How do I mock validation in domain class for testing? - validation

I have a domain class that uses a custom validator that's quite complex; it requires a separate collaborator. Now I'm creating a controller for it but I want to mock the part about validation. I want to be able to tell when a certain validation error occurs so that I control the behavior.
For example, I have,
class Person {
static constraint = {
key validator: {
//complex stuff goes here
In my controller spec, I want to be able to tell when I want the validation to pass or to fail. I tried doing Person.metaClass.validate = { true } but it doesn't seem to work. This is how my test code looks like.
void "Test controller when validation passes"() {
controller.json = new Person(...)
//test post condition, etc.
If nothing works, I'm thinking of just mocking the command object directly, something like,
void "Test controller when validation passes"() {
1 * _.changeState(_)
//test post condition, etc.
but if I can get the first one working, I'd prefer it more.

I have similar tasks in my Project. Our implementation includes ErrorsContainer class that represents the concept of Mediator design pattern by encapsulating how a set of objects interact. Mediator promotes loose coupling by keeping objects from referring to each other explicitly, and it lets you vary their interaction independently.
Another advantage of this approach is that you can cache the result of the validation process. When applied to same preconditions, objects and rulles - it can improve the performance.
About the
I want to be able to tell when I want the validation to pass or to fail
you can just call it's isEmpty() and use it in simple code like this:
public class ValidationProcessor {
private ErrorsContainer errorsContainer;
//process Validation
//if validation errors are found add them
//into the container
//allow to manage the Validation process
public void SetValidationState(boolean isPassState){
//set it's state to 'pass'
//apply logic when validation errors are found
public void UseCurrentValidationState(){
//apply logic when no validation errors are found
//apply logic when validation errors are found


Zend framework 2 : Add different authentication adapter for two different modules

I have two different modules. Now I need to add different authentication mechanism for both modules.
So I added event code first module's Module.php's onBootstrap method
$listener = $serviceManager->get('First\Service\AuthListener');
$eventManager->attach(MvcEvent::EVENT_ROUTE, $listener, 0);
and in second module's Module.php's onBootstrap method
$listener = $serviceManager->get('Second\Service\AuthListener');
$eventManager->attach(MvcEvent::EVENT_ROUTE, $listener, 0);
Now if I disable one of modules, functionality working fine and request properly authenticated. While enabling both module do some kind of overlapping So even required module properly authenticated, But other module event code also got executed and system give not authenticated error.
I am thinking this due to event handler code in both module.php is executed without take care of requested module url.
I can verify with requested route pattern before authentication, But that is look like a hack instead of good solution.
If better solution exists for handling this issue ?
My AuthListener Code :
namespace First\Service;
use Zend\Authentication\Adapter\AdapterInterface;
use Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent;
class AuthListener
protected $adapter;
public function setAdapter(AdapterInterface $adapter)
$this->adapter = $adapter;
public function __invoke(MvcEvent $event)
$result = $this->adapter->authenticate();
if (!$result->isValid()) {
$response = $event->getResponse();
// Set some response content
$routeMatch = $event->getRouteMatch();
$routeMatch->setParam('controller', 'First\Controller\Error');
$routeMatch->setParam('action', 'Auth');
There is a good way to make module specific bootstrap - to use SharedManager:
->attach(__NAMESPACE__, 'dispatch', function(MvcEvent $e) {
// This code will be executed for all controllers in current __NAMESPACE__
}, 100);
Here is a good article to understand difference between EventManager and SharedEventManager
There is no additional info about listeners in the question, but I try to guess:
If you use as listener some callable class - it's ok, just replace function() { } by your $listener.
If you use as listener some class, that implements
ListenerAggregateInterface, you should convert listeners to
SharedListenerAggregateInterface and use method attachAggregate
instead of attach
I hope it helps!

Show validation messages on GET

We have a possibility that data loaded from a GET operation could be invalid for posting, and would like to be able to display the validation messages when the data is first loaded. The validation all takes place on server side using ValidationAttributes.
How can I force the validation summary to be displayed when the data is first loaded? I am guessing that I need to force errors into ModelState somehow, but I first need to get them out of the model class.
I ended up adding a validation method for the model class which adds errors to the ModelState. Then I created and added a custom ModelValidator and AssociatedValidatorProvider
for calling it during the normal validation that takes place during form binding. That way the controller actions that don't bind to the Model class directly can still have a call to the model's .Validate(ModelState) method to fake a validation. This approach works well for server-side-only validation.
UserInfo Model class:
private IEnumerable<RuleViolation> GetRuleViolations()
List<RuleViolation> violationList = new List<RuleViolation>();
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FirstName))
violationList.Add(new RuleViolation("First Name is required.", FirstName"));
return violationList;
public void Validate(System.Web.Mvc.ModelStateDictionary ModelState)
foreach (RuleViolation violation in GetRuleViolations())
ModelState.AddModelError(violation.PropertyName, violation.ErrorMessage);
This is how it can be used directly from a controller action. In this action the Model class object is returned as part of the UserSearch model.
public ActionResult Search(UserSearch model)
if (this.ModelState.IsValid)
if (model.UserInfo != null )
That is all I had to do for the particular use case I was working on. But I went ahead and completed the work to do "normal" validation on a postback: created a simple ModelValidator, with the Validate override looking like this. If you followed the above pattern in all of your Model classes you could probably reusue this for them, too.
public override IEnumerable<ModelValidationResult> Validate(object container)
var results = new List<ModelValidationResult>();
if (Metadata.Model != null)
UserInfoViewModel uinfo = Metadata.Model as UserInfoViewModel;
foreach (var violation in uinfo.GetRuleViolations())
results.Add(new ModelValidationResult
MemberName = violation.PropertyName,
Message = violation.ErrorMessage
return results;
Finally, extend AssociatedValidationProvider to return this ModelValidator and add it to the ModelValidationProviders collection in Application_Start. There is a writeup of this at
I don't know if understand what you need, but here is it...
run validation to display the validation summary when the form is loaded, using jquery
$(document).ready(function() {

using Observer pattern with a MVC/Codeigniter web site

I have a web site I'm converting to Codeigniter and I want to simplify and decouple. I like what I've read about the Observer pattern for things like "new survey created" (which triggers a new help ticket, which triggers an email, etc).
But how do I implement such a thing in Code Igniter? I see the Symfony component but at this point I'm not concerned about understanding the system as much as figuring out how to use it in controllers and models. I have extended both CI_Model and CI_Controller already for other reasons. Would putting Observer pattern code there be the best?
I imagine a point like this: someone hits the web site and spawns a request which gets routed to a controller/action: http://localhost/test/save_changes
// warning, pseudo-code!
class Test extends MY_Model
public function __construct ()
// do I put this here?!? - or maybe in MY_Model?
// Should it be a singleton?
// where do I attach what I want... here?
// what if I have 50 possible things that might happen
// based on any given event, from adding a user to
// deleting a survey or document? There has got to be a
// way to attach a bunch of observers that trickle
// down to each object, right?
public function save_changes ()
class User extends MY_Model
public function __construct ()
parent::__construct ();
// do I put this here?!?
$this->load->library('dispatcher'); // just something to call it
public function init($id)
if($this->_loadUser ($id))
$this->dispatcher->notify($this, 'user.loaded');
public function save($id)
$this->dispatcher->notify($this, 'user.saved');
class Emailer
public function update ($caller,$msg)
switch ($msg)
case 'user.saved':
// send user an email
// re-cache some stuff
// other things that we might want to do, including more of these:
class Dispatcher
public function notify ($caller, $msg) { ...foreach attached do $obj->update($caller,$msg) ...}
public function attach ($obj) { ... }
public function detach ($obj) { ... }
I can see how powerful that would be. But I'm not sure how to simplify the setup and attaching of all of these listener/observers.
Maybe I should have a factory to create them all? It just seems like yes, they would be decoupled from the way it currently works, but it seems managing all the different objects that I'd have to 'attached' in each controller or method would become coupled in a different way.
Your proposed structure would have to be something like:
$this->load->library('observer_factory', 'of'); // factory for creating observers
// Observer_factory would have knowledge/access to different classes which relate
// to the pattern.
$ync = $this->of->getNotifier( $some_variable ) );
$ync->attach( $this->of->getObserver( $some_other_variable ) );
$ync->attach( $this->of->getObserver( $some_final_variable ) );
$ync->someMethod(); // someMethod calls notify
But I wonder about it. You'd have a factory class that slowly becomes all-knowing. It starts usurping the functionality of the Loader. Why load a library when my Observer_factory can handle it by doing exactly the same thing?
I think you're better off with a library or a model that knows what it is supposed to do and is well designed, then adding this class structure. I do not see the gains outweighing the costs.

Where to validate and test user input date, In the controller or the model?

Where to clean up/ validate/ verify the user input data? In the controller or the model?
In controller.
Look at it this way: Your form will post to a controller function with the form data in $_POST variable. You validate the data in that function of the controller and do some DB inserts or updates. Then you show the success message as a view or in case of error a fail message.
See the form validation tutorial in CodeIgniter's user guide here.
I'd go with the model so your validation can be reused. Models should handle the data and the controller should direct it to where it needs to go.
The code that make the validation must be in the model, but the call to this code must be in the controller.
Something like this:
class MyAwesomeUserModel {
public function isValid()
//some code to validate the user
class MyUserController {
public function myUserAction()
//some code to insert the input of the user in the model
//do nice things with the data and send some message/data to the view
} else {
//send 'nice' error messages to the view
This is just the way I use, may not be the best way, but it's the best fit in my application. And that's what matters, you should look for what best suits your application.

Where does input validation belong in an MVC application?

I have a MVC application that receives an input from a form.
This is a login form so the only validation that is necessary is to check whether the input is non-empty.
Right now before I pass it to the model I validate it in the controller.
Is this a best practice or not? Does it belong to the model?
I don't think there's an official best practice limiting validation to any single part of the MVC pattern. For example, your view can (and should) do some up-front validation using Javascript. Your controller should also offer the same types of validation, as well as more business-logic related validation. The model can also offer forms of validation, i.e., setters not allowing null values.
There's an interesting discussion of this at joelonsoftware.
I have been thinking about this for a LONG time and after trying putting validation in both controllers and models.... finally I have come to the conclusion that for many of my applications... validation belongs in the model and not in the controller. Why? Because the same model could in the future be used by various other controller calls or APIs... and then I would have to repeat the validation process over and over again. That would violate DRY and lead to many errors. Plus philosophically its the model which interacts with the database ( or other persistent storage ) and thus is sort of a 'last call for alcohol' place to do this anyway.
So I do my get/post translation in the controller and then send raw data to the model for validation and processing. Of course I am often doing php/mysql web applications and if you are doing other things results may vary. I hope this helps someone.
Validation must be in the Model
Only the model knows the "details" of the business. only the model knows which data is acceptable and which data is not. the controller just knows how to "use" the model.
for example: let's say we need the functionality of registering new users to our system.
The Model:
public function registerUser(User $user){
//pseudo code
//primitive validation
//log the invalid input error
return "age";
//log the invalid input error
return "name";
//business logic validation
//our buisnees only accept grown peoples
if($user->age < 18){
//log the error
return "age";
//our buisness accepts only users with good physique
if($user->weight > 100){
//log the error
return "weight";
//ervery thing is ok ? then insert the user
//data base query (insert into user (,,,) valeues (?,?,?,?))
return true;
Now the controller/s job is to "use" the model registerUser() function without the knowledge of how the model is going to do the validation, or even what is considered "valid" or not!
the Controller:
$user = new User();
$user->age = isset($_POST['age']) ? $_POST['age'] : null;
$user->name = isset($_POST['name']) ? $_POST['name'] : null;
$user->age = isset($_POST['weight']) ? $_POST['weight'] : null;
$result = $theModel->registerUser($user);// <- the controller uses the model
if($result === true){
//build the view(page/template) with success message and die
$msg = "";
//use the return value from the function or you can check the error logs
switch ($result){
case"age" :
$msg = "Sorry, you must be over 18";
case "name":
$msg = "name field is not correct";
case "weight":
$msg = "Sorry, you must have a good physique";
//build the view(page/template) with error messages and die
The class user
class User {
public $age;
public $name;
public $weight;
having an architecture like that will "free" the controllers completely from the details of the business logic -which is a good thing-.
Suppose we want to make another form of user registration somewhere else in the website (and we will have another controller allocated for it). now the other controller will use the same method of the model registerUser().
But if we distributed the validation logic between the controller and the model they will not be separated -which is bad and against MVC- meaning that every time you need to make new view and controller to register new user you must use the same old controller AND the model together. Moreover if the business logic is changed (we now accept teenagers in our sports club) you are going only to change the code in the model registerUser() function. the controllers code is still the same.
Its business logic, so no, it doesn't belong in the model.
Within the controller you have the ModelState property to which you can add validation errors to.
See this example on the MSDN.
Assuming your application is structured like:
The user input would come to your controller, and you would use services in the service layer to validate it.
Business Logic -> Controller
Data Validation -> Model
