batch code to transfer all files and folder from location(s) - windows

I am looking for a batch code that will transfer all files inside folders. Then it will transfer them into the location.
D:\Transfered Files\
And it will keep the exact folder/file names.
For example I want everything transfered from
C:\Program Files\

I have tried this and it works:
xcopy source destination /Y
Just save this in a batch file of course change the directories as you see fit.
Also note that the '/Y' parameter says that if files exist in the destination overwrite them. If you remove it, it will ask you about each file separately.
If you think this isn't good enough you can use robocopy:
robocopy source destination
Again you need to change the source and the destination directories and put the line in batch file.
I have used both and both works 100%. I have a windows 7 home premium 64x.


Batch file to recursively find files named a specific name and move to a directory

So, I was hit with the Cryptowall 3.0 ransomware virus. After decryption I am still left with a large amount of DECRYPT_HELP files in .txt, .html, .png and Windows Shortcut formats.
I need a batch script to recursively find the files containing the name "DECRYPT_HELP" regardless of its' extension and move those files into a directory which I will delete.
I am a Linux guy, so I can't FIND and GREP my way through this. Any assistance would be appreciated.
You can find the files using
dir /s *decrypt_help*
dangerous command follows
del /s *decrypt_help*
will delete all of those files. use with extreme caution

Copying files from cab to folder

I'm trying to copy the files from .cab file to a normal folder. I don't have extract.exe on my Windows 7. And using xcopy /s .\ .\extracts throws an error saying "Cannot perform a cyclic copy". I've googled the error, but found nothing applicable. The destination folder is empty, and otherwise it can only copy the .cab file but not the files within it. I want to copy all the files within .cab file into a folder. Can someone help? I want this to work on a client environment so I don't want to download any other tools, just command line if I can.
Try any of the following commands. Both should be included in your windows 7
expand .\extracts
extrac32 /L .\extracts

creating a batch file

I would like to creat a batch file that will recognise folders date moidified in a network drive and then copy them to another network drive
while I was searching I found way to do that to files, but I need it for folders
I didn't find a way to do that
Sadly, you didn't say which method you'd found. If that method selects the files using a DIR.../a-d... structure for instance, then omit the - before the d and directories matching the selected pattern rather than files would be processed.
To create a batch file just get notepad++ and save as a .bat, is that what you meant? or did you want a certain type of Batch file, because I didn't think there was another type unless you count Command prompt and Notepad++ different?
Forfiles may be helpful, or robocopy
This will create a mirror backup in the destination folder. If files are deleted in the source then they will also be deleted in the destination.
#echo off
robocopy "\\\folder" "\\\destination" /mir

Can we use robocopy to copy files instead of folders

I need to copy a particular file from one location to another., Is it possible to use robocopy to do same.
Whilst Robocopy can be persuaded to copy a single file it is much simpler to use copy or xcopy.
Yes, either wrap it in an an exec or use the Robocopy that is wrapped as part of the msbuild extension pack see:
You want to use the MSBuild.ExtensionPack.FileSystem.RoboCopy task.
Makes copying much quicker.
I was trying to figure this problem out. I finally found my own solution and maybe it will help.
I noticed that the syntax used to select the entire directory could be used to select a single file.
ROBOCOPY "*" "Directory source" "Directory Output unc path or non"
The above code will copy everything from the directory source folder to the directory output path.
Let's say you only wanted to copy 1 file from the directory source named "test.txt"
In order to do that use the following code:
ROBOCOPY "*test.txt" "Directory source" "Directory Output unc path or non"
Thats about it. It works really well and will only copy the file name you want.
Alternatively you can use
ROBOCOPY "*.txt" "Directory source" "Directory Output unc path or non"
to copy out all text documents from the directory source.
Similarly this will also work with any .ext
.zip .exe .txt .pdf etc..
I signed up to answer this question with a better method. Let me know if I succeeded.

iexpress hard-coded extraction destination folder?

I'm using iexpress to make a self extracting executable. Is there a way I can hard-code an extraction destination folder (preferably into a temp folder somehwere) so as to not have the extraction pop up the "Please type the location where you want to place the extraced file." dialog?
There's no direct way to do this. (You can see my other answer for a longer explanation about it.)
The easiest solution is to make an IExpress archive that runs an "installation program", which is really just a batch file that copies the extracted files where they're needed.
In IExpress, you'd launch the batch file like: cmd /c persist.bat. And persist.bat looks something like:
#echo off
xcopy /y * "%temp%\persistent\"
del /f "%temp%\persistent\persist.bat"
(The last line is a nicety to hide the fact that you used this batch file to copy the extracted archive.)
Yes, this is possible through the use of an .INF file when you select "Extract files and run an installation command". You must set the .INF file as your Install Program and under the DestinationDirs section you would put the path to the directory you want the files to go to. Here is an example of an .INF file:
install.files=-1,"C:\Program Files\MyCustomDir"
So this sample shows that the installer will install to C:\Program Files\MyCustomDir. The files under the install.files should list all the files you want to copy to that folder. They must be included in your installer when you are selecting the files to add.
