X11 Forwarding via Proxy Tunnel - x11

I am trying to run windowed applications on a private server that I connect to via Putty with HTTP Proxy Tunnel (Squid server on another host). I can connect fine to the Host's CLI, but whenever I try to run "xclock" or "gedit", it gives the error below:
PuTTY X11 proxy: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 data did not matchPuTTY X11 proxy: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 data did not matchPuTTY X11 proxy: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 data did not matchPuTTY X11 proxy: MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 data did not matchError: Can't open display: localhost:10.0
I doublechecked my /etc/ssh/sshd_config and all the configuration seems correct. Is there any extra configurations that I have to set on the Squid config?


Access public PostgreSQL server (Amazon RDS) from personal computer through proxy

I'm new to Amazon Web Service (AWS).
I already created a PostgreSQL from AWS RDS:
Endpoint: database-1.XXX.rds.amazonaws.com
Port: 5432
Public accessibility: Yes
Availablity zone: ap-northeast-1c
After that, I will push my application that using the database to AWS (maybe deploy to EKS).
However, I want to try testing the database server from my local computer first.
I haven't tried testing from my laptop PC at home yet, but I think it will connect OK because my laptop PC is not using the HTTP proxy to connect to the network.
The problem is that I want to try testing from my company PC, which needs setup the HTTP proxy to connect to the internet. The PC spec:
Windows 10
Installed PostgreSQL 10
Firstly, I tried using psql command-line:
psql -h database-1.XXXX.rds.amazonaws.com -U postgre
> Unknown host
set http_proxy=http://user:password#my_company_proxy:3128
set https_proxy=http://user:password#my_company_proxy:3128
psql -h database-1.XXXX.rds.amazonaws.com -U postgre
> Unknown host
set http_proxy=http://my_second_company_proxy:3128
set https_proxy=http://my_second_company_proxy:3128
psql -h database-1.XXXX.rds.amazonaws.com -U postgre
> Unknown host
Then, I tried using the pgAdmin tool.
As from the internet post, it said that we can use "SSH Tunnel" for inputing proxy:
However, the error message will be shown:
So, anyone can help suggest if we can connect to the public PostgreSQL server through HTTP proxy?
I think problem is Postgres uses plain TCP/IP protocol and you are trying to use HTTP proxy. Also you're trying to create SSH tunnel against your HTTP proxy server which won't work.
So I'd suggest following solutions:
Use TCP proxy instead of HTTP proxy
Create an EC2 or any instance that has SSH access from your company network and has access to public internet. So that you can create SSH tunnel through that instance to achieve your goal.
NOTE: Make sure you PostgreSQL is accessible from public internet (although this is usually bad idea, but it's out of scope this question) sometimes security group configs prevent it to connect from public internet.
Just add all ports(5432,3128...) in the Security Group from your RDS and specify your IP. Don't forget "/32"
Let me add that "unknown host" is usually an indication that you're not resolving the DNS hostname. Also, your HTTP proxy should not interfere with connections to databases since they aren't on port 80 or 443. A couple of things you can try (assuming you're on windows) sub in your actual url:
nslookup database-1.XXXX.rds.amazonaws.com
telnet database-1.XXXX.rds.amazonaws.com 5432
You should also check the security group that is attached to your RDS and make sure you've opened up the ip address that you're originating from on port TCP/5432.
Lastly check that your VPC has DNS and Hostnames enabled. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpc-dns.html#vpc-dns-updating

Unable to connect MongoDB Compass to AWS DocumentDB using SSH tunnel

I am new to mongoDB trying to setup tools for my new project. Most of my infrastructure run on AWS so i prefer to use AWS documentDB. I manage to connect to documentDB from EC2 both via mongo client or NodeJS aplication. but it would be good to mange documentDB from my Windows workstation using MongoDB Compass.
As we know, we can not direct connect any mongo client from outside AWS to DocumentDB Connecting to an Amazon DocumentDB Cluster from Outside an Amazon VPC
so we need SSH tunnel through EC2. I try many options but still fail... below are most likely 2 options:
Option 1: Connect using MongoDB Compass SSH tunnel
Error: unable to get local issuer certificate
both RDS-COMBINED-CA-BUNDLE.PEM and SSH Key already supplied so which one unable to get?
as red highlight on SSH port, I also tried to open another SSHD port on server and tried to connect using second port but still failed.
Option 2: Connect using Putty SSH tunnel
Error: Hostname/IP does not match certificate's altnames...
since MongoDB Compass need to connect to locathost to get into tunnel and i still can not find the way to supply --sslAllowInvalidHostnames options.
So, what i can do to get around this ?
MongoDB Compass: 1.25.0
I am done with Compass.
successful established "robo3t" connection to AWS DocumentDB using this guild.
As of Jan 2022 MongoDB Compass does not support sslInvalidHostNameAllowed=true in the connection builder form, this is the parameter you are missing in order to connect to AWS DocumentDB while ssh tunneling to a machine inside the same VPC of the database itself.
I used Studio 3T and it worked perfectly. You could create the connection string yourself or try other GUI.
Edit Jan 2023:
I just gave a try to compass again and it seems they now support sslInvalidHostNameAllowed flag through the UI, you could still change manually the connection string but then any UI interaction would overwrite it.
If you edit the connection string directly in MongoDB Compass you can set options that may not be accessible in the user interface.
Below is an example with tweaked parameters to connect without using TLS:
For Hostname, are you using DocumentDB endpoint? In one screenshot, I see you are using localhost.
I have managed to connect with option 1.
The workaround can be by establish connection using SSH Tunnel (port forward) and so that SSH tunnel opens a port on your local system that connects through to another port at the other end of the tunnel.
Using the below command establishes a tunnel on terminal and later you can use this channel/connection to connect MongoDB using MongoDB Compass.
For example:
ssh user#aws-ec2-ip-address -L 35356: -N
where -L as the Local listening side
Port 35356 is listening on localhost (that is in this case your EC2) and port forwards through to port 27017 on remote server.
Note - Add identity file in .ssh/config
Ex - On Mac
HostName 52.xx.xx.xx
User ubuntu
IdentityFile ./path/prod.pem

Can't connect to internet via SOCKS5 proxy server

I have configured SOCKS5 proxy server in AWS with dante and it runs fine.
when I try the following command in CMD
curl -L -x socks5://user:password#23.29.xx.xx:1313 http://www.google.com/
it works,
But when I configure my LAN proxy configs, it can't access to the internet via any browser.
for CURL proxy server works but for browsers it doesn't.
please help.
The reason for this is, I have enabled the user authentication in the server. Unlikely in HTTP proxy servers, there is no signin popup in socks5. This was fixed after I added the username and password.

Why can't login to harbor server form client at plain HTTP case?

Installed harbor on a host. Using plain HTTP protocol.
The IP is
I can login it from harbor server itself:
sudo docker login
And can access it from browser:
But can't login it from other client(Mac, installed docker use it). The error message is:
docker login
Username: user1
Password: (my_password)
Error response from daemon: Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
From Harbor documentation there has this notice:
IMPORTANT: The default installation of Harbor uses HTTP - as such, you will need to add the option --insecure-registry to your client's Docker daemon and restart the Docker service.
Both the harbor host and client host set /etc/docker/daemon.json:
{ "insecure-registries":[""] }
and restarted docker. However, it not works.
If don't setup harbor under HTTPS protocol now, is there a way to access it from client correctly?
It's unnecessary to set /etc/docker/daemon.json on client. Mac has another way:
Apply and Restart

Access web server over https in a Docker container

I'm using Boot2Docker to manage Docker containers in Windows and I have a container running an IBM Liberty server (I guess is the same for any other server), I can access the server home screen in the host machine using only the ip (which I get using the command boot2docker ip), but if I try to access the server using the https port, like this xx.xx.xx.xx:9443 the connection fails.
I tried forwarding the port in VirtualBox like this:
And then access the server using the ports 1000 or 1001, but it fails too.
Am I missing something?
BTW, I'm using default NAT connection.
https uses port 443 (not 9443) by default.
Make both "Host Port" and "Guest Port" 443 and try again.
