CPU in kernel/user mode - linux-kernel

A CPU can be either in kernel mode (fully privilege) or in user mode. The kernel requires kernel mode, while applications need to run in the user mode. But how can the CPU be in two modes at once?

Processors generally include a mode flag which indicates which mode the processor is in at a given time; that flag need not necessarily do a whole lot. In a simple implementation, the flag might only control whether the processor is allowed to change memory mappings; the processor would include an instruction which simply switches to user mode, and an instruction which simultaneously switches to kernel mode and jumps to a particular address.
If the kernel stores its own code at the aforementioned address and then switches the memory map so that the address in question is write-protected, then user code would be able to ask the kernel to do something by storing its request somewhere and making a call to a "switch to kernel mode and jump" instruction. The kernel code could then enable its private memory areas, examine the request stored by the user-mode code, act upon the request, disable its private memory areas, switch back to user mode, and return to executing user-mode code.


Calling local_irq_disable() from the kernel also disable local interrupts in userspace?

From the kernel I can call local_irq_disable(). To my understanding it will disable the interrupts of the current CPU. And interrupts will remain disabled until I call local_irq_enable(). Please correct me if my understanding is incorrect.
If my understanding is correct, does it mean upon calling local_irq_disable() interrupt is also disabled for a process in the user space that is running on that same CPU?
More details:
I have a process running in the user space which I want to run without affected by interrupts and context switch. As it is not possible from the user space, I thought disabling interrupt and kernel preemption for a particular CPU from kernel will help in this case. Therefore, I wrote a simple device driver to disable kernel preemption and local interrupt by using the following code,
int i = irqs_disabled();
pr_info("before interrupt disable: %d\n", i);
pr_info("module is loaded on processor: %d\n", smp_processor_id());
id = get_cpu();
message[1] = smp_processor_id() + '0';
printk(KERN_INFO " Current CPU id is %c\n", message[1]);
printk(KERN_INFO " local_irq_disable() called, Disable local interrupts\n");
pr_info("After interrupt disable: %d\n", irqs_disabled());
output: $dmesg
[22690.997561] before interrupt disable: 0
[22690.997564] Current CPU id is 1
[22690.997565] local_irq_disable() called, Disable local interrupts
[22690.997566] After interrupt disable: 1
I think the output confirms that local_irq_disable() does disable local interrupts.
After I disable the kernel preemption and interrupts, In the userspace I use CPU_SET() to pin my process into that particular CPU. But after doing all these I'm still not getting the desired outcome. So, it seems like disabling interrupt of a particular CPU from kernel also disable interrupts for a user space process running on that CPU is not true. I'm confused.
I was looking for an answer to the above question but could not get any suitable answer.
Duration of the CPU state with disabled interrupts should be short, because it affects the whole OS. For that reason allowing user space code to be run with disabled interrupts is considered as bad practice and is not supported by the Linux kernel.
It is responsibility of the kernel module to wrap by local_irq_disable / local_irq_enable only the kernel code. Sometimes the kernel itself could "fix" incorrect usage of these functions, but that fact shouldn't be relied upon when write a module.
I have a process running in the userspace which I want to run without affected by interrupts and context switch.
Protection from the context switch could be achieved by proper setting of scheduling policy, affinity and priority of the process. That way, the scheduler will never attempt to reschedule your process. There are several questions on Stack Overflow about making a CPU to be exclusive for a selected process.
As for interrupts, they shouldn't be disabled for a user code.
If user code accesses some hardware which should have interrupts disabled, then consider moving your code into the kernel space.
If even rare interrupts badly affect on the performance of your process or its timing, then try to reconfigure Linux kernel to be "more real time". There are also some boot-time configuration options, which could help in further reducing number of interrupts on a specific core(s). See e.g. that question: Why does using taskset to run a multi-threaded Linux program on a set of isolated cores cause all threads to run on one core?.
Note, that Linux kernel is not a base for real-time OS and never intended to be. So, if no configuration and boot settings could help you, consider to choose for your application another OS, which is real time.

Windows kernel memory protection

In Windows the high memory of every process (0x80000000 or 0xc0000000)
Is reserved for kernel code, user code cannot access these regions of memory, if it tries so an access violation exception will be thrown.
I wish to know how is the kernel space protected ?
Is it via memory segmentations or via paging ?
I would like to hear a technical explanation.
Thanks a lot,
Assuming you are talking about x86 and x64 architectures.
Memory protection is achieved using the paging system. Each page table entry on an x86/x64 CPU has a bit to indicate whether it is a user or supervisor page. Accesses to supervisor pages are only permitted for code running with CPL<3, whereas accesses to non supervisor pages are possible regardless of CPL.
CPL is the "Current Privilege Level" which is sometimes referred to as Ring. Windows only uses two rings, although the CPU implements 4. Ring 0 is the CPU mode in which what Windows refers to as "kernel mode" runs. Ring 3 is the CPU mode in which "User mode" runs. Since code running at CPL=3 cannot access supervisor pages, this is how memory protection is implemented.
The answer for ARM is likely to be similar, but different.
That's an easy one and doesn't require talking about rings and kernel behavior. Accessing virtual memory at a particular address requires that address to be mapped, the operating system has to allocate a memory page for that address. The low-level winapi function that does that is VirtualAlloc(). Which takes an optional address, first argument. The OS will simply fail a request for an unmappable address. Otherwise the exact same mechanism that prevents you from mapping any address in the lowest 64KB of the address space.

Ring level shift in Win NT based OS

Can anyone please tell me how there is privilege change in Windows OS.
I know the user mode code (RL:3) passes the parameters to APIs.
And these APIs call the kernel code (RL:1).
But now I want to know, during security(RPL) check is there some token that is exchanged between these RL3 API and RL1 Kernel API.
if I am wrong please let me know (through Some Link or Brief description) how it works.
Please feel free to close this thread if its offtopic, offensive or duplicate.
RL= Ring Level
RPL:Requested Privilege level
Interrupt handlers and the syscall instruction (which is an optimized software interrupt) automatically modify the privilege level (this is a hardware feature, the ring 0 vs ring 3 distinction you mentioned) along with replacing other processor state (instruction pointer, stack pointer, etc). The prior state is of course saved so that it can be restored after the interrupt completes.
Kernel code has to be extremely careful not to trust input from user-mode. One way of handling this is to not let user-mode pass in pointers which will be dereferenced in kernel mode, but instead HANDLEs which are looked up in a table in kernel-mode memory, which can't be modified by user-mode at all. Capability information is stored in the HANDLE table and associated kernel data structures, this is how, for example, WriteFile knows to fail if a file object is opened for read-only access.
The task switcher maintains information on which process is currently running, so that syscalls which perform security checks, such as CreateFile, can check the user account of the current process and verify it against the file ACL. This process ID and user token are again stored in memory which is accessible only to the kernel.
The MMU page tables are used to prevent user-mode from modifying kernel memory -- generally there is no page mapping at all; there are also page access bits (read, write, execute) which are enforced in hardware by the MMU. Kernel code uses a different page table, the swap occurs as part of the syscall instruction and/or interrupt activation.

How does the kernel know if the CPU is in user mode or kenel mode?

Since the CPU runs in user/kernel mode, I want to know how this is determined by kernel. I mean, if a sys call is invoked, the kernel executes it on behalf of the process, but how does the kernel know that it is executing in kernel mode?
You can tell if you're in user-mode or kernel-mode from the privilege level set in the code-segment register (CS). Every instruction loaded into the CPU from the memory pointed to by the RIP or EIP register (the instruction pointer register depending on if you are x86_64 or x86 respectively) will read from the segment described in the global descriptor table (GDT) by the current code-segment descriptor. The lower two-bits of the code segment descriptor will determine the current privilege level that the code is executing at. When a syscall is made, which is typically done through a software interrupt, the CPU will check the current privilege-level, and if it's in user-mode, will exchange the current code-segment descriptor for a kernel-level one as determined by the syscall's software interrupt gate descriptor, as well as make a stack-switch and save the current flags, the user-level CS value and RIP value on this new kernel-level stack. When the syscall is complete, the user-mode CS value, flags, and instruction pointer (EIP or RIP) value are restored from the kernel-stack, and a stack-switch is made back to the current executing processes' stack.
Broadly if it's running kernel code it's in kernel mode. The transition from user-space to kernel mode (say for a system call) causes a context switch to occur. As part of this context switch the CPU mode is changed.
Kernel code only executes in kernel mode. There is no way, kernel code can execute in user mode. When application calls system call, it will generate a trap (software interrupt) and the mode will be switch to kernel mode and kernel implementation of system call will executed. Once it is done, kernel will switch back to user mode and user application will continue processing in user mode.
The term is called "Superviser Mode", which applies to x86/ARM and many other processor as well.
Read this (which applies only to x86 CPU):
Ring 0 to 3 are the different privileges level of x86 CPU. Normally only Ring0 and 3 are used (kernel and user), but nowadays Ring 1 find usages (eg, VMWare used it to emulate guest's execution of ring 0). Only Ring 0 has the full privilege to run some privileged instructions (like lgdt, or lidt), and so a good test at the assembly level is of course to execute these instruction, and see if your program encounters any exception or not.
Read this to really identify your current privilege level (look for CPL, which is a pictorialization of Jason's answer):
It is a simple question and does not need any expert comment as provided above..
The question is how does a cpu come to know whether it is kernel mode or its a user mode.
The answer is "mode bit"....
It is a bit in Status register of cpu's registers set.
When "mode bit=0",,,it is considered as kernel mode(also called,monitor mode,privileged mode,protected mode...and many other...)
When "mode bit=1",,it is considered as User mode...and user can now perform its personal applications without any special kernel interruption.
so simple...isn't it??

Kernel mode transition

If I understand correctly, a memory adderss in system space is accesible only from kernel mode. Does it mean when components mapped in system space are executed the processor must be swicthed to kernel mode?
For ex: the virtual memory manager is a frequently used component and is mapped in system space. Whenever the VMM runs in the context of user process (lets say it translated an address), does the processor must be swicthed to kernel mode?
Typically, there's 2 parts involved.The MMU(Memory manage unit) which is a hardware component that does the translation from virtual addresses to physical addresses. And the operating system VM subsystem.
The operating system part needs to run in privileged mode (a.k.a. kernel mode) and will set up/change the mapping in the MMU based on the the user space needs.
E.g. to request more (virtual) memory, or map a file into memory, a transition to kernel mode is needed and the VM subsystem can change the mapping of the process.
Around this there's often a ton of tricks to be made - e-g. map the whole address space of the kernel into the user process virtual space, but change its access so the process can't use that memory - this means whenever you transit to kernel mode you don't need to reload the mapping for the kernel.
Taking your example of the virtual memory manager, it never actually runs in user space. To allocate memory, user mode applications make calls to the Win32 API (NTDLL.DLL as one example) to routines such as VirtualAlloc.
With regards to address translation, here's a summary of how it works (based on the content from Windows Internals 5th Edition).
The VMM uses page tables which the CPU uses to translate virtual addresses to physical addresses. The page tables live in the system space. Each table contains many PTEs (page table entries) which stores the physical address to which a virtual address is mapped. I won't go into too much detail here, but the point is that all of the VMM's work is performed in system space and not in user space.
As for context switching - when a thread running in user space needs to run in the system space, then a context switch will occur. Since the memory manager lives in system space, it's threads never need to make a context switch, since it already lives in the system space.
Apologies for the simplistic explanation, this is quite a complicated topic of discussion in depth. I would highly recommend that you pick up a copy of Windows Internals as this sounds like it would come in handy for you.
