Use multiple domain names for a single website (advantages & disadvantages) [closed] - performance

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I've seen some websites uses multiple domain names that pointing to the same website, for example: &, is it bad for SEO or search results or performance, or other?

No it's not a bad SEO to have multiple domain names pointing to the same website. Many organization use multiple domain names to point to the same website or forward to the same website just to protect their brand name.
But as far as SEO concerned, you have to optimize only one domain name.

If you use multiple domains, you need to use canonical links, otherwise, you may suffer from a penalty. You way also use 301 permanent redirects instead.


PHP and MySQL webhosting service without interface [closed]

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Closed 6 days ago.
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For a school project we need to develop a webhosting service for PHP and MySQL applications using a stack that consists of these technologies:
My question is, for small scale web apps.
What types of basic functionalities would you require for a service like this?
How would we go about this?
What is essential (as a web developer) using services like this?
What would you need access to, what would you like to change?
Every individual web app should be isolated as there will be multiple users (shared hosting). This should be achieved with an API, and we are not allowed to make an interface to interact with the endpoints.
We need to gather this information for a school project and would be very appreciative of your help as this is the baseline we will be creating our project from!
Thanks in advance.

Scripting access to a website using different ips [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I would like to test automatically my website from different locations in order to localize content's presentation. I think I have to write a bash script to access the website with wget program, using an ip from a list. There is somewhere an established solution to this kind of problem ?
There is many solutions. I think to these ones :
IP spoofing. But it's not easy. In particular if you want orchestrate these tests to automate them...
Another solution is to use a reverse-proxy. An example: your application is hosted by Tomcat and you use Apache as reverse proxy. In this case you can easily configure several end-points in Apache where you lie about XFF
Another solution, you can rent VM in the cloud. This is a good approach if you want to perform real performance tests from a remote client, or check the behavior of Internet cache...
Some compagnies sells services to check availability of your web-stuff from different sites.

How can I allow multiple users to access the same amazon instance at the same time? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am new to Amazon Cloud, and trying to create an EC2 instance that can allow multiple users to access at the same time.
While there are plenty of documentations, I haven't found an answer to my question. Whenever those documentations say "user", it refers me. But I want to have an application installed in the instance, and allow more than one of my users to access it simultaneously.
How can I achieve this? Thank you very much!
The same way you would add multiple users to a normal instance. I am going to assume you are using linux and can login to the instance, if not, see this post. Now you just need to add a user, and setup the ssh keys.

Can you point DNS records for a domain name at a site on AppHarbor with the free account? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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Just like the question says. I have deployed a site to AppHarbor, and then I updated the DNS A record for a domain name to point at the IP given on the 'Hostnames' page. The DNS hasn't updated properly yet so can't see if it's worked.
Has anyone else done this and had it work?
It will work with a free account until the 1st of March (although I am not sure if you can add them now). Then you will have to have payment information as it will cost $10 a month.
Another option is to somehow forward the web request to the * address.
I have some free (Canoe) applications there and the DNS worked fine for the hostnames. Although I am not at the point to really need them enough to pay for them, so I removed them and haven't tried re-adding a hostname to see if it will require payment information.
(Information coming from here:

domain name prefix 'www' [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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In a domain name, mostly started with prefix 'www'.is it used like a standard? ifnot, let me know, why?
www stands for world wide web. Many web addresses begin with www, because of the long-standing practice of naming Internet hosts (servers) according to the services they provide.
WWW prefix
A FQDN starting with "www." is used, by convention, for the machine hosting the primary website for a domain.
These days, where websites are more important then they were in the early days of the Internet, it is conventional to also run a webserver on the main machine for the domain (i.e. rather than (these are usually the same machine) and redirect from one to the other.
