can't delete URL rewrites in Magento 1.7 - magento

I have 43,806 rows under Catalog -> URL Rewrite Management but my sitemap.xml file contains only 2,035 URLs. I need to delete the entries in the core_url_rewrite table in order to get rid of duplicate meta tag issues that show up in Google Web Master. The problem is that the core_url_rewrite is empty and there are no records in it.
Where are all these URL rewrites stored? How do I get rid of these old URL rewrites?
I refreshed the "Catalog URL Rewrites" index as well but it didn't help.
I am using Magento

In Magento there is no table that stores the URL's that are shown in the sitemap.xml page. Those are automatically generated from your product collection at the time of request only. There is no relation to the core_url_rewrite table.


SEO : URL structure in magento

Currently I have a online store in magento.
I am using the url structure http://sitename/categoryname/productname
if I will change it to http://sitename/productname is this will be helpful to index ?
The main thing is that my site is doing well now but on search unique product page urls are not showing on google search. If I will change it then how it will be impact on site?
How can i do this without any bad impact? Please help..
Yes if you have Same product in multiple categories. It creates duplicate content issues.
By remove category path from the URL, It will help you to make your products URL unique for all categories.
You can manage this from backend configuration. In backend From top Navigation go to System >> Configuartion >> Catalog.
In Search Engine Optimizations Group, Set No to Use Categories Path for Product URLs. Reindex Catalog URL Rewrites.

Why my magento load each page in two steps?

My magento website perform each frontend routing in two steps, for example when i request to it will first load a blank page with magento favicon first then after just few seconds it will render the actual page. And the same story is for every page What's wrong is with magento?
you have to re indexed your Catalog URL Rewrites.
Go to the
System > Index Management
and then re indexed and also remove magento cache in var/cache folder

404 page not found when trying to access CMS -> Pages in admin panel Magento

Shortly after configuring my site to have two separate websites I could not access CMS -> Pages to manage my pages.
I followed the steps on this two links | Magento admin panel gives 404 when trying to enter cms pages where they mention “cms_page_store” table. But that table obviously does not exist in Magento version.
Old question, but still happened to me in Magento Some leftover CMS-Page database entries were referencing a store_id of a store that no longer existed after I deleted it.
So here's what solved it for me:
Find out the ids of your stores: Under System > Manage Stores in the column Store View Name look for the Store's id that pop up when hovering the link and also in the link url (e.g. ...admin/system_store/editStore/store_id/3/key/...)
To be safe, make a database backup under System > Tools > Backups
Go to your database and find the table cms_page_store. Delete all entries with a store id in the field store_id that points to a store, that does no longer exist.
Refresh CMS > Pages, 404 should be gone.

Magento Index Management overwriting URL Rewrites

I have a slight problem with the Index Management on Magento
I have quite a few custom URL rewrites for categories.
When I re-index the Catalog URL Rewrites it deletes all of my custom rewrites for the categories and sets them back to the system default.
Before re-indexing:
After re-indexing:
Also on a side note, What are the differences between cache management and index management?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.
Magento is changing those because you didn't change the id_path. If you specify different id_path value for your Custom Category rewrite, Magento will not overwrite it.
Also what you want to achieve could be done with Custom Url Rewrite. For example:
request path: catalog/category/view/id/118
target path: 'corporate'
In this way you're making a destination of system rewrite yours start point.
This was driving me absolutely bonkers until I figured out a nice little work-around.
I create my new object (in my case it was a category for the top nav
I go to URL Rewrite and note the ID Path of the new category
I delete the system generated URL Rewrite
I create a custom Rewrite specifying the ID Path of the deleted object, The request path, and then the path to the desired URL
I then go to phpmyadmin > core_url_rewrite and find my newly created custom Rewrite
I change the store_id to 0 (not changing anything else)
I then go back to Magento and run a reindex. This creates a new system generated Rewrite with a higher url_rewrite_id (see in phpmyadmin > core_url_rewrite table)
I then create my page with the desired path
Reindex / flush caches and presto.. my top nav now has a menu item to my new page.

Magento admin panel gives 404 when trying to enter cms pages

I'm using Magento which works great other then the 404 when I'm trying to enter CMS/Pages in the navigation.
All other pages work great and even other items in CMS menu, only Pages gives 404.
What should I do?
Had this exact problem..
You are getting a 404 on CMS pages because of the remains of old store views still hanging around in the database after deleting store views from Magento admin, to clean up ( delete ) old unused CMS pages for store views you have deleted run this MySQL query.
DELETE FROM cms_page_store WHERE store_id NOT IN (SELECT store_id FROM core_store)
You could also use an app like phpmyadmin to manually look for CMS entries that have store IDs that you know not to be in use, but this could get messy.
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