How to move right or left by 'x' characters in Bash? - bash

In bash sometimes I have very long commands where I need to edit some words. Right now I use End/Home to move end/start of the command, but what if I have to move say x characters in a line?
I need something like xb/xw of VI, but instead of words I need to move characters.

What about ditching emacs mode and switching to vi mode editing?
set -o vi
and you have all the power of vi-like command line editing, like 3l to go left three characters and 5B to go back 5 words. The Pos 1 key then becomes 0 and End becomes $.

In emacs mode, you can use Meta3Controlb to move back 3 characters, and Meta3Controlf to move forward 3 characters. For multi digit counts, you need to precede each digit with the Meta key (e.g., to move 10 characters back, Meta1Meta0Controlb).
Meta is usually the Alt key, but may be the Esc key instead (on Mac OS X, for instance).
(Yes, vi-command mode makes it easier.)
There is a command, universal-argument, that allows you to type all the digits at once, but it is unbound by default. Bind it with, say,
bind "\C-a":universal-argument
then typing Control-a will enter you into an "argument" mode, prefixing the current line (arg: 4), and allowing you to type digits to change the argument used by the next non-digit character you type. (See universal-argument in the bash man page for the full details.)

You could use the command as below
cp some_file1 some_file2 some_file3 /root/Desktop
After executing the command do the following
and it will execute the command
cp some_file1 some_file4 some_file3 /root/Desktop ;
What happened is the some_file2 is replaced by some_file4 and the command is executed


Trouble understanding a bash command

I'm trying to set up a program and came across this line in a bash script. Could someone tell me what it does? I'm not very experienced with bash.
export PS1='\e[0;33mmyProject \e[0;32m\[\e]0;\u#\h: \w\a\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u#\h:\w\$\e[0m '
Thank you very much!
This command does two things. It sets the title of the terminal window, and
sets the bash prompt.
export PS1='\e[0;33mmyProject \e[0;32m\[\e]0;\u#\h: \w\a\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u#\h:\w\$\e[0m '
Piece by piece:
export PS1=
This sets the PS1 variable, which is contains the bash prompt.
\e is translated to the ESC character (ascii=0x1B), which is a Control Sequence Introducer, which signifies the beginning of an ANSI Escape Code. The m character at the end of the sequence indicates that the everything between [ and m is to be interpreted as a ;-separated list of SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) parameters (See here for more information). The 0 clears all previous text formatting, and the 33 sets the text color to yellow.
This just adds the string myProject to the bash prompt.
This clears all the previous text formatting (0) and sets the text color to green. (32)
\[ ... \]
\[ begins a sequence of non-printing characters which ends with \]. Everything between those two delimiters will not be visible in the prompt.
\e]0;\u#\h: \w\a
This sets the title of the terminal window to something like
username#hostname: /current/working/directory
The next bit:
If the variable $debian_chroot has been defined, then this expression will evaluate to the value of $debian_chroot.
$debian_chroot is a variable that is set in /etc/bash.bashrc. This post explains it a lot better than I can.
\u evaluates to the username of the current user, \h evaluates to the name of the computer, and \w evaluates to the current working directory. \$ is just the character $. It needs to be escaped because in bash script, the character $ signifies that the following characters are the name of a variable. \e[0m reverts the text formatting back to default.
An image of what the prompt might look like in a terminal:
This is quite a complicated command you have here!
Let's break it down section by section.
This means that we are setting a variable to be used in other programs.
The name of the variable is PS1.
This is an escaped character. In bash (and most programming languages), Everything with a backslash before it is an escaped character. It is used for when you need to include a control character like a space, or the control key itself in a string. When it's escaped, bash treats it like it's part of the string, and not another control character.
This is the start of an array. It's very similar to an array in a C program.
This is an end character, it can mean several different things. Here, it's being used to define part of the array.
There is some other stuff here, but it's mostly just data in the array.
This is a NOT operand. It is used to determine the inverse of something.
This is a variable. In bash, variables start with a $.
It is using the variable debian_chroot and adding it to itself if it's not null.
This command is just defining a variable, in this case an array containing information probably about a chroot with a debian install in it.

Bash keybinding with "bind" - avoid recursion like noremap in Vim

I've remapped the following keys in Bash:
bind '"a" "b"'
bind '"b" "c"'
If I press a or b both times a c will be printed.
How can I map the keys so that by pressing a and b will be printed and only by pressing a and c will be printed (like with Vims **nore**-map)?
You can make a char in the right part a literal with a preceeding "^V":
bind '"x":"^Vx "'
The key sequence to enter the text after colon is:
" Ctrl-v Ctrl-v x space "
In bash "Ctrl-v x" results in a literal x, without key-mapping interpretation .
You may find it useful to build your own keymapping file which maps the numeric signal you get from the keyboard to a character. This is done with the loadkeys command i.e. if you're switching to the dvorak layout you can do (this is a verbose way to show you the location of the map files:
loadkeys /usr/share/keymaps/i386/dvorak/
You could copy the map file for the layout you use and change the relavent chars, and load your modified mapping. I think loadkeys only affects the command line, though there are similar methods for changing the behaviour in X I believe.

Pasting long lines into Mac OS X Terminal

When I paste a long string (ie, more characters than the width of the terminal window), the terminal doesn't autoscroll and put them in multiple lines.
Instead, it basically wraps onto the same line. In other words, it prints until the end of the current line and then starts printing over the existing characters from the beginning of the same line...
Here's a screenshot. Notice the characters "789abc..." at the beginning of the line.
I'm on 10.8.3 with Terminal 2.3. $TERM is xterm-256color.
A colleague has the exact same machine setup (though different Terminal colors and probably other configs) and he can get it to scroll.
Any ideas?
It sounds like you don't have the nonprinting parts of your PS1 prompt string properly marked. The nonprinting parts (e.g. color change escape sequences) -- and only the nonprinting parts -- need to be marked with \[ ... \] so that the shell can tell they don't take up space on screen (and hence can tell where to wrap). For example, my prompt string is \[\e[0;32m\]\h\[\e[m\]:\W \[\e[0;34m\]\u\[\e[m\]$, which parses out as:
\[\e[0;32m\] - change color to green type (nonprinting, so it's wrapped in \[ ... \])
\h - the hostname (printing)
\[\e[m\] - normal print (no color) (nonprinting, hence wrapped)
:\W - the current directory (and delimiters) (printing)
\[\e[0;34m\] - change to blue type (nonprinting)
\u - the hostname (printing)
\[\e[m\] - normal type (nonprinting)
$ - final delimiter before the actual command

Putty: copy & paste -> preserve blanks

we want to switch to Putty at work, but we have one big problem: in error situations we have to copy some lines from our logfile (using less/vi and mouse copy & paste). These lines can be 32 KB long and contain several blanks, the blanks need to be preserved. Unfortunately, if the copied content is wrapped because it doesn't fit in one line in the window, Putty seems to replace the trailing blanks with a newline character.
e.g. if we have the line (with trailing spaces that need to be preserved -> you see the trailing spaces if you select the example):
and we copy & paste, we get (select second example):
Putty cuts the trailing spaces and inserts a newline character. Can this behaviour be configured/changed in Putty?
Thank you,
I have used non-breaking spaces to retain trailing whitespace when copying/pasting from PuTTY. My application was ssh-ing into a linux box and copying/pasting some code using the Bourne shell, so I don't know how widely this will work in other environments.
To insert a non-breaking space, hold the Alt key and type 255, then release the Alt key. The following example can be used for testing. For some reason, the code doesn't retain the non-breaking space when I copy/paste directly from this webpage, so you will need to test it this way:
a. Copy/paste the code below into notepad
b. Delete the space in blank=" "
c. Insert a non-breaking space with Alt+255
d. Copy/paste the code into PuTTY
e. Copy/paste the output back into notepad to view results
# non-breaking space, Alt+255
blank=" "
# regular space
space=" "
echo "
Which outputs a trailing space for the $blank var, but not for the $space var.
I'm not sure that Putty can do it but in my case (putty working on redhat open client) I converted source files to unix format (dos2unix command).
Now pasting works fine.

How does one align code (braces, parens etc) in vi?

How do you prettify / align / format code in vi? What is the command?
I have pasted in a hunk of code and I need to have it all formatted/aligned... obviously I am a vi neophyte.
These commands in my answer work in vim. Most people who think they're using vi are using vim. To find out if your 'vi' is really 'vim', open vi and type :version -- if it's vim, it will say so. Otherwise you might just see a version number without the name of the program. Also, when you open vim for the first time you will usually see a splash screen of some sort that says "VIM - VI iMproved"...
Automatic Indentation
To turn auto-indentation on, make sure vim knows the file type you're editing (it usually automatically detects this from the file name extension, but might not figure it out with some file types). You can tell it the filetype using the menus for syntax highlighting. Then, do this:
:filetype indent on
You can disable auto-indentation with
:filetype indent off
Automatically adjusting/correcting indentation
In general, ={motion} will align code to an indentation level.
== align the current line
=i{ align the inner block
=% align to the matching parenthesis/bracket under the cursor
=14j or 14== align the next 14 lines
=G align to the end of the file
vG= same thing, align to the end of the
file (but using visual mode)
vjjj= align four lines (using visual mode)
Manual indentation
If vim is not guessing the indentation level correctly, there are two ways to change it:
If you are in normal mode (where everything is a command), do << to shift a line left, or >> to shift it right by one tab. You can do this with several lines by using the same movement commands I showed above (eg, >i{ indents the current inner code block).
If you are in insert mode, you can indent the line further (without moving the cursor) by doing a Ctrl-T, or un-indent one tab with Ctrl-D
Aligning equals signs, etc
If you want to align equals signs in a list of declarations, you should consider using this vim script:
Adjusting indentation/tab sizes
If you want vim to use spaces instead of tabs when it indents, run this command (or consider adding it to your vimrc file)
:set expandtab
To set how many spaces equal a tab, I usually do this:
:set expandtab softtabstop=3 tabstop=3 shiftwidth=3
tabstop - how many columns a tab counts for (affects display of existing tab characters)
shiftwidth - controls reindentation size with << and >>, among other commands.
softtabstop - how much space to insert when you press the tab key
expandtab - expand tab keys to spaces
But if you have to work with different amounts of tabs a lot, you could also use this function and keybinding:
function! Ktabs(tabsize)
execute "set softtabstop=" . a:tabsize . " tabstop=" . a:tabsize . " expandtab shiftwidth=" . a:tabsize
"set softtabstop=a:tabsize tabstop=a:tabsize expandtab shiftwidth=a:tabsize
noremap <leader><Tab> :call Ktabs(3)<Left>
If you are editing a file with a mix of tabs and spaces, you may want to use this command after setting tab size:
:h =
P.S. You shouldn't use vi if vim is available.
If manually adjusting indents I will open a visual block with V on the first or last line I want to re-indent, move to the brace containing the block, goto the other brace with % then shift the line with > or <
If indents are off by a lot I will shift everything all the way left with < and repeat it with . and then re-indent everything.
Another solution is to use the unix fmt command as described in Your problem with Vim is that you don't grok vi., {!}fmt
