Trouble developing on mirrored, but separate, production environment - continuous-integration

I'm having some problems with the "development environment should be as close as possible to the production environment".
(Production machine's operating system is Linux.)
My understanding of development steps (roughly):
code, compile, test/run, repeat
"Normally" I would go through these on my own machine, then push the code to CI for testing, and possibly deploy. The CI would be responsible for running the tests in an environment that matches production, this way if the tests pass, it's safe to assume that the code works in production as well.
The problem of a larger environment
☑ Database - of some kind.
☑ Job Processing Pool - for some long-running background tasks.
☑ User Account Management - used by other systems as well.
☑ Centralized Logging - for sanity.
☑ Forward Proxy - to tie individual http-accessible services under the same url but different paths.
☐ And possible other services or collections of services.
All on my own machine? No way in hell.
All on a virtual machine? Maybe, but security-wise if this setup was supposed to mirror the prod.env., and the prod.env. was like this, well.. that might not be such a good idea in case of a breach.
Divide by responsibility and set them up on multiple virtual machines? Who's gonna manage all those machines? I think it's possible to do better than this.
Use containers such as Docker, or slap similar together by yourself? Sounds good: (Possibly:) very fast iteration cycles, separation of concern, some security by separation, and easy reproducibility.
For the sake of simplicity, let's say that our containerization tooling of choice is Docker, and we are not going to build one ourselves with libvirt / lxc tooling / direct kernel calls.
So Docker it is, possibly with CoreOS or Project Atomic. So now there is a container for an application (or multiple applications) that has been separated from the rest of the system, and can be brought up nearly identically anywhere.
Solution number 1: Production environment is pretty and elegant.
Problem number 1: This is not development environment.
The development environment
Whatever the choice to not having to sprinkle the production environment into my own machine, the problem remains the same:
Even though the production environment is correctly set up, I have to run the compilation and testing somewhere, before being able to deploy (be it to another testing round by CI or whatever).
How do I solve this?
Can it really be that the proper way to solve this is by writing code on my own machine, having it synchronized/directly visible in a virtualized-mirrored-production-like environment, which automates running of the tests?
What happens when I don't want to run all the tests, but only the portion that I'm writing right now? Do I edit the automated compilation process every time? What about remote debugging, since multiple systems must be orchestrated to run in the correct way, and debugging must attach in-between to one of the programs. Not to mention the speed of "code, test" cycle, which would be _very_ slow.
This sounds helluvalot like CI, but multiple developers can't all use the same CI and modify it, so they probably have to have this setup on their own machines.
I was also thinking that the developers could each use a completely virtualized os that contained all the development tools and was mirrored environment-wise with the production, but that would force veteran users to adopt the tooling of the virtual development environment, which doesn't sound such a good idea.


Do we need separate environments for testing and acceptance (staging)

We will be migrating from our old servers to new ones and now the question has come up: should we keep 3 servers:
acceptance (also known as staging)
Or should we lump the first together, and just get two servers. The software we deploy is not very complicated, it's small stand-alone programs that move and process various data-files at scheduled intervals.
In the year+ i have been working here I was never in the situation I actually required separate testing and acceptance environments. Usually the programs have been unit tested and integration tested (on a separate build-server) before they go for a final test on the acceptance environment.
However at my previous place of work I do remember missing the additional server. We would be doing final tests before the release but this would then mean we could not test or showcase a branch with new features.
Such a situation is less likely at my current place of work because our team is very small: 1 dev and 2 testers.
So under what circumstances should we have more then one server for testing and acceptance?
I'm thinking:
When the software you are making only fully functions on the server and running it locally is impossible or of limited value
When the team is large enough for different people to work on different versions of the same product
When testing takes up all the resources on one server.
Am i missing something in this list?
What was the reason for having both environments in the first place?
Reasons for having both environments could also be:
You are required to keep an environment running the same version as
Production, so you can investigate/reproduce production issues - and
thus have a potential pipeline for testing hotfixes.
Maybe one of the environments are dedicated for e.g. performance tests or whatever.
Or perhaps your end users need a place where they can be educated,
while not disturbing ongoing development and testing.
That was my 10 cents.

Deployment/build tool between Ant and Chef

So I've been agonizing over embracing a deployment/configuration management tool like Chef or Puppet for a good long while. Not because I have any hesitation about them in general, but because I don't think they are a good fit for our specific scenario.
As far as I can see, these types of tools are targeted at frequent/wide-scale deployments, where you need to roll out software to 10s-1000s of systems. In our environment, we have a collection of ~25 different web services spread across half a dozen runtimes, with 1-8 deployments of each in production currently. Our big deployment problem is that each of the services has a different deployment story, and it's entirely manual, so it tends to be time consuming and error prone. Another wrinkle is that different instances in production may be different versions of the software, so we may need to concurrently support multiple deployment stories for a single service.
So I feel like we need something more like Ant/Maven/Rake, which is customized for each service. However, my experience with those is they are generally focused on local operations, and specific to a given language/runtime.
Is there a runtime-agnostic framework for describing and orchestrating building/testing/deployment in the manner I'm interested in?
I'm sure if I hit them long enough, I could get Rake or Puppet to do these for me, but I'm looking for something built for this purpose.
(Oh, and to make things worse, everything runs on Windows)
Here's another alternative you might want to consider: kwatee (I'm affiliated) is a free lightweight deploiement tool which besides having a web management interface can also integrate with ant (or maven or anything else with python CLI) to automate build & deploiement on dev/test environments for instance.
One of the nice things is the web configuration interface which make it pretty easy to quickly configure your deploiment stories, i.e. which software/version goes on which server. It's often necessary to setup different parameters in configuration files depending on the target server. For that you can "templatize" your packages using kwatee variable (similar to environment variables) which are configured with different values for each server.
Software must be registered in Kwatee's repository in the form of a folder of files, or an archive (zip, tar, tar.gz, bzip2, war) or a single file (e.g. an exe). Msi's are not supported. To deploy on windows kwatee needs the servers to have either telnet/ftp or ssh/scp (there are free tools out there).

How do you apply development practices like version control, testing and continuous integration/deployment to system administration?

Imagine you're going to manage a number of servers with a number of different services that's used by a number of people. Now say you want to reconfigure or replace some software on one of those servers. Obviously you don't want to work on servers that are in production.
If this was a code change, as a developer, I would make the change on my local development machine, test it locally and commit the change to a version control system. The changes could then be deployed in a staging environment, tested further and finally deployed in a production environment. It would also be easy for me to roll back, if necessary.
Generally, or specifically, how do you achieve this in system administration?
(The first thing that comes to mind is to use virtual machines and put virtual machine images in version control, but I'm sure there is a lot of literature and clever solutions I'm not presently aware of.)
Use chef or puppet to enforce machine configurations, and place their cookbooks and recipes under version control. Yes vms would make things easier but even physical server provioning can be controlled by kickstart or preeseed which can again be version controlled.

Team Foundation Server Continuous Integration on same machine as developer

Will it be slow if I set this up?
I have both running on my machine and I wanted to setup CI with TFS 2010. So everytime I check in code it sets off a build. Will this make the process of coding while building make my computer really slow?
I just want to test everything else before investing in a separate machine for the builds and stuff.
Slow yes, and from a build quality point of view, I'd be concerned. Developer machines (mine included) have all sorts of ugly things installed on them, and hacks to make things work. I'm a really big fan of having a dedicated build machine (virtual or real).
Yes, it will be slow. Especially if your machine will build when others check in too. If you are the only one making commits, it'll probably be just about bearable.
One of the advantages that a build server brings is preventing the "works fine on my box" arguments. So I'd consider using VM in the first phase to show the benefits of CI to the executives. Then claiming a dedicated server for builds will be easier.

Does CI need a CI-Server

Is a CI server required for continous integration?
In order to facilitate continous integration you need to automate the build, distribution, and deploy processes. Each of these steps is possible without any specialized CI-Server. Coordinating these activities can be done through file notifications and other low level mechanisms; however, a database driven backend (a CI-Server) coordinating these steps greatly enhances the reliability, scalability, and maintainability of your systems.
You don't need a dedicated server, but a build machine of some kind is invaluable, otherwise there is no single central place where the code is always being built and tested. Although you can mimic this affect using a developer machine, there's the risk of overlap with the code that is being changed on that machine.
BTW I use Hudson, which is pretty light weight - doesn't need much to get it going.
It's important to use a dedicated machine so that you get independent verification, without corruption.
For small projects, it can be a pretty basic machine, so don't let hardware costs get you down. You probably have an old machine in a closet that is good enough.
You can also avoid dedicated hardware by using a virtual machine. Best bet is to find a server that is doing something else but is underloaded, and put the VM on it.
Before I ever heard the term "continuous-integration" (This was back in 2002 or 2003) I wrote a nightly build script that connected to cvs, grabbed a clean copy of the main project and the five smaller sub-projects, built all the jars via ant then built and redeployed a WAR file via a second ant script that used the tomcat ant tasks.
It ran via cron at 7pm and sent email with a bunch of attached output files. We used it for the entire 7 months of the project and it stayed in use for the next 20 months of maintenance and improvements.
It worked fine but I would prefer hudson over bash scripts, cron and ant.
A separate machine is really necessary if you have more than one developer on the project.
If you're using the .NET technology stack here's some pointers:
CruiseControl.Net is fairly lightweight. That's what we use. You could probably run it on your development machine without too much trouble.
You don't need to install or run Visual Studio unless you have Visual Studio Setup Projects. Instead, you can use a free command line build tool called MSBuild.
