Pig load files using tuple's field - hadoop

I need help for following use case:
Initially we load some files and and process those records (or more technically tuples). After this processing, finally we have tuples of the form:
(some_field_1, hdfs://localhost:9000/user/kailashgupta/data/1/part-r-00000, some_field_3)
(some_field_1, hdfs://localhost:9000/user/kailashgupta/data/2/part-r-00000, some_field_3)
(some_field_1, hdfs://localhost:9000/user/kailashgupta/data/1/part-r-00001, some_field_3)
So basically, tuples has file path as value of its field (We can obviously transform this tuple having only one field having file path as value OR to a single tuple having only one field with some delimiter (say comma) separated string).
So now I have to load these files in Pig script, but I am not able to do so. Could you please suggest how to proceed further. I thought of using advanced foreach operator and tried as follows:
data = foreach tuples_with_file_info {
fileData = load $2 using PigStorage(',');
However its not working.
For simplicity lets assume, I have single tuple with one field having file name:

You can't use Pig out of the box to do it.
What I would do is use some other scripting language (bash, Python, Ruby...) to read the file from hdfs and concatenate the files into a single string that you can then push as a parameter to a Pig script to use in your LOAD statement. Pig supports globbing so you can do the following:
a = LOAD '{hdfs://localhost:9000/user/kailashgupta/data/1/part-r-00000,hdfs://localhost:9000/user/kailashgupta/data/2/part-r-00000}' ...
so all that's left to do is read the file that contains those file names, concatenate them into a glob such as:
and pass that as a parameter to Pig so your script would start with:
a = LOAD '$input'
and your pig call would look like this:
pig -f script.pig -param input={hdfs://localhost:9000/user/kailashgupta/data/1/part-r-00000,hdfs://localhost:9000/user/kailashgupta/data/2/part-r-00000}

First, store the tuples_with_file_info into some file:
STORE tuples_with_file_info INTO 'some_temporary_file';
data = LOAD 'some_temporary_file' using MyCustomLoader();
MyCustomLoader is nothing but a Pig loader extending LoadFunc, which uses MyInputFormat as InputFormat.
MyInputFormat is an encapsulation over the actual InputFormat (e.g. TextInputFormat) which has to be used to read actual data from the files (e.g. in my case from file hdfs://localhost:9000/user/kailashgupta/data/1/part-r-00000).
In MyInputFormat, override getSplits method; first read the actual file name(s) from the some_temporary_file (You have to get this file name from Configuration's mapred.input.dir property), then update the same Configuration mapred.input.dir with retrieved file names, then return result from wrapped up InputFormat (e.g. in my case TextInputFormat).
Note: 1. You cannot use the setLocation API from the LoadFunc (or some other similar API) to read the contents of some_temporary_file, as its contents will be available only at run time.
2. One doubt may arise in your mind, what if LOAD statement executes before STORE? But this would not happen because if STORE and LOAD use same file in the script, Pig ensures that the jobs are executed in the right sequence. For more detail you may read section Store-load sequences on Pig Wiki


Automate downloading of multiple xml files from web service with power query

I want to download multiple xml files from web service API. I have a query that gets a JSON document:
= Json.Document(Web.Contents("http://reports.sem-o.com/api/v1/documents/static-reports?DPuG_ID=BM-086&page_size=100"))
and manipulates it to get list of file names such as: PUB_DailyMeterDataD1_201812041627.xml in a column on an excel spreadsheet.
I hoped to get a function to run against this list of names to get all the data, so first I worked on one file: PUB_DailyMeterDataD1_201812041627
= Xml.Tables(Web.Contents("https://reports.sem-o.com/documents/PUB_DailyMeterDataD1_201812041627.xml"))
This gets an xml table which I manipulate to get the data I want (the half hourly metered MWh for generator GU_401970
Now I want to change the query into a function to automate the process across all xml files avaiable from the service. The function requires a variable to be substituted for the filename. I try this as preparation for the function:
Source = (Web.Contents("https://reports.sem-o.com/documents/Filename")),
(followed by the manipulating Mcode)
This doesnt work.
then this:
Source = Xml.Tables(Web.Contents("https://reports.sem-o.com/documents/[Filename]")),
I get:
DataFormat.Error: Xml processing failed. Either the input is invalid or it isn't supported. (Internal error: Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.)
So stuck here. Can you help.
You append strings with the "&" symbol in Power Query. [Somename] is the format for referencing a field within a table, a normal variable is just referenced with it's name. So in your example
let Filename="PUB_DailyMeterDataD1_201812041627.xml",
Source = Xml.Tables(Web.Contents("https://reports.sem-o.com/documents/" & Filename)),
Would work.
It sounds like you have an existing query that drills down to a list of filenames and you are trying to use that to import them from the url though, so assuming that the column you have gotten the filenames from is called "Filename" then you could add a custom column with this in it
Xml.Tables(Web.Contents("https://reports.sem-o.com/documents/" & [Filename]))
And it will load the table onto the row of each of the filenames.

MapReduce One-to-one processing of multiple input files

Please clarify
I have set of input files (say 10) with specific names. I run word count job on all files at once (input path is folder). I am expecting 10 output files with same names as input files. I.e. File1 input should be counted and should be stored in a separate output file with "file1" name. And so on to all files.
There are 2 approaches you can take to achieve multiple outputs
Use MultipleOutputs class - refer this document for information about multipleclassoutput (https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.6.3/api/org/apache/hadoop/mapreduce/lib/output/MultipleOutputs.html) , for more information about how to implement refer this http://appsintheopen.com/posts/44-map-reduce-multiple-outputs
Another option is using LazyOuputFormat, however, this is used in conjunction with multipleoutputs, for more information about its implementation refer this ( https://ssmolen.wordpress.com/2014/07/09/hadoop-mapreduce-write-output-to-multiple-directories-depending-on-the-reduce-key/ ).
I feel using LazyOutputFormat in conjunction with MultipleOuputs class is better approach.
Set the number of reduce tasks to be equal to the number of input files. This will create the given number of output files, as well.
Add a file prefix to each map output key (word). E.g., when you meet the word "cat" in file named "file0.txt" you can emit the key "0_cat", or "file0_cat", or anything else that is unique for "file0.txt". Use the context to get each time the filename.
Override the default Partitioner, to make sure that all the map output keys with prefix "0_", or "file0_" will go to the first partition, all the keys with prefix "1_", or "file1_" will go to the second, etc.
In the reducer, remove the "x_" or "filex_" prefix from the output key and use it as the name of the output file (using MultipleOutputs). Otherwise, if you don't want MultipleOutputs, you can easily do the mapping between outputfiles and input files by checking your Partitioner code. (e.g., part-00000 will be the partition 0's output)

How to load a file with a JSON array per line in Pig Latin

An existing script creates text files with an array of JSON objects per line, e.g.,
I would like to load this data in Pig, exploding the arrays and processing each individual object.
I have looked at using the JsonLoader in Twitter’s Elephant Bird to no avail. It doesn’t complain about the JSON, but I get “Successfully read 0 records” when running the following:
register '/tmp/elephant-bird/core/target/elephant-bird-core-4.3-SNAPSHOT.jar';
register '/tmp/elephant-bird/hadoop-compat/target/elephant-bird-hadoop-compat-4.3-SNAPSHOT.jar';
register '/tmp/elephant-bird/pig/target/elephant-bird-pig-4.3-SNAPSHOT.jar';
register '/usr/local/lib/json-simple-1.1.1.jar';
a = load '/path/to/file.json' using com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.load.JsonLoader('-nestedLoad=true');
dump a;
I have also tried loading the file as normal, treating each line as a containing a single column chararray, and then trying to parse that as JSON, but I can’t find a pre-existing UDF which seems to do the trick.
Any ideas?
Like Donald said, you should use a UDF here. Here in Xplenty we wrote JsonStringToBag to complement ElephantBird's JsonStringToMap.

Apache Pig - Is it possible to serialize a variable?

Let's take the wordCount example:
input_lines = LOAD '/tmp/my-copy-of-all-pages-on-internet' AS (line:chararray);
-- Extract words from each line and put them into a pig bag
-- datatype, then flatten the bag to get one word on each row
bag_words = FOREACH input_lines GENERATE FLATTEN(TOKENIZE(line)) AS word;
Is it possible to serialize the "bag_words" variable so that we don't have to rebuild the entire bag each time we want to execute the script ?
STORE bag_words INTO 'some-output-directory';
Then read it in later to skip the foreach generate, flatten, tokenize.
You can output any alias in pig using the STORE command: you could use standard formats (like CSV) or write your own PigLoader class to implement any specific behaviour. You can then LOAD this output in a separate script, thus bypassing the initial LOAD.

How to use Hadoop for reading 10 million records from csv file and create pdf for each record

Below question is more aligned to MapReduce than Hadoop.
I need to know how to use hadoop for the below use case.
Usecase : Read 10 million records(Each record having 20 column) from a tsv
file and generate a pdf for each record.
I have below unit programs available with me.
Program Description: A static method which accepts a java object(represents a
single record), and returns a FilePath String(created pdf).
Program Name : PdfUtil.createPdf(Record record) - returns FilePath String.
What I should do in map method and what I should do in the reduce method.
If I call PdfUtil.createPdf method inside map method of Mapper, what I should do in Reduce methos of Reducer.?
#Suresh:Yes you can code in Map Reduce without using Reduce Method.
Just Write the Map Method, call PdfUtil.createPdf using it.
One thing I am confused of, do you need a PDF file per record ?
