Cannot get file name Fineuploader - fine-uploader

I cannot get the file name when listening for the onProgress event. The file id is available along with the file progress uploaded bytes and total bytes. Please help me to get the file name if available.

You can either ensure you are using Fine Uploader 5.0.4 or newer, where this issue was fixed, or you can use the getName API method:


Receive unexpected output from TCPDF

I am using TCPDF with Laravel.
while using $tcpdf->Output() it showing me some object of tcpdf
This is what I got as output
That is the content of the pdf file that was created. If you give $tcpdf->Output('myfile.pdf','F') it will put all that content in the file 'myfile.pdf' on your server. If you want the file to be downloaded as soon as it is created you need to just specify the filename eg. $tcpdf->Output('myfile.pdf').
For more detail read

download zip file using Rest API responding null file immediately

I have spring boot API for downloading zip file, when i hit rest API in IE or chrome, API responding with file name as null, with no content, if try to hit the same api again after few seconds, the file getting downloaded.
how to fix this issue.
Please help.
this is due to the filename was set after the content(stream) was written to response, once content was written the control return back to client - before filename was set to the header.

Google Drive Rest API V3 Downloading large files with alt=media option (>25MB)

I am trying to figure out how I can download a large file directly in the browser via the Google Drive API V3.
I'm using option 1 which is : Download a file — files.get with alt=media file resource
When I send my request ([fileId]?alt=media), I got the content of the file as a response of it.
Currently I'm creating a blob file with the response of my query, then reading the blob file to start the download on the browser.
The problem with that is, reading the blob file consumes a lot of memory and if the file's size is more than 10MB, then browser crashes.
So my question is : how can I start the download on browsers via the Google APIs like mention on the screenshot bellow? See expected result
Try downloading the file in chunks using the range http header. See "Partial download"

The file name you submitted already exists on the server

Most of the time I upload an image I get an error which says "The file name you submitted already exists on the server". I am using codeigniter version 2.1.0.
Please help regarding how can I fix this.
Please enable encrypt_name, find more here
$config['encrypt_name'] = TRUE;
By this line you are telling codeigniter to create (pseudo) random filname for your file therefore your file is going to be unique (in name matter).
Furthermore you can create such a system that uploads files in folders, consider following folder structure:

GET request to mp3 in S3 bucket failing to download file with 206 partial content?

I have an mp3 file in an S3 bucket. I am fetching this file via ajax GET request for html5 audio playback. Intermittently, the get request will fail to download the file and thus the track will not play. The request returns "206 partial content." Oddly, it will work several times before failing and then continuing to fail.
If I disable caching in my browser (chrome), the file will download and play appropriately.
Have I configured s3 incorrectly? How can I get this mp3 file to download and play consistently?
specific file is located here:
I've found this often relates to the MIME type set on the S3 hosted file.
Setting the correct MIME type seems to fix things.
On a side note, I struggled with a single binary file always breaking in IE. Its MIME type was application/octet-stream. I changed the MIME to binary/octet-stream and that seemed to fix downloads from IE. Not sure why.
use amazon cloudfront solve the problem
I solved this by appending a timestamp to the end of the mp3 url on page load. This forced a new download of the content each time and eliminated the caching error.
This feels more like a work around than a fix. I still don't know the root cause of the issue but if you find yourself having a similar problem and just need to move on, add a timestamp or random number as a param at the end of the url
One other workaround I've found is, if you're using rails, turning off turbolinks makes this go away on chrome. I'll add more to my answer as I discover more.
