Excel Extracting specific text using getElements - getelementbyid

New to vba programming and was hoping to get some help on a little program I'm having difficulty with. What I would like for this code to do is extract specific data from an element. So in this example I would like to extract the phone number for each person.
I can get the code to print all of the data in the element, but I only want to extract specified information not everything in the element. Any help would be awesome.
Set Elements = IE.Document.getElementById("member-items").getElementsByTagName("p")
'Get information
r = 0
c = 0
For Each Element In Elements
If Element.innerText Like "phone" Then
Sheet1.Range("A1").Offset(r, c).Value = Element.innerText
Debug.Print Element.innerText
r = r + 1
End If
Next Element

Okay I figured it out. I did not realize the text is CAP sensitive. So instead of using "phone" I used "Phone" with a CAP "P" and the code worked perfectly. Rockie mistake. =). Hope this helps any other newbies out there. And I used the following code instead:
For Each Element In Elements
If InStr(Element.innerText, "Phone") Then
Sheet1.Range("a1").Offset(r, c).Value = Element.innerText
Debug.Print Element.innerText
r = r + 1
End If
Next Element


Modifying an Excel VBA Script to Work in Word

I have the following VBA code:
Sub test2()
Dim w1 As Worksheet
Dim w2 As Worksheet
Dim k As Long
Dim c As Range
Dim d As Range
Dim strFA As String
Set w1 = Sheets("Sheet1")
Set w2 = Sheets("Sheet2")
k = 1
With w1.Range("A:A")
Set c = .Cells.Find("FirstThing", After:=.Cells(.Cells.Count), lookat:=xlWhole)
strFA = ""
While Not c Is Nothing And strFA <> c.Address
If strFA = "" Then strFA = c.Address
If IsError(Application.Match(c.Offset(0, 1).value, w2.Range("A:A"), False)) Then
Set d = .Cells.Find("SecondThing", c, , xlWhole)
w2.Range("A" & k).value = c.Offset(1, 0).value
w2.Range("B" & k).value = d.Offset(0, 1).value
k = k + 1
End If
Set c = .Cells.Find("FirstThing", After:=c, lookat:=xlWhole)
End With
End Sub
The code works essentially like this:
Look through Sheet1 for a certain phrase.
Once the phrase is found, place the value from the cell one row over in Sheet2
Search for a second phrase.
Place the value from the cell one row over in the cell beside the other value in Sheet2
Now. I have the same data that, don't ask me why, is in .doc files. I'd like to create something similar to this code that will go through and look for the first phrase, and place the next n characters in an Excel sheet, and then look for the second phrase and place the next m characters in the row beside the cell housing the previous n characters.
I'm not sure whether it's better to do this with a bash script or whether it's possible to do this with VBA, so I've attached both as tags.
Your question seems to be: "I'm not sure whether it's better to do this with a bash script or whether it's possible to do this with VBA"
The answer to that is: You'd need VBA, especially since this is a *.doc file - docx would be a different matter.
In order to figure out what that is, start by trying to do the task manually in Word. More specifically, how to use Word's "Find" functionality. When you get that figured out, record those actions in a macro to get the starting point for your syntax. The code on the Excel side for writing the data across will essentially stay the same.
You'll also need to decide where the code should reside: in Word or in Excel. That will mean researching how to run the other application from within the one you choose - lots of examples here on SO and on the Internet...

Ruby Search Array And Replace String

My question is, how can I search through an array and replace the string at the current index of the search without knowing what the indexed array string contains?
The code below will search through an ajax file hosted on the internet, it will find the inventory, go through each weapon in my inventory, adding the ID to a string (so I can check if that weapon has been checked before). Then it will add another value after that of the amount of times it occurs in the inventory, then after I have check all weapon in the inventory, it will go through the all of the IDs added to the string and display them along with the number (amount of occurrences). This is so I know how many of each weapon I have.
This is an example of what I have:
strList = ""
inventory.each do |inv|
amount = 1
exists = false
ids = strList.split(',')
ids.each do |ind|
if (inv['id'] == ind.split('/').first) then
exists = true
amount = ind.split('/').first.to_i
amount += 1
ind = "#{inv['id']}/#{amount.to_s}" # This doesn't seem work as expected.
if (exists == true) then
strList = ids.join(",")
strList.split(",").each do |item|
puts "#{item.split('/').first} (#{item.split('/').last})"
Here is an idea of what code I expected (pseudo-code):
inventory = get_inventory()
drawn_inv = ""
loop.inventory do |inv|
if (inv['id'].occurred_before?)
inv['id'].count += 1
end loop
loop.inventory do |inv|
drawn_inv.add(inv['id'] + "/" + inv['id'].count)
end loop
loop.drawn_inv do |inv|
puts "#{inv}"
end loop
Any help on how to replace that line is appreciated!
EDIT: Sorry for not requiring more information on my code. I skipped the less important part at the bottom of the code and displayed commented code instead of actual code, I'll add that now.
EDIT #2: I'll update my description of what it does and what I'm expecting as a result.
EDIT #3: Added pseudo-code.
Thanks in advance,
You want #each_with_index: http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.0/Enumerable.html#method-i-each_with_index
You may also want to look at #gsub since it takes a block. You may not need to split this string into an array at all. Basically something like strList.gsub(...){ |match| #...your block }

Sorting data by groups in Excel

So, I've looked around and tried to solve this on my own. This isn't an absolutely crucial question currently, I just want to know if it could be done.
So let's say I've got a list with some data that looks like
Date Location
01/24/14 H-12
01/25/14 BB-44
01/30/14 G-12
01/29/14 7A-55
01/28/14 NN-15
01/24/14 GG-47
What I want is to be able to sort the data by Location, but I don't want it to be the general way, otherwise I'll end up with 7A-55, BB-44, G-12, H-12, NN-15. I want the data to be sorted so that double letters and single letters are sorted together. E.G. it should be G-12, H-12, BB-44, NN-15, 7A-55 once everything has been sorted.
I've tried creating a custom list sort, but it doesn't work. the way intended. The custom list I tried was A-Z, AA-ZZ, 7A (items were listed out, but for saving space I wrote them like that).
Like I said, this isn't a particularly huge deal if it can't be done, it just would have made it a little easier.
Edit 1 Here is what I would like to be the output
Date Location
01/30/12 G-12
01/24/14 H-12
01/25/14 BB-44
01/24/14 GG-47
01/28/14 NN-15
01/29/14 7A-55
All of these worked in the regards i wanted to, although if I had to choose a favorite it would be the base 36 number conversion one. That was some real out-of-the-box thinking and the math geek in me appreciated it. Thanks everyone!
Well it works, but is a bit complex, so rather just for fun:
This UDF returns a value that can be used as sort key. It transforms the code into a four-digit base 36-number, i.e. using A-Z and 0-9 as symbols (like hex uses 0-9 and A-F). To get at your desired output, I literally put the symbols in this order, letters first (so "A" = 0 and "0" = 26).
(The missing 'digits' are filled up with zeros, which are in this case "A"s)
It works ;)
Public Function Base36Transform(r As Range) As Long
Dim s As String, c As String
Dim v
Dim i As Integer
Dim rv As Long
v = Split(r.Text, "-")
s1 = v(0)
s2 = v(1)
s = Right("A" & s1, 2) & Right("A" & s2, 2)
rv = 0
For i = 1 To Len(s)
c = Mid(s, Len(s) - i + 1, 1)
If c Like "#" Then
rv = rv + (Val(c) + 26) * (36 ^ (i - 1))
' c is like "[A-Z]"
rv = rv + (Asc(c) - Asc("A")) * (36 ^ (i - 1))
End If
Base36Transform = rv
End Function
Sorting is often a very creative process. VBA can ease up the process, but a little extension of the data will work just as well.
See my results:
The way I did it is by getting the length of each string, just to be safe. This is gotten by simply going =LEN(B2), dragged down.
Then I check if it starts with 7. If it does, assign 1, otherwise keep at 0. I used this formula: =(LEFT(B2,1)="7")*1, dragged down.
Now, my custom sort is this:
Now I might have gotten some things wrong here, or I might even have done overkill by going the Length column. However, the logic is pretty much what you're aiming for.
Hope this helps in a way! Let us know. :)
I am a little lazy here and assuming your data sits in Column A,B. You mightneed to adjust your range or the starting point of your list. But here's the code:
Sub sortttttt()
Dim rng As Range
Dim i As Integer
Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell)
ActiveCell.Value = Len(ActiveCell.Value) & ActiveCell.Value
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
Set rng = Range("A1:B6")
rng.Sort Key1:=Range("B2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes
Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell)
ActiveCell.Value = Right(ActiveCell.Value, Len(ActiveCell.Value) - 1)
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Activate
End Sub
Assuming your data is in columns B:C with labels in Row1 and no intervening blank rows, add a column with:
in D1 copied down to suit and sort ascending Location within sort ascending of the added column.

LotusScript: how to iterate numbered fields with for loop

I'm using LotusScript to clean and export values from a form to a csv file. In the form there are multiple date fields with names like enddate_1, enddate_2, enddate_3, etc.
These date fields are Data Type: Text when empty, but Data Type: Time/Date when filled.
To get the values as string in the csv without errors, I did the following (working):
If Isdate(doc.enddate_1) Then
enddate_1 = Format(doc.enddate_1,"dd-mm-yyyy")
enddate_1 = doc.enddate_1(0)
End If
But to do such a code block for each date field didnt feel right.
Tried the following, but that isnt working.
For i% = 1 To 9
If Isdate(doc.enddate_i%) Then
enddate_i% = Format(doc.enddate_i%,"dd-mm-yyyy")
enddate_i% = doc.enddate_i%(0)
End If
Any suggestions how to iterate numbered fields with a for loop or otherwise?
To iterate numbered fields with a for loop or otherwise?
valueArray = notesDocument.GetItemValue( itemName$ )
however do you know that there is a possibility to export documents in CSV format using Notes Menu?
Also there is a formula:
#Command([FileExport]; "Comma Separated Value"; "c:\document.csv")
Combined solution of Dmytro, clarification of Richard Schwartz with my block of code to a working solution. Tried it as an edit on solution of Dmytro, but was rejected.
My problem was not only to iterate the numbered fields, but also store the values in an iterative way to easily retrieve them later. This I found out today trying to implement the solution of Dmytro combined with the clarification of Richard Schwartz. Used a List to solve it completely.
The working solution for me now is:
Dim enddate$ List
For i% = 1 To 9
itemName$ = "enddate_" + CStr(i%)
If Isdate(doc.GetItemValue(itemName$)) Then
enddate$(i%) = Format(doc.GetItemValue(itemName$),"dd-mm-yyyy")
enddate$(i%) = doc.GetItemValue(itemName$)(0)
End If

QTP narrow a list of ChildObjects

[The description is a bit fudged to obfuscate my real work for confidentiality reasons]
I'm working on a QTP test for a web page where there are multiple HTML tables of items. Items that are available have a clickable item#, while those that aren't active have an item# as plain text.
So if I have a set of ChildObjects like this:
//This is the set of table rows that contain item numbers, active or not.
objItemRows = Browser("browserX").Page("pageY").ChildObjects("class:=ItemRow")
What is the simplest way in QTP land to select only the clickable link-ized item #s?
UPDATE: The point here isn't to select the rows themselves, it's to select only the rows that have items in them (as opposed to header/footer rows in each table). If I understand this correctly, I could then use objItemRows.Count to count how many items (available and unavailable) there are. Could I then use something like
desItemLink = Description.Create
desItemLink("micclass").value = "Link"
objItemLinks = objItemRows.ChildObjects(desItemLink)
To get the links within only the item rows?
Hope that clarifies things, and thanks for the help.
I think I have this figured out.
Set desItemLink = description.create
desItemLink("micclass").value = "Link"
desItemLink("text").RegularExpression = True
//True, Regex isn't really required in this example, but I just wanted to show it could be used this way
//This next part depends on the format of the item numbers, in my case, it's [0-9]0000[0-9]00[0-9]
For x = 0 to 9
For y = 0 to 9
For z = 0 to 9
strItemLink = x & "0000" & y & "00" & z
desItemLink("text").value = strItemLink
Set objItemLink = Browser("browser").Page("page").Link(desItemLink)
If objItemLink.Exist(0) Then
//Do stuff
End If
Thanks for your help anyways, but the code above will iterate through links with names in a given incrementing format.
