Testflight iOS8 - Non Apple ID Account - ios8

I've just installed the latest testflight app on my personal iphone 6.
We've got a company testflight user logins which are completely separate from our personal accounts.
However when I launch the testflight app it wants to use my Apple ID - which has no access to any of the apps as they're all linked to the organisation email.
Is there a way I can logout and use my organisational account for this single app?

Go to your Settings. Then go to iTunes & App Store. Tap your email address at the top to Sign Out and sign in with a different account.
Afterwards, you can log back into your personal account.
There is no way to sign in to your company account for just the TestFlight app.

You don't need to have Test flight on same email id. You may register with any email to receive test builds. You just need to have access to that email in your device.
Make Safari your default browser for opening links. Once you receive the email. Click on "Open in TestFlight" and it will open the Test Flight app and add the build to it.

If you open the "Open in TestFlight" link in Safari on the device you'd like to test with it will add the beta app to the TestFlight app even if the emails don't match.
Opening the link in other browsers will not work.


How to use the sandbox user on MacOS app to test IAP?

As usual, all the existing answers on Stackoverflow relate to iOS and nothing is out there for MacOS.
I have signed out of Mac AppStore.
When I try to attempt a IAP purchase on my app I get this error message shown:
Account Not In This Store Your account is not valid for use in the
U.S. store.
You must switch to the U.K. store before purchasing.
[Environment: Sandbox]
I have created fresh Sandbox users, but the app is not asking me to enter them. And based on the documentation of Apple I shouldn't enter them into the AppStore login or I get them wasted.
I have deleted the ~/Library/Containers/app-bundle-id, rebooted the dev machine and cleared once again the build folder. But I can't get it working.
How do I get a prompt for entering the sandbox user?
Any advice would be appreciated.

macOS In-App Purchase in sandbox environment not authorised

I'm trying to get In-App Purchases (IAPs) working in a macOS app using the same Swift code, sandbox testers, and iTunes Connect account that I used for my iOS app. However, I can't get it to work. I'm using macOS High Sierra 10.13.6.
Open app
Apple's IAP testing recommendations are found here:
On a development macOS device, sign out of the Mac App Store. Then build your app in Xcode and launch it from the Finder.
If the text “[Environment: Sandbox]” doesn’t appear, you’re using the production environment. Make sure you’re running a development-signed build of your app. Production-signed builds use the production environment.
I have followed these steps by signing out of the Mac App Store, and building my app – signed for development – then launching it from the Finder. This means I don't get debug logs, unfortunately.
Navigate to table of products in-app
Here's my table of products:
I can buy a product by pressing the "Free" button or the "£4.99" button.
Attempt to buy product by pressing "Free"
After a short wait, brings up this popup saying 'Sign-in required'. I sign in using one of my sandbox testers (note: I have tried five different test accounts now, all of which worked on an iOS app under the same iTunes Connect account), registered with email addresses that aren't Apple IDs:
Having selected 'Buy', a short wait after that, this next popup appears:
After selecting 'Cancel' (as recommended here), after a short wait, the next popup appears:
You are not authorized to make purchases of this InApp in Sandbox at this time.
[Environment: Sandbox]
So I'm not sure whether it logged me in or not, and I assume that my purchase has failed (my table UI doesn't update to say 'purchased'). Note that I have also tried pressing 'Change Store' here, and it still fails ultimately.
Attempt to buy product by pressing "Free" again
This time, I'm not prompted to log in; I'm instead asked immediately whether I'd like to purchase the product. I click 'Confirm'.
However, now the purchase transaction never completes:
What might I be doing wrong? Do I need to log out of anything (e.g. iCloud) in Settings > Internet Accounts too?
Seems lame, but I eventually solved this by making new Sandbox tester accounts (tip: this time, I configured them as being US-based to avoid the complication of switching stores during the payment flow).
I think the problem was that I hadn't verified the Sandbox tester accounts I'd been using. This is either because Apple's email asking me to verify/activate the Sandbox tester accounts got sorted into my junk mail and missed completely, or because their backend had been having problems when I did click the link in their emails (I experienced both of these behaviours).

Can I use In-App-Purchases when distributing outside of Apple's App Store?

I'm new to mac os app development and the documentation doesn't ever say that this is not supported (as far as I could tell).
Can I use IAPs if I don't submit to the App Store?
Is there anything different that I should do to setup IAPs when distributing outside of the App Store?
It looks like this is not possible, as documented here:
Only iCloud and Push Notifications are available.
I think its possible by following instructions below.
Go to itunesConnect , Users and Roles, Create a sandbox user . I am thinking you have already made the in app purchase items in your app in itunes connect. Now in your device log out the Appstore ID from settings. Do the in app purchase using the Test user credentials you created, and it will make the in app using a sandbox environment.
For more info about In App follow this link :

Mac app direct distribution: "Your account does not have permission to create Mac App Direct Distribution certificates"

I want to distribute my mac application outside the App Store (as file downloadable from our servers), but every attempt to export archive from Xcode with option "Export a Developer ID-signed Application" ends with a "Permission failure":
Your account does not have permission to create Mac App Direct
Distribution certificates
I've downloaded and added all certificates to my keychain (system).
I'm using an Organization Apple Developer account, so is it possible to use this type of account to sign applications outside the App Store or must I have an Enterprise Program Account to do it? Or is there other problem?
I consulted this problem with Apple and their answer is:
You certainly don’t need an Enterprise account to distribute Developer
ID signed apps. One gotcha here is that you must be the Team Agent in
order to issue Developer ID certificates. Please double check that.
Problem was, that I have Admin role in our team, but only user with Team Agent role has permission to generate certificates for distribution of app outside the App Store (Developer-ID signed apps). So, I generated a Certificate Signing Request and sent it to our Team Agent, then he creeated and sent a certificate for me and now I can sign apps.
This seems to be a bug or poorly described feature in iTunes Connect & the Apple Developer portal.
I had a developer that joined my team, initially as a "member", but wasn't able to create certificates, even after giving him admin access. It turns out, that I believe we were only giving him admin access to Itunes connect, but not to the developer page.
The correct fix was to go to the developer portal, click the "People" tab (or go to this URL https://developer.apple.com/account/#/people/), remove his access, then use the Invite as Admins to add him to the account. He then had to go into Xcode and remove his developer account information, add it back in, and then he was finally able to upload builds to Testflight without this error.
In my case, I signed the app with another team. Change the team and re-achieve the app solves the issue.

App not showing up in TestFlight App

My app has been uploaded successfully to iTunes connect, and I've selected the most recent version for testing:
However, it does not show up in the TestFlight app. And i'm signed into the iCloud account that is an internal tester for this app. Not sure why it's not showing up?
Looks like I needed to go through the invite email first. My bad, but hopefully this clears it up for someone assuming it will automatically show up in the TestFlight app.
