Can't address XML attribute thought XPath in Ruby (using Nokogiri) - ruby

I'm trying to filter xml file to get nodes with certain attribute. I can successfully filter by node (ex. \top_manager), but when I try \\top_manager[#salary='great'] I get nothing.
<?xml version= "1.0"?>
<employee xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="employee.xsd">
<ceo salary="great" respect="enormous" type="extra">
Big boss
<cio salary="big" respect="great" type="intro">
Resposible for information security
How I need to correct this code to get what I need?
require 'nokogiri'
f ="employee.xml")
doc = Nokogiri::XML(f)
doc.xpath("//top_manager[#salary='great']").each do |node|
puts node.text
thank you.

That's because salary is not attribute of <top_manager> element, it is the attribute of <top_manager>'s children elements :
Above XPath select <top_manager> element having any of it's child element has attribute salary equals "great". Or if you meant to select the children (the <ceo> element in this case) :


How to use following in Xpath to get siblings in a Tag

I have following Structure: I am trying to build a robust method to extract the elements of FT1_19_0 of the FT1_19 Tag in the order they appear. However
in my results the elements are rearranged. How can i get my result in correct order.
//*/FT1_19/FT1_19_0[contains(../FT1_19_2,'I10') and
The Result(Rearranged)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FT1_16_1>Gavin, Matthew, MD</FT1_16_1>
<FT1_19 NO="1">
<FT1_19 NO="2">
<FT1_19 NO="3">
<FT1_19 NO="4">
Use this if you are using java:
List<WebElement> list = driver.findElements(By.xpath("//ft1_19//following::ft1_19_0"));
for(WebElement we:list) {

How to filter XML elements by date range in Ruby

I typically use Nokogiri as my XML parser.
I have the following XML:
<aldo_nova album="aldo nova">
<release_date value="19820401"/>
<classix_nouveaux album="Night People"/>
<release_date value="19820501"/>
<engligh_beat album="I Just Can't Stop It"/>
<release_date value="19800501"/>
I want to get all albums that were released between 1/1/1980 and 4/15/1982:
<aldo_nova album="aldo nova">
<release_date value="19820401"/>
<engligh_beat album="I Just Can't Stop It"/>
<release_date value="19800501"/>
How do I filter/query the XML by a release_date range?
Your XML is malformed. After parsing, here's what Nokogiri has to say about it:
# => [#<Nokogiri::XML::SyntaxError: Opening and ending tag mismatch: albums line 1 and classix_nouveaux>,
# #<Nokogiri::XML::SyntaxError: Extra content at the end of the document>]
That's because:
<classix_nouveaux album="Night People"/>
<engligh_beat album="I Just Can't Stop It"/>
are terminated. Instead they should be:
<classix_nouveaux album="Night People">
<engligh_beat album="I Just Can't Stop It">
You can use CSS or XPath selectors to find exact matches, or even sub-string matches, but neither CSS or XPath understand "ranges" of dates, nor do they have an idea of what a Date is, so you'd have to extract all nodes, convert the date value into a Date object or integer in this case, then compare to the range:
date_range = 19800501..19820401
selected_albums ='//release_date').select { |rd| date_range.include?(rd['value'].to_i) }.map { |rd| rd.parent }
# => ["<aldo_nova album=\"aldo nova\">\n" +
# " <release_date value=\"19820401\"/>\n" +
# "</aldo_nova>",
# "<engligh_beat album=\"I Just Can't Stop It\">\n" +
# " <release_date value=\"19800501\"/>\n" +
# "</engligh_beat>"]
I think your XML is poorly designed because you have varying tag names for what should be an album. <album> should be a child of <albums>. I'd recommend something like this:
<album band="aldo nova" title="aldo nova" release_date="19820401"/>
<album band="classix nouveaux" title="Night People" release_date="19820501"/>
<album band="english beat" title="I Just Can't Stop It" release_date="19800501"/>
Once the XML is in a standard form, then it becomes easier to navigate and search:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<EOT)
<album band="aldo nova" title="aldo nova" release_date="19820401"/>
<album band="classix nouveaux" title="Night People" release_date="19820501"/>
<album band="english beat" title="I Just Can't Stop It" release_date="19800501"/>
EOT'album').last['title'] # => "I Just Can't Stop It"
band = 'aldo nova'"//album[#band='#{band}']").map { |a| a['title'] } # => ["aldo nova"]
and searching for dates becomes more straightforward because it's not necessary to find the parent of the node:
date_range = 19800501..19820401
selected_albums ='album').select { |a| date_range.include?(a['release_date'].to_i) }
# => ["<album band=\"aldo nova\" title=\"aldo nova\" release_date=\"19820401\"/>",
# "<album band=\"english beat\" title=\"I Just Can't Stop It\" release_date=\"19800501\"/>"]
I'd recommend reading some tutorials on XML itself as it's easy to paint ourselves into corners if the data isn't represented logically and correctly.

How to pull data from tags based on other tags

I have the following example document:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<n1:Form109495CTransmittalUpstream xmlns="urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ext:aca:air:7.0" xmlns:irs="urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:common" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:form1094-1095Ctransmitterupstreammessage IRS-Form1094-1095CTransmitterUpstreamMessage.xsd" xmlns:n1="urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:form1094-1095Ctransmitterupstreammessage">
<Form1095CUpstreamDetail RecordType="String" lineNum="1">
<Form1095CUpstreamDetail RecordType="String" lineNum="1">
Using Nokogiri I want to extract the value between the <PersonFirstNm>, <PersonLastNm> and <irs:SSN> for each <Form1095CUpstreamDetail> based on the <RecordId>.
I tried removing namespaces as well. I posted a small snippet, but I have tried many iterations of working through the XML with no success. This is my first time using XML, so I realize I am likely missing something easy.
When I set my XPath:
require 'nokogiri'
submission_doc = Nokogiri::XML(open('1094C_Request.xml'))
submissions = submission_doc.remove_namespaces
nodes = submission.xpath('//Form1095CUpstreamDetail')
I do not seem to have any association between the RecordId and the tags mentioned above, and I am stuck on where to go next.
The fields are not listed as children for the RecordId, so I can't think of how to approach obtaining their values. I am including the full document as an example to make sure I am not excluding anything.
I have an array of values, and I would like to pull the three tags mentioned above if the RecordId is contained within the array of numbers.
Nokogiri makes it pretty easy to do what you want (assuming the XML is syntactically correct). I'd do something like:
require 'nokogiri'
require 'pp'
doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<EOT)
<n1:Form109495CTransmittalUpstream xmlns="urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ext:aca:air:7.0" xmlns:irs="urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:common" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:form1094-1095Ctransmitterupstreammessage IRS-Form1094-1095CTransmitterUpstreamMessage.xsd" xmlns:n1="urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:msg:form1094-1095Ctransmitterupstreammessage">
<Form1095CUpstreamDetail RecordType="String" lineNum="1">
<Form1095CUpstreamDetail RecordType="String" lineNum="1">
info ='Form1095CUpstreamDetail').map{ |form|
pp info
# >> [{:record_id=>"1",
# >> :person_first_nm=>"JOHN",
# >> :person_last_nm=>"Doe",
# >> :ssn=>"123456790"},
# >> {:record_id=>"2",
# >> :person_first_nm=>"JANE",
# >> :person_last_nm=>"DOE",
# >> :ssn=>"222222222"}]
While it's possible to do this with XPath, Nokogiri's implementation of CSS selectors tends to result in more easily read selectors, which translates to easier to maintain, which is a very good thing.
You'll see the use of | in 'irs|SSN' which is Nokogiri's way of defining a namespace for CSS. This is documented in "Namespaces".
First of all the xml validator reports error
The default (no prefix) Namespace URI for XPath queries is always '' and it cannot be redefined to 'urn:us:gov:treasury:irs:ext:aca:air:7.0'.
so you must set this default xmlns to "".
You can use this code.
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::XML(open('1094C_Request.xml'))
doc.namespaces['xmlns'] = ''
details = doc.xpath("//:Form1095CUpstreamDetail")
elem_a = ["PersonFirstNm", "PersonLastNm", "irs:SSN"]
output = details.each_with_object({}) do |element, exp|
exp[element.xpath("./:RecordId").text] = elem_a.each_with_object({}) do |elem_n, exp_h|
exp_h[elem_n] = element.xpath(".//#{elem_n.include?(':') ? elem_n : ":#{elem_n}"}").text
p output
# {
# "1" => {"PersonFirstNm" => "JOHN", "PersonLastNm" => "Doe", "irs:SSN" => "123456790"},
# "2" => {"PersonFirstNm" => "JANE", "PersonLastNm" => "DOE", "irs:SSN" => "222222222"}
# }
I hope this helps

Parsing XML into CSV using Nokogiri

I am trying to figure out how to get Make and Model out of XML returned from a URL and put them into a CSV. Here is the XML returned from the URL:
<VINResult xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
<Description>120'' BBC Alum Air Cond Long Conv. (SBA) Tractor w/48'' Sleeper Air Brakes & Power Steering 6x4 (SBA - Set Back Axle)</Description>
<Description>120'' BBC Alum Air Cond Long Conv. (SBA) Tractor w/48'' Sleeper Air Brakes & Power Steering 6x4 (SBA - Set Back Axle)</Description>
Here is the code I have so far:
require 'csv'
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
vincarriercsv = 'vincarrier.csv'
vindetails = 'vindetails.csv'
vinurl = 'http://redacted/LookUp_VIN?key=redacted&vin=', "wb") do |details|
CSV.foreach(vincarriercsv) do |row|
vinxml = Nokogiri::HTML(vinurl + row[1])
make = vinxml.xpath('//VINResult//Vehicles//Vehicle//Make').text
model = vinxml.xpath('//VINResult//Vehicles//Vehicle//Model').text
details << [ row[0], row[1], make, model ]
For some reason the URL returns the same data twice but I only need the first result. So far my attempts to grab the Make and Model from the XML has failed...any ideas?
Here's how to get at the make and model data. How to convert it to CSV is left to you:
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::XML(<<EOT)
<VINResult xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns="">
<Description>120'' BBC Alum Air Cond Long Conv. (SBA) Tractor w/48'' Sleeper Air Brakes & Power Steering 6x4 (SBA - Set Back Axle)</Description>
<Description>120'' BBC Alum Air Cond Long Conv. (SBA) Tractor w/48'' Sleeper Air Brakes & Power Steering 6x4 (SBA - Set Back Axle)</Description>
vehicle_make_and_models ='Vehicle').map{ |vehicle|
This results in:
vehicle_make_and_models # => [["make", "Freightliner", "model", "FLD12064T"], ["make", "Freightliner", "model", "FLD12064T"]]
If you don't want the field names:
vehicle_make_and_models ='Vehicle').map{ |vehicle|
vehicle_make_and_models # => [["Freightliner", "FLD12064T"], ["Freightliner", "FLD12064T"]]
Note: You have XML, not HTML. Don't assume that Nokogiri treats them the same, or that the difference is insignificant. Nokogiri parses XML strictly, since XML is a strict standard.
I use CSS selectors unless I absolutely have to use XPath. CSS results in a much clearer selector most of the time, which results in easier to read code.
vinxml.xpath('//VINResult//Vehicles//Vehicle//Make').text doesn't work, because // means "start at the top of the document". Each time it's encountered Nokogiri starts at the top, searches down, and finds all matching nodes. xpath returns all matching nodes as a NodeSet, not just a particular Node, and text will return the text of all Nodes in the NodeSet, resulting in a concatenated string of the text, which is probably not what you want.
I prefer to use search instead of xpath or css. It returns a NodeSet like the other two, but it also lets us use either CSS or XPath selectors. If your particular selector was ambiguous and could be interpreted as either CSS or XPath, then you can use the explicit form. Likewise, you can use at or xpath_at or css_at to find just the first matching node, which is equivalent to search('foo').first.
You could also do the following which will place all of the vehicles in an Array and all of the vehicle attributes into a Hash
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::XML(open(YOUR_XML_FILE))
vehicles ="Vehicle").map do |vehicle|
Hash[ do |child|
[, child.text] unless child.text.chomp.strip == ""
#=>[{"ID"=>"131497", "Product"=>"TRUCK", "Year"=>"1993", "Make"=>"Freightliner", "Model"=>"FLD12064T", "Description"=>"120'' BBC Alum Air Cond Long Conv. (SBA) Tractor w/48'' Sleeper Air Brakes Power Steering 6x4 (SBA - Set Back Axle)"}, {"ID"=>"131497", "Product"=>"TRUCK", "Year"=>"1993", "Make"=>"Freightliner", "Model"=>"FLD12064T", "Description"=>"120'' BBC Alum Air Cond Long Conv. (SBA) Tractor w/48'' Sleeper Air Brakes Power Steering 6x4 (SBA - Set Back Axle)"}]
Then you can access all the attributes for an individual vehicle i.e.
#=> "131497"
#=> "1993"

Xpath get distinct nodes using preceding-sibling

I need to get distinct values //name() withount distinct-values(//*/name())
I tried do like this, but its dosent work.
How can i repair it?
Using XPath 1.0, to get the distinct values
For name attribute,
/*/*[not(#name = preceding::*/#name)]
For node name,
/*/*[not(name() = preceding::*/name())]
My Sample XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<friend1 name="abc"/>
<friend2 name="def"/>
<friend3 name="abc"/>
<friend1 name="abcd"/>
<friend5 name="abcd"/>
<friend6 name="xyz"/>
<friend8 name="789"/>
<friend0 name="pqr"/>
<friend9 name="lmn"/>
<friend2 name="lmn"/>
<friend5 name="123"/>
<friend7 name="456"/>
<friend12 name="789"/>
