I installed Ubuntu subsystem on my Windows 10. Everything was fine until I went to see my local git repository for changes, after git checkout my entire project was marked modified. This is my output of git diff.
you might have to set the line-ending for Git (on Linux) to Windows (or keep them "native", as checked out)... when overwriting Windows line-endings with Linux line-endings, the result looks about like this. just revert and then configure Git before checking out again:
git config --global core.autocrlf input
one can also define all of that (even for specific file-types) with a .gitattributes file.
alternatively, commit those line-endings to the local repo and then use a text-editor, which does support them... meanwhile even the infamous Notepad has received an update, to be able to do that (most editors come with a small line-feeds/text-encoding indicator, to the bottom-right). also see dealing with line-endings (in case autocrlf should not work as excepted).
I've recently installed a vagrant VM on my windows box running ubuntu 14.04 for development purposes. I moved an existing Git project and placed this in the (synced) /vagrant folder so that I can get to my code from windows.
When I wanted to do my first commit, I saw that all files were modified. After googling for a bit I saw that this can be solved using:
git config core.filemode false
This made most of the changed files disappear, however some are still changed. After checking these files it seems that there's somehow a different line ending.
To solve it, I first tried:
git checkout .
But this had no effect whatsoever so I started searching again and found:
git config core.autocrlf true|false|input
git config core.eol lf
I tried each of these combinations followed by a git checkout . and git status but it keeps saying that my files are modified.
Does anyone of you know a solution to this (quite annoying) issue?
I have recently set up Vagrant on my machine, and the first thing I noticed was that my terminal config was not synced, when I sshed into my server.
For instance I have changed my shell from bash to zsh, which does a lot of beautiful things for me (like removing case-sensitive auto completion). But on my vagrant virtual machine, or on my server, all this cool stuff is now gone. Also stuff like my important aliases is not synced.
Now, what is a proper way to sync stuff like this?
So currently, when I create/remove/edit an alias on my local machine, I have to copy the exact same changes into my VM and all other servers I frequently use. I see this as a very time consuming and unnecessary task.
What I do is version control my dotfiles and I keep them on github. Dotfiles are just the files in your root that start with a dot in the name such as .bashrc or .zshrc. They are "invisible" files, so you have to use ls -a instead of just ls to see them.
Here are my dotfiles: https://github.com/aharris88/dotfiles
When I get on a new machine, I just clone the repository to ~/dotfiles
Then, I have a bash script in there called setup.sh that backs up any old dotfiles that might already be in root into ~/dotfiles_old. Then it creates symlinks to the files that are in ~/dotfiles.
It also installs zsh and oh-my-zsh if it isn't already. It should work for linux or mac os x.
Here is an article describing how to version control your dotfiles: http://blog.smalleycreative.com/tutorials/using-git-and-github-to-manage-your-dotfiles/
Another thing that I do to get a new mac ready is use kitchenplan: https://github.com/kitchenplan/kitchenplan, which can sync a lot more settings, but this probably isn't what you're asking about. Here is my kitchenplan config: https://github.com/aharris88/kitchenplan-config
I have a repo that has two branches, which i would like to work on simultaneously.
After some reading I found git has a script git-new-workdir.
Im trying run use the script from the git for windows bash but get the following error.
$ git-new-workdir
sh: git-new-workdir: command not found
How do I use this script on windows?
Due to some of the commands in the git-new-workdir functions not existing on windows, the script won't work.
I have found this windows port of the script. Works great for me.
Git 2.5 (Q2 2015) will replace contrib/workdir/git-new-workdir with an official native Git command which works on any OS (including Windows).
The release notes mentions:
does not rely on symbolic links and make sharing of objects and refs safer by making the borrowee and borrowers aware of each other.
That is because the multiple working trees are "linked", or actually recorded in the main repo new $GIT_DIR/worktrees folder.
See "Multiple working directories with Git?" for more.
On my installation, the script file is located in /usr/share/git/contrib/workdir/git-new-workdir.
Perhaps if it's not installed in that version of git, you can just download its raw form and run it with bash /path/to/git-new-workdir. At your preference you can also install it in /usr/local/bin changing permissions when necessary.
I'm having trouble getting post-recieve and post-commit hooks to work correctly with msysgit (Windows 7 Pro/32 and Ultimate/64). For post-commit hook I get the above error if I commit from either git-bash or the console, but it works fine if I commit through git-gui. For a post-recieve hook, all three give the same error.
I'm thinking this is some sort of permission or path error, but don't really have any clue where to start here.
Add the SHEBANG to the first line of hook, like so:
echo "executing post-commit"
exit 0
This had me stumped for a while as well and I saw that adding the shebang fixed it. In SVN world, while in *nix we have a "pre-commit" script and in Windows we had "pre-commit.bat" and SVN automatically picked up the bat file in Windows. Git doesn't seem to pick up a pre-commit.bat ( or any hook ) and adding the shebang to the hook file worked.
I'm using SourceTree and git LFS and had a similar issue: cannot spawn .git/hooks/pre-push.
The fix was to delete the pre-push file (opening it revealed it was badly corrupted) and restart SourceTree at which point it regenerates the pre-push file and everything is back to normal.
If you have the SHEBANG and it still fails, make sure you have <path_to_git>\bin set in your path environment variable.
You'll probably also have <path_to_git>\cmd if you installed it to work from the command-line.
This is an old question, but I've been fighting with this exact problem and this SO question popped up, so I thought it worth the effort to record what worked for me.
In short: I needed to run Apache as a regular user instead of Local System. This was on a legacy test VM I was playing with, so it was only running Windows XP, but it appears that at least on that platform (and possibly others), msysgit just doesn't work properly when running under the Local System account (presumably the root filesystem isn't mapped properly). As a result, no shebang line will work as git-http-backend simply can't execute any msysgit binaries (even with absolute Windows paths).
Switching Apache to run as a regular user account fixed this problem completely. Obviously you need to ensure that the user Apache is running as has permissions to read/write the git repositories, but beyond that, just make sure your shebang line is #!/bin/sh and everything should be copacetic.
Lastly, yeah, this is a big hammer. Ideally you'd be able to use something like suexec on Windows, but a quick googling doesn't indicate an obvious path forward, there. Of course, if anyone has any ideas, I'd be interested.
For now, this works for me, but it doesn't seem ideal.
Got this in a repo using LFS, got rid of it with git lfs update --force
If someone, like me run into a similar problem with accessing git repositories through apache, you should set the PATH in Apache config, like:
SetEnv PATH "c:/Program Files (x86)/Git/bin;"
Using tortoisegit and LFS, for me just had to remove the files inside of the .git/hooks folder.
If you are using Android studio, you can remove this error by un-check the checkbox "Run Git hooks":
For me, removing a comment line on front of the shebang line fixed the error. Oddly, the script ran fine from the shell, just errored out when run as a hook.