How to search Oracle table with a string key using Entity Framework 5 and the ODP.NET Managed Provider - oracle

My table is like this (pseudo code):
When using the latest ODP.NET Managed Driver v121.1.2 downloaded via NuGet, the following Entity Framework commands do NOT use the index:
context.DOCUMENT_LOCATOR.FirstOrDefault(i => i.DOCUMENT_ID == "ABC123");
The following command does use the index:
context.DOCUMENT_LOCATOR.FirstOrDefault(i => i.DOCUMENT_ID == EntityFunctions.AsNonUnicode("ABC123"));
Unfortunately, UPDATEs and DELETEs do not use the index, so they basically render EF/Oracle useless for large tables. Has anyone figured out how to work around this?

After a fair amount of searching, I found a very nice solution. It sets all the string properties of all the entities to IsUnicode(false). To use it, you simply add one line to the OnModelCreating method of your DbContext class:
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new ASSUMED_NAME_FILESMap());
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new ASSUMED_NAME_FILENAME_ONLYMap());
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new DOCUMENT_LOCATORMap());
modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new IMS_IMAGE_TABLEMap());
As you can see, I changed the code to be an extension. Here's my adapted code:
public static class DbModelBuilderExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Disables unicode for all string properties on entities in the given context.
/// MUST BE CALLED AFTER modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(map) CALLS.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Adapted from
/// </remarks>
public static void DisableUnicodeForAllEntityStrings(this DbModelBuilder builder, DbContext context)
// Get all IDbSet<> properties from the context
var entityTypes = from property in context.GetType().GetProperties()
where property.PropertyType.ImplementsInterface(typeof(IDbSet<>))
let entityType = property.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0]
select entityType;
// Disable Unicode support for each table
foreach (var entityType in entityTypes)
DisableUnicodeForEntityStrings(builder, entityType);
private static void DisableUnicodeForEntityStrings(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder, Type entityType)
// Get all string properties with setters
var stringProperties = from property in entityType.GetProperties()
where property.PropertyType == typeof(string)
&& property.CanWrite
select property;
// Each table field must be varchar for now,
// so take the string property & call IsUnicode(false).
foreach (var property in stringProperties)
// Don't remove this line.
// Lambda might not work without it.
PropertyInfo prop = property;
// Create the correct expression type,
// should be Expression<Func<TModel, string>>
var exprType = typeof(Expression<>)
.MakeGenericType(prop.ReflectedType, typeof(string)));
// Find and execute the Entity() method,
// using TModel generic parameter
var obj = modelBuilder.GetType()
.Invoke(modelBuilder, null);
// Runtime Lambda expression to represent
// something like Property(p => p.Suffix)
ParameterExpression pe = Expression.Parameter(prop.ReflectedType, "p");
var expression = Expression.Lambda(Expression.Property(pe, prop.Name), pe);
// Find the Property method that takes an expression as a parameter
// and then invoke it using the expression that was just built
var p = obj.GetType()
.GetMethod("Property", new[] { exprType })
.Invoke(obj, new[] { expression });
// If all goes well, we'll have a StringPropertyConfiguration.
var propertyConfig = p as StringPropertyConfiguration;
if (propertyConfig != null)
public static bool ImplementsInterface(this Type value, Type interfaceType)
return value.GetInterface(interfaceType.FullName) != null;


How to map an int to its enum description using AutoMapper during a queryable projection?

Here is the enum extension method to get its description attribute.
public static string GetDescription(this Enum enumeration)
if (enumeration == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
var value = enumeration.ToString();
var type = enumeration.GetType();
var descriptionAttribute =
(DescriptionAttribute[]) type.GetField(value).GetCustomAttributes(typeof (DescriptionAttribute), false);
return descriptionAttribute.Length > 0 ? descriptionAttribute[0].Description : value;
Here is the source object:
public class Account {
public int AccountId {get;set;}
public int AccountStatusId {get;set;}
Here is the enum:
public enum AccountStatus {
[Description("BAD CREDIT")
Here is the destination object:
public class GetAccountResponse {
public int AccountId {get;set;}
public string Status {get;set;}
Here is my attempt to map (using the latest non-static automapper version). Remember this is during an EF queryable projection.
_config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap<Account, GetAccountsResponse>()
.ForMember(dest => dest.Status,
opts => opts.MapFrom(src => ((AccountStatus) src.AccountStatusId).GetDescription())));
Here is the projection where query is an IQueryable<Account>:
This is the exception I get:
Can't resolve this to Queryable Expression
If you check out the signature of the MapFrom method, you'll notice that one of the overloads takes a parameter of type Expression<Func<TSource, TMember>>.
This suggests that you could write a method which builds an expression tree from ternary expressions that can convert any possible value of your enum to its appropriate string. AutoMapper would then convert this into the appropriate SQL expression via LINQ.
Here's an example which just uses the Enum names themselves: you should be able to adapt it straightforwardly to use your Descriptions:
public static class EnumerableExpressionHelper
public static Expression<Func<TSource, String>> CreateEnumToStringExpression<TSource, TMember>(
Expression<Func<TSource, TMember>> memberAccess, string defaultValue = "")
var type = typeof(TMember);
if (!type.IsEnum)
throw new InvalidOperationException("TMember must be an Enum type");
var enumNames = Enum.GetNames(type);
var enumValues = (TMember[])Enum.GetValues(type);
var inner = (Expression)Expression.Constant(defaultValue);
var parameter = memberAccess.Parameters[0];
for (int i = 0; i < enumValues.Length; i++)
inner = Expression.Condition(
Expression.Equal(memberAccess.Body, Expression.Constant(enumValues[i])),
var expression = Expression.Lambda<Func<TSource,String>>(inner, parameter);
return expression;
You would use it as follows:
CreateMap<Entry, EntryListItem>()
.ForMember(e => e.ReviewStatus,
c => c.MapFrom(EnumerableExpressionHelper.CreateEnumToStringExpression((Entry e) => e.ReviewStatus)))

OdataClient SaveChanges doesn't work and results an empty Microsoft.OData.Client.DataServiceResponse

I encapsulated the odata container because of some extensions:
public class Connector
public string apiKey{get;set;}
public Connector(string apiKey)
this.apiKey = apiKey;
public Default.Container Get()
Default.Container container = new Default.Container(new Uri(""));
container.BuildingRequest += container_BuildingRequest;
return container;
/// <summary>
/// When fetching a single Document, you can enable this method to including fetch the binary data
/// </summary>
/// <param name="container"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal bool doIO = false;
internal void container_BuildingRequest(object sender, BuildingRequestEventArgs e)
e.Headers.Add("X-ApiKey", apiKey);
if (doIO && e.RequestUri.ToString().Contains("/Documents"))
e.RequestUri = new Uri(e.RequestUri.ToString() + (e.RequestUri.Query.Contains("?") ? "&" : "?") + "doIO=true");
this.container_BuildingRequest(sender, e);
When i use my .dll ( using the Connector class), i have an empty result ( statuscode = -1, no headers, ...)
This is how i call the DLL
var serviceResponse = documentsConnector.Get().SaveChanges(Microsoft.OData.Client.SaveChangesOptions.None); //tried several options
foreach(var operationResponse in serviceResponse)
Console.WriteLine("Response: {0}", operationResponse.StatusCode); //no operationResponses, so this isn't executed
It could be because my object isn't valid. But it's weird that i don't see any validation happening...
Any thoughts on how to propagate the SaveChanges() or pre-validate ( before submit) the Entity? The post isn't happening ( checked with Fiddler)
My wrapper class created a new container every time, so the entities got deleted from the Default.Container

Linq to entity - dynamic query

public void ApproveRowTable(string tablename, List<int> idValues)
foreach (var x in idValues)
var context = new SSPModel.sspEntities();
var genRules = (from a in context.GeneralRules
where a.ID == x
select a).SingleOrDefault();
genRules.Approved_by = GlobalClass.GlobalVar;
genRules.Approved_on = DateTime.Now;
In my query (from a in context.GeneralRules...) I would like to make it query base on a parameter (tablename) rather than i have to go and supply the name of the table in the query (as it is doing right now.). Any way i can get it to do that .. basic.. from a in context.TABLENAME -- TABLENAME is a parameter that is going to be passed when the function is called. Help
This will be difficult if your entity types do not all implement the same interface or derive from the same class. If they do, it's pretty simple:
// example base type, which your entities would need to implement
public interface IApprovable
public int ID {get; set;}
public string Approved_by {get; set;}
public DateTime Approved_on {get; set;}
public void ApproveRowTable<T>(List<int> idValues)
where T : IApprovable
using(var context = new SSPModel.sspEntities())
var table = context.Set<T>();
var entities = table.Where(e => idValues.Contains(e.ID));
foreach(var entity in entities)
entity.Approved_by = GlobalClass.GlobalVar;
entity.Approved_on = DateTime.Now;
If your entity types do not implement a common base type, then you should modify them by creating empty partials which do implement it:
public partial class GeneralRule : IApprovable {}
If you cannot do that, then you can do something like the following. (I'm assuming ID is the PK, so we can use Find() rather than needing to build an expression:
public void ApproveTableRows(Type entityType, IEnumerable<int> idsToApprove)
using(var context = new SSPModel.sspEntities())
var set = context.Set(entityType);
if(set == null)
throw new ArgumentException("No DbSet found with provided name", "tableSetName");
var approveByProperty = entityType.GetProperty("Approved_by");
var approveOnProperty = entityType.GetProperty("Approved_on");
if(approveByProperty == null || approveOnProperty == null)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Entity type does not contain approval properties");
foreach (object id in idsToApprove)
var entityInstance = set.Find(id);
approveByProperty.SetValue(entityInstance, GlobalClass.GlobalVar);
approveOnProperty.SetValue(entityInstance, DateTime.Now);
As you can see, this is less efficient, as it issues a new query for each ID rather than getting them all at once. Also, the method accepts an entity Type rather than a string, to avoid the need to hunt down the right property by reflection. This could be improved, but really I think you should probably update your entities to implement a shared interface.
I assume you would like to have the method generic. When you are using EF all your tables are represented as objects, so you don't have to specify which table you want by name, just use a generic parameter.
I doubt that my solution is best, but it should work. But I have to warn you, reflection is slow and many times its usage is not right.
public void ApproveRowTable<T>(List<int> idValues)
var context = new SSPModel.sspEntities();
var table = context.GetType().GetProperties().OfType<T>().Single();
var genRules = (from a in table
where a.ID == x
select a).SingleOrDefault();
genRules.Approved_by = GlobalClass.GlobalVar;
genRules.Approved_on = DateTime.Now;

How can I make CRMSvcUtil.exe generate unduplicated, error-free early-bound option sets?

I use Erik Pool's implementation of ICodeWriterFilterService and Manny Grewal's GenerateOption function as a model to filter out unwanted entities in the file that CRMSvcUtil generates. While Erik recommends returning true for the GenerateOptionSet method to generate enums for option sets, doing so duplicates any of the global option sets that are used by any particular entity (as mentioned in one of the comments on that post).
To address this, I check to see if the option set has been already generated, and if so, I return the default option (presumably false for most cases) as in the below.
//list of generated option sets, instantiated in the constructor
private List<string> GeneratedOptionSets;
public bool GenerateOptionSet
(OptionSetMetadataBase optionSetMetadata, IServiceProvider services)
if (!GeneratedOptionSets.Contains(optionSetMetadata.Name))
return true;
return _defaultService.GenerateOptionSet(optionSetMetadata, services);
But when incorporating the generated file in my CRM projects, the compilation error
Cannot convert type 'Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue' to 'int'
is always thrown by every line of code that looks like
("address1_shippingmethodcode", new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue(((int)(value))));
As a workaround, I use a separate project where I filter the entities I need, run CRMSvcUtil with the arguments Erik suggests, replace the troublesome part of the code (int)(value) (where value is an OptionSetValue) with value.Value after the file is generated, and then resave the file, and all issues go away.
My question is this: do I need to do something differently that will fix this compilation error with the default CRMSvcUtil generated file without doing something so hackish as altering that generated file?
You can use the ICustomizeCodeDomService interface to rewrite the SetAttributeValue method for the optionSets. Snippet below:
namespace The.NameSpace
using System;
using System.CodeDom;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Crm.Services.Utility;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata;
/// <summary>
/// The customize code dom service.
/// </summary>
public sealed class CustomizeCodeDomService : ICustomizeCodeDomService
#region Constants and Fields
/// <summary>
/// The metadata.
/// </summary>
private IOrganizationMetadata metadata;
#region Properties
#region Public Methods
/// <summary>
/// The customize code dom.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="codeCompileUnit">
/// The code compile unit.
/// </param>
/// <param name="services">
/// The services.
/// </param>
public void CustomizeCodeDom(CodeCompileUnit codeCompileUnit, IServiceProvider services)
// Locate the namespace to use
CodeNamespace codeNamespace = codeCompileUnit.Namespaces[0];
var metadataProviderService = (IMetadataProviderService)services.GetService(typeof(IMetadataProviderService));
var filterService = (ICodeWriterFilterService)services.GetService(typeof(ICodeWriterFilterService));
this.metadata = metadataProviderService.LoadMetadata();
foreach (EntityMetadata entityMetadata in this.metadata.Entities)
if (filterService.GenerateEntity(entityMetadata, services))
CodeTypeDeclaration entityClass =
codeNamespace.Types.Cast<CodeTypeDeclaration>().First(codeType => codeType.Name.ToUpper() == entityMetadata.SchemaName.ToUpper());
UpdateEnumSetter(entityClass, entityMetadata);
#region Private Methods
private static void UpdateEnumSetter(
CodeTypeDeclaration entityClass, EntityMetadata entity)
foreach (var attributeMetadata in entity.Attributes.Where(attributeMetadata => String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attributeMetadata.AttributeOf)))
//Match the respective field Name.
AttributeMetadata metadata1 = attributeMetadata;
foreach (
CodeTypeMember codeMembers in
codeMembers => codeMembers.Name == metadata1.SchemaName))
var codeProperty = (CodeMemberProperty)codeMembers;
if (codeProperty.HasSet)
if (attributeMetadata.AttributeType != null && attributeMetadata.AttributeType.Value == AttributeTypeCode.Picklist)
((CodeConditionStatement)codeProperty.SetStatements[1]).FalseStatements[0] =
new CodeSnippetStatement
Value =
"this.SetAttributeValue(\"{0}\", new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue(value.Value));",
Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}.{1}", entity.LogicalName, attributeMetadata.LogicalName));
Some changes to the UpdateEnumSetter method:
private static void UpdateEnumSetter(CodeTypeDeclaration entityClass, EntityMetadata entity)
foreach (var attributeMetadata in entity.Attributes.Where(attributeMetadata => String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attributeMetadata.AttributeOf)))
AttributeMetadata currentMetadata = attributeMetadata;
foreach (CodeTypeMember codeMembers in entityClass.Members.Cast<CodeTypeMember>().Where(codeMembers => codeMembers.Name == currentMetadata.SchemaName))
CodeMemberProperty codeProperty = (CodeMemberProperty)codeMembers;
if (codeProperty.HasSet)
if (attributeMetadata.AttributeType != null && (attributeMetadata.AttributeType.Value == AttributeTypeCode.Picklist || attributeMetadata.AttributeType.Value == AttributeTypeCode.Status))
if (codeProperty.SetStatements[1].GetType() == typeof(CodeConditionStatement))
((CodeConditionStatement)codeProperty.SetStatements[1]).FalseStatements[0] = new CodeSnippetStatement
Value = String.Format("this.SetAttributeValue(\"{0}\", new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue(value.Value));", attributeMetadata.LogicalName)
codeProperty.SetStatements[1] = new CodeSnippetStatement(String.Format("this.SetAttributeValue(\"{0}\", new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue(value.Value));", attributeMetadata.LogicalName));
I'm betting that Guarav's answer is the real way to go, but in the absence of documentation surrounding CRMSvcUtil, I'm forced to use my workaround. (I use a separate project where I filter the entities I need, run CRMSvcUtil with the arguments Erik suggests, replace the troublesome part of the code(int)(value) (where value is an OptionSetValue) with value.Value after the file is generated, and then resave the file.)
Not a perfect solution, but it's been working on the few samples I've worked with so far.
It turns out that this fault is to do with the code attempting to make optionsets that look like the code below when the types are available for use. Note the only difference is the correct type being chose for the return type and the cast.
It should be possible to update the codegen stuff to fix this bug, but it might be better to get microsoft to fix the damn thing properly, I would make a solution but I don't really have time to implement it right now because we have a mostly working solution even if we have to deal with the optionsetvalue class.
public enum entityname_optionsetname
Value = 200
public entityname_optionsetname myprefix_FieldName
Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue optionSet = this.GetAttributeValue<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue>("myprefix_fieldname");
if ((optionSet != null))
return ((entityname_optionsetname)(System.Enum.ToObject(typeof(Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue), optionSet.Value)));
return null;
if ((value == null))
this.SetAttributeValue("myprefix_fieldname", null);
this.SetAttributeValue("myprefix_fieldname", new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue(((int)(value))));
I finally am able to generate early bound class with a filtered set of entities and error free option set. I found the bulk of my answer through this thread, so thanks guys. The problem though is it's difficult to compile all of the various suggestions into something that actually... compiles. So I thought I'd post my final solution for the benefit of others, here's what worked for me.
I used Erik Pool's, Manny Grewal's, and Peter Majeed's solution for outputting only distinct enums with proper values, then combined that with Gaurav Dalal's solution (updated by JFK007 to fix the cast error) to re-write the SetAttributeValue that caused the (int)(value) error. And as an added bonus, I used the same solution for filtering distinct option sets to also filter for distinct option set values (which was an issue in my org).
The result is a class library containing CodeWriterFilter and CustomizeCodeDomService, the cmd batch file to run CrmSvcUtil.exe, and the filter.xml to filter the entities.
In your class library add references to CrmSvcUtil.exe, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, and System.Runtime.Serialization then compile the dll and copy it to the same the folder as your CrmSvcUtil.exe. Use the command I've included to reference your new assembly and build the early bound class file.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Xml.Linq;
using Microsoft.Crm.Services.Utility;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk;
namespace SvcUtilFilter
/// <summary>
/// CodeWriterFilter for CrmSvcUtil that reads list of entities from an xml file to
/// determine whether or not the entity class should be generated.
/// </summary>
public class CodeWriterFilter : ICodeWriterFilterService
//list of entity names to generate classes for.
private HashSet<string> _validEntities = new HashSet<string>();
//reference to the default service.
private ICodeWriterFilterService _defaultService = null;
//list of generated option sets, instantiated in the constructor
private List<string> GeneratedOptionSets;
//list of generated options, instantiated in the constructor
private List<string> GeneratedOptions;
/// <summary>
/// constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="defaultService">default implementation</param>
public CodeWriterFilter(ICodeWriterFilterService defaultService)
this._defaultService = defaultService;
this.GeneratedOptionSets = new List<string>();
this.GeneratedOptions = new List<string>();
/// <summary>
/// loads the entity filter data from the filter.xml file
/// </summary>
private void LoadFilterData()
XElement xml = XElement.Load("filter.xml");
XElement entitiesElement = xml.Element("entities");
foreach (XElement entityElement in entitiesElement.Elements("entity")) {
/// <summary>
/// /Use filter entity list to determine if the entity class should be generated.
/// </summary>
public bool GenerateEntity(EntityMetadata entityMetadata, IServiceProvider services)
return (_validEntities.Contains(entityMetadata.LogicalName.ToLowerInvariant()));
//All other methods just use default implementation:
public bool GenerateAttribute(AttributeMetadata attributeMetadata, IServiceProvider services)
return _defaultService.GenerateAttribute(attributeMetadata, services);
public bool GenerateOption(OptionMetadata optionMetadata, IServiceProvider services)
//return _defaultService.GenerateOption(optionMetadata, services);
string label = optionMetadata.Label.UserLocalizedLabel.Label;
//remove spaces and special characters
label = Regex.Replace(label, #"[^a-zA-Z0-9]", string.Empty);
if (label.Length > 0 && !char.IsLetter(label, 0)) {
label = "Number_" + label;
else if (label.Length == 0) {
label = "empty";
if (!GeneratedOptions.Exists(l=>l.Equals(label))) {
optionMetadata.Label = new Label(label, 1033);
return _defaultService.GenerateOption(optionMetadata, services);
else { return false; }
public bool GenerateOptionSet(OptionSetMetadataBase optionSetMetadata, IServiceProvider services)
//return _defaultService.GenerateOptionSet(optionSetMetadata, services);
if (!GeneratedOptionSets.Contains(optionSetMetadata.Name)) {
return true;
return _defaultService.GenerateOptionSet(optionSetMetadata, services);
public bool GenerateRelationship(RelationshipMetadataBase relationshipMetadata, EntityMetadata otherEntityMetadata, IServiceProvider services)
return _defaultService.GenerateRelationship(relationshipMetadata, otherEntityMetadata, services);
public bool GenerateServiceContext(IServiceProvider services)
return _defaultService.GenerateServiceContext(services);
using System;
using System.CodeDom;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.Crm.Services.Utility;
using Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Metadata;
namespace SvcUtilFilter
/// <summary>
/// The customize code dom service.
/// </summary>
public sealed class CustomizeCodeDomService : ICustomizeCodeDomService
#region Constants and Fields
/// <summary>
/// The metadata.
/// </summary>
private IOrganizationMetadata metadata;
#region Properties
#region Public Methods
/// <summary>
/// The customize code dom.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="codeCompileUnit">
/// The code compile unit.
/// </param>
/// <param name="services">
/// The services.
/// </param>
public void CustomizeCodeDom(CodeCompileUnit codeCompileUnit, IServiceProvider services)
// Locate the namespace to use
CodeNamespace codeNamespace = codeCompileUnit.Namespaces[0];
var metadataProviderService = (IMetadataProviderService)services.GetService(typeof(IMetadataProviderService));
var filterService = (ICodeWriterFilterService)services.GetService(typeof(ICodeWriterFilterService));
this.metadata = metadataProviderService.LoadMetadata();
foreach (EntityMetadata entityMetadata in this.metadata.Entities) {
if (filterService.GenerateEntity(entityMetadata, services)) {
CodeTypeDeclaration entityClass =
codeNamespace.Types.Cast<CodeTypeDeclaration>().First(codeType => codeType.Name.ToUpper() == entityMetadata.SchemaName.ToUpper());
UpdateEnumSetter(entityClass, entityMetadata);
#region Private Methods
private static void UpdateEnumSetter(CodeTypeDeclaration entityClass, EntityMetadata entity)
foreach (var attributeMetadata in entity.Attributes.Where(attributeMetadata => String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(attributeMetadata.AttributeOf))) {
AttributeMetadata currentMetadata = attributeMetadata;
foreach (CodeTypeMember codeMembers in entityClass.Members.Cast<CodeTypeMember>().Where(codeMembers => codeMembers.Name == currentMetadata.SchemaName)) {
CodeMemberProperty codeProperty = (CodeMemberProperty)codeMembers;
if (codeProperty.HasSet) {
if (attributeMetadata.AttributeType != null && (attributeMetadata.AttributeType.Value == AttributeTypeCode.Picklist || attributeMetadata.AttributeType.Value == AttributeTypeCode.Status)) {
if (codeProperty.SetStatements[1].GetType() == typeof(CodeConditionStatement)) {
((CodeConditionStatement)codeProperty.SetStatements[1]).FalseStatements[0] = new CodeSnippetStatement {
Value = String.Format("this.SetAttributeValue(\"{0}\", new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue(value.Value));", attributeMetadata.LogicalName)
else {
codeProperty.SetStatements[1] = new CodeSnippetStatement(String.Format("this.SetAttributeValue(\"{0}\", new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue(value.Value));", attributeMetadata.LogicalName));
CrmSvcUtil_run.cmd Command Batch File:
#echo off
set url=https://[organization]
echo Generating CrmSvcUtil Proxy class in output folder
CrmSvcUtil.exe /metadataproviderservice:"MetadataProvider.IfdMetadataProviderService,
/url:https://[organization] /out:Xrm.cs
/namespace:Xrm /serviceContextName:XrmServiceContext /serviceContextPrefix:Xrm
/u:[username] /p:[password]
It looks like there was a bug in the crmsrvcutil that has since been fixed. My code for OptionSet properties now looks like this:
public Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue PriorityCode
return this.GetAttributeValue<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue>("prioritycode");
this.SetAttributeValue("prioritycode", value);
And I get no error setting the OptionSetValue...

Attempting to perform complicated anonymous methods is failing

Update (Stupidity Fail)
So then, in all of my convoluted formula code, I neglected the fundamental principles of C#.
Methods may return a value.
static dynamic Construct<T>(T expression){
return expression;
Then just use that, instead of a variable ...
Method = Construct<Action<Context, string, int>>(
(context, key, change) =>
context.Saved[key] += change;
Console.WriteLine("{0}'s saved value of {1} was changed by {2}, resulting in {3}",
context.Name, key, change, context.Saved[key]);
I have a situation where I need to call upon methods that don't exist as compiled methods, but rather need to be able to accept an array of parameters and execute as an anonymous function. I thought I had it worked out, but I am running into an issue with the following..
public static IDictionary<string, Function> Expressions =
new Dictionary<string, Function> {
"Increase [X] by value of [Y]",
new Function {
Name = "Increase [X] by [Y]",
Parameters = 2,
Types = new List<Type>{
Method = (Expression<Func<Context, Param, Param, bool>>)
((context, x, y) => {
Console.WriteLine("test"); // this is where I need to do stuff...
I am being told that a Method name is expected on this. The problem is that Context will be passed in by the object that takes the function and runs its method, because the Context object cannot be pre-bound (it has to be late bound). So basically I package up the trailing 2 parameters (Param) and (Param) in this case and create a function to execute against them.
The database stores those parameters, and then invokes the method passing in the appropriate Context as the first parameter by using Compile().DynamicInvoke(object[] params).
Can anyone give me a hand here as to why I cannot put any kind of logic in between my { }?
Okay, since I've been told this example is unclear, here is an entire program running start to finish that illustrates what I am trying to accomplish.
public class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
// simple object stored in database.
var ctx = new Context {
Name = "Ciel",
Saved = new Dictionary<string, int> {
{ "First", 10 },
{ "Second", 20 }
// simple object stored in database.
var rule = new Rule {
Equations = new List<Equation> {
new Equation {
Parameters = new List<object>{
Name = "Increase [X] by value of [Y]"
// =======================================
// runtime environment!!!
// =======================================
var method = Evaluations.Expressions[rule.Equations[0].Name].Method;
var parameters = rule.Equations[0].Parameters;
// insert the specific context as the first parameter.
parameters.Insert(0, ctx);
public class Function {
public string Name { get; set; }
public dynamic Method { get; set; }
public class Equation {
public string Name { get; set; }
// these objects will be simple enough to serialize.
public IList<object> Parameters { get; set; }
public Function Function { get; set; }
public class Context {
public string Name { get; set; }
// this is a crude example, but it serves the demonstration purposes.
public IDictionary<string, int> Saved { get; set; }
public class Rule {
// again, a crude example.
public IList<Equation> Equations { get; set; }
public static class Evaluations {
static Action<Context, string, int> expr = (context, key, change) =>
context.Saved[key] += change;
Console.WriteLine("{0}'s saved value of {1} was changed by {2}, resulting in {3}",
context.Name, key, change, context.Saved[key]);
public static IDictionary<string, Function> Expressions =
new Dictionary<string, Function> {
"Increase [X] by value of [Y]",
new Function {
Name = "Increase [X] by [Y]",
Method = expr
Four problems:
You're trying to create an expression tree from a lambda expression with a statement body (i.e. braces). C# doesn't allow this - you can only convert a statement lambda into a delegate, not an expression tree
Your lambda body doesn't return a Boolean value
You're trying to call an Expression<Func<Context, Param, Param, bool>> as if it were a method with a bool parameter. It's not at all clear what you're trying to do there.
Even if the third point were valid, I suspect you'd need more brackets.
If you refactor your code to make it a little more readable and manageable, you'll probably be well on your way to solving your problem. Rather than having one mammoth C# statement with a single semicolon, split it up into several lines. Something like this:
public static Dictionary<string, Function> Expressions = getExpressions();
private static Dictionary<string, Function> getExpressions()
var method = (Expression<Func<Context, Param, Param, bool>>)
((context, x, y) => {
Console.WriteLine("test"); // this is where I need to do stuff...
var func = new Function()
Name = "Increase [X] by [Y]",
Parameters = 2,
Types = new List<Type>
Method = method
var dict = new Dictionary<string, Function>();
dict["Increase [X] by value of [Y]"] = func;
return dict;
Note: my syntax could be incorrect, but you get the general idea.
