Unable to upload images after update to Magento - image

I have been running for a long time and recently moved to a different server and upgraded to Magento 1.9 from 1.8. After the usual hickups everything seems to work, except for uploading images to products (and in the WYSIWYG editor).
Flash works and I can use the buttons to select the image, afterwards the uploading bar runs up to 100% and then the error "File was not uploaded." appears.
I have been looking for all possible problems and checked the following:
Image is not too big (I tried several different images from 1kb to 2mb)
The error occurs with new products, as well as on existing products with images
All media folders have chmod 777
The error exists in all browsers (IE, FF and Chrome)
Magento is running on a private VPS, with plenty of empty disk space
The image do not show up in the media/tmp folder nor the media/catalog folder
Alle images have always been imported through the Magento backend
I have tried if removing the .htaccess file from media folder helps (it doesn't)
I tried uploading the image in global view as well in store view
How to solve this problem? Or at least find the reason for its occurrence?

Edit the file lib/Varien/File/Uploader.php and add Mage::log() inside the save() function.
public function save($destinationFolder, $newFileName = null)
if ($this->_allowCreateFolders) {
if (!is_writable($destinationFolder)) {
throw new Exception('Destination folder is not writable or does not exists.');
or to another places in thic class and get exact error ...
File will be saved at configured Magento exceptions and logs files folder.

please open your inspect Element(q) in Firefox or chrome and check console tab and if you find the error as "Uncaught Error: Function name must be a string in C:\MAMP or wamp or xamp\htdocs or www\magento\lib\Varien\File\Uploader.php:259" then you can fix it from following solution.
-first you should open Uploader.php from C:\MAMP or wamp or xamp\htdocs or www\magento\lib\Varien\File\Uploader.php and going to 259 line find this code
and the change it to
i just add {} around $params['method'] and it is work
i think this error is come from changing your php version


Bigcommerce uploading theme error

I downloaded the current theme, unzipped it, put some custom html, then zipped it, then reuploaded it. The uploading is successful however the processing failed. It showed a message:
There was a problem processing your theme
I tried renaming it and removing the html I inserted but it still happens.
If you are using a Stencil theme, you will need to bundle it with Stencil CLI before uploading:
If you are using a Blueprint theme, it should be uploaded to the template folder in WebDAV as described in this article: https://support.bigcommerce.com/articles/Public/Transferring-a-Custom-Theme-from-One-Bigcommerce-Store-to-Another
I ran into a similar issue last night. What resolved it was making sure none of my config.json strings were over the 64 letter limit for URLs. Once I removed these, my theme was able to be uploaded successfully.
The urls that affected my bundle were located in the 'settings' section of my config.json. Don't worry about the meta section (your 'documentation_url' can be left how it is). I began getting the error after building out my schema.json file. After I connected my ID's in my schema.json file to the correlating ID's in my config.json file I started getting errors. I tracked down the ID that was causing the problem and it happened to have a string that was over 64 characters long. Once I removed the string my errors went away and the theme uploaded correctly.

magento file upload not working

I have this odd situation. When creating (or updating) a product in the images section whenever I select a file (or multiple files) the list the selected files doesn't appear therefore I can't upload any images to a product. I don't have ANY errors in the console or in the log and the most odd is that when running the code on a localhost it works. All the required folders on the server exists and they are writable. Any ideas on what could be the reason?
Please check Flash browser plugin working. It's should be installed and enabled.
ok, guys, I found the problem. It easy at it seems took me a lot of time to realize that it's only working when accessing the website with www

After uploading images in the magento product is unable to show

i encountered a really weird problem in my website. If i am adding a product with images then it failed to load my website completely and also the product is not showing properly. My images and media directory permission are 755.Any solution for this?
Try to rename .htaccess file within magento/media/ folder and check once again.
Hope it would help.
For more check this link -

Not able to upload pictures with magmi.

I've recently moved my website to a new server (shared). I made a backup with installtron and put everything in place on the new server.
Every went pretty smooth, but i'm facing some difficulties with uploading my feeds via magmi. I'm getting errors when im using the image attribute processor. The following erros pop up:
download error,URL http://mydomain.com is unreachable.
The stupid thing is that the image link he's pointing to is working and points to the picture, but somehow it is not uploading it. This was working at my previous website. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with write permissions, but i can't figure out which one it is. Permissions are all set to 755 (shared hosting)
Anybody has any idea?
I found the error. It had something to do with the fact that i filled a path "Image search path" within the image attribute plugin. I thought that would not matter if i would point to an absolute path in my csv file, but apparently it did. After i removed the location there it did upload my pictures pointing to an absolute path.
Thanks all!

Error changes folder permissions

In using jomsocial 2.8.4 and Joomla 2.5.9 we tried uploading an image to his feed using the "multifunction" status box. Which then crashed the site. After investigating it turns out that my root folder /public_html/ permissions were changed to 777 when this error looped and changed permissions from 755 so by the security set in my cPanel, it threw the 500 error..once fixing the permission issue my site was back online but the status he was trying to upload the picture now displays.
The error from the error log before it crashes is:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/gamer/public_html/components/com_community/libraries/photos.php on line 11
Any fixes for this?
OK so change the image your uploading to .png to see if its not loading because of extention, next how big is your image. this can also cause upload errors, also check to make your exec times are set up higher then 8mb do like 32mb you can change that in php.ini
Also you can uninstall jomsocial and reinstall it also check jomsocial settings in the backend under media to make sure those are set you what you need.
I have the same problem with my own joomla component.
It doesn't depend on image size. The same image file sometimes uploads properly, and sometimes changes permissions of the /public_html/ to 777.
I've tried yet only jpg files.
It looks like it's Joomla bug, not Joomsocial.
The problem is inside JFile::delete();
// somehow set 777 rights to the /public_html/ directory
if (JFile::exists(JPATH_SITE.$table->img_orig))
