Changing number of columns while using tablesorter pager with ajax - ajax

I am trying to add/remove columns depending on what is returned from the server in the ajaxProcessing function. I can see in the pager source that this isn't possible directly.
// only add new header text if the length matches
if ( th && th.length === hl ) {
Is there any workaround to this or should I start tinkering with the code? If I need to make changes, any advice on what to start with? Thanks.

Added this in the ajaxProcessing event and it did the trick.
var headerCount = $('#id thead tr:eq(0) th').length;
var hl = data.headers.length;
if (headerCount < hl) {
for (var i = headerCount; i < hl; i++) {
$('#id thead tr:eq(0)').append('<th>' + data.headers[i] + '</th>');
}else if (headerCount > hl) {
for (var i = headerCount - 1; i >= hl; i--) {
$('#id thead tr:eq(0) th:eq(' + i + ')').remove();
if(headerCount !== hl) $('#id').trigger('updateAll', [false, null]);


Filter & Delete rows of data based off of column value fast! (Google Sheets)

Is there a way to filter the data in column Q off my google sheet faster then reading line one by one. There is daily about 400+ lines it needs to scan through and I need to delete every row of data if the data in column Q is less than 1 right now watching it, it takes about 10+ minutes.
function UpdateLog() {
var returnSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('CancelRawData');
var rowCount = returnSheet.getLastRow();
for (i = rowCount; i > 0; i--) {
var rrCell = 'Q' + i;
var cell = returnSheet.getRange(rrCell).getValue();
if (cell < 1 ){
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert("🎉 Congratulations, your data has been updated", SpreadsheetApp.getUi().ButtonSet.OK);
Try it this way:
function UpdateLog() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const sh = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet0');
const vs = sh.getDataRange().getValues();
let d = 0;
vs.forEach((r, i) => {
if (!isNaN(r[16]) && r[16] < 1){
sh.deleteRow(i + 1 - d++);
This is a bit quicker
function UpdateLog() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const sh = ss.getSheetByName('Sheet0');
const vs = sh.getDataRange().getValues().filter(r => !isNaN(r[16]) && r[16] < 1);

Modifying sort columns in jqGrid

I'm having some difficulty figuring out how to programatically modify the sort definition that is sent to the server when a user clicks on a column to sort it. I have added a onSortCol function to my grid configuration. In that function, I need to check whether the "Id" column is in any sort position other than the last position. If it is, it should be removed.
Here is what I have tried:
onSortCol: function (index, iCol, sortOrder) {
var grid = $(this);
var rawSorts = index.split(",");
if (rawSorts.length > 1) {
var idFieldIndex = -1;
var processedSorts = [];
for (i = 0; i < rawSorts.length; i++) {
var currentSort = rawSorts[i].match(/[^ ]+/g);
if (idFieldIndex === -1 && currentSort[0].toUpperCase() === "ID") {
idFieldIndex = i;
field: currentSort[0],
direction: currentSort[1] || sortOrder
if (idFieldIndex !== -1) {
processedSorts.splice(idFieldIndex, 1);
for (i = 0; i < processedSorts.length; i++) {
if (i + 1 < processedSorts.length) {
grid.sortGrid(processedSorts[i].field + " " + processedSorts[i].direction);
else {
grid.setGridParam("sortorder", processedSorts[i].direction);
grid.sortGrid(processedSorts[i].field + " ", true);
return "stop";
The most simple implementation seems to me the following: you don't use any sortname in the grid initially and you sort by Id on the server side if sidx is empty. It seems the only what you need to do to implement your requirements.

Kendoui Multiselect show text values selected on tooltip

I have a problem, I like to show a select text values of a MultiSelect control on a tooltip.
I only can show the value(numeric) from MultiSelect, this is my code:
var multiselect = $("#combo_multi").data("kendoMultiSelect");
value2 = multiselect.value(); //show only numeric values ->14376, etc.
Show the numeric values together without spaces. ->14376
I like to show the text value, not the numeric value.
I think I have to use an array for show the text value, but I don´t know how do it.
If somebody have the response of this problem, I appreciate the solution. Thanks.
Maybe this could help you a bit
var multiselect = $("#combo_multi").data("kendoMultiSelect");
var value2 = multiselect.value();
var selectedValues = value2.split(",");
var multiSelectData =;
for (var i = 0; i < multiSelectData.length; i++) {
var numberValue = multiSelectData[i].number;
for (var j = 0; j < selectedValues.length; j++) {
if (selectedValues[j] == numberValue) {
// here we get description for value
var desc = multiSelectData[i].description;
Example other
var multiselect = $("#CityTo").data("kendoMultiSelect");
var dataItem = multiselect.dataItems();
var CityArray = new Array();
CityArray = dataItem;
//***End Debug
//**************** Applied example
var newHtml = "";
var item = dataItem;
$.each(item, function (index, item) {
newHtml += '<div class="panel panel-default" ><div class="panel-heading">' + item.City_Name + '</div><div class="panel-body">Panel Content</div></div>';
You can see the details "dataItem" using "item."
I'm on a newer version of Kendo UI so possibly things have changed since you asked this. I'll give you an updated answer..
var multiselect = $("#combo_multi").data("kendoMultiSelect");
var selectedValues = multiselect.value();
var multiSelectData =;
var count = selectedValues.length;
for (var i = 0; i < multiSelectData.length; i++) {
if (selectedValues.indexOf(multiSelectData[i].Value) >= 0 ) {
//found, do something
var selectedText = multiSelectData[i].Text;
if (count == 0) {

Set selection on tekst inside CKEditor

I'm having trouble to select text in CKEditor(3.6). As we use plain text i dont know how to use correctly the range selectors.
HTML code of the CKEditor:
<body spellcheck="false" class="rf-ed-b" contenteditable="true">
Cross those that apply:<br>
[«dummy»] If he/she is tall<br>
[«dummy»] If he/she is a male<br>
[«dummy»] If he/shi is a minor<br>
[«dummy»] «Write here the specialties if known»<br>
«You are now done with filling in this form»<br>
With the keys 'CRTL+N' I want to go to the next filleble spot:
I tried stuff like:
var editor = CKEDITOR.instances['MyEditor'];
var findString = '«';
var element = editor.document.getBody();
var ranges = editor.getSelection().getRanges();
var startIndex = element.getHtml().indexOf(findString);
if (startIndex != -1) {
ranges[0].setStart(element.getFirst(), startIndex);
ranges[0].setEnd(element.getFirst(), startIndex + 5);
Exception: Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount
While totally stripepd down it kinda works a bit:
var editor = CKEDITOR.instances['MyEditor'];
var ranges = editor.getSelection().getRanges();
var startIndex = 10;
if (startIndex != -1) {
ranges[0].setStart(element.getFirst(), startIndex);
ranges[0].setEnd(element.getFirst(), startIndex + 5);
here it selects 5th till 10th char on first row.
I used the following sources:
example on Stackoverflow
Another stackoverflow example
CKEditor dom selection API
All solutions i can find work with html nodes.
How can set selection range on the '«' till next '»'
I've managed to solve this solution. Meanwhile i also upgraded CKeditor to 4.0.
This shouldnt have an impact on the solution.
It is a lot of code in JS.
On my keybinding i call the following JS function: getNextElement()
In this solution it also searches behind the cursor, this makes it possible to step through multiple find results.
Also the view gets scrolled to the next search result
var textNodes = [], scrollTo=0,ranges = [];
function getNextElement(){
var editor =null;
ranges = [];
// I dont know the ID of the editor, but i know there is only one the page
for(var i in CKEDITOR.instances){
editor = CKEDITOR.instances[i];
if(editor ==null){
var startRange = editor.getSelection().getRanges()[0];
var cursorData ="",cursorOffset=0,hasCursor = false;
if(startRange != null && startRange.endContainer.$.nodeType == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT){
cursorOffset = startRange.startOffset;
cursorData = startRange.endContainer.$.data;
hasCursor = true;
var element;
element = editor.document.getBody().getLast().getParent();
var selection = editor.getSelection();
// Recursively search for text nodes starting from root.
textNodes = [];
getTextNodes( element );
var foundElement = false;
foundElement = iterateEditor(editor,hasCursor,cursorData,cursorOffset);
foundElement =iterateEditor(editor,false,"",0);
// Select the range with the first << >>.
selection.selectRanges( ranges );
function iterateEditor(editor,hasCursor,cursorData,cursorOffset){
var foundElement = false;
var rowNr = 0;
var text, range;
var foundNode = false;
foundNode = true;
// Iterate over and inside the found text nodes. If some contains
// phrase "<< >>", create a range that selects this word.
for (var i = textNodes.length; i--; ) {
text = textNodes[ i ];
if ( text.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT && text.getName() == "br" ){
} else if ( text.type == CKEDITOR.NODE_TEXT ) {
var sameNode = false;
if(text.$.data == cursorData){
foundNode = true;
sameNode = true;
var startIndex = -1;
var endIndex = 1;
// Check inside the already selected node if the text has multiple hits on the searchphrase
var indicesStart = getIndicesOf('\u00AB', text.getText());
var indicesEnd = getIndicesOf('\u00BB', text.getText());
for (var j = indicesStart.length; j--; ) {
if(indicesStart[j] > cursorOffset){
startIndex = indicesStart[j];
endIndex = indicesEnd[j];
} else{
startIndex = text.getText().indexOf( '\u00AB' );
endIndex = text.getText().indexOf( '\u00BB' );
if ( startIndex > -1 && (!sameNode || startIndex > cursorOffset)) {
range = editor.createRange();
range.setStart( text, startIndex );
foundElement = true;
// calculate the height the window should scroll to focus the selected element
scrollTo = (rowNr)*20;
if ( endIndex > -1 && foundElement ) {
range.setEnd( text, endIndex+1 );
ranges.push( range );
return true;
function getIndicesOf(searchStr, str) {
var startIndex = 0, searchStrLen = searchStr.length;
var index, indices = [];
while ((index = str.indexOf(searchStr, startIndex)) > -1) {
startIndex = index + searchStrLen;
return indices;
function getTextNodes( element ) {
var children = element.getChildren(), child;
for ( var i = children.count(); i--; ) {
child = children.getItem( i );
textNodes.push( child );

Applying rules in Telerik MVC Grid Filter

I'm using Telerik MVC Grid, and need to apply filter rules below, but it seems only apply to the first two column, and ignore all the rest of the columns.
Here JS Code : ( assume grid is $("#grid").data("tgrid") )
function extTelerikGridFilter(grid, value) {
if (!$.isArray(grid.columns)) throw "Error : First Parameter accept only array.";
var colLength = grid.columns.length - 1;
var filterText = "";
var tempArr = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < grid.columns.length; i++) {
filterText = filterText + "substringof({0},'{1}')".replace("{0}", grid.columns[i].member).replace("{1}", value);
if (colLength > 0) {
filterText = filterText + "~or~";
colLength = colLength - 1;
Result of console.log(filterText) :
Look before and after applying the filters in attachment.
Is this some kind of bug or perhaps i did something wrong.. Thank You.
*Using Telerik MVC 2011.3.1229
*Please ask me if you need additional information regarding my issue. :)
Attachment :
- BeforeApplyingFilter.png
- AfterApplyingFilter
I had this problem too. After some experiments, I found that we should bracket every expression starting from the head.
So, your filter string would look like this:
You can modify your code:
for (var i = 0; i < grid.columns.length; i++) {
--> filterText = "(" + filterText + "substringof({0},'{1}')".replace("{0}", grid.columns[i].member).replace("{1}", value) + ")"; <--
if (colLength > 0) {
filterText = filterText + "~or~";
colLength = colLength - 1;
PS I'm using 2011.3.1306
PS2 I wrote the article about custom filtering - please see link.
