Beginner to AX DYNAMICS Need clarification - installation

i would like to migrate to dymanics technical, i going to install dynamics in my laptop which has 500 gb hardsisk,4gb ram,win 7,icore 3 processor will it be okay for the software ? some saying it will got hangup and gives slow response am ready to upgrade hard disk and ram too , give me a better idea whether to buy a external hdd or to upgrade my laptop,Help me out got stuck
Thanks in Advance

According to the system requirements (a link to which could also be found on the AX 2012 download web pages: CustomerSource and PartnerSource),
Server - 8 GB RAM is the minimum, 14 GB is recommended.
Client - 2 GB RAM is the minimum, 4 GB is recommended.
If you have acces to PartnerSource you can download an image of the virtual machine with AX 2012 demo and solution demos.


Laravel 6.0 local server

I have this project in laravel 6.0 stored locally in my laptop. I am just wondering if I can still run this same project to another local PC and use it as a server for local only. I know it would be better to have a dedicated server for this project but this is not a bigtime system. I just want to run it only in my property. Is it okay if the said server is with these specs?
Processor- Intel® Core™ i7-4770
MotherBoard- Gigabyte GA-Z97X Gaming 7 ATX
Cooler- Stock Cooler
RAM- 1x8gb ddr3 Team Elite
GPU- Asus RX 570 4gb ddr5
HDD- WD Green 1TB (100% Healthy)
PSU- Seasonic M12II 620watts fully modular
I don't know if I should I this here or to another site. Thanks if you could help me enlightened.
First of all, in addition to the hardware of the machine where you want to host the application, a more thorough study would be necessary such as the type of application you want to host and the data traffic that you will have. In addition to the type of database manager you are going to use, if it will be hosted on the same machine or remotely.
As you said, I understand that it is for domestic use and I imagine that you will use MySql hosted on the same machine (correct me if I am wrong), so with the hardware you described it should not cause you problems.
Hope this can help you
Your hardware should suffice, however if you can manage it, try setting it up on a Linux command only OS. Most importantly—if possible—replace your HDD with an SSD, even if it is a small one, it will improve a lot the performance of your application.

Accurev SCM Performance Very Slow on Mac OSX

I'm the Accurev administrator at work. I have one of my users on Mac OSX that is having really bad performance - it takes about 45 seconds between launching the app and displaying the login screen. It takes 8 seconds to run "accurev info". Our server is version 5.3a and the client is version 5.3b. We had the same issue on version 4.7. We opened a support case a month ago and have had a lot of back and forth.
Here's the hardware information
Model Name: iMac
Model Identifier: iMac11,3
Processor Name: Intel Core i7
Processor Speed: 2.93 GHz
Number Of Processors: 1
Total Number Of Cores: 4
L2 Cache (per core): 256 KB
L3 Cache: 8 MB
Memory: 8 GB
Processor Interconnect Speed: 4.8 GT/s
Boot ROM Version: IM112.0057.B00
SMC Version (system): 1.59f2
Here's the output from "accurev diag"
Basic CPU : 108233.76
Host name resolution : 286.69
Memory : 582.40
Guaranteed disk write : 135.52 MBytes/sec
Network read : 11.20 MBytes/sec, 11472.14 KBytes/sec
Available network bandwidth is equivalent to typical 100Mbit LAN
Network write : 10.72 MBytes/sec, 10973.83 KBytes/sec
Available network bandwidth is equivalent to typical 100Mbit LAN
All other application are really quick on this machine. I have a Macbook Pro with an i7 and 4GB Ram and accurev works great on it. That said, I'm not a Mac expert.
I'm at a loss and this user is really becoming frustrated. Do any of you have suggestions?
Thanks in advance for reading this question.
Could you post the support case ID so I could look into the history? My first inclination would be to isolate if it's the accurev client in general or limited to the Java GUI. How long does it take run commands like "accurev show -fx depots" from a command shell, compared to opening the list of depots in the GUI, for example?
If it turns out to be the AccuRev client in general, is it possible that there is some kind of duplexing going on from the client machine over the network? I've seen this happen via VoIP phones. The "accurev diag" output makes this seem less likely though. Have you tried having them delete their "preferences.xml" file that lives in the user's .accurev directory under their home directory?
Just some thoughts...

how much disk space is needed for vs 2008

we are installing it on a box that doesn't have much space and we can't seem to find the required disk space requirements
The box (and MSDN) says 2.2GB, but that's probably for full install with the MSDN stuff.
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0" is 700Mb on my machine with C++ and c# installed.
Figure a Gb with any stuff it's stuck somewhere else and MSDN.
Well, a very unscientific survey of my dev PC tells me it uses 1.67 Gb.
Depends which options you install, I suppose...
The min system requirements can be found Professional Edition system requirements
Hardware requirements:
Minimum: 2.0 GHz CPU, 512 MB RAM, 8 GB HDD
Recommended: 2.6 GHz CPU, 1 GB RAM, 20 GB HDD
The min is really 8gb, your forgetting the space you need to run it, compile, sql databases, etc that sort of thing.

How much space should I leave for my Windows 7 partition?

I'm setting up a complete .NET development environment on my Macbook Pro.
I'm using Visual Studio 08 team suite, SQL server 2008, MS Office and other tools (like FinalBuilder, RegexBuddy, Beyond Compare).
How big should my windows 7 (beta currently) partition be? Will 100GB be enough?
NOTE: I wasn't sure if this was programming related enough for SO, so I'll just let the community decide if this question is relevant.
100 GB should be more than enough for all those apps. I've installed win7 in a virtual machine and the virtual HDD ended up with a size of 7GB (that's only the OS of course). Trying the same with Vista, for example, uses about 25GB. It seems they're making it lighter.
You described my laptop. 100 GB would leave approx. 40GB for Users directory.
100 GB will be plenty. You'll have OS, apps, but no music, pics, videos. 100GB is probably overkill, especially if you can resize it if needed.
I have Windows 7 installed on a laptop with 2 100 Gb hard drives.
Currently I'm using 18 Gb and that's with most of the primary stuff installed, but not Visual Studio or SQL, but those probably won't use more than 10 Gb (I reckon). I do have Virtual XP Mode installed which is probably quite large too.
The Windows folder is about 9.3 Gb
The User folder is 3.2 Gb (but I have some large files on my desktop)
The Program Files is 3.0 Gb
The rest of the files on the OS-drive are mostly driver files which you don't have to leave on the drive itself.
So 100 gb would probably even be an overkill, but does give you some headroom!
Windows7 is going to be a little bit smaller than Windows Vista. So if you create partition big enough for Windows Vista, it will be perfect for Windows7.
See Engineering7 blog for more information about disk space in Windows7.
I would give as much as you could to Windows 7, since it will probably become your primary OS. I find that I rarely use my OSX partition, except for cracking WEP.
100 GB is barely enough. You can install Windows 7 and the mentioned programs along with lot of other stuff, but once you get to have some lots of trash there and there plus you happen to download movies and such it gets cumbersome.
Unless you're relying on some other device for things other than those tools, I recommend a larger space allocation, of at least 150 GB

IIS6 on Windows 2003 Enterprise Edition x32 and Memory

I have ASP.NET 2.0 applications running on 32 bit Windows 2K3 Standard edition with 4GB of RAM. I want to upgrade the server to Enterprise edition and add more memory to a total of 6GB. I assume that I will need to enable PAE extensions to do this.
How much of this extra 2GB will be usable to the W3WP worker processes? The root issue is that 2 of the WPs are exceeding 900MB every so often and causing OutOfMemory Exceptions.
The alternative is that I get a new server and move half the applications to it, which is a more expensive and time consuming option.
In order to use the extra 2GB /PAE must be enabled in the boot.ini. Each WP will then still be limited to 2GB physical memory.
You will not need the PAE extensions. As long as you don't have a WP that needs more than 2GB of its own.
