Is there anyway to iterate through different combinations of arrays?
I'm writing a program that returns true if the largest number in an array can be the sum of any of the members of the array.
This is my code: (forgive me, i learned how to program 2 weeks ago for the first time)
def ArrayAdditionI(arr)
for i in 1..n
if arr.combination(i).to_a.any? {|array| array.inject(:+)==largest}
return true
return false
i tested it for
a = [1,2,3,4]
and it returned false even though clearly, 3+1 = 4.
When I change the above code from arr.combination(i) to arr.combination(2) its returns true. So I'm guessing it has something to do with the combination method not being able to be looped. Any suggestions?
You have return false in the wrong place. As it is, false is returned is there is no combination of one element (i.e., one element other than the one you've removed after sorting) that sums (i.e., is equal to) largest. Rather you want to return false only if no combination of any size sums to largest. This is what you need:
def max_match?(arr)
for i in 1..n
return true if arr.combination(i).any? {|array|
arr = [1,4,7,3,5,2,13]
max_match?(arr) #=> true
arr = [1,3,4,7,59]
max_match?(arr) #=> false
A few notes:
lower case letters and optional underscores are used for names of methods. You can also put a question (?) or explanation (!) mark at the end. Here a question mark seems appropriate.
to_a is not needed. Enumerable methods (e.g., any?) can have Enumerators as receivers.
sorting is expensive and unnecessary. Instead, just get the max value and remove it from the array. (Aside: you didn't say what happens if the maximum value appears more than once. See the code below and the last sentence.)
you don't need n=arr.length. for i in 1..arr.length is enough, except...
for ... is rarely used. Rubyists tend to use each instead, or one of the many methods from the Enumerable (mix-in) module (all of which invoke each).
you don't need return false because Ruby returns the value of the last statement evaluated, which is false if the method does not return true earlier.
Here's a more Ruby-like way to do that:
def max_match?(arr)
mx = arr.max
whats_left = arr - [mx]
(1..whats_left.size).any? {|n| whats_left.combination(n).any? {|c|
c.reduce(:+) == mx }}
arr = [1,4,7,3,5,2,13]
max_match?(arr) #=> true
arr = [1,3,4,7,59]
max_match?(arr) #=> false
If you wish this to return true when arr contains more than one value equal to mx, insert the following after mx = arr.max:
return true if arr.count(mx) > 1
There are two completely identical methods, only one uses each and the other any, so what is the difference between each and any?
first program code (each using):
def is_prime?(num)
Math.sqrt(num).floor.downto(2).each {|i| return false if num % i == 0}
number = gets.chomp.to_i;
puts is_prime?(number);
second program code (any using):
def is_prime?(num)
Math.sqrt(num).floor.downto(2).any? {|i| return false if num % i == 0}
number = gets.chomp.to_i;
puts is_prime?(number);
The .each method iterates through all elements of a data structure, most commonly an array or a hash, and calls the given block once for each element. If no block is given, it returns an enumerator, i.e. an instance of the Enumerator class that can then be used to "manually" iterate through the data structure.
The .any? method tests every element of a data structure against the given condition and returns true if one or more of them match or pass the test. Otherwise, it returns false. There are more details to it, so please check it from the official documentation.
General tips using Ruby
Based on this code, there are a couple of suggestions. First, you should not use return in a block as it makes the method return that value, too, and might not execute the block for more iterations.
Second, you don't need trailing semicolons at the ends of lines.
Short analysis of your code
Both your functions seem to work, at least for some numbers, but it seems that you might not exactly know why. Let's take a closer look at it.
Let's assume num = 5, for example.
First function, the block variable i gets assigned to a value of 2, meaning the block does not use the return false because the test num % i == 0 fails. Instead, the function returns true from the next line.
Second function, the block variable i also gets assigned to a value of 2, but again, as the test num % i == 0 fails the result of .any? is false, and the function returns true from the next line.
Now, let's assume num = 4.
First function, the block variable i gets again assigned to a value of 2, and since this time the test num % i == 0 passes, the return false inside the block is executed making the function return false.
Second function, the block variable i also gets again assigned to a value of 2, and since the test num % i == 0 passes here as well, the return false inside the block is executed making the function return false.
Without the return false in your second function, the function would always return true because you would not check the value returned by .any?, and the function's next line would be executed returning true.
Mechnicov offers simpler alternatives how to make your function more understandable.
each is the iterator that go through the array from beginning to end
Its main purpose is just to pass through the array (or other collection) and perform some actions that were specified in the block. For example, it can be a rendering of HTML partial or making HTTP requests or something else
There are also many other iterators that have specific tasks. These are such as map, select, any? and others
You used it wrong way. You're not using the full power of a specific iterator
But you can do it like this:
def prime?(num)
!Math.sqrt(num).floor.downto(2).any? { |i| num % i == 0 }
or like this
def prime?(num)
Math.sqrt(num).floor.downto(2).all? { |i| num % i != 0 }
I want to be able to find a custom class in my set given just a string. Like so:
require 'set'
Rank =, keyword_init: true) {
def hash
def eql?(other)
hash == other.hash
def ==(other)
hash == other.hash
one = "one")
two = "two")
set = Set[one, two]
but while one == "one" and one.eql?("one") are both true, set.include?("one") is still false. what am i missing?
Set is built upon Hash, and Hash considers two objects the same if:
[...] their hash value is identical and the two objects are eql? to each other.
What you are missing is that eql? isn't necessarily commutative. Making Rank#eql? recognize strings doesn't change the way String#eql? works:
one.eql?('one') #=> true
'one'.eql?(one) #=> false
Therefore it depends on which object is the hash key and which is the argument to include?:
Set['one'].include?(one) #=> true
Set[one].include?('one') #=> false
In order to make two objects a and b interchangeable hash keys, 3 conditions have to be met:
a.hash == b.hash
a.eql?(b) == true
b.eql?(a) == true
But don't try to modify String#eql? – fiddling with Ruby's core classes isn't recommended and monkey-patching probably won't work anyway because Ruby usually calls the C methods directly for performance reasons.
In fact, making both hash and eql? mimic name doesn't seem like a good idea in the first place. It makes the object's identity ambiguous which can lead to very strange behavior and hard to find bugs:
h = { one => 1, 'one' => 1 }
#=> {#<struct Rank name="one">=>1, "one"=>1}
# vs
h = { 'one' => 1, one => 1 }
#=> {"one"=>1}
what am i missing?
What you are missing is that "one" isn't in your set. one is in your set, but "one" isn't.
Therefore, the answer Ruby is giving you is perfectly correct.
All that you have done with your implementation of Rank is that any two ranks with the same name are considered to be the same by a Hash, Set, or Array#uniq. But, a Rank is not the same as a String.
If you want to be able to have a set-like data structure where you can look up things by one of their attributes, you will have to write it yourself.
Something like (untested):
class RankSet < Set
def [](*args)
def each
return enum_for(__callee__) unless block_given?
super {|e| yield }
might get you started.
Or, instead of writing your own set, you can just use the fact that any arbitrary rank with the right name can be used for lookup:
set.include?( "one"))
#=> true
# even though it is a *different* `Rank` object
I'm working on a mini project for a summer class. I'd like some feedback on the code I have written, especially part 3.
Here's the question:
Create an array called numbers containing the integers 1 - 10 and assign it to a variable.
Create an empty array called even_numbers.
Create a method that iterates over the array. Place all even numbers in the array even_numbers.
Print the array even_numbers.
Here's my code, so far:
numbers = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
print numbers[3]
def even_numbers
Rather than doing explicit iteration, the best way is likely Array#select thus:
even_numbers = { |n| n.even? }
which will run the block given on each element in the array numbers and produce an array containing all elements for which the block returned true.
or an alternative solution following the convention of your problem:
def get_even_numbers(array)
even_num = []
array.each do |n|
even_num << n if n.even?
and of course going for the select method is always preferred.
Background: I need to determine the number of records in a remote location. The records are sequentially numbered (starting at 0, no gaps) and can only be fetched one by one based on their number.
The method to fetch the records over the network returns a truthy value upon success and a falsey value upon failure. Here'a an example:
fetch_record(0) #=> true (record #0 exists)
fetch_record(1) #=> true (record #1 exists)
fetch_record(2) #=> true (record #2 exists)
fetch_record(3) #=> nil (no record #3)
I'm trying to find an elegant way to count how many times I can call fetch_record with increasing argument until it returns nil (3 times in the above example).
What I've tried so far
Given this simplified implementation for testing purposes:
def fetch_record(index)
raise if index > 3 # just to prevent endless loops
true if index < 3
Here are my attempts:
A while loop with an explicit counter variable would obviously work, but I doesn't look very idiomatic:
i = 0
i += 1 while fetch_record(i)
#=> 3
I could use step and break with an explicit result value but that looks cumbersome:
0.step(by: 1).each { |i| break i unless fetch_record(i) }
#=> 3
A lazy enumerator is even worse:
0.step(by: 1) { |i| fetch_record(i) }.take_while(&:itself).count
#=> 3
Is there an easier way to accomplish the above?
Assuming you are free to implement fetch_record the other way round, to return true for inexisting record:
def fetch_record index
index >= 3
(0..Float::INFINITY).detect &method(:fetch_record)
#⇒ 3
take_while anyone?
records = 0.step.take_while{|i| fetch_record(i)}
Using Ruby I want to evaluate all items in an array, and return true if they all pass a conditional test.
I can do this using e.g. array.all? { |value| value == 2 }
> array=[2,2]
> array.all? { |value| value == 2 }
=> true
> array=[2,3]
> array.all? { |value| value == 2 }
=> false
But, why does an empty array pass this test?
> array=[]
> array.all? { |value| value == 2 }
=> true
Shouldn't this return false?
And if I need it to return false, how should I modify the method?
This is a vacuous truth. It's the standard interpretation of a universal quantification, i.e. a
collection.all? { |x| some_predicate(x) }
over an empty collection, but it's known to strike people as counter-intuitive when they first see it in a formal setting. One nice way to think about why this is the preferred semantics is to think about how you would implement all?.
To make your test require that the array is non-empty, just do
array.any? && array.all? { |x| x == 2 }
Note that array.any? is fast no matter how large the array, whereas array.all? { |x| x == 2 } can be slow, depending on how big array is and how rare 2 is in it. So put the array.any? first.
Also note, there are degenerate cases where this won't work, for instance if array is [nil] or [false]. If cases like this might come up, replace array.any? with array.any? { true }.
In Ruby you can never loop over an empty collection (array, hashes, etc.), so in your case your block never gets executed. And if the block never gets executed, all? returns true (there is no condition to make the result false).
Read about all? in the Ruby documentation.
You can simply achieve your goal by
!array.empty? && array.all? { |value| value == 2 }
The documentation says : "The method returns true if the block never returns false or nil.."
In the case of an empty array the block never executes and hence the method will always return true. As far as returning false is concerned you'll have to arr.empty?
There is no item in that array that doesn't pass the test. I think you may need to throw in a test for array length.
Just go
!(array.empty? || array.any? {|x| x != 2})
(Which has the added advantage of failing fast—that is, it can be evaluated properly without having to scan the whole array.)
Since there is no item in the array that FAILS that test, it returns true. So just use somehting like:
array.size > 0 and array.all? { |value| value == 2}
Or something like that.
Zeroes, empty collections, empty matrices and such have always been a bit special, if not outright problematic. Greeks knew well why they didn't count 0 among natural integers.
Method all? would be the first to ask you "why are you calling me on an empty array?" What do you mean by "all?", when there is nothing in there? That's a contradiction. And the method does short thinking, and answers true for the reasons outlined in the other three answers. Remember, you are at fault for talking about "all elements" of an empty array to begin with.
As Amit Kumar Gupta writes, it is the standard interpretation of universal quantification. I have no idea why you expect it to be false. Here, you can see it should be true by inference.
Universal quantification is equivalent to conjunction, thus ("<=>" means equivalent):
"for all x in [a, b, c], P(x)" <=> "P(a) and P(b) and P(c)"
Notice that any proposition is equivalent to the conjunction of true and itself, so:
"for all x in [a, b, c], P(x)" <=> "true and P(a) and P(b) and P(c)"
If you lessen the elements in the set to two, you get:
"for all x in [a, b], P(x)" <=> "true and P(a) and P(b)"
and further to one element:
"for all x in [a], P(x)" <=> "true and P(a)"
Now, what happens with the empty set? Naturally,
"for all x in [], P(x)" <=> "true"
By noticing that existential quantification is equivalent to disjunction, you can also see that you should expect false with existential quantification over an empty set.
The source of all? method says that it uses static variable(which is initially set to true) and then performs the AND operation between the static variable value and the result of the iteration finally returns this static variable as a result.
as the array is Empty ruby will never iterate on this empty array and as a result of this all? method will return the static variable which was set to true.
Make sure the array is not empty first.
array.compact.present? && array.all? {|x| x != 2}