How to pass keystrokes onto a second active form in Firemonkey - firemonkey

I encountered some behavior in FMX that is different in VCL. This relates to how main menu shortcuts are processed. It seems that an FMX application will intercept all shortcut keystrokes in the main form such that any other active forms do not see these keystrokes.
This means for example if you have a TMemo on a second form and the main form uses the Ctrl-V main menu short cut, it's not possible to paste text into the memo using Ctrl-V. This is unique to FMX, VCL works as expected where a second form receives all keystrokes irrespective of shortcuts on a main form.
An answer in this question How to intercept Menu shortcut event in Firemonkey explains how to intercept shortcuts in the main form.
The question here is how to get these intercepted keystrokes from the main form to the currently active form, so that controls such as TMemo or TEdit on the second form work as expected?

Based on the answer in How to intercept Menu shortcut event in Firemonkey, one way to pass on the mainmenu shortcut keystrokes, eg Ctrl-A, to the currently active form is to use this code in the main form:
TMenuItem = class(FMX.Menus.TMenuItem)
procedure DialogKey(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
procedure TMenuItem.DialogKey(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
var ch : char;
if (ssCtrl in Shift) and (Key = 65){A} then
ch := #0;
Screen.ActiveForm.KeyDown(Key, ch, Shift);

An alternative answer to the first one, it's works but not everyone might like it, plus it has limitations. For simple cases is should work.
Before showing the second form, remove the shortcuts from the mainform, then restore the shortcuts when the form returns control to the mainform. Works ok if the second form is shown using showmodal. Pity there isn't a form OnShortCut event as we have in VCL. Eg rough example:
(MainMenu.Items[0] as TMenuItem).Items[0].ShortCut := TextToShortCut('');
(MainMenu.Items[0] as TMenuItem).Items[0].ShortCut := TextToShortCut('Ctrl+V');


Hiding Taskbar Button works, but not when second form is shown [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 3 years ago.
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I managed to hide my winforms application taskbar button using
This i call on timer 1 second after the form is created. The taskbar button remain hidden through out the application usage, but until I click a button on the form to show another form, with the Form1 as the owner.
I try to use the same code to hide the second form but not able to work.
Edit: Adding more codes:
Codes in Form1:
// this fires every 1 second and works well.
procedure TForm1.scanTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
// when a user press Settings button on the Form1
// I open another form.
procedure TForm1.SettingsBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
settings: TSettingsForm;
settings := TSettingsForm.Create(Form1);
Codes in SettingsForm
// this fires every 1 second and DOESNT WORK!
procedure TSettingsForm.scanTimerTimer(Sender: TObject);
That's all there is for the codes. So when I open SettingsForm, immediately the taskbar button reappears and never disappears anymore. I want taskbar to remain hidden no matter how many other forms I open from the main form.
I tried a "OS specific API" for windows which is
Which works after FormCreate, but after the main window opens a secondary window,
the taskbar button reappears. So if your app just have one window, you can use this. But for multiple windows/forms app, it will not work!
Also I tried Non OS Specific API:
SettingsForm.ShowInTaskBar := stNever;
Tried putting this in FormCreate, and also just before Show in Caller form, but still it doesn't work. The taskbar button still appears.
Finally I found in lazarus forum the answer using a OS Specific API:
You need to add 2 imports:
InterfaceBase, Win32Int
And put this is FormCreate:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
i: integer;
EXStyle: Long;
AppHandle: THandle;
AppHandle := TWin32WidgetSet(WidgetSet).AppHandle;
EXStyle:= GetWindowLong(AppHandle, GWL_EXSTYLE);
SetWindowLong(AppHandle, GWL_EXSTYLE, EXStyle or WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW and not WS_EX_APPWINDOW);

Suppressing success beep sounds on enter, but leave error beep sounds in

I have a fairly large program, and I need a way to suppress all the Windows beeps you get on pressing enter. I found a function that allows me to suppress all beep sounds, but I need the error sounds to be fired when something goes wrong, so that is not an option. I saw you could suppress the sound for a single textbox by setting the Key to 0, but this is not an option as there are a LOT of keypress events in my program.
You can suppress these beeps that are produced when an edit control has the focus and you press ESCAPE and ENTER by setting TForm.KeyPreview to True and then adding the following OnKeyPress event handler for your form:
procedure TForm1.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
if (Key=#13) or (Key=#27) then
Key := #0;
If you have some controls for which you wish to accept ENTER or ESCAPE, for instance multi-line edit controls, then you could leave KeyPreview as False, and handle OnKeyPress for each single-line edit control:
procedure TForm1.EditKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
if (Key=#13) or (Key=#27) then
Key := #0;
Or you could leave KeyPreview as True and then have a form-wide OnKeyPress handler that discriminated based on the control that has the focus. For example, a rather crude example:
function IsSingleLineEdit(Edit: TCustomEdit): Boolean;
Style: DWORD;
Style := GetWindowLongPtr(Edit.Handle, GWL_STYLE);
Result := Style and ES_MULTILINE = 0;
procedure TForm1.FormKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
if (ActiveControl is TCustomEdit)
and IsSingleLineEdit(TCustomEdit(ActiveControl)) then
if (Key=#13) or (Key=#27) then
Key := #0;
However, I would suggest that you do none of these things. I suggest that you leave the behaviour as it currently is. If neither the form, nor the focused control is going to response to these key presses, then beeping is the most appropriate response. The user presses ESCAPE when she wants to cancel the current dialog. If you are not going to respond to that, then the system beeps to indicate that. Likewise, the user presses ENTER when she wants to accept the current dialog. Again, since your dialog doesn't respond, a beep is appropriate.
I saw you could surpress the sound for a single textbox by setting the Key to 0, but this is not an option as there are a LOT of keypress events in my program. Is there any solution to this?
This is actually the correct approach to do this provided that specific EditBox does have proper code to execute certain action upon pressing the Enter key.
If you don't have any specific code to process some action on pressing the Enter key when in certain field then the Ding sound should be heard to tell the user he is doing something wrong.
Same would go if you are limited specific EditBoxes to only numbers. So that every time when the user presses any letter key the Ding sound is played and the user knows that letters are not allowed. Othervise the user might thing that there is something wrong with his keyboard.
You wouldn't want to be a guy who made a software whose usage resulted in lots of keyboards getting busted. Or would you? :-)
So I'm afraid you would have to do lots of code editing for a lot of KeyPress events. I must admit that I kinda feel sorry for you. Been in similar position once.
As for David Heffernan suggestion about filtering the Enter and Escape keys using forms KeyPreview.
Don't! Realy! DON'T! Why?
Becouse by doing so you could interfeere with normal functionality of some other components.
For instance using that code with combination of ComboBox prevents you from using Escape key to colapse the expanded combo box.

Missing keyboard input on custom VCL control [duplicate]

I've built a custom control that I'm trying to send input to. It will accept mouse input and report MouseDown, MouseMove and MouseUp correctly, but for whatever reason, it won't accept keyboard input. When I click on it, it doesn't receive focus, and any keys I press get interpreted by whatever control had the focus already.
This is probably something really simple. The first place I thought to look was in the ControlStyle property, but the only thing I can see in the helpfile about keyboard input is csNoStdEvents, which disables it, and my control doesn't have that. So what do I need to do to make it so my control can receive input focus?
A few things to try:
On MouseDown, call Windows.SetFocus(Handle). In my experience, the WinAPI function SetFocus often works better than the VCL's SetFocus method.
In response to the WM_GETDLGCODE message, reply with Message.Result := Message.Result or DLGC_WANTCHARS or DLGC_WANTARROWS or DLGC_WANTTAB or DLGC_WANTALLKEYS;
Could it be as simple as calling SetFocus on mouse down?
procedure TYourCustomControl.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X: Integer; Y: Integer);
if CanFocus then
Do you have WS_TABSTOP set? You don't have input focus without that, I believe. But this is based on a recollection from nearly 10 years ago, when I was writing my own syntax-highlighting code editor, for which I have long since lost the source.
{TWinControl.}TabStop := True; ought to do. A quick test app with a do-nothing component derived from TWinControl and displaying a dialog for key events seems to show that it makes all the difference.
I've checked the code for my control and I can't see anything that might stop this working. Are you calling "inherited" in the Create procedure?
I do handle the following, but nothing special:
procedure WMSetFocus(var Message: TWMSetFocus); message WM_SETFOCUS;
procedure WMKillFocus(var Message: TWMKillFocus); message WM_KILLFOCUS;
procedure WMGetDlgCode(var Message: TWMGetDlgCode); message WM_GETDLGCODE;
procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
Is the keystroke available at form level? That is, is KeyPreview turned on, and can you see the keystroke in the form's OnKeypress event? You can follow it from there in the debugger. Is the control (as Dan indicated) suitable for keyboard input? For instance, a TLabel, although it displays text, is a graphical control.

How can I stop my application showing on the taskbar?

My application has an option for the users to run it only in the system tray, and not in the task bar. This worked fine when my application was built by Delphi 6. After switching to Delphi XE2 it no longer functions.
I've messed with it some, and I have this working for Windows 7, but when running on Windows XP I still have a problem. The application correctly hides from the task bar, and shows in the system tray. But when I create and show any additional form, the icon shows up in Windows XP.
procedure TfrmAppointment.HideWindowFromTaskbar;
TaskbarList: ITaskbarList;
Application.MainFormOnTaskBar := False;
// Windows 7 seems to behave differently. This seems to fix it.
if (CheckWin32Version(6, 1)) then
// We are in Win7, and we requested the tray.
TaskbarList := CreateComObject(CLSID_TaskbarList) as ITaskbarList;
// Previous code from D6 days
ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_HIDE);
SetWindowLong(Application.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(Application.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) or WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW);
ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE);
That code is ran if the user chooses the option to show the application in the system tray. It works fine on all versions of Windows I've tested on. On Windows XP, however, when I show any child form, the application instantly shows up in the taskbar. In Windows 7 all is fine.
Any ideas what I'm missing?
I should add that I know this is likely the same question as Hide the Main Form in a Delphi 2009 Application, however I already have the MainFormOnTaskBar being set, so that answer does not seem to apply.
[EDIT:] To be more specific, I'm adding additional information here. This application has two modes: Show in task bar, and show in system tray.
The first mode is the same as any normal application. The application exists only in the task bar. It minimizes to the task bar. It restores from the task bar.
The second mode behaves exactly the same, BUT that task bar icon instead exists in the system tray only. So, when a user minimizes the application, I intercept that message, grab the TRect for 'Shell_TrayWnd'/'TrayNotifyWnd', and call DrawAnimatedRects() to simulate the minimize to the tray. Then I hide the main form. On message from the system tray I draw the same animation rects in reverse, and make it visible again. While the form is visible it does not show in the task bar.
This all works perfectly fine in all Windows versions.
The specific issue I am having is that when any other form gets shown, Windows XP is creating the application icon in the task bar. Windows 7 does not do this. So if a Windows XP user only uses the application main form, no problems arise and both viewing modes work fine. If they open another window, the application icon appears, and stays there even after that window closes. Windows 7 does not do this, and the icon stays gone.
You should set
Application.MainFormOnTaskBar := True;
in your .dpr file and then never modify that setting.
Then, when you want to remove the main form from the taskbar you simply write
When you need to bring the main form out of hiding again write
And that's it.
Naturally you'll want to show and hide your notification area icon in concert with hiding and showing the main form.
The code in HideWindowFromTaskbar is not necessary and you should remove it. When you application is in MainFormOnTaskBar equals True mode, the main form is an un-owned top-level window. And so it appears on the taskbar whenever it is visible. So you can remove the main form from the taskbar simply my hiding it.
The other forms in your application will be owned top-level windows. Typically they will be owned by your main form. By virtue of being owner, they will not appear on the taskbar.
By and large you should try hard to avoid fiddling with window styles. You can usually make your application behave the way you need without doing so. What's more, if ever you have to adjust window styles, you must do it in CreateParams. That way the window style will persist when the window gets re-created. But I re-iterate, avoid modifying window styles where you can.
The key MSDN references are:
Window Features.
The Taskbar.
Here's the smallest program I can produce that proves the point:
program MainFormHiding;
Forms, StdCtrls;
MainForm, OtherForm: TForm;
Button: TButton;
TEventHandlerClass = class
class procedure ToggleMainFormVisible(Sender: TObject);
class procedure TEventHandlerClass.ToggleMainFormVisible(Sender: TObject);
MainForm.Visible := not MainForm.Visible;
Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
Application.CreateForm(TForm, MainForm);
OtherForm := TForm.Create(Application);
MainForm.Caption := 'Main Form';
OtherForm.Visible := True;
OtherForm.Caption := 'Other Form';
Button := TButton.Create(OtherForm);
Button.Caption := 'Toggle';
Button.Parent := OtherForm;
Button.OnClick := TEventHandlerClass.ToggleMainFormVisible;
In the comments you make it clear that you want to be able to hide the taskbar window without hiding the main form. In that case I suggest that you set MainFormOnTaskbar to False. That will mean that Application.Handle will be the window associated with the taskbar button. You can then hide that window to remove it from the taskbar.
You will now need to explicitly set PopupParent for any auxiliary forms. If you want those windows to be owned by the main form, then you can set it up.
Here's my example adjusted for this scenario:
program MainFormHiding;
Forms, StdCtrls, Windows;
MainForm, OtherForm: TForm;
Button: TButton;
TEventHandlerClass = class
class procedure ToggleTaskbarButton(Sender: TObject);
class procedure TEventHandlerClass.ToggleTaskbarButton(Sender: TObject);
if IsWindowVisible(Application.Handle) then
ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_HIDE)
ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_SHOW);
Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := False;
Application.CreateForm(TForm, MainForm);
OtherForm := TForm.Create(Application);
OtherForm.PopupParent := MainForm;
MainForm.Caption := 'Main Form';
Application.Title := MainForm.Caption;
OtherForm.Visible := True;
OtherForm.Caption := 'Other Form';
Button := TButton.Create(OtherForm);
Button.Caption := 'Toggle';
Button.Parent := OtherForm;
Button.OnClick := TEventHandlerClass.ToggleTaskbarButton;
Run this program and click on the toggle button. Now you will see main form and other form showing. And nothing in the taskbar. I included the toggle button to show that you can switch between your two modes of operation whilst the program is running. No need to restart it.
The key here is to make a window other than your visible forms be the window associated with the taskbar. Once you do that you can once again control taskbar presence by showing and hiding that window. In this case that window is the application window, Application.Handle. Because that's the window on the taskbar, you need to set its Title property to control its text.
I stress finally, once again, that interaction with the taskbar is best controlled with window owner and visibility. Always search for solutions using those methods rather than ITaskbarList, extended window styles etc.
Hopefully the last word on the subject. As you have noticed, the code directly above has poor behaviour when the main form is minimised. When that happens, the application window is made visible again and so appears once more in the taskbar.
I'm not so sure of myself when it comes to suppressing this behaviour. The behaviour comes about because of the code in TApplication.Minimize which shows the application handle when the main form is minimized. The best solution that I have is to convert a main form minimize into a hide.
procedure WMSysCommand(var Msg: TWMSysCommand); message WM_SYSCOMMAND;
procedure TMainForm.WMSysCommand(var Msg: TWMSysCommand);
if (Msg.CmdType and $FFF0)=SC_MINIMIZE then
Or another way would be to suppress the application window show by means of an OnMinimize event handler for TApplication.
class procedure TEventHandlerClass.ApplicationMinimize(Sender: TObject);
ShowWindow(Application.Handle, SW_HIDE);
David's answer is correct. There were a couple minor issues with it, but I ran with it and got everything working. He posted his last update while I was figuring this out. I am posting some additional code samples here, and accepted his answer. First I assigned:
Application.OnMessage := AppMessage;
Then the procedure is as follows:
procedure TfrmAppointment.AppMessage(var Msg: TMsg; var Handled: Boolean);
// This first check decides if we are minimizing via the upper right button OR
// The context menu in the upper left hand corner of the window.
// Minimizing twice restores, so this can be a restore as well.
if ((((Msg.message = WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN) and (Msg.wParam = HTMINBUTTON)) or
((Msg.message = WM_SYSCOMMAND) and (Msg.wParam = SC_MINIMIZE))) and
(Screen.ActiveForm = Self)) then
// This function is defined as (bool, bool) where the variables are:
// Param1: Mimimizing (true), Restoring (false)
// Param2: Draw animation rectangles for doing this or not
Handled := MinimizeOrRestore(Self.WindowState <> wsMinimized, True);
else if ((Msg.message = WM_SYSCOMMAND) and
(Msg.wParam = SC_RESTORE) and
(Screen.ActiveForm = Self)) then
// Specifically, restore has been asked for
Handled := MinimizeOrRestore(False, True); // Minimize with animation
else if ((Msg.message = WM_SYSCOMMAND) and (Msg.wParam = SC_CLOSE)) then
// The user just used the system menu to close the application
ApplicationIsClosing := True; // see below for this
Then in my FormCloseQuery, I check for "ApplicationIsClosing" to be true. If it's FALSE, then I know the user hit the X, and I simply minimize the application calling the other function referenced here. If it's true, I allow the close.
Finally, MinimizeOnRestore grabs the TRect for the form itself, as well as the system tray and then executes DrawAnimatedRects. This doesn't work always on Vista or higher, but it doesn't error either. Next, it hides the main application window or makes it visible. It always returns true unless it encounters an error. Then it returns false.

How can I get taskbar buttons for forms that aren't the main form?

How do you make a form appear on the taskbar in Delphi? In Firefox, for example, when you open a page in a new window, it creates another window on the taskbar without creating a new process. At the moment my Delphi application opens a new form when a button is clicked, but there is still only one thing on the task bar, so you can't alt-tab between the main form and the form that is created when the button is clicked. How do I change it so that the new form appears with a new taskbar button? My current code looks like this:
procedure Form1ButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
I have been messing around with CreateWindowEx, but ideally I would like to find a simpler solution than directly using the Windows API.
If I understand what you want correctly, you can show your secondary forms on the task bar by overriding it's CreateParams procedure, as explained in Minimize child forms independent of the main form article, like this:
TMyForm = class(TForm)
procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams) ; override;
procedure TMyForm.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams) ;
Params.ExStyle := Params.ExStyle or WS_EX_APPWINDOW;
Params.WndParent := 0;
if not using of this line is better in form order :
Params.WndParent := 0;
