How can we view uploaded files in data browser in - image

I am using as a data storage backend for one of my web app.
I want to upload images on and I was successful in uploading images to and parse is returning a long unique URL for uploaded image as well.
When I tried to open the image using returned URL, image was opened which means upload was successful.
However I am not able to see uploaded images in file browser. Can someone suggest how to view all uploaded images in file browser?

The only way to view these files is to download them and then view them locally. To do this you must do the following.
In the Parse data browser, navigate to the file cell.
Click on the cell, and choose a download location.
Open the file on your local machine.
Note: The file you download won't have an extension so you might have to specify the application you want to open the file. In your case it would be an image viewer.


Google Data Studio inserted images lost when duplicating report

I have recently inserted some images into a google data studio report using both image from computer and by url (on a public domain) as graphics to make it more visually appealing.
When we duplicate the report, all of the data sources are ok but the report looses the images. It looses them even if they are hosted on a public web server accessing by https://
When I click on the image, it shows the image url in the property tab, but on clicking the button with the url it asks to upload from computer.
Is there a way to have images in the report and be able to duplicate whilst not loosing the linkage or do i need to replace the images every time.
We have tried
Uploaded image from computer
hosted image on https:// publicly accessible domain
used embeded url object to images on https:// publicly accessible domain

Jmeter blob upload does not allow to Upload

I am trying to record upload functionality from my web application. This Web page has telerik file explorer which as upload functionality if i run Jmeter and try to record it does not allow to upload , it does not give any error just the file keep on uploading with no progress. If i close jmeter it uploads perfectly.
I saw in FileUpload tab file as blob not sure if that is the problem or how it can be achieved using Jmeter.
You should copy your file in jmeter/bin and upload the file in website from this folder

Uploading and saving images in mvc 3 before post

I have a problem with images in my web app. let say I have a form where there are some text fields, dropdowns, upload ajax control for multiple image upload and button Save.
I know how to upload images and posting a form and saving everything to database but the problem is that I want to achieve the following user experience:
User can upload multiple images and browser after successful upload shows thumbnail (this I know how to do it)...the problem here is that I do not want to save images to db before button save is pressed. Is there any convinient how to save temporary images...I have tried temp table which after button is pressed, copies all images to image table but here is browser refresh problem that looses all the data and images stay in a temp table. Can you use a session for storing temporary images or any other way (I think session is not particulary good idea for such things.)
One easy way to achieve that is to use the HTML5 File API and display a thumbnail once the user selects a file to upload. You don't even need to waste bandwidth as everything happens on the client. Once the user submits the form, then the image will be uploaded to the server.
Another possibility is to use one of the gazillions of available AJAX upload controls such as Uploadify, Valums Ajax Upload, Uploadify, the jQuery form plugin, ... which will allow you to upload the file to the server using an AJAX request so that you can resize it there and return the resized image to the client that you could display the thumbnail on the client.

Refresh an uploaded image in JSF(to display)

I'm developing a JSF application which has an image upload function. I'd like to display the uploaded image. The uploading works fine but when I delete the uploaded picture and upload a new one, the old one is displayed in the browser. I typed the link of the picture in the browser but I sill get the old one. I use the same file name and I would not like to change it. How could I refresh it. (without Javascript). I'm using Glassfish Server. (Redeplyoing the application I get the new picture but it isn't a solution for an online system ;))
Thank you.
Redeplyoing the application I get the new picture
Don't store it in the deploy folder by getRealPath() and consorts. Store it outside the deploy folder.
See also:
Uploaded image only available after refreshing the page

Can not show uploaded image with CKEditor when editor and upload action file live on seperate server

I tried upload image with CKEditor form server and send image to upload with PHP in another server.
That's work for upload image but the image didn't show on editor.
Please could you help to solve this problem.
You can't use different servers due to cross-site scripting protection by the browser. Check this sample:
