web API versioning using namespace - asp.net-web-api

I am trying to implement ASP.net web API versioning using URL(namespace) techniques.
I have existing controller say Roles controller. I am able to access it via route .../ API/roles.
Now I have added one more controller with same name Roles but in different folder say V1.
I added route for this new controller and I am able to access it via .../API/V1/roles.
But now when I am trying to access my old route I.e. .../API/roles. I am getting error as multiple controller found. One controller in folder V1 and another in folder controllers.
Can anyone help me in figuring out this issue. How to fallback the existing routes.
If I add another folder v2 and try to access roles controller over there its working fine.
But for existing controller which is placed directly in Controllers folder its not working.
Any help is appreciated.


Laravel routing pattern similar to Yii

I am new to Laravel and by reading a bit its documentation, it seems that for each new page or url I need to define a route in the web.php file. Please correct me if I am wrong.
So, my question is... Is there a way to create a pattern as in YII framework or .NET framework to manage all routes (or most of them) at once by using something like:
Well not exactly like Yii or .net but you can declare multiple routes in one line using Resource Controllers.
Laravel resource routing assigns the typical "CRUD" routes to a controller with a single line of code. For example, you may wish to create a controller that handles all HTTP requests for "photos" stored by your application.
You can do so by Route::resource('photos', 'PhotoController');
Read more here

Codeigniter - dots in a controller folder name

I'm using the latest version of Codeigniter and I try to achieve specific controller folders structure.
I'm would like to create a controller folder for each of my webapp version:
/controllers/1.0.0/login (where login is the name of the controller)
/controllers/2.0.0/login (where login is the name of the controller)
the problem: it seems Codeigniter working great with controller folders but not working with controller folders that contain dot :(
Like this working good (without dots):
/controllers/100/login (where login is the name of the controller)
/controllers/200/login (where login is the name of the controller)
Is there a way to make Codeigniter work with dots on controller folders?
I also getting the same issue.
You can use like this in your route
$route['Controller/1.0.0/login'] = 'Controller/100/login';
$route['Controller/2.0.0/login'] = 'Controller/200/login';
This is working fine for me

How to separating frontend and backend using codeigniter

I am a new php developer. Am developing my website using codeigniter and got stuck when i tried to make the backend. Am using CMS backend that comes with its own folder with everything (.htaccess, its own MVC etc) so I put all my frontend folders into one folder called frontend withinn the application folder but now I cannt view my frontend pages. I get this: The configuration file does not exist. Please help me step by step.
check out this link to know the MVC pattern Codeigniter.
controller and model ----- Backend
Views --- Frontend

How do I change the index page in a CodeIgniter anchor?

So, I have two different applications in my CodeIgniter installation. One is admin, the other is frontend. I basically just copied the index file, renamed it "admin.php", and changed the application directory to "application/admin". I then changed the application directory in index.php to "application/frontend".
What I would like to do is create a link on the frontend application that takes you to the admin application. The variable config['index_page'] in the frontend application is set to "index.php" and in the admin application it's set to "admin.php".
Is there a way to set the url helper to use "admin.php" instead of "index.php"?
You don't need to do that way.
you should make or use an authentication library and you set different roles for different
you just after login can put the redirection to your admin controller.
and for other users and viewers you can redirect them to any other controllers.
for viewers you can just use something like this:
In your users function you just check different roles and redirect according.
I think you are missing some codeigniter concept, and you are trying to do it the normal way, i suggest you to read this article , you will how you can use MY_Controller as same concept of front controller and how you will be able to give every use specific roles
another way is to use a ready made authentication library as #medhi said
I would recommend Tank Authentication or Ion Auth

base controller zend framework 2

I wonder if someone here can help, I am just starting with Zend Framework 2 and I am find it slightly daunting to get a project started off properly..
I am trying to create a base controller that I can be extended from. I am currently using the Zend Framework 2 skeleton application.
I have created a Resources folder in vendor/zendframework/zendframework/library. Within the the Resources folder, I have a Controllers folder which houses a BaseController.php file.
How do I get my project to autoload the BaseController in the Resources folder for it to be available through out the entire site?
Any help will be most appreciated.
You shouldn't need to create a base controller, ZF2 already provides a number of base controllers for you, such as the RestController and the AbstractActionController
If you are going to create a base controller, create you own module and put it in the vendors directory.
You should never need to go into third party modules and modify code as you should be able to inherit and extend the classes that are provided by such libraries
