How to set eth0 MAC address in Vagrant with the VMware provisioner? - vagrant

Vagrant relies on VMware (Workstation and Fusion) to generate the MAC address of eth0 (the first and default ethernet interface) on a guest being deployed from a box.
I would like to fix this MAC address so it is static and not regenerated each time the VM is recreated so that the VMware DHCP service can assign it the same IP address each time.

First make sure that the VMware DHCP service will assign an IP address to a specified MAC address by editing vmnetdhcp.conf which has different locations depending on OS. Place an entry at the end of the file replacing the hostname, MAC and IP with desired values:
host hostname {
hardware ethernet 00:0A:AA:AA:AA:AA;
Restart the VMware DHCP service to load these changes.
In your Vagrantfile use the following settings to configure the default network interface:
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.define 'hostname' do |hostname| = box = ''
puppet.vm.provider :vmware_fusion do |v, override|
v.vmx['ethernet0.addressType'] = 'static'
v.vmx['ethernet0.address'] = '00:0A:AA:AA:AA:AA'
puppet.vm.provider :vmware_workstation do |v, override|
v.vmx['ethernet0.addressType'] = 'static'
v.vmx['ethernet0.address'] = '00:0A:AA:AA:AA:AA'
Next time the virtual machine is brought up with vagrant up it will assigned the static MAC and recieve the same IP address from DHCP.
Other vmx keys could also be manipulated for ethernet0 using this method.


How do I create a isolated network on Vagrant?

I have started learning Vagrant.
What I want to do is create a private network with 2 guests :
ip private network:
ip guest #1 (centos8):
ip guest #2 (ubuntu20.o4):
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| "private_network", ip: ""
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| "private_network", ip: ""
I thought that setting a network as "Private" no other guests on Vagrant were able to do ping to them or do ssh... Because I can do it.
What Must I do? to isolate that network from others guests.
The only solution I know is specific to the VirtualBox provider, using VirtualBox's internal network feature:
Internal Networking is similar to bridged networking in that the VM can directly communicate with the outside world. However, the outside world is limited to other VMs on the same host which connect to the same internal network.
In vagrant you would specify the internal network like this: "private_network", ip: "",
virtualbox__intnet: "isolatednet1"
Where isolatednet1 can be any name you want for the internal network. All VirtualBox VMs using the isolatednet1 network will be able to communicate with each other, but they won't be able to communicate with VMs outside the internal network.
Note that instead of a network name you can use a boolean value of true for virtualbox__intnet but in that case Vagrant will assign all VMs to the network "intnet". So if you want to achieve isolation you need to assign a unique internal network name for each group of VMs you want to isolate.

How to bind external ip to Vagrant VM?

I have external IP address. I added it to my eth0 interface of host machine. I can successfully ping it. I want to run VM using Vagrant and set my external IP to it (I want to call my VM just like a simple VPS using this external IP address). I have next line in Vagrantfile for this: "public_network", ip: myExternalIP
After my machine start I see eth2 interface inside my VM with my external IP as inet addr. But I can't get access to any open port on my vm using this IP address. Maybe I don't understand idea of public_network in Vagrant. How to bind external ip to my Vagrant VM?
Update: As I understood vagrant set default gateway of VM to interface under NAT. Due to NAT packages cant be sent from VM to external world through bridged interface.
I got it working this way: "public_network", ip: ""

vagrant provisioned virtualbox cannot access the internet when booted up with an active VPN connection on the windows 7 host

I have a problem with networking while setting up a development virtual machine
The host environment is:
Windows 7x64
Vagrant 1.7.2
Virtualbox 4.3.20 r96997
has an active WLAN internet connections
can connect to a VPN
The relevant sections from the Vagrantfile are:
Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "ubuntu/trusty64"
config.vm.define 'crm' do |node| :private_network, ip: ''
With this, the guest machine has two network interfaces:
eth0: NAT
eth1: the private network
After a vagrant up the machine is always accessible through the private IP.
However, if at boot time the VPN connection
is active, then the guest machine cannot access the internet
is not active, then the guest machine can access the internet
On the host machine, with an active VPN connection, both public and VPN-restricted hosts are accessible.
Question: how should I modify the Vagrantfile to ensure that the guest machine always has internet access, regardless whether it was booted with an active VPN connection on the host machine or not?
config.vm.provider :virtualbox do |vb|
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnshostresolver1", "on"]
solves the internet connectivity issue, however, it brings the boot time of the guest machine to barely tolerable (many minutes)
ok. i had the same problem but i am using windows. i did fix it. what i did is that opened virtualbox.
go to settings
select network
change second adapter
select under " attached to: " ' Host-only Adapter'
under name. i selected " virtualbox host-only ethernet apdapter " do not select the name that have numbers at the end of the name example : #1, #2 and so on.
i went to my device manager and delete all the virtual network drivers "not your physical network drivers". again this was in windows 8.
i restart my pc
confirm my chance have applied
i vagrant up on my project directory and it was working

vagrant homestead - public network not working on osx

I've been trying all day to get a public network setup using Vagrant 1.6.5 with VirtualBox. I really need to be able to access all my Homestead sites on my other devices (iPad, iPhone, Android phone, etc.) on my local network. The box provisions fine but the sites all timeout.
homestead.rb "public_network", :bridge => "en0: Wi-Fi (AirPort)", :ip => ""
My host is OS X mavericks using DHCP (
Private networking works fine, but I can't get public networking to work with any variation of the above config.
You can just grab the host's internal IP address (NOT the VM ip) and add the port :8000. Let's say your host ip is, then from any other device on your network, you can just browse to the host at and you'll hit the VM and see the Laravel home page.
This works great for me with the default homestead.rb setting:
# Configure A Private Network IP :private_network, ip: settings["ip"] ||= ""
To get my homestead machine to be visible from my LAN I did the following:
Edit the Homestead/scripts/homestead.rb file and set :public_network, ip: "" (just make sure the IP is free).
Do a vagrant reload
Make sure my old local hosts file now points to the new IP.
The result is I can ping from another machine in my LAN.
What is the error that you are getting? Make sure that is not being used by any other device.
Network configuration for vagrant boxes
This row works fine for me: :public_network, ip: settings["ip"] ||= "", bridge: "eth0"
Then it uses the ip variable from ~/.homstead/Homestead.yaml and if thats not set it uses

vagrant add an interface without setting an IP address

I'm working through the puppet openstack instructions, and one of the requirements is as follows:
Each of the machines running the Openstack services should have a minimum of 2 NICS.
One for the public/internal network. This nic should be assigned an IP address
One of the virtual machine network. This nic should not have an ipaddress assigned
I've tried to specify a private network in Vagrant without an address, but hit the following error when calling vagrant up:
* An IP is required for a private network.
My first thought is to run a provision script to set the network, but there are warnings not to modify the network configuration files (the box is CentOS):
[vagrant#localhost ~]$ cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth2
# The contents below are automatically generated by Vagrant. Do not modify.
Any ideas will be appreciated!
In the end, I created an 'unmanaged' network card by adding a virtualbox internal network:
vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nic2", "intnet"]
This works: :private_network, ip: ""
You can try this: :private_network, "ip": '', auto_network: true
