Why Sagepay notification reaches some of our servers but not the others - opayo

Currently we have a few test servers which connect to test.sagepay.com to process transactions. However, on 2 of the servers, we could successfully register transactions on sagepay, but then we didn't receive any sagepay notification coming back at all. However, on different servers (running on different IP addresses), it is working perfectly fine.
I've got the error code "5006 - Unable to redirect to Vendor's web site. The Vendor failed to provide a RedirectionURL". It used to work perfectly fine on those servers, and only stopped working since last Thursday although we are sure that we didn't touch those servers during that period of time at all. Besides, we do see a few occasional notifications coming in from sage which we believe are the REPEAT notifications, not the original ones. We could see all those transactions registered on our accounts, but of course all of them are failed due to the fact that we haven't got any notification coming back.
And we also do make sure that our firewall is opened for the whole range 195.170.169.* from which we expect to receive the sage notification
So my questions are:
Does Sagepay have some sort of mechanism to block some IP addresses and stop sending back notification?
Is the Sagepay-serer which sends out original notifications different from the one that sends out Repeat notifications?

I've faced the very same issue. Our script was handing https:// address over to SagePay as a NotificationURL, but https was not setup, hence the notification script could not be reached. Once I changed to http and ensured that the notification script response is correct it worked.
Also it seems that when SagePay could not reach RedirectURL it tried 8 more times.
I'm not exactly answering your questions, but perhaps it will help. I'd add this as a comment, but I can't...


Keeping the bot alive

We are building a bot using the MS Bot Framework. Sometimes when the bot is not used, it takes too much time to respond and we get a [500] Internal Server Error. We see this issue when we try to access the bot on our app (we are using Direct Line to interact with the bot).
I've read other answers about making sure the Microsoft Azure setting for application activity is set to "Always On", and we have done this. But as Always on is pinging the root of our bot web app, I think it may not be enough to keep the bot / directline alive...
And I don't have any rewrite rules from http to https preventing the ping request to be successful..
Anybody had this issue?
UPDATE to ask a specific question : How can we make sure that our bot is ALWAYS alive if all the settings explained above do not work ? Should we ping our bot thru the directline framework ?
One way to do it would be to send a ping every 15 minutes. The default code even gives you a place to handle the ping in the message controller
else if (message.Type == ActivityTypes.Ping)
please also take a look at this post as it may work for you and is a very simple solution with no code.
I had to create an azure function that pings my service, as I was having this same problem. I have Always On for all my services, and still find the bot going to sleep. With the ping service, it establishes a new conversation, sends the utterance, and then closes after receiving the response. This has seemed to work, but is only a week into practice. Note, I am pinging every five minutes.

Does sandbox application support incoming texts to verified number?

I'm testing out the service and it appears that sandboxed applications do not support incoming replies even if the reply is from a verified number. Can I get that confirmed?
If that is not the case, my second question is how Sinch handles self-signed certs for the endpoint on non standard SSL ports ... in my case self-signed on 8443.
Lastly, a gripe. As a developer I look for immediate feedback when errors occur with my integrations. I'm not really willing to wait 24 hours for a CSV to see what happened. Any roadmap here to timely error feedback?
To handle incoming replies you need to rent a number like most providers, you can rent a number in the dashboard https://www.sinch.com/dashboard/#/numbers assign it to your app and configure your callback for SMS.
To handle incoming sms, check out the documentation here:
And if you have multiple numbers assigned to you app you can set the from id in the body of the request
“from”:”your rentednumber”,
“message”:”hello world”
You can always check the status for a particular message using the API here
https://www.sinch.com/docs/sms/#checkmessagestatus as you probably know long code delivery is only carrier delivery and not handset delivery.
If you mail me at christian#sinch.com I can hook you up with some more credits to rent a number.

hMailServer only replies on first time

I've just installed hmail on Windows 2012 to self host a mail server. Opened the ports (25, 143 - SMTP, IMAP). Setup auto reply on some test accounts on domain.
I have a strange experience: The first emails I send to the new inboxes from my gmail account get auto-replied. Thereafter any more emails sent are largely not replied (i.e. mostly not replied but occassionaly very late). The hMailServer logs show it found the emails and sending the replies. I tried with my work email account to the new hMailServer inboxes and its the same situation.
I've checked the spam and they only occasionally go in there depending on the auto reply message body. Reverse DNS has been setup by my cloud instance provider.
Not sure whats going on but the hMailServer diagnosis does show red lights against MX records not being found local and internet domains (although internet MX route checking sites give it a green light when checking).
Why is it only sending out first time and then less likely other times.
Ok its because the autoreply function only sends auto replies once per email address. I ended up applying a 'rule' instead to reply and delete the incoming the message to reach the desired behaviour.
The autoreply feature only ONCE per email address PER SESSION. That is to say, when hmailserver (service) is stopped and restarted the cache is cleared and so the first occurrence of the autoreply already sent is forgotten. (Note: it also doesnt autoreply to 'auto-reply' emails as this could cause looping)

Ajax vs Comet (not a chat application)

I've developed a web-based application in which a signed in user should send a message to the server telling he is still online every 3 seconds. The message is then processed by the server and a stored procedure is called in Mysql to set the user's status to online.
I've looked in to similar issues in which Comet and Ajax are compared (here or here) but considering that 3 second delay is acceptable and maximum users of 1000 are online in the system, is using Ajax a wise choice or Comet should be used?
For this kind of feature comet is more appropriate:
Your clients send messages (i'm online)
Your server broadcast the processed message (user X is still online)
In an ajax way you are only serving messages to server.
In order to get the "broadcast effect" in an ajax way. You will end up doing something similar to comet but with less efficient bandwidth.
Client send server - i'm in
Server process
Server send back to client list of user in.
In this case every client ask every 3 second the database for the COMPLETE "in" list.
In comet:
Client X send server - i'm in
Server process
Server send back to client S that user X is still online
In this case every client tell the server every 3 second that he is in.
The server send back to every connected client ONLY that x is still in
Comet is just the technique to broadcast back and push messages to client
Ajax is the technique to push client information to the server without having to refresh all the page.
Quoting wikipedia:
Comet is known by several other names, including Ajax Push, Reverse Ajax , Two-way-web, HTTP Streaming,and HTTP server push among others.
So go comet :)
If you do not broadcast anything, then simple Ajax is the best option
In this particular case, since you do not need to send any information from the server to the client(s), I believe Ajax is the more appropriate solution. Every three seconds, the client tells the server it is connected, the database is updated, and you're done.
It could certainly be done using Comet, in which case you would basically ping each registered client to see if it is still connected. But, you would still need to run a query on the database for each client that responds, plus you would still need the client to notify the server on its initial connection. So, it seems to me that Comet would be more trouble than it's worth. The only thing that might make sense is if you could ping each registered client and store the responses in memory, then once all clients have been pinged you can run one single query to update all of their statuses. This would give you the added bonus of knowing as soon as a client disconnects as opposed to waiting for a timeout. Unfortunately, that is beyond the scope of my expertise with Comet so, at this point, I can't help to actually implement it.

Receive SMS messages by web application

We are building a web app that should be able to receive SMS messages and store the information contained in it in database.
Which methods have you used? Which service providers are out there that can assist?
http://www.clickatell.com/ are massive and it works exactly like it says on the tin. You pay for a phone number and sms messages sent to that end up hitting a URL on your site to deliver them just like someone posting a form.
I'd recommend using a service such as TextMarks. TextMarks is free, and lets you pick a keyword for your service that allows users to route messages to you through TextMarks' shared short code, 41411. The only catch here is that they reserve 20 characters in each message for short advertisements to pay for their services.
If you ever outgrow their ad-sponsored services, you can upgrade to a premium version that doesn't include ads.
Another (cheaper) alternative is to have your users send text messages to an email address like sms#yourapp.com. Then you can have a background thread that's looking at the email account and puts the messages into the database.
I've implemented and tested this approach with major US carriers with everything from smart phones to pay-as-you-go "crappy" phones without a hitch.
When the user sends the SMS to your email address you get the SMS email gateway address (e.g. 8055551234#vtext.net) so you can send response messages.
The only downside is that it's a bit more difficult to find the "send to email address" options on most phones, but it is (basically) free for you. This is especially helpful for reducing costs while testing out workflows. Those ~3 cents for each SMS add up pretty quickly, especially during automated testing.
When you want to support SMS numbers you can configure most SMS gateways to send an email to an address, so you won't have to change your infrastructure to support a "real" SMS messages.
I haven't done it yet, but I guess you could also setup an Asterisk system on your server, then get a regular VOIP acccount (which Asterisk hooks into) and configure the Asterisk server to forward all SMS to your application. This article might help setting up the Asterisk server.
I've had experience using MX Telecom as an SMS Gateway. Essentially they posted data to our web service every time we received an incoming SMS. The application in question was also sending SMS messages as well and we just did an http GET to a web page of theirs.
I can't speak to the business end (i.e. cost), as I was just in charge of implementing the features - but working with an SMS gateway is really very simple from a development perspective.
+1 on sebastian i was jsut writting pretty much the same
if you are working with ruby you might want to have a look at adhearsion
You can use SMS gateway software which will receive SMS messages through a GSM modem or 3G dongle connected to a PC and POST them to your website via HTTP. Eg: this software
