Postgres ActiveRecord limit table size to one row - ruby

I am creating a custom CMS using Sinatra and Postgres with sinatra-activerecord enabled. I am creating a model called SiteInfo which will store information such as the about_description, about_photo, tagline, etc. Is there a way within the migration to create that SiteInfo table to specify that there can only be one row? There's no way through the interface for the admin or user to create an additional one, I'm just wondering.

To answer your question: No, you can't, and there is no need for.
You'll want to do something like SiteInfo.first to load your information anyway.


Laravel Backpack Crud Search encrypted data fields

I have a encrypted user table and need to find a solution for search from encrypted data fields using Laravel Backpack crud 4.1.
How do we filter data from encrypted fields?
I know this is old, but for anybody stumbling upon this, I believe the best option would be to define a custom searchLogic for each encrypted column you have. That way you take full control of how search is done for that column.
Alternatively you can overwrite the search() method of the ListOperation, but that’s more invasive and I don’t think it’s necessary.

Is it upgrade safe to add custom address attributes

currently i am developing a Magento extension, that needs to add several custom attributes to customer address.
I've found several tutorials on the topic that describe precisely what i need to build
They all use ALTER TABLE to add columns to several db tables.My question is :
Is it upgrade safe to do this?
Thanks in advance
They're using the magento framework method addAttribute() not pure SQL queries. They're using it in an upgrade script and it's its purpose : to upgrade safely a database..
Note that the EAV mechanims of the customer entity is built in order to not alter the table definition but add data in it. So in the background customer::addAttribute doesn't do a single ALTER TABLE. On the contrary, the now flated-tables sales_flat_order/quote addAttribute method does alter the tables cause it's no more an EAV entity.
They're doing it right.
I don't really understand your question.

Getting a dbid by table name

As far as I know, all QuickBase API calls are called using the following syntax: http://<quickbase>/db/<dbid>?
Is there a way to get the dbid field without navigating to that database table within QuickBase?
If the above is not possible, would anyone recommend anything other than creating another table that stores the IDs of the tables you want?
With the latter method, I believe I would only need to store one dbid and could pull down the rest (which I believe would still need to be user entered, but would be better than requiring them to change the code).
Thanks for the help!
API_GetSchema will return the list of dbids.<yourApplicationId>?act=API_GetSchema&apptoken=<yourApplicationTokenId>&fmt=flat

rails 3:how to generate models for existing database tables

I've configured my database.yml to point to my existing mysql database
how can I generate models from it?
rails generate model existing_table_name
only gives an emty model..
You can try Rmre. It can create models for existing schema and it tries to create all relationships based on foreign keys information.
A Rails model doesn't show your fields, but you can still use them. Try the following. Assuming you have a Model named ModelName and a field called "name", fire up the Rails console and type:
Given a name that exists in the DB, you should see results.
Rails doesn't infer relationships though, but if your database follows Rails conventions they are easily added.
I've noticed this particular lack of explicitness ("magic") is a source of confusion for newbies to Rails. You can always look in schema.rb to see the models and all the fields in one place. Also, if you would prefer to see the schema for each model in the model file, you can use the annotate_models gem, which will put the db schema in a comment at the top of the model file.
Your answer is:
$ rake db:schema:dump
That will set a new db/schema.db to create a schema of your DB.
ActiveRecord doesn't parse a schema definition. It asks the DBM for the table defs and figures out the fields on the fly.
Having the schema is useful if you are going to modify the tables via migrations.
Schema Dumping and You will help you dump it to use as a reference for building migrations.
ActiveRecord makes some suppositions about the table naming and expects an id field to be the primary key with a sequential number as the type. Having the migrations would help you to refactor the tables and/or fieldnames and types, but you can do those same things via your DBM's command-line. You don't really have to follow ActiveRecord's style but doing so helps avoid odd errors and lets AR infer things to make your life easier.
Could try Magic Model Generator
Take a look at rare_map gem.
It works both on Rail 3 and 4.

Dynamic table names in Doctrine

If I have tables in doctrine for user_1, user_2, etc. is there a way to dynamically set the table name in Doctrine for a single User model?
It's weird, I know. I'm trying to create an interface to a WordPress database (because WP has little to no API for directly accessing posts), and WP creates duplicate tables for each site, so there's a wp_posts, wp_comments, wp_2_posts, wp_2_comments, etc.
Here's what I ended up doing:
$post = new WordPressPost();
If it could, you would have to run migrations for each added/deleted user.
I am curious; why would you EVER need something like that?
I don't know how WP works, but here is the thing; each site should use it's OWN database, not to share it with others.
