Background image with Carousel effect - xamarin

I would like to create a layout with a fullscreen background image and some UI elements on top of it. The twist is this:
I would like the background image to swipeable like a carousel, but I would like the UI elements to stay in place. That is if I swipe the screen, the background image should slide to the side and a new image should replace it. I know about CarouselPage, but it seems to me that it won't do the trick, since a Page can have only one child which it replaces on swipe, meaning that the UI elements would be descendants of the CarouselPage and therefore would also be animated.
I am guessing I need some sort of custom renderer here, but how should I go about designing it? Should it be one fullscreen Image control replaced be another fullscreen Image control with the UI elements on top of it? And how can I do this? Or is there an all together better approach?
I am developing for iOS and Android using Xamarin.Forms.
Thanks in advance.

I don't like repeating myself much, and I think that multiple layers of actionable items can lead to confusion, but the problems appeals to me and I can see a niche for this kind of UI, so here's my take on your question.
Let's assume this is the (Xamarin.Forms.)Page you want to render with a custom carousel background:
public class FunkyPage : ContentPage
public IList<string> ImagePaths { get; set; }
public FunkyPage ()
Content = new StackLayout {
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
Spacing = 12,
Children = {
new Label { Text = "Foo" },
new Label { Text = "Bar" },
new Label { Text = "Baz" },
new Label { Text = "Qux" },
ImagePaths = new List<string> { "red.png", "green.png", "blue.png", "orange.png" };
The renderer for iOS could look like this:
[assembly: ExportRenderer (typeof (FunkyPage), typeof (FunkyPageRenderer))]
public class FunkyPageRenderer : PageRenderer
UIScrollView bgCarousel = new UIScrollView (RectangleF.Empty) {
PagingEnabled = true,
List<UIImageView> uiimages = new List<UIImageView> ();
protected override void OnElementChanged (VisualElementChangedEventArgs e)
foreach (var sub in uiimages)
sub.RemoveFromSuperview ();
uiimages.Clear ();
if (e.NewElement != null) {
var page = e.NewElement as FunkyPage;
foreach (var image in page.ImagePaths) {
var uiimage = new UIImageView (new UIImage (image));
bgCarousel.Add (uiimage);
uiimages.Add (uiimage);
base.OnElementChanged (e);
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
Add (bgCarousel);
base.ViewDidLoad ();
public override void ViewWillLayoutSubviews ()
base.ViewWillLayoutSubviews ();
bgCarousel.Frame = View.Frame;
var origin = 0f;
foreach (var image in uiimages) {
image.Frame = new RectangleF (origin, 0, View.Frame.Width, View.Frame.Height);
origin += View.Frame.Width;
bgCarousel.ContentSize = new SizeF (origin, View.Frame.Height);
This was tested and works. Adding a UIPageControl (the dots) is easy on top of this. Autoscrolling of the background is trivial too.
The process is similar on Android, the overrides are a bit different.


FontAwesome icon with normal text in Xamarin

I want to make a button that has a small icon (from FontAwesome) and text on it in my Xamarin app. I know I can just make a button but the problem is that I will require two fonts (the standard font for text and FontAwesome for the icon). Would anyone happen to know how I can do this, or if there is another way to achieve what I want?
As the json mentioned, I just made a simple implementation.
Create a new class inherit from Label, set FormattedText to combine the string(standard and icon), and add tap gesture on it .
public class MyLabel : Label
public delegate void MyHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);
public event MyHandler myEvent;
public MyLabel(string _myIcon, string _myText)
//build the UI
FormattedString text = new FormattedString();
text.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = _myIcon ,FontFamily= "FontAwesome5Free-Regular" });
text.Spans.Add(new Span { Text = _myText, TextColor = Color.Red ,BackgroundColor = Color.Blue });
FormattedText = text;
//tap event
TapGestureRecognizer tap = new TapGestureRecognizer();
tap.Tapped += (sender,e) => {
MyLabel label = new MyLabel("", "test");
label.myEvent += (sener,e) =>
//do something when tapping
Content = label;
For how to integrate FontAwesome in Xamarin.Forms ,refer to

Adding a bottom border to an Entry in Xamarin Forms iOS with an image at the end

Now before anyone ignores this as a duplicate please read till the end. What I want to achieve is this
I've been doing some googling and looking at objective c and swift responses on stackoverflow as well. And this response StackOverFlowPost seemed to point me in the right direction. The author even told me to use ClipsToBounds to clip the subview and ensure it's within the parents bounds. Now here's my problem, if I want to show an image on the right side of the entry(Gender field), I can't because I'm clipping the subview.
For clipping, I'm setting the property IsClippedToBounds="True" in the parent stacklayout for all textboxes.
This is the code I'm using to add the bottom border
Control.BorderStyle = UITextBorderStyle.None;
var myBox = new UIView(new CGRect(0, 40, 1000, 1))
BackgroundColor = view.BorderColor.ToUIColor(),
This is the code I'm using to add an image at the beginning or end of an entry
private void SetImage(ExtendedEntry view)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(view.ImageWithin))
UIImageView icon = new UIImageView
Image = UIImage.FromFile(view.ImageWithin),
Frame = new CGRect(0, -12, view.ImageWidth, view.ImageHeight),
ClipsToBounds = true
switch (view.ImagePos)
case ImagePosition.Left:
Control.LeftViewMode = UITextFieldViewMode.Always;
case ImagePosition.Right:
Control.RightViewMode = UITextFieldViewMode.Always;
After analysing and debugging, I figured out that when OnElementChanged function of the Custom Renderer is called, the control is still not drawn so it doesn't have a size. So I subclassed UITextField like this
public class ExtendedUITextField : UITextField
public UIColor BorderColor;
public bool HasBottomBorder;
public override void Draw(CGRect rect)
if (HasBottomBorder)
BorderStyle = UITextBorderStyle.None;
var myBox = new UIView(new CGRect(0, 40, Frame.Size.Width, 1))
BackgroundColor = BorderColor
public void InitInhertedProperties(UITextField baseClassInstance)
TextColor = baseClassInstance.TextColor;
And passed the hasbottomborder and bordercolor parameters like this
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Entry> e)
var view = e.NewElement as ExtendedEntry;
if (view != null && Control != null)
if (view.HasBottomBorder)
var native = new ExtendedUITextField
BorderColor = view.BorderColor.ToUIColor(),
HasBottomBorder = view.HasBottomBorder
But after doing this, now no events fire :(
Can someone please point me in the right direction. I've already built this for Android, but iOS seems to be giving me a problem.
I figured out that when OnElementChanged function of the Custom Renderer is called, the control is still not drawn so it doesn't have a size.
In older versions of Xamarin.Forms and iOS 9, obtaining the control's size within OnElementChanged worked....
You do not need the ExtendedUITextField, to obtain the size of the control, override the Frame in your original renderer:
public override CGRect Frame
return base.Frame;
if (value.Width > 0 && value.Height > 0)
// Use the frame size now to update any of your subview/layer sizes, etc...
base.Frame = value;

Xamarin Forms: Change the size of scrollview on translateto

What I am trying to do is:
I have a scrollview inside my view and it's height is like 2/9 of the parent height. Then user can translate this scrollview to make it bigger. However scrollview's size does not change obviously. So even though it is bigger scrollview's size remains the same, killing the point. I could make it bigger initially. However it won't scroll since the size is big enough not to scroll.
I don't know if was able to explain it right. Hope i did.
Some code to explain my point further
This is the scrollview
public class TranslatableScrollView : ScrollView
public Action TranslateUp { get; set; }
public Action TranslateDown { get; set; }
bool SwipedUp;
public TranslatableScrollView()
SwipedUp = false;
Scrolled += async delegate {
if (!SwipedUp && ScrollY > 0) {
TranslateUp.Invoke ();
SwipedUp = true;
} else if (SwipedUp && ScrollY <= 0) {
TranslateDown.Invoke ();
SwipedUp = false;
And this is the code in the page
sv_footer = new TranslatableScrollView {
Content = new StackLayout {
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
Children = {
sv_footer.TranslateUp += new Action (async delegate {
await cv_scrollContainer.TranslateTo(0, -transX, aSpeed, easing);
sv_footer.TranslateDown += new Action (async delegate {
await cv_scrollContainer.TranslateTo(0, 0, aSpeed, easing);
cv_scrollContainer = new ContentView {
Content = sv_footer,
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Fill
I put the scrollview inside a contentview otherwise Its scroll indexes becomes 0 when they are translated. Ref: Xamarin Forms: ScrollView returns to begging on TranslateTo
The problem was, translateTo only changes the position of the element. I could use scaleTo after the translation. However it changes the both dimensions. Someone from Xamarin Forums suggested me to use LayoutTo which I did not know existed. With layoutTo you can change both the size and location. Giving an instance of Rectangle type.

Xamarin children not being added

I have this annoying problem and I don't know how to solve this.
In Xamarin Forms, I'm trying to draw a dynamic layout, for this I load a list of elements (this works). Now i'm trying to display the label for it, so I loop through all the items and add a label for every item. The problem is that the page stays empty.
Yes I initialized the _layout variable as a StackLayout and I also made a ScrollView, then I set the scrollview's content to the _layout variable. But still my page stays empty. I can't share the actual code but I rewrote it using different names.
private void DrawItems()
var items = (List<Item>)_database.GetItems();
foreach(var item in items)
private void DrawItem(Item item)
private void AddLabel(Item item)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Text)) return;
var label = new Label
Text = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Number)) ? string.Format("{0}: {1}", item.Number, item.Text) : item.Text,
FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Small, typeof(Label))
For some weird reason, when I start debugging (put a break on var label ...) the label get's created but when I put a break on _layout.Children.Add(label), this never gets called.
When changing UI elements, you need to do it on the main thread.
Try this:
Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
I've tried the following code, and it works for me. I'm using Xamarin.Forms
public class MyPage : ContentPage
StackLayout stack;
public MyPage()
var scroll = new ScrollView();
stack = new StackLayout();
var btn = new Button {Text = "Add Label"};
btn.Clicked += (sender, args) => stack.Children.Add(new Label {Text = "Test"});
scroll.Content = stack;
Content = scroll;
private async void AddLabelEverySecond()
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
await Task.Delay(1000);
stack.Children.Add(new Label { Text = "1 second" });
Is this applicable to your code? Maybe you could tell us where DrawItems is called from?

Xamarin forms tabbed paged swipe invoke event

I am using Xamarin forms to create a TabbedPage. The problem is that I want to swipe between tabs and this is disable by default. I found one class called ExtendedTabbedPage which has one attribute called SwipeEnable and some methods that invoke the swipe event.
This is my class that extends from ExtendedTabbedPage and creates two tabs with some content. I set the value of swipeEnabled attribute but it does not do anything. Is there anyway to invoke the swipe event from this class?
public class TabbedPageComplete: ExtendedTabbedPage
public TabbedPageComplete ()
this.Title = "TabbedPage";
this.SwipeEnabled = true;
this.Children.Add (new ContentPage
Title = "Blue",
Content = new BoxView
Color = Color.Blue,
HeightRequest = 100f,
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
this.Children.Add (new ContentPage {
Title = "Blue and Red",
Content = new StackLayout {
Children = {
new BoxView { Color = Color.Blue },
new BoxView { Color = Color.Red}
Did you tested with iOS also or just with Android ?
The ExtendedTabbedPage is currently only implemented for iOS ExtendedTabbedPageRenderer.cs while for Android is still under development.
