SlidesJS jumpy sliding - slidesjs

Both of our sites use the slidesjs library, but you will notice that only on the main site is there a jump at the end of each transition. I have not found any previous topics on this here or on the SlidesJS forum. Any ideas?
Here is our main site:
And here is our radiology microsite:
Help much appreciated.

OK so this has been solved by setting the slides to 100% of their container. The problem was that this was previously set to 50% or so.


Performance Tab in Chrome Development Tools shows offset recordings

I apologize if a question like this already exists somewhere, but I've really searched carefully and haven't found a question like this one.
I have a question regarding Performance Tab in the Chrome Development Tools.
I have a difficulty understanding how exactly to interpret it.
In particular, considering a scenario shown in the screenshot, it seems to me like these operations underscored by the blue lines ("recalculate styles", "composite") have been offset to the right, because when I scrub through the FPS chart bar that shows the animation, the timing of the animation starts and ends exactly where the green region does, instead of where the operations themselves start and end.
Is this indeed due to some offset (perhaps a bug in devtools?) or is there some deeper explanation to it that I'm unaware of?
I would appreciate any help as this has been bugging me for quite a while.
I could paraphrase my question in this way as well:
How did all these frames render if no operations took place like "recalculate styles" and "compositing"?
I apologize for not returning to this immediately after I solved the mystery for myself. I was very busy in the meantime.
Hereby, I confirm that yes, indeed, the confusion was due to the cursor being recorded (as suspected in the comments) but at the time I wasn't aware of it.
I want to thank everybody in the comments for their suggestions and their will to help.

Why have all my d3 bl.ocks disappeared from

I've just added a new d3 block, to discover all the graphics have disappeared from my existing blocks: The text is still there, and the code, but not the graphics. They were working fine last week.
This is not a normal SO question but I don't know who else to ask.
Given that the only block of mine left standing is the block "How to make a block", and that this does not include any links to my personal or professional site, I assume such links are a no-go on bl.ocks (not that I can see this rule anywhere). And I assume my blocks have been taken down for this transgression.
I've removed the links in the hope that this is the problem. Can someone reinstate them? If this isn't the problem, can anyone advise what is? Thanks...
It looks like is now permanently redirecting to Gist. Here are a few tweets about it starting from 15 Dec 2022.
However there are at least two clones of it up and running as of Feb 2023: and seems to be more fully featured at the moment.
For example this block:
Now redirects to this Gist:
But the full block can still be seen here:
And just the result of the code (note the /raw/) can be seen here:
If there are any better alternatives or if these links die, please let me know and I will update the answer. :)

UI Theme Repository for Pharo?

I'm still pretty green when it comes to Pharo so apologies in advance for what might well be a pretty dumb question. I've already done a perfunctory google search and checked out this stackoverflow entry which didn't have the answer I need. I'm looking for a ready-made color theme that has a black background. Understand, I'm not just looking to change the wallpaper background color, I want the all the windows, widgets, and window contents (workspace text in particular) to be appropriately modified as well. I'm assuming someone somewhere has already done this, I just don't know where to find it (I can't be the only one who codes at 3am and doesn't like staring at the giant light-bulb that is my monitor!).
Welcome to here, David :).
pharo is still young and fast growing and there are not many themes. So Esteban Lorenzano is working on a dark theme based on InteliJ IDEA, and you can find it here:!/~estebanlm/Pharo3DarkTheme, but it will take a long time until it's done.

Issues with WIDTH and HEIGHT percentages in a DIV via CSS (firefox doesn't work)

My brain is overflow about this issue, so let me share my frustration in order to look for someone having the same experience and, luckily, finding a solution.
The thing is the following:
In chrome, percentages work fine, but when trying the same in Firefox (latest version) the content div is not expanding horizontally and vertically anymore.
I've analyzed every similar question over here, but I can't find any valid answer.
Thanks in advance
P.S.: I've tried to use block display instead of the 'box' one in the 'content' layer, but still having the same behavior.
You're using XUL box layout. I suggest not doing that. -moz-box is NOT CSS flexbox layout, as you seem to think.
The problem here is display: -moz-box for body. If you remove it everything works fine. It appears to be a bug, so I suggest filing a report in the bug tracker.

Qt: transparent QRubberBand?

I'm trying to draw a QRubberBand on a QGLWidget. For some reason the area of the rubber band is drawn as opaque and I don't see what's behind it. This kinda beats the purpose of the rubber band as a way to select stuff inside it.
I've seen in docs for QStyleOptionRubberBand that there's an 'opaque' member but I have no idea how to access this in the default style or how to change it.
Anybody ever done this?
Are you in Vista/Win7 with Areo on? If so, does it work when you turn it off?
How about Message #6?
"In the meantime I looked it up in the QT source code, and I noticed that the following will solve my problem: myQRubberBand->setWindowFlags(Qt::ToolTip);"
It would be great having any source code ?
But here are how I would attempt to fix the problem :
Subclass QRubberBand
Redefine PaintEvent method
call iniStyleOption to activate style options of your choice
Hope it helps !
