How to sort Tumblr posts by tag without changing page? - sorting

I tried this code:
However when you click one it takes you to another page. How can I make this sort them without going to another page?
Example of the sorting I want to achieve:


Laravel Routing to Views in Subdirectories

I'm using Laravel, and have a view structure like such:
Each of my pages have a navbar at the top, and the navbar has a few links on it:
<ul class="uk-nav uk-navbar-dropdown-nav">
<li>SIRES & DAMS</li>
If I click one of these links (lets say info) from the homepage (home.blade.php), it redirects to the following url:
However, if I'm already on a view that is in the mykennel subfolder (again, lets say I'm on the info page), and I click a link from the navbar, it redirects to:
Which throws a 404. I understand WHY this is happening but I can't seem to find how to fix it. How can I create an href in my anchor tag that knows to use only a single /mykennel/ prefix, regardless of where the user is currently situated on the site?
Any help is appreciated.
Try to use an absolute path instead, by adding / at the beginning of the href so links:
<ul class="uk-nav uk-navbar-dropdown-nav">
<li>SIRES & DAMS</li>

Ignore element inside only certain divs

I have a basic web scraper written which pulls short sections of text from a webpage and puts them into a list. My problem is that there are dynamic ads that appear on the page and mess up the lists.
The page I'm scraping is a Yelp restaurant listing page.
I pull out the biz-name (business name) and add it to the list and it works fine but when the ads appear the scraper pulls the biz-name also.
This is the structure but I can't figure out how to ignore the 'AD element' and just scrape the normal business names. I've cut it down a lot and removed the 'unimportant' elements.
This is with an AD:
<li class="yloca-search-result">
<a class="biz-name"...><span>San Lorenzo’s</span></a>
This is a normal listing:
<li class="regular-search-result">
<a class="biz-name"...><span>BigGrill</span></a>
I've been trying to make Nokogiri ignore the business name inside the <li class="yloca-search-result"> and only select the others inside the regular-search-result class.
I can't figure it out. Can someone point me in the right direction at least? Is it possible?
I figured it out. Wasn't difficult but I just couldn't see the answer.
ad = doc3.at_css("li.yloca-search-result")

PJAX Scroll Loading

I'm working on a news publishing site that needs to load in stories from an RSS feed below the current news page. I've been using InfiniteAjaxScroll ( to some success however, I've hit a brick wall. There is not way for me to dynamically change what story should load in next as you scroll down the page.
Does anyone know of any other plugins, tutorials, examples that replicate behavior like this. I've searched but come up with nothing that meets these requirements.
I'm trying to create something similar to what the Daily Beast has implemented on their site.
How do they know what stories to load in?
If you're using the InfiniteAjaxScroll library, the "next story" is whatever link you define as the next URL which can be dynamic for each story you load.
Imagine your first story's HTML as something like this
<div class="stories">
<div class="story">
<div id="pagination">
Then in the storyC.html you have
<div id="pagination">
Assuming you're using some sort of dynamic backend, you would use some sort logic to grab a related story and just set that URL as the "next" URL.

Drupal - embedding/updating View pages with AJAX

I've been scratching my head like crazy over this all day, there seems to be a hundred different ways to get what I want done but I want it done a certain way - which I can't find.
Here's what I'm working on:
My setup is one view with four different pages, each filtered by category. Default page above lists all three categories at once, and the Category sublinks in the menu take you to the three other view pages that are filtered by a single category. What I need is each of the category sublinks to load their respective view pages with AJAX instead of page by page refresh like it is now. I realize I can effectively achieve the same thing with an exposed filter on the categories but I want these specific menu sublinks to load the view pages, not filter one view on it's own with an exposed form. This really doesn't seem to be that difficult and I don't know why I haven't been able to figure it out yet but I don't have much experience with Drupal+AJAX integration. Help please!
From what I've read it sounds like you should be able to put each of the views within a jQuery tab container. So for example:
<div id="tabs">
<div class="tab">
<?php views_embed_view('viewname', 'block_1')?>
<div class="tab">
<?php views_embed_view('viewname', 'block_2')?>
<div class="tab">
<?php views_embed_view('viewname', 'block_3')?>
This would allow you to cycle through each content piece without refreshing the page.

Pull DIV from separate page and update DIV in current page

I've got a simple one but haven't been able to find an example of a solution that fits exactly what I'm asking. Sorry in advance if this is a repeat.
From my navigation menu, I want each link to reference a specific DIV in a separate page and then pull that DIV and replace the content in the current page.
..and so on
Elsewhere in the page:
<div id="displayContent">Content refreshes onClick. Previous content fades out, fresh content fades in.</div>
Separate page (content.php):
<div id="about">About content</div>
<div id="contact">Contact content</div>
Agree with brhea, a question is a bit unclear.
If I understood well you're looking for something like this?
(click car names to see it in action)
OR with jQuery like this:
