many different Sinatra apps from a central (Sinatra) app.
The problem I have is no matter which way I exec/spawn/fork the call to start it, I cannot get the pid of the Sinatra server so that I can kill (:int) it?
This is due to my shell exec string, which contains a few other commands first, so I get the pid of the first.
My command string is like
command = source ~/.profile; rbenv #{ver}; some_env=1234 ruby app.rb
So I get the pid of the sh process of the sourcing command.
The question is, how can I get the pid of the ruby command launched above?
I am currently using spawn, but have tried most others as well, but I don't think that is the problem!?
pid = Process.spawn(command)
pid # => 1234
The ruby app itself starts
$ ps aux
1234 sh -c . ~/.profile; shell_script
4567 shell_script
I want to know 4567!?
There's no easy way of getting your '4567', but you should be able to make your process have the same pid as Process.spawn returns.
Try ending your command with an exec rather than a straight call to ruby, i.e.:
source ~/.profile; rbenv #{ver}; export some_env=1234; exec ruby app.rb
you can check whether the process "shell_script" is a child of "sh -c . ~/.profile; shell_script".you can check this through "ps -axgf" command.
if it is a parent then u can use the group id of pid 1234 (get it form the output of ps -axgf) to kill the child with pid 4567 using this command .
kill -9 -1234(assumming 1234 is the group id)

Output PID to file from process executed in bash script?

I've got this simple bash script that starts a server process. I want to output the pid of the server process to a file, pid.txt. After some quick searching on SO, I came up with this approach, but it seems to give me the pid of the bash script, not the server process executed from the script. Note: the --fork is required for my server process to run as a daemon to output data to a separate log file, and I suspect that's causing the issue here based on this previous SO question, hoping there's a way around this.
#! /bin/bash
./mongo-linux64-202/mongod --fork &
printf "%s\n" "$pid" > pid.txt
Might I suggest:
#! /bin/bash
./mongo-linux64-202/mongod --pidfilepath ./pid.txt --fork &
derived from Mongo help:
mongod --help
./mongo-linux64-202/mongod --fork &
pid=$(jobs -p | tail -n 1)
Though look first whether mongod is willing to report its pid somehow.

Gnome Terminal PID

How can I get the PID of a TERMINAL running a process with given PID? For example, I open a new terminal and run it a process, say ". / dbserver", then I have the PID of the process using pidof dbServer, so I want the PID of the terminal that is running dbserver. bash.
The output of ps -f includes the parent PID of each process. You could also use -o ppid along with whichever other fields you are interested in.
Considering that the Terminal is then that process's parent, see here:
ps -p `pidof dbserver` -o ppid=

How can I find out what a command is executing in Terminal on MacOs

After I run a shell script (which call a bunch a other scripts depend on conditions. which is too complicated to understand), I can execute a command 'gdbclient' at my MacOS terminal.
But when I do 'which gdbclient' and 'alias gdbclient', it shows nothing.
Is there anyway for me to find out what 'gdbclient' is actually doing?
You can open up another terminal window and type: ps
That will list all the running processes.
If your script is running as a different user than the current one, you can use ps -ef to list all running processes.
If you know the PID of the process that ran your script, you can find all child processes via parent PID using ps -f | grep [pid]
You can use the Activity Monitor to check things out pretty thoroughly. To get the right privileges to see everything going on you can do:
sudo open /Applications/Utilities/Activity\
Dtrace can give you some helpful information: dtrace
to find process 'gdbclient':
ps aux | grep gdbclient
That wont tell you what it's "doing" but that it's running
