How to pass a web socket handler instance instead of class - websocket

I'm working with embedded Jetty websockets and what I see in the examples is passing the Class of the handler to the container instead of an instance. I would to know if it's possible to pass an instance instead of a class and how that works.
ServerContainer wscontainer = webSocketServerContainerInitializer.configureContext(context);
// Add WebSocket endpoint to javax.websocket layer
I would like to be able to do
wscontainer.addEndpoint(new EventSocket());
of course this method is not supported.
I see that on the client side you can provide an instance of a handler
Session session = container.connectToServer(new ClientSocket(), uri);
I'm curious why the api was designed to accept a class instead of an instance, which is unlike how servlets work.
The following solution works:
// contains ServerEndpoint annotation and onMessage, onOpen etc
final EventSocket eventSocket = new EventSocket();
ServerEndpointConfig config = ServerEndpointConfig.Builder.create(eventSocket.getClass(), eventSocket.getClass().getAnnotation(ServerEndpoint.class).value())
.configurator(new Configurator() {
public <T> T getEndpointInstance(Class<T> endpointClass) throws InstantiationException {
return (T) eventSocket;

In servlets, you have 1 instance for all requests to the same servlet.
In a websocket server, you have long lived connections, and the normal technique is to have a new websocket endpoint instance per connection. In websocket clients, you don't have to worry about this. You are just 1 instance to start with. If you want multiple connections, you have multiple instances of that websocket endpoint that you created yourself.
ServerContainer is a javax.websocket.server.ServerContainer (aka JSR-356).
It has 2 addEndpoint() mechanisms:
addEndpoint(Class<?> endpointClass) assumes that the class either extends from Endpoint or is annotated with #ServerEndpoint (yes, you can have server that doesn't initialize via annotation scanning, but still uses annotations and this addEndpoint mechanism to programatically add endpoints). It assumes that the server will instantiate a new Endpoint on each incoming websocket upgrade request.
addEndpoint(ServerEndpointConfig serverConfig) takes a ServerEndpointConfig that declares how you want your endpoint to bound. It too assumes that the server will instantiate a new Endpoint on each incoming websocket upgrade request. However, there is way out using this technique. Define your own Configurator object that overrides the getEndpointInstance(Class<?> endpointClass) method, returning the same object over and over again. Just note that the instance you return must be of the class type that was passed into that method (otherwise its an error).
If you choose to use the jetty native websocket implementation, then you can also use the WebSocketCreator to handle the creation of websocket instances, even singletons.


Okhttp Websocket, how to get the Socket instance created by its default SSLSocketFactory after connection?

I need to have access to the instance of the Socket class created internally by the Okhttp WebSocket, but couldn't find any way to do such a thing.
I used the bellow code for creating the websocket:
Request request = new Request.Builder().url("").build();
WebSocket ws = client.newWebSocket(request, listener);
Is there any public method or private method using reflection to get the created Socket instance?
Create your own subclass of SSLSocketFactory that delegates to a 'real' implementation. Then keep track of the socket instance you returned.

Where should i store thread dependent data within a receiving rabbitListener component in a multithreaded environment?

I'm using the annotation based approach of spring amqp in a multithreaded environment (i have multiple consumers => multiple rabbit listener containers).
#RabbitListener(queues = "tasks")
public void receiveMessage(#Payload Task task) {
// usage of httpClient here with its own httpContext (would be fine)
// this method gets called from different listenerContainers / threads
My component which contains the annotated receiveMessage() method needs to do some http calls with the apache http client. Since i'm working with multiple consumers at the same time, this method gets called from different threads and the apache http client documentation says that i should create a httpContext for each thread to be thread safe. Since all threads are calling the same component method i can't put the httpContext into the component.
Is there something like a listener container context for each listener container where i can put the httpClientContext? Or does somebody have an idea how to solve this easy? I thought about ThreadLocal or a central registry for httpContexts but it would be fine if this would be more easy.
There is nothing like that provided by the framework; the simplest solution is to store them in something like a LinkedBlockingQueue and check one out, use it, and put it back in the queue when you're done (creating one as necessary if the queue is empty).
ThreadLocal will work too, but I prefer to use a pool.

Dynamic provider for a Marshalling web service outbound gateway

Is it possible to set a dynamic provider for a Marshalling web service outbound gateway?
I mean, if I try for example: and it not works, I would like to try instead
My current configuration:
MarshallingWebServiceOutboundGateway gw = new MarshallingWebServiceOutboundGateway(provider, jaxb2Marshaller(), jaxb2Marshaller());
Yes, that's true. Since MarshallingWebServiceOutboundGateway allows to inject DestinationProvider, you feel free to provide any custom implementation.
For your fault-tolerant use-case you should do: new URLConnection(url).connect() to test connection to the target server in that your DestinationProvider implementation.
But If I how can I test new URLConnection(url).connect() if I have https credentials, certificate or any kind of security
Well, another good solution from the Spring Integration is load-balancing and several subscribers to the same DirectChannel:
public MessageChannel wsChannel() {
return new DirectChannel(null);
to switch of the default RoundRobinLoadBalancingStrategy.
And after that you can have several #ServiceActivator(inputChannel="wsChannel"). When the first one is fail, the message is sent to the second and so on, until the good result or the fall for each URL.

tyrus websocket server programmatic endpoint

I am trying to create a websocket server using programmatic endpoints with tyrus 1.8.2. I have found that the constructor:
public Server(String hostName,
int port,
String contextPath,
Map<String,Object> properties,
Class<?>... configuration)
does not accept a class implementing ServerEndpointConfig. When I try that it throws a DeploymentException "Class XXX is not ServerApplicationConfig descendant nor has #ServerEndpoint annotation."
Since I am using programmatic endpoints (not annotated), this would seem to imply that I must implement ServerApplicationConfig. That is contrary to the websocket API documentation.
So when I implement ServerApplicationConfig, I no longer get this exception, and the server appears to start without problems, but it returns 404 to what I believe are valid connection attempts (correct host, port, and context path.)
What am I missing?
Additional information: I extended TyrusServerEndpointConfigurator and provided an override for the modifyHandshake() method. The server is returning 404's without ever calling this method.
The problem turned out to be confusion about the way Tyrus constructs the context path. There is a path passed to the Server constructor, and a path returned by the ServerEndpointConfig getPath() method. These are concatenated to form the full context path.
So if you specify "/server" in the Server constructor and "/endpoint" in ServerEndpointConfig.getPath(), the server will accept connection requests on "/server/endpoint".

spring deferredresult

I am new to spring and want to implement long polling for a website to display admin message immediately when it becomes available to all clients,i searched google for hours and could only find out deferredresult(spring 3.2) can be used to implement question is how i can achieve long polling with deferredresult, I would appreciate it if anyone could refer me to such a tutorial.
Another option is to use AsyncContext. This will keep the initial GET request "open" and enable you to send multiple messages as part of the response, unlike DeferredResult which allows to send only ONE response message. Here is a good-link that explains how !
Straight from the horses mouth.
You have two basic options: Option 1 is a Callable
, where the Callable returns the String view name (you may also be able to use #ResponseBody or some of the other normal Spring return types like ModelAndView, but I have never investigated that).
Option two is to return DeferredResult, which is like Callable. except you can pass that off to a separate thread and fill in the results there. Again, not sure if you can return a ModelAndView or use #ResponseBody to return XML/JSON, but I am sure you can.
Short background about DeferredResult:
Your controller is eventually a function executed by the servlet container (for that matter, let's assume that the server container is Tomcat) worker thread. Your service flow start with Tomcat and ends with Tomcat. Tomcat gets the request from the client, holds the connection, and eventually returns a response to the client. Your code (controller or servlet) is somewhere in the middle.
Consider this flow:
Tomcat get client request.
Tomcat executes your controller.
Release Tomcat thread but keep the client connection (don't return response) and run heavy processing on different thread.
When your heavy processing complete, update Tomcat with its response and return it to the client (by Tomcat).
Because the servlet (your code) and the servlet container (Tomcat) are different entities, then to allow this flow (releasing tomcat thread but keep the client connection) we need to have this support in their contract, the package javax.servlet, which introduced in Servlet 3.0 . Spring MVC use this new Servlet 3.0 capability when the return value of the controller is DeferredResult or Callable, although they are two different things. Callable is an interface that is part of java.util, and it is an improvement for the Runnable interface. DeferredResult is a class designed by Spring to allow more options (that I will describe) for asynchronous request processing in Spring MVC, and this class just holds the result (as implied by its name) while your Callable implementation holds the async code. So it means you can use both in your controller, run your async code with Callable and set the result in DeferredResult, which will be the controller return value. So what do you get by using DeferredResult as the return value instead of Callable? DeferredResult has built-in callbacks like onError, onTimeout, and onCompletion. It makes error handling very easy. In addition, as it is just the result container, you can choose any thread (or thread pool) to run on your async code. With Callable, you don't have this choice.
Here you can find a simple working examples I created with both options, Callable and DeferredResult.
