Indexing ranked permutations into other ranked permutations - algorithm

I'm considering all permutations of 0, ..., n-1 in lexicographic order. I'm given two ranks, i and j, and asked to find the rank of the permutation that results from applying the i'th permutation to the j'th permutation.
A couple examples for n=3:
p(3) = [1, 2, 0], p(4) = [2, 0, 1], result = [0, 1, 2], rank = 0
Given i = j = 4, we get [2, 0, 1] applied to itself is [1, 2, 0], rank = 3.
What I've come up with so far: I convert the ranks to their respective permutations via Lehmer codes, calculate the desired permutation, and convert back to rank via Lehmer codes.
Can anyone suggest a way to get the rank of the desired permutation from the other two ranks, without having to actually calculate the permutations? Storing the n! x n! array is not an option.
-edit- Note that I'm not wedded to lexicographic order if some other ordering would enable this.
-edit- Here are the n! by n! grids for n=3 & 4, for lexicographic ranks. Row i is indexed into column j to get the output. Note that the n=3 grid is identical to the top-left corner of the n=4 grid.
Here are the factoradics for n=4. I left off the last digit, which is always zero, for compactness.

I found an algorithm to convert between permutations and ranks in linear time. That's not quite what I want, but is probably good enough. It turns out that the fact that I don't care about lexicographic order is important. The ranking this uses is weird. I'm going to give two functions, one that converts from a rank to a permutation, and one that does the inverse.
First, to unrank (go from rank to permutation)
n = length(permutation)
r = desired rank
p = identity permutation of n elements [0, 1, ..., n]
unrank(n, r, p)
if n > 0 then
swap(p[n-1], p[r mod n])
unrank(n-1, floor(r/n), p)
Next, to rank:
p = input permutation
q = inverse input permutation (in linear time, q[p[i]] = i for 0 <= i < n)
n = length(p)
rank(n, p, q)
if n=1 then return 0 fi
s = p[n-1]
swap(p[n-1], p[q[n-1]])
swap(q[s], q[n-1])
return s + n * rank(n-1, p, q)
That's the pseudocode. For my project I'll be careful to work with a copy of p so I don't mutate it when calculating its rank.
The running time of both of these is O(n).
There's a nice, readable paper explaining why this works: Ranking & Unranking Permutations in Linear Time, by Myrvold & Ruskey, Information Processing Letters Volume 79, Issue 6, 30 September 2001, Pages 281–284.

If, in addition to R, you are not wedded to a particular P either, we could redefine the permutation function to facilitate a possible answer. The function, newPerm, below would permute a list in relation to R with the same consistency as the permuting function that "indexes into."
The example below is not optimized for efficiency (e.g., ranking/unranking can be done in O(n)). The last two lines of output compare the redefined permuting function to the "indexing" permuting function - as you can see, they both generate the same number of unique permutations when mapped to the permutation set. The function, f, would be the answer to the question.
Haskell code:
import Data.List (sort,permutations)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
sortedPermutations = sort $ permutations [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]
rank p = fromJust (lookup p rs) where rs = zip sortedPermutations [0..]
unrank r = fromJust (lookup r ps) where ps = zip [0..] sortedPermutations
tradPerm p s = foldr (\a b -> s!!a : b) [] p
newPerm p s = unrank (f (rank p) (rank s))
f r1 r2 = let l = r1 - r2 in if l < 0 then length sortedPermutations + l else l
*Main Data.List> unrank 3
*Main Data.List> unrank 8
*Main Data.List> f 3 8
*Main Data.List> newPerm [0,1,2,3,5,6,4] [0,1,2,4,5,3,6]
*Main Data.List> rank [6,5,4,3,0,2,1]
*Main Data.List> length $ group $ sort $ map (tradPerm [1,2,5,0,4,3,6]) sortedPermutations
*Main Data.List> length $ group $ sort $ map (newPerm [1,2,5,0,4,3,6]) sortedPermutations


Find all combinations of a given set of integers summing up to a given sum

I am looking for an answer to the following problem.
Given a set of integers (no duplicates) and a sum, find all possible combinations of the set's elements summing up to the sum. Solutions order does not matter (solutions {2, 2, 3} and {3, 2 ,2} are equal).
Please note that the final combination does not need to be a set, as it can contain duplicates.
Set {2,3,5}
Sum 10
{2, 2, 2, 2, 2}, {2, 2, 3, 3}, {2, 3, 5}, {5, 5}
I've looked at Subset Sum problem as well as Coin Change problem, but couldn't adapt them to suit my needs. I am not really familiar with dynamic programming, so it's probably doable, however I couldn't figure it out.
As I am dealing with a fairly large set of elements (around 50), precomputing all the sets is not an option as it would take a very long time. A way to pull out different solutions from a Subset Sum table would be preferable (if possible).
Any advice, tips, or sample code would be appreciated!
This is known as the Change-making problem and it’s a classic example of dynamic programming.
Some earlier answers have calculated the total count of solutions, whilst the question has asked for an enumeration of the possible solutions.
You haven't tagged your question with a language, so here's an implementation in Python. Adapt it to whatever language you please by using your language's "bag" datatype (the Counter is Python's "bag").
from collections import Counter
def ways(total, coins):
ways = [[Counter()]] + [[] for _ in range(total)]
for coin in coins:
for i in range(coin, total + 1):
ways[i] += [way + Counter({coin: 1}) for way in ways[i-coin]]
return ways[total]
The output datatype is a list of bags.
>>> for way in ways(total=10, coins=(2,3,5)):
... coins = (coin for coin,count in way.items() for _ in range(count))
... print(*coins)
2 2 2 2 2
2 2 3 3
2 3 5
5 5
Here is a Haskell function that calculates the answer:
partitions 0 xs = [[]]
partitions _ [] = []
partitions n (xxs#(x:xs)) | n < 0 = []
| otherwise = (map (x:) (partitions (n-x) xxs)) ++ partitions n xs
*Main> partitions 1 [1]
*Main> partitions 5 [1..5]
*Main> length $ partitions 10 [1..10]
*Main> length $ partitions 20 [1..20]
*Main> length $ partitions 40 [1..40]
*Main> partitions 10 [1,2,4]
Semi-live demo
Solution complexity:
time: O(n*M)
memory: O(M),
where M is value of sum, n is set size
int numberOfSums(Set<Integer> values, int sum) {
// sumCount[i] -> number of ways to get sum == i
int sumCount[] = new int[sum+1];
sumCount[0] = 1;
for(int v : values) {
for(int i=0; i<=sum-v; ++i)
sumCount[i+v] += sumCount[i];
return sumCount[sum];

permutations without repetition

I would like to know, what is the best approach to solve this problem:
Given x, y and y integers: a1, a2, a3 .. ay find all combinations of
a1 ± a2 ± ... ± ay = x, y < 20.
My recent approach is to find all permutations of 1 and 0 stored in table T and then, depending on whether number T[i] is 1 and 0, add or subtract ai from sum. The problem is that there are n! permutations of n-element array. Hence, for 20-element array, I have to check 20! possibilities where most of them are repeated. Could you please suggest me any potential approach to solving my problem?
There are only 2^20 (just over a million) binary vectors of length 20 rather than the infeasible 20!. Use should be able to brute-force that few in less than a second, especially if you use a Gray Code which would allow you to pass from one candidate sum to another in a single step (e.g. to go from a + b - c -d to a + b - c + d just add 2*d.
The excellent branch and bound idea of #MikeWise would be good if y gets much larger. Generate a tree starting with a root node of 0. Give it children of -a1 and +a1. Then 4 grand children by adding and subtracting a2, etc. If you ever get farther than the sum of the remaining ai from the target x -- you can prune that branch. In the worst case, this might be slightly worse than the Gray-code based brute force (because you need to do so much more processing at each node), but in the best case you might be able to prune away most possibilities.
On Edit: Here is some Python code. First I define a generator which, given an integer n, successively returns which bit position needs to flip to step through a Gray code:
def grayBit(n):
code = [0]*n
odd = True
done = False
while not done:
if odd:
code[0] = 1 - code[0] #flip bit
odd = False
yield 0
i = code.index(1)
if i == n-1:
done = True
code[i+1] = 1 - code[i+1]
odd = True
yield i+1
(This uses an algorithm which I learned years ago in the excellent book "Constructive Combinatorics" by Stanton and White).
Then -- I use this to return all solutions (as lists consisting of the input list of numbers with negative signs inserted as needed). The key point is that I can take the current bit-to-flip and either add or subtract twice the corresponding number:
def signedSums(nums, target):
n = len(nums)
patterns = []
total = sum(nums)
pattern = [1]*n
if target == total: patterns.append([x*y for x,y in zip(nums,pattern)])
deltas = [2*i for i in nums]
for i in grayBit(n):
if pattern[i] == 1:
total -= deltas[i]
total += deltas[i]
pattern[i] = -1 * pattern[i]
if target == total: patterns.append([x*y for x,y in zip(nums,pattern)])
return patterns
Typical output:
>>> signedSums([1,2,3,4,5,9],6)
[[1, -2, -3, -4, 5, 9], [1, 2, 3, -4, -5, 9], [-1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 9], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -9]]
It only takes about a second to evaluate:
>>> len(signedSums([i for i in range(1,21)],100))
Hence there are 2865 ways to add or subtract the integers in the range 1,2,..,20 to get a net sum of 100.
I assumed that a1 can be either added or subtracted (instead of just added, which is what your question implies if taken literally). Note that if you really want to insist that a1 occurs positively, then you could just subtract it from x and apply the above algorithm to the rest of the list and the adjusted target.
Finally, it is not too hard to see that if you solve the subset sub problem with the set of weights {2*a1, 2*a2, 2*a3, .... 2*ay} and with a target sum of x + a1 + a2 + ... + ay then the subsets selected will correspond exactly to the subsets where the positive signs occur in the solution to the original problem. Thus your problem is easily reducible to the subset-sum problem and it is thus NP-complete to determine if it has any solutions (and NP-hard to list them all).
We have conditions:
a1 ± a2 ± ... ± ay = x, y<20 [1]
First of all, I would generalize the condition [1], allowing all 'a' including 'a1' to be ±:
±a1 ± a2 ± ... ± ay = x [2]
If we have solution for [2], we can easily get solution for [1]
To solve [2] we can use the following approach:
combinations list x
| x == 0 && null list = [[]]
| null list = []
| otherwise = plusCombinations ++ minusCombinations where
a = head list
rest = tail list
plusCombinations = map (\c -> a:c) $ combinations rest (x-a)
minusCombinations = map (\c -> -a:c) $ combinations rest (x+a)
First condition checks if x reached zero and used all numbers from list. This means that solution found and we return single solution: [[]]
Second condition checks that list is empty and as far as x is not 0 this means that no solution can be found, returning empty solution: []
Third branch means that we can two alternatives: to use ai with '+' or with '-' so we concatenate plus and minus combinations
Example output:
*Main> combinations [1,2,3,4] 2
*Main> combinations [1,2,3,4] 3
*Main> combinations [1,2,3,4] 4

Haskell Performance Optimization

I am writing code to find nth Ramanujan-Hardy number. Ramanujan-Hardy number is defined as
n = a^3 + b^3 = c^3 + d^3
means n can be expressed as sum of two cubes.
I wrote the following code in haskell:
-- my own implementation for cube root. Expected time complexity is O(n^(1/3))
cube_root n = chelper 1 n
chelper i n = if i*i*i > n then (i-1) else chelper (i+1) n
-- It checks if the given number can be expressed as a^3 + b^3 = c^3 + d^3 (is Ramanujan-Hardy number?)
is_ram n = length [a| a<-[1..crn], b<-[(a+1)..crn], c<-[(a+1)..crn], d<-[(c+1)..crn], a*a*a + b*b*b == n && c*c*c + d*d*d == n] /= 0
crn = cube_root n
-- It finds nth Ramanujan number by iterating from 1 till the nth number is found. In recursion, if x is Ramanujan number, decrement n. else increment x. If x is 0, preceding number was desired Ramanujan number.
ram n = give_ram 1 n
give_ram x 0 = (x-1)
give_ram x n = if is_ram x then give_ram (x+1) (n-1) else give_ram (x+1) n
In my opinion, time complexity to check if a number is Ramanujan number is O(n^(4/3)).
On running this code in ghci, it is taking time even to find 2nd Ramanujan number.
What are possible ways to optimize this code?
First a small clarification of what we're looking for. A Ramanujan-Hardy number is one which may be written two different ways as a sum of two cubes, i.e. a^3+b^3 = c^3 + d^3 where a < b and a < c < d.
An obvious idea is to generate all of the cube-sums in sorted order and then look for adjacent sums which are the same.
Here's a start - a function which generates all of the cube sums with a given first cube:
cubes a = [ (a^3+b^3, a, b) | b <- [a+1..] ]
All of the possible cube sums in order is just:
allcubes = sort $ concat [ cubes 1, cubes 2, cubes 3, ... ]
but of course this won't work since concat and sort don't work
on infinite lists.
However, since cubes a is an increasing sequence we can sort all of
the sequences together by merging them:
allcubes = cubes 1 `merge` cubes 2 `merge` cubes 3 `merge` ...
Here we are taking advantage of Haskell's lazy evaluation. The definition
of merge is just:
merge [] bs = bs
merge as [] = as
merge as#(a:at) bs#(b:bt)
= case compare a b of
LT -> a : merge at bs
EQ -> a : b : merge at bt
GT -> b : merge as bt
We still have a problem since we don't know where to stop. We can solve that
by having cubes a initiate cubes (a+1) at the appropriate time, i.e.
cubes a = initial part... ++ (...the rest... `merge` cubes (a+1) )
The definition is accomplished using span:
cubes a = first ++ (rest `merge` cubes (a+1))
s = (a+1)^3 + (a+2)^3
(first, rest) = span (\(x,_,_) -> x < s) [ (a^3+b^3,a,b) | b <- [a+1..]]
So now cubes 1 is the infinite series of all the possible sums a^3 + b^3 where a < b in sorted order.
To find the Ramanujan-Hardy numbers, we just group adjacent elements of the list together which have the same first component:
sameSum (x,a,b) (y,c,d) = x == y
rjgroups = groupBy sameSum $ cubes 1
The groups we are interested in are those whose length is > 1:
rjnumbers = filter (\g -> length g > 1) rjgroups
Thre first 10 solutions are:
ghci> take 10 rjnumbers
Your is_ram function checks for a Ramanujan number by trying all values for a,b,c,d up to the cuberoot, and then looping over all n.
An alternative approach would be to simply loop over values for a and b up to some limit and increment an array at index a^3+b^3 by 1 for each choice.
The Ramanujan numbers can then be found by iterating over non-zero values in this array and returning places where the array content is >=2 (meaning that at least 2 ways have been found of computing that result).
I believe this would be O(n^(2/3)) compared to your method that is O(n.n^(4/3)).

Finding the lowest sum of values in a list to form a target factor

I'm stuck as to how to make an algorithm to find a combination of elements from a list where the sum of those factors is the lowest possible where the factor of those numbers is a predetermined target value.
For instance a list:
And a target value:
Would result in these factors:
(2,2,3) and (2,6)
But the optimal combination would be:
As it has a lower sum
First erase from the list all numbers that aren't factors of n. So in your example your list would reduce to (2, 6, 2, 3). Then I would sort the list. So you have (2, 2, 3, 6). Start multiplying the elements from the left to right if you reach n stop. If you exceed n find the next smallest permutation of your numbers and repeat. This will be (2, 2, 6, 3) (for a C++ function that finds the next permutation see this link). This will guarantee to find the multiplication with the smallest sum because the we are checking the products in order from smallest sum to largest. This runs in the size of your list factorial but I think that is as good as you're going to get. This problem sounds NP hard.
You can do slightly better by pruning the permutations. Lets say you were looking for 24 and your list is (2, 4, 8, 12). The only subset is (2, 12). But the next permutation will be (2, 4, 12, 8) which you don't even need to generate because you knew that 2*4 was too small and 2*4*8 was too big and swapping 12 with 8 only increased 2*4*8. This way you didn't have to test that permutation.
You should be able to break the problem down recursively. You have a multiset of potential factors S = {n_1, n_2, ..., n_k}. Let f(S,n) be the maximum sum n_i_1 + n_i_2 + ... + n_i_j where n_i_l are distinct elements of the multiset and n_i_1 * ... * n_i_j = n. Then f(S,n) = max_i { (n_i + f(S-{n_i},n/n_i)) where n_i divides n }. In other words, f(S,n) can be computed recursively. With a little more work you can get the algorithm to spit out the actual n_is that work. The time complexity could be bad, but you don't say what your goals are in that regard.
def primes(n):
primfac = []
d = 2
while d*d <= n:
while (n % d) == 0:
primfac.append(d) # supposing you want multiple factors repeated
n //= d
d += 1
if n > 1:
return primfac
def get_factors_list(dividend, ceiling = float('infinity')):
""" Yield all lists of factors where the largest is no larger than ceiling """
for divisor in range(min(ceiling, dividend - 1), 1, -1):
quotient, mod = divmod(dividend, divisor)
if mod == 0:
if quotient <= divisor:
yield [divisor, quotient]
for factors in get_factors_list(quotient, divisor):
yield [divisor] + factors
def print_factors(x):
factorList = []
if x > 0:
for factors in get_factors_list(x):
factorList.append(list(map(int, factors)))
return factorList
Here's is how you could do it in Haskell:
import Data.List(sortBy, subsequences)
import Data.Function(on)
lowestSumTargetFactor :: (Ord b, Num b) => [b] -> b -> [b]
lowestSumTargetFactor xs target = do
let l = filter (/= []) $ sortBy (compare `on` sum)
[x | x <- subsequences xs, product x == target]
if l == []
then error $ "lowestSumTargetFactor: " ++
"no subsequence product equals target."
else head l
Here's what is happening:
[x | x <- subsequences xs, product x == target] builds a list made of all subsequences of the list xs whose product equals target. In your example, it would build the list [[2,6],[6,2],[2,2,3]].
Then the sortBy (compareonsum) part sorts that list of list by the sum of it's list elements. It would return the list [[2,2,3],[2,6],[6,2]].
I then filter that list, removing any [] elements because product [] returns 1 (don't know the reasoning for this, yet). This was done because lowestSumTargetFactor [1, 1, 1] 1 would return [] instead of the expected [1].
Then I ask if the list we built is []. If no, I use the function head to return the first element of that list ([2,2,3] in your case). If yes, it returns the error as written.
Obs1: where it appears above, the $ just means that everything after it is enclosed in parentheses.
Obs2: the lowestSumTargetFactor :: (Ord b, Num b) => [b] -> b -> [b] part is just the function's type signature. It means that the function takes a list made of bs, a second argument b and returns another list made of bs, b being a member of both the Ord class of totally ordered datatypes, and the Num class, the basic numeric class.
Obs3: I'm still a beginner. A more experienced programmer would probably do this much more efficiently and elegantly.

Number equal to the sum of powers of its digits

I've got another interesing programming/mathematical problem.
For a given natural number q from interval [2; 10000] find the number n
which is equal to sum of q-th powers of its digits modulo 2^64.
for example: for q=3, n=153; for q=5, n=4150.
I wasn't sure if this problem fits more to or stackoverflow, but this was a programming task which my friend told me quite a long time ago. Now I remembered that and would like to know how such things can be done. How to approach this?
There are two key points,
the range of possible solutions is bounded,
any group of numbers whose digits are the same up to permutation con contain at most one solution.
Let us take a closer look at the case q = 2. If a d-digit number n is equal to the sum of the squares of its digits, then
n >= 10^(d-1) // because it's a d-digit number
n <= d*9^2 // because each digit is at most 9
and the condition 10^(d-1) <= d*81 is easily translated to d <= 3 or n < 1000. That's not many numbers to check, a brute-force for those is fast. For q = 3, the condition 10^(d-1) <= d*729 yields d <= 4, still not many numbers to check. We could find smaller bounds by analysing further, for q = 2, the sum of the squares of at most three digits is at most 243, so a solution must be less than 244. The maximal sum of squares of digits in that range is reached for 199: 1² + 9² + 9² = 163, continuing, one can easily find that a solution must be less than 100. (The only solution for q = 2 is 1.) For q = 3, the maximal sum of four cubes of digits is 4*729 = 2916, continuing, we can see that all solutions for q = 3 are less than 1000. But that sort of improvement of the bound is only useful for small exponents due to the modulus requirement. When the sum of the powers of the digits can exceed the modulus, it breaks down. Therefore I stop at finding the maximal possible number of digits.
Now, without the modulus, for the sum of the q-th powers of the digits, the bound would be approximately
q - (q/20) + 1
so for larger q, the range of possible solutions obtained from that is huge.
But two points come to the rescue here, first the modulus, which limits the solution space to 2 <= n < 2^64, at most 20 digits, and second, the permutation-invariance of the (modular) digital power sum.
The permutation invariance means that we only need to construct monotonous sequences of d digits, calculate the sum of the q-th powers and check whether the number thus obtained has the correct digits.
Since the number of monotonous d-digit sequences is comparably small, a brute-force using that becomes feasible. In particular if we ignore digits not contributing to the sum (0 for all exponents, 8 for q >= 22, also 4 for q >= 32, all even digits for q >= 64).
The number of monotonous sequences of length d using s symbols is
binom(s+d-1, d)
s is for us at most 9, d <= 20, summing from d = 1 to d = 20, there are at most 10015004 sequences to consider for each exponent. That's not too much.
Still, doing that for all q under consideration amounts to a long time, but if we take into account that for q >= 64, for all even digits x^q % 2^64 == 0, we need only consider sequences composed of odd digits, and the total number of monotonous sequences of length at most 20 using 5 symbols is binom(20+5,20) - 1 = 53129. Now, that looks good.
We consider a function f mapping digits to natural numbers and are looking for solutions of the equation
n == (sum [f(d) | d <- digits(n)] `mod` 2^64)
where digits maps n to the list of its digits.
From f, we build a function F from lists of digits to natural numbers,
F(list) = sum [f(d) | d <- list] `mod` 2^64
Then we are looking for fixed points of G = F ∘ digits. Now n is a fixed point of G if and only if digits(n) is a fixed point of H = digits ∘ F. Hence we may equivalently look for fixed points of H.
But F is permutation-invariant, so we can restrict ourselves to sorted lists and consider K = sort ∘ digits ∘ F.
Fixed points of H and of K are in one-to-one correspondence. If list is a fixed point of H, then sort(list) is a fixed point of K, and if sortedList is a fixed point of K, then H(sortedList) is a permutation of sortedList, hence H(H(sortedList)) = H(sortedList), in other words, H(sortedList) is a fixed point of K, and sort resp. H are bijections between the set of fixed points of H and K.
A further improvement is possible if some f(d) are 0 (modulo 264). Let compress be a function that removes digits with f(d) mod 2^64 == 0 from a list of digits and consider the function L = compress ∘ K.
Since F ∘ compress = F, if list is a fixed point of K, then compress(list) is a fixed point of L. Conversely, if clist is a fixed point of L, then K(clist) is a fixed point of K, and compress resp. K are bijections between the sets of fixed points of L resp. K. (And H(clist) is a fixed point of H, and compress ∘ sort resp. H are bijections between the sets of fixed points of L resp. H.)
The space of compressed sorted lists of at most d digits is small enough to brute-force for the functions f under consideration, namely power functions.
So the strategy is:
Find the maximal number d of digits to consider (bounded by 20 due to the modulus, smaller for small q).
Generate the compressed monotonic sequences of up to d digits.
Check whether the sequence is a fixed point of L, if it is, F(sequence) is a fixed point of G, i.e. a solution of the problem.
Fortunately, you haven't specified a language, so I went for the option of simplest code, i.e. Haskell:
module Main (main) where
import Data.List
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Word
import Text.Printf
#include "MachDeps.h"
type UINT64 = Word
type UINT64 = Word64
maxDigits :: UINT64 -> Int
maxDigits mx = min 20 $ go d0 (10^(d0-1)) start
d0 = floor (log (fromIntegral mx) / log 10) + 1
mxi :: Integer
mxi = fromIntegral mx
start = mxi * fromIntegral d0
go d p10 mmx
| p10 > mmx = d-1
| otherwise = go (d+1) (p10*10) (mmx+mxi)
sortedDigits :: UINT64 -> [UINT64]
sortedDigits = sort . digs
digs 0 = []
digs n = case n `quotRem` 10 of
(q,r) -> r : digs q
generateSequences :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
generateSequences 0 _
= [[]]
generateSequences d [x]
= [replicate d x]
generateSequences d (x:xs)
= [replicate k x ++ tl | k <- [d,d-1 .. 0], tl <- generateSequences (d-k) xs]
generateSequences _ _ = []
fixedPoints :: (UINT64 -> UINT64) -> [UINT64]
fixedPoints digFun = sort . map listNum . filter okSeq $
[ds | d <- [1 .. mxdigs], ds <- generateSequences d contDigs]
funArr :: UArray UINT64 UINT64
funArr = array (0,9) [(i,digFun i) | i <- [0 .. 9]]
mxval = maximum (elems funArr)
contDigs = filter ((/= 0) . (funArr !)) [0 .. 9]
mxdigs = maxDigits mxval
listNum = sum . map (funArr !)
numFun = listNum . sortedDigits
listFun = inter . sortedDigits . listNum
inter = go contDigs
go cds#(c:cs) dds#(d:ds)
| c < d = go cs dds
| c == d = c : go cds ds
| otherwise = go cds ds
go _ _ = []
okSeq ds = ds == listFun ds
solve :: Int -> IO ()
solve q = do
printf "%d:\n " q
print (fixedPoints (^q))
main :: IO ()
main = mapM_ solve [2 .. 10000]
It's not optimised, but as is, it finds all solutions for 2 <= q <= 10000 in a little below 50 minutes on my box, starting with
And ending with
The exponents from about 10 to 63 take longest (individually, not cumulative), there's a remarkable speedup from exponent 64 on due to the reduced search space.
Here is a brute force solution that will solve for all such n, including 1 and any other n greater than the first within whatever range you choose (in this case I chose base^q as my range limit). You could modify to ignore the special case of 1 and also to return after the first result. It's in C#, but might look nicer in a language with a ** exponentiation operator. You could also pass in your q and base as parameters.
int q = 5;
int radix = 10;
for (int input = 1; input < (int)Math.Pow(radix, q); input++)
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < (int)Math.Pow(radix, q); i *= radix)
int x = input / i % radix; //get current digit
sum += (int)Math.Pow(x, q); //x**q;
if (sum == input)
Console.WriteLine("Hooray: {0}", input);
So, for q = 5 the results are:
Hooray: 1
Hooray: 4150
Hooray: 4151
Hooray: 54748
Hooray: 92727
Hooray: 93084
