Enable Confluence to run on Port 80 in windows server 2012 - windows

I am having difficulty getting Confluence running on windows server 2012 on port 80. (the machine in hosted in Azure which is why I need to run it on port 80 (i dont have access to other ports from where I am trying to use this)).
I believe something must be running on port 80 , though i did a netstat -y and didnt see anything.
I think its IIS any idea how I should kill that or what else could be causing confluence to not run on port 80?
*confluence works find on say port 8090 but i need to run it on port 80.
mind you I cant get confluence to run on port 80 on the local instance of windows server, never mind accessing it from another location thus i dont think this has anything to do with azure
running a
netstat -abn
shows nothing running on port 80. Im still not sure why I cant get confluence to work locally on port 80.

A virtual machine in Azure is not directly public accessible. You need to configure endpoints in the cloudservice (which acts as a loadbalancer).
So for instance you can configure a public endpoint port 80 on the cloudservice to point to your VM port 8090. See http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-set-up-endpoints/ for more information.

If the Endpoint is open on Azure to the VM then my advice would be to check the firewall settings on the host. Typically most ports are shut unless they are explicitly opened by installing a feature like IIS (windows web server).


SonarQube on windows - can only view locally

I have a windows server 2016 machine which I have Jenkins running on. I wanted to install SonarQube. So have downloaded v7.1
I have managed to start sonarqube on the machine and can view the webserver at http://localhost:9000
I tried to view the page on a different machine using the IP address and port 9000, but this doesn't connect. Looking in the sonar.properties file I can see
Binding IP address. For servers with more than one IP address, this property specifies which
address will be used for listening on the specified ports.
By default, ports will be used on all IP addresses associated with the server. sonar.web.host=http://xx.xxx.xxxx.xxx
If I use http:// then sonarqube starts, but I can't see sonarqube from any other machine, if I don't use http:// (so just the ip) then it won't start with a bind error.
Has anyone experience of setting this up on windows?
Turns out it was something a lot simpler, the machine is being run on azure and there was no port 9000 endpoint

IIS: unable to browse server using host IP address plus Port number different from 80

I have an app running in IIS on port 7000. I am able to browse localhost and localhost:7000 but when i change local host to the ip of the computer, I am only able to browse and not :7000 why is this the case?
I think the solution is here but i cannot figure out how to get to local policies on windows 7 and change the required settings. Below is what i get when i browse with the port.
When i Added my new application using the IIS Manager, I specified the hostname as localhost. All i had to do was to leave it blank. This setting is similar to the default app in IIS running on port 80

Not able to access EC2 custom port from remote machine

I have hosted web application (developed in PHP) on Amazon EC2 micro instance. As per default setting, i can access 80, 22, 443 and 3306 ports from remote locations means from Home(terminal window) using telnet command.
I want to open another custom TCP port XXXXX. I have added that port in Security Group. when i am trying to connect that port through telnet command it is always show "Connection refused".
I have been trying to solve this issue for 3 days but could not get successful solution.
Help would be really appreciated.
Adding a port in security group (inbound) ensures that the port can be accessed from outside. Please check following
Is the port open for anywhere ( or for a custom IP. If for custom IP, please check the IP of your machine (search 'what is my ip' on google).
Is there any application listening on the port on EC2 machine.

vmWare Workstation External Accessibility Issue

I'm running Windows Server 2012 w/ vmWare Workstation. I've built a GitLab VM on Centos 7 that's totally setup and accessible on my local network. It's configured using Bridged Mode so it has it's own IP from the DHCP Server.
I use No-IP to connect to my Network externally which has been working great for several years now. I have port-forwarding setup within my router to forward traffic for the GitLab webUI to the GitLab VM, but it's not accessible externally. I even tried setting up the port forwarding to direct the traffic to the Windows Server and then setup internal port forwarding w/ netsh on the Windows Server to forward the traffic to the GitLab VM, making sure I opened the port on the Windows Firewall (even tried disabling it), but I still can't get to the GitLab VM externally. AFAIK running a VM w/ a Bridged adapter should essentially be like it is just another physical machine on the network.
Now, I am running IIS on the Windows Server, but when I specify a specific port using my public No-IP Domain, the router should detect the traffic on that port and forward it according to the rules that I have setup, correct? IIS shouldn't be interfering with any traffic on other ports with the external Domain.
I'm totally stumped on this on and searching around the web really hasn't helped much.
So it turns out that I did everything 100% correctly with setting up port forwarding right to the IP of the VM, but my workplace blocks just about every port except for 80 and 443. Tested connectivity from an AWS box and everything is accessible exactly as designed.
Now I just feel like an idiot, but hey, I figured it out.

WAMP not working on Windows 7 Enterprise

I am using WAMP on Windows 7 Enterprise. It was working fine initially, even though the icon remained red in the tray. My PC remains on 24x7 but yesterday I restarted it due to a pending windows update. And now, WAMP no longer works i.e. I cannot access anything under localhost. The browser (chrome) returns a webpage unavailable error.
I do not have Skype installed. I did try and test, and it said that Port 80 is used by some other application. As I do not have admin rights, I reconfigured the httpd.conf file for Apache to port 81, but even that did not help.
I also ran a netstat -ao using CMD, but I could not find anything running on Port 80.
Any ideas as to what can be done to solve this? Thanks.
I had the same issue in my windows 7 home basic.
Maybe you could solve by this:
1)Your port 80 is mostly blocked by Microsoft iis server. so if iis is using port 80 than apache wont be able to use the port.
2) So, change the listening port of apache. apache has a file name httpd.conf.Open the file in a text editor and there will be port 80 already written, change the port to 8080 (mostly people use 8080).
3)So now your Apache runs on different port.
4) Restart apache services or restart your wamp server.
5)now Open your local host by, localhost:8080
6)you will see your localhost page.
Hope it solved your problem.
