How to Display data from the database in didRangeBeaconsInRegion? - ibeacon

I want to display data to the textview from the database when the beacon is detected in specific distance .... the problem is it does not work or does not display anything here's my code ...
public void didRangeBeaconsInRegion(Collection<Beacon> beacons, Region region) {
if (beacons.size() > 0) {
for (Beacon beacon: beacons) {
if(beacon.getDistance() < 0.5){
//Call Display data from database
Does it has something to do with ranging every second?
Is it possible to display data from the database using didRangeBeaconsInRegion?

Try adding log lines to troubleshoot like this:
for (Beacon beacon: beacons) {
Log.d(TAG, "saw beacon:"+beacon+" with dist "+beacon.getDistance() );
if(beacon.getDistance() < 0.5) {
Log.d(TAG, " calling ddb");
//Call Display data from database
Check to see that you see the first log line, and verify that if the distance is less than 0.5 the second log line is shown.


How to display microbit's orientation as a 3d model in processing?

I am working on a project with my rocketry club.
I want to have a microbit control the orientation of the fins to auto-stabilize the rocket.
But first, I tried to make a processing code to display in real-time my micro-bit's orientation using its integrated gyroscope.
Here's my processing code :
import processing.serial.*; // import the serial library
Serial myPort; // create a serial object
float xRot = 0; // variables to store the rotation angles
float yRot = 0;
float zRot = 0;
String occ[];
void setup() {
size(400, 400, P3D); // set the size of the window and enable 3D rendering
String portName = Serial.list()[0]; // get the name of the first serial port
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 115200); // open a connection to the serial port
println((Object[]) Serial.list());
void draw() {
background(255); // clear the screen
translate(width/2, height/2, 0); // center the cube on the screen
rotateX(xRot); // apply the rotations
fill(200); // set the fill color
box(100); // draw the cube
void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {
// this function is called whenever new data is available
// read the incoming data from the serial port
String data = myPort.readStringUntil('\n'); // read the data as a string
// print the incoming data to the console if it is not an empty string
if (data != null) {
if (data != null) {
// split the string into separate values
String[] values = split(data, ',');
// convert the values to floats and store them in the rotation variables
xRot = radians(float(values[0]));
yRot = radians(float(values[1]));
zRot = radians(float(values[2]));
and here's the python code I have on my microbit
pitch = 0
roll = 0
x = 0
y = 0
z = 0
def on_forever():
global pitch, roll, x, y, z
pitch = input.rotation(Rotation.PITCH) + 90
roll = input.rotation(Rotation.ROLL) + 90
x = input.rotation(Rotation.PITCH)
y = input.rotation(Rotation.ROLL)
z = 1
serial.write_string(str(x) + "," + str(y) + "," + str(z) + "\n")
What happens when I run my code is that a cube appears and rotates weirdly for a short time, then, the cube stops and processing prints "Error, disabling serialEvent() for COM5 null".
Please help me out, I really need this code to be working!
Is this the documentation for the micro:bit Python API you're using ?
input.rotation (as the reference mentions), returns accelerometer data:
a number that means how much the micro:bit is tilted in the direction you ask for. This is a value in degrees between -180 to 180 in either the Rotation.Pitch or the Rotation.Roll direction of rotation.
I'd start with a try/catch block to get more details on the actual error.
e.g. is it the actual serial communication (e.g. resetting the baud rate over and over again (serial.set_baud_rate(BaudRate.BAUD_RATE115200)) instead of once) or optimistically assuming there will be 0 errors in serial communication and the string will always split to at least 3 values.
Unfortunately I won't have the resources to test with an actual device, so the following code might contain errors, but hopefully it illustrates some of the ideas.
I'd try simplifying/minimising the amount of data used on the micropython (and setting the baud rate once) and removing the need to read accelerometer data twice in the same iteration. If z is always 1 it can probably be ignored (you always rotate by 1 degree in Processing if necessary):
pitch = 0
roll = 0
x = 0
y = 0
def on_forever():
global pitch, roll, x, y
x = input.rotation(Rotation.PITCH)
y = input.rotation(Rotation.ROLL)
pitch = x + 90
roll = y + 90
serial.write_string(str(x) + "," + str(y) + "\n")
On the processing side, I'd surround serial code with try/catch just in case anything went wrong and double check every step of the string parsing process:
import processing.serial.*; // import the serial library
Serial myPort; // create a serial object
float xRot = 0; // variables to store the rotation angles
float yRot = 0;
void setup() {
size(400, 400, P3D); // set the size of the window and enable 3D rendering
String portNames = Serial.list();
String portName = portNames[0]; // get the name of the first serial port
try {
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 115200); // open a connection to the serial port
} catch (Exception e){
println("error opening serial port " + portName + "\ndouble check USB is connected and the port isn't already open in another app")
void draw() {
background(255); // clear the screen
translate(width/2, height/2, 0); // center the cube on the screen
rotateX(xRot); // apply the rotations
fill(200); // set the fill color
box(100); // draw the cube
void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {
// this function is called whenever new data is available
// read the incoming data from the serial port
String data = myPort.readString(); // read the data as a string
// print the incoming data to the console if it is not an empty string
if (data != null) {
// cleanup / remove whitespace
data = data.trim();
// split the string into separate values
String[] values = split(data, ',');
if (values.length >= 2){
// convert the values to floats and store them in the rotation variables
xRot = radians(float(values[0]));
yRot = radians(float(values[1]));
println("received unexpected number of values");
} catch (Exception e){
println("error reading serial:");
(If the above still produces serial errors I'd also write a separate test that doesn't use the servos, just in case internally some servo pwm timing/interrupts alongside accelerometer data polling interferes with serial communication for some reason.)
(AFAIK there is no full IMU support on the micro::bit (e.g. accelerometer + gyroscope + magnetometer (+ ideally sensor fusion)), just accelerometer + magnetometer. If you want to get basic rotation data, but don't care for full 3D orientation of the device should suffice. Otherwise you'd need an IMU (e.g BNO055 or newer) which you can connect to the micro via I2C (but will also probably need to implement the communications protocol to the sensor if someone else hasn't done so already).(In theory I see there's Python support for the Nordic nRF52840 chipset, however microbit uses nRF51822 for v1 and nRF52833 for v2 :/). Depending on your application you might want to switch to a different microcontroller altogether. (for example the official Arduino 33 BLE has a built-in accelerometer (and Python support) (and even supports TensorFlow Lite))
Since I do not have a microbit I tested your Processing code using an Arduino UNO at 9600 baud rate. The following serialEvent() function runs without error:
void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {
String data = myPort.readStringUntil('\n');
if (data != null) {
String inStr = trim(data);
String[] values = split(inStr, ',');
// convert the values to floats and store them in the rotation variables
xRot = radians(float(values[0]));
yRot = radians(float(values[1]));
zRot = radians(float(values[2]));
Arduino code:
byte val1 = 0;
byte val2 = 0;
byte val3 = 0;
void setup() {
void loop() {
val1 += 8;
val2 += 4;
val3 += 2;
String s = String(String(val1) + "," + String(val2) + "," + String(val3));
Thank you very much George Profenza, it works perfectly well now!
I just had to fix some errors in the code.
Here's the functional code if anyone has this problem later :
import processing.serial.*; // import the serial library
Serial myPort; // create a serial object
float xRot = 0; // variables to store the rotation angles
float yRot = 0;
void setup() {
size(400, 400, P3D); // set the size of the window and enable 3D rendering
String portNames[] = Serial.list();
String portName = portNames[0]; // get the name of the first serial port
try {
myPort = new Serial(this, portName, 115200); // open a connection to the serial port
catch (Exception e) {
println("error opening serial port " + portName + "\ndouble check USB is connected and the port isn't already open in another app");
void draw() {
background(255); // clear the screen
translate(width/2, height/2, 0); // center the cube on the screen
rotateX(xRot); // apply the rotations
fill(200); // set the fill color
box(100); // draw the cube
void serialEvent(Serial myPort) {
try {
// this function is called whenever new data is available
// read the incoming data from the serial port
String data = myPort.readString(); // read the data as a string
// print the incoming data to the console if it is not an empty string
if (data != null) {
// cleanup / remove whitespace
data = data.trim();
// split the string into separate values
String[] values = split(data, ',');
if (values.length >= 2) {
// convert the values to floats and store them in the rotation variables
xRot = radians(float(values[0]));
yRot = radians(float(values[1]));
} else {
println("received unexpected number of values");
catch (Exception e) {
println("error reading serial:");
As for the Micro:Bit, I didn't have to change the code at all...
I assume their was an error with the Z axis since we basically just removed removed that...

why do I get two events from particle.publish?

I am using code like this on a particle electron to report pulse counts from a flow meter on my kegerator to the particle cloud:
void meterInterrupt(void) {
cloudPending = 1;
attachInterrupt(pin, meterInterrupt, FALLING);
void publishStatus() {
if (!cloudPending) {
cloudPending = 0;
// status message contains number of ticks since last publish
bool published = Particle.publish("Ticks", statusMessage, PRIVATE);
if (published) {
lastPublish = millis();
void loop() {
if ((millis() - lastPublish) >= 1000) {
When I curl the event log into my terminal, I see two events for the first publish like so:
event: Ticks
data: {"data":"ticks:1","ttl":60,"published_at":"2018-07-03T22:35:01.008Z","coreid":"420052000351353337353037"}
event: hook-sent/Ticks
data: {"data":"","ttl":60,"published_at":"2018-07-03T22:35:01.130Z","coreid":"particle-internal"}
event: Ticks
data: {"data":"ticks:46","ttl":60,"published_at":"2018-07-03T22:35:01.193Z","coreid":"420052000351353337353037"}
event: hook-sent/Ticks
data: {"data":"","ttl":60,"published_at":"2018-07-03T22:35:01.303Z","coreid":"particle-internal"}
I don't see how this could happen. Why didn't it just report "ticks:47"? What am I missing?
I did some further testing and noticed that Particle.publish is returning false the first time when it is actually completing successfully. Is this a timeout issue? The time difference between these publishes is only about 200ms.
OK, This is at least a partial answer.
It appears that Particle.publish is asynchronous. It returns the promise of an answer that starts out as false only eventually becomes true when/if the action is actually completed. If I wait an indeterminate amount of time (say delay(10)) after Particle.publish and before checking the return code, the return value will indicate the actual success or failure of the publish. My code cannot work because the ticks that are counted while I wait will be deleted when I reset the meters. WITH_ACK gives me the same behavior.
I will have to modify my code such that no ticks are lost during the long running Particle.publish . I am thinking that each statusMessage should go onto a list until it is ack'ed by the server.
I modified the code to close the window during which I can receive ticks that will then be wiped out when I reset the counters. I do this by capturing the ticks into an array and then resetting the tick counter (meter). I am using a library called PublishQueueAsyncRK (cudos to rickkas7 This library is great!) so I can just fire it and forget it. Check it out on github.
void publishStatus() {
unsigned int counters[NUM_METERS];
unsigned int pending;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_METERS; i++) {
meter_t *meter = &meters[i];
counters[i] = meter->ticks;
pending += counters[i];
if (pending) {
String statusReport;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_METERS; i++) {
statusReport.concat(String::format("%i:%u|", i+1, counters[i]));
lastPublished = millis();
void publishReport(String report) {
if (report != "") {
publishQueue.publish("PourLittleTicks", report, PRIVATE);
void loop() {
if ((millis() - lastPublished) >= PUBLISH_INTERVAL) {

CharmListView Infinite Scroll

I need basically an event that triggers at each 200 records loaded, so more data can be loaded until the end of data.
I tried to extend CharmListCell and using the method updateItem like this:
public void updateItem(Model item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
currentItem = item;
if (!empty && item != null) {
} else {
But the System.out.println(getIndex()); method returns -1;
I would like to call my backend method when the scroll down gets the end of last fetched block and so on, until get the end of data like the "infinite scroll" technique.
The CharmListCell doesn't expose the index of the underlying listView, but even if it did, that wouldn't be of much help to find out if you are scrolling over the end of the current list or not.
I'd suggest a different approach, which is also valid for a regular ListView, with the advantage of having the CharmListView features (mainly headers and the refresh indicator).
This short sample, created with a single view project using the Gluon IDE plugin and Charm 5.0.0, shows how to create a CharmListView control, and fill it with 30 items at a time. I haven't provided a factory cell, nor the headers, and for the sake of simplicity I'm just adding consecutive integers.
With a lookup, and after the view is shown (so the listView is added to the scene) we find the vertical ScrollBar of the listView, and then we add a listener to track its position. When it gets closer to 1, we simulate the load of another batch of items, with a pause transition that represents a heavy task.
Note the use of the refresh indicator. When new data is added, we scroll back to the first of the new items, so we can keep scrolling again.
public class BasicView extends View {
private final ObservableList<Integer> data;
private CharmListView<Integer, Integer> listView;
private final int batchSize = 30;
private PauseTransition pause;
public BasicView() {
data = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
listView = new CharmListView<>(data);
setOnShown(e -> {
ScrollBar scrollBar = null;
for (Node bar : listView.lookupAll(".scroll-bar")) {
if (bar instanceof ScrollBar && ((ScrollBar) bar).getOrientation().equals(Orientation.VERTICAL)) {
scrollBar = (ScrollBar) bar;
if (scrollBar != null) {
scrollBar.valueProperty().addListener((obs, ov, nv) -> {
if (nv.doubleValue() > 0.95) {
setCenter(new VBox(listView));
private void addBatch() {
if (pause == null) {
pause = new PauseTransition(Duration.seconds(1));
pause.setOnFinished(f -> {
int size = data.size();
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = size; i < size + batchSize; i++) {
} else {
Note also that you could benefit from the setOnPullToRefresh() method, at any time. For instance, if you add this:
listView.setOnPullToRefresh(e -> addBatch());
whenever you go to the top of the list and drag it down (on a mobile device), it will make another call to load a new batch of items. Obviously, this is the opposite behavior as the "infinite scrolling", but it is possible as well with the CharmListView control.

optimize javafx code consuming large amount of memory and CPU

the code below is for a fundraiser dinner to purchase a land, the purpose is to show the progress of the square meter of land purchased (around 2976m2). everytime a square meter is purchased, the application adds an image tile which corresponds to an acctual 1m2. eventually the tiles (~2976 of them) fill up like in a grid to complete the land once fully purchased.
The size of each tiles is around 320bytes, there are 2976 tiles in total.
I have also showing below an image example.
The thing that drives me crazy with this code (in javafx) is that it consumes around 90 to 100% of 1 of my processors and the memory usage keeps increasing as the tiles add up until the code buffer run out of memory and the program crashes after a while. this is not desirable during the fundraising dinner.
the full code is available for testing at
you will need to change boolean split to true false, which will split the images for you, (around 3000 images);
The main culprit that uses all the memory and CPU is the AnimationTimer() function shown below and I am wondering if anyone can help me reduce memory and CPU usage in this code.
to briefly explain how the code below is used, the land is divided into 2 panes, when the first one grid_pane1 is filled up the second pane grid_pane2 starts to then fill up.
also a flashing tile is used to show the current progress.
I am using total_donnation ++; to test the code, but would normally use mysql to pull the new value raised during the findraising dinner
AnimationTimer() Code:
translate_timer = new AnimationTimer() {
#Override public void handle(long now) {
if (now > translate_lastTimerCall + 10000_000_000l)
old_total_donnation = total_donnation;
// c = DBConnect.connect();
// SQL = "Select * from donations";
// rs = c.createStatement().executeQuery(SQL);
// while (
// {total_donnation = rs.getInt("total_donnation");}
// c.close();
total_donnation ++;
if(total_donnation != old_total_donnation)
System.out.format("Total Donation: %s \n", total_donnation);
old_total_donnation = total_donnation;
if (!pane1_full)
for(i=0; i<=total_donnation; i++)
if (pane1_full){ System.out.println("Pane 1 has not been redrawn"); break;}
file1 = new File("pane1_img"+i+".png");
pane1_tiled_image = new Image(file1.toURI().toString(),image_Width,image_Height,false,false);
imageview_tile1 = new ImageView(pane1_tiled_image);
grid_pane1.add(imageview_tile1, current_column_pane1,current_row_pane1);
current_column_pane1 = current_column_pane1+1;
if (current_column_pane1 == max_columns_pane1 )
current_row_pane1 = current_row_pane1+1;
current_column_pane1 = 0;
if (i == max_donnation_pane1 ){ pane1_full = true; System.out.println("Pane 1 full"); break;}
if (i == total_donnation)
if (i != max_donnation_pane1)
hBox_outter_last = new HBox();
ft1 = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(500), hBox_outter_last);
grid_pane1.add(hBox_outter_last, current_column_pane1,current_row_pane1);
if (i < total_donnation)
total_donnation_left = total_donnation - max_donnation_pane1;
for(j=0; j<=total_donnation_left; j++)
file2 = new File("pane2_img"+j+".png");
pane2_tiled_image = new Image(file2.toURI().toString(),image_Width,image_Height,false,false);
imageview_tile2 = new ImageView(pane2_tiled_image);
grid_pane2.add(imageview_tile2, current_column_pane2,current_row_pane2);
current_column_pane2 = current_column_pane2+1;
if (current_column_pane2 == max_columns_pane2 )
current_row_pane2 = current_row_pane2+1;
current_column_pane2 = 0;
if (j == max_donnation_pane2 ){ System.out.println("Pane 2 full"); break;}
if (j == total_donnation_left)
if (j != max_donnation_pane2)
hBox_outter_last = new HBox();
ft = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(500), hBox_outter_last);
grid_pane2.add(hBox_outter_last, current_column_pane2,current_row_pane2);
current_column_pane1 =0;
catch (Exception ex) {}
translate_lastTimerCall = now;
First and foremost, you create a lot of indefinite FadeTransitions that are never stopped. These add up over time and cause both memory and CPU leaks. You should stop() the transition before starting a new one. Alternatively, you only need one transition to interpolate the value of a DoubleProperty and then bind node's opacity to this property:
DoubleProperty opacity = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
Transition opacityTransition = new Transition() {
protected void interpolate(double frac) {
// elsewhere
You may want to preload all the image tiles beforehand, so that you avoid reading from disk in the loop.
You unnecessarily destroy and recreate large part of the scene in every cycle. You should modify your code to only add the new tiles and not drop them all and recreate them from scratch.
Finally, when you actually query the database, you should do it from a different thread and not the JavaFX application thread, because your UI will be unresponsive for the time of the query (e.g. not animating your fade transitions).
I have a suggestion:
Do not split the image instead using 2 panels. One for displaying the whole image. The second will be a grid pane overlapping the first pane. Therefore, when a square meter is purchased, the background of corresponding grid-cell will become transparent.

Assigning different code to update() of different objects of the same class

Would it be possible to load different code into the update function of different objects of the same class? Ie:
Button button = new Button();
class Button {
// constructor, variables, etc
void update() {
//load code specific to the object
Could I create a pointer to an external function (ie in a different file)? I know I can't point in java but is there anything similar?
A class is used to define certain behavior. Of course, not all instances of a class have to behave exactly the same (button1 displays red, button2 displays blue, for instance), but it is still the same basic behavior. A button would not act like a tree, and it doesn't make sense to have button1.func() do one thing and button2.func() do something completely different. Having said that, if you want some method of two buttons to do different things, you have two options: either split the behavior into two methods, or (and this is probably what you want) have the buttons contain an indentifier variable and have the method contain a conditional based on that variable. Here's an example:
class Button {
// ID is 1 for green and 2 for blue
int ID;
Button(int id){
ID = id;
void update(){
if(ID == 1){ //green
//do something
else if(ID == 2){
//do something else
To answer your question: dynamic code loading (eg from a text file) is a bad idea for lots of reasons. First, it's not clear what the code would do if you read over it (you'd have to go look at another file to find out), and second, it would be a huge security flaw because someone could replace your text file with something malicious and you'd have uncontrolled code execution.
Sample interface code
Button r = new RedButt(); // note Buton = new RedButt...
Button b = new BlueButt();
Button[] buttons = new Button[2];
void setup(){
buttons[0] = r;
buttons[1] = b;
for(Button b : buttons){
interface Button{
void display();
class RedButt implements Button{
void display(){
ellipse(random(25, width-25), random(25, height -25), 50, 50);
class BlueButt implements Button{
void display(){
fill(0, 0, 255);
ellipse(random(25, width-25), random(25, height -25), 50, 50);
