Laravel: URL::route() print only the route link without the website name - laravel

I have this route
Route::get('/dashboard', array(
'as' => 'dashboard-get',
'uses' => 'AppController#getDashboard'
In the View if i write
It will return me the entire link.
How can get the route by name in the VIEW and only print the
Without the part of the link

From the code source, route method generate an absolute URL by default, you may set it to false:
You can also define your own custom links by
HTML::macro('Rlinks',function($routeName,$parameters = array(),$name){
return "<a href=".substr(URL::route($routeName,$parameters,false), 1) .">"
Then call your macro
{{ HTML::Rlinks('dashboard-get',array(),'Dashboard') }}

You may try something like this:


Laravel Redirect url from {id} to {id}/{name}

I am new in laravel framework now I'm working fully developed website using Laravel. I have changed blog url form {id} to {id}/{name} like to It's working fine. but i need to redirect if old url enter into current url opened from cache or something else.
Route::get('{id}/{name}', 'EventController#show')
"id" => "[0-9]+"
You can define another route in which you will find the model by id and use its title to redirect the user to the new route:
Route::get('{id}', function ($id) {
$model = Model::findOrFail($id);
return redirect()->route('events-detail', ['id' => $id, 'name' => $model->name]);
Note that you have to change Model with the class you use for this route.
Create 2 routes and add below code.
Route::get('{id}/{name}', function () {
//new URL as you want
return redirect()->route({id}/{name});
Route::get('{id}', function () {
//as you want for simple URL
I'm assuming the name portion is not really used at all, except for SEO/friendlier urls. If this is the case, just make the name parameter optional, and there will be no need for a redirect:
Route::get('{id}/{name?}', 'EventController#show')
"id" => "[0-9]+"
This route will match /203 and /203/news-title.

Pass function variable INSIDE route declaration

Let's say I have a function in my controller which retrieves users looking something like this:
public function index($category) {
// retrieve users depending on category or all
Now is there a way to make named routes to include the function parameter like so:
Route::get('passengers', 'Controller#index(1)')->name('passengers');
Route::get('attendees', 'Controller#index(2)')->name('attendees');
This way they can all use the same function
No you can not pass a parameter the action name, and there is a problem in you routing logic :
Route::get('/{categoryName}', 'Controller#index')->name('index');
And in the controller you will for example get the category by name like this :
public function index($categoryName) {
$category = Category::where('name', $categoryName)->first();
// use $ category as you please ;)
In the blade :
route('index', ['categoryName' => $category->name])
If the named route defines parameters, you may pass the parameters as the second argument to the route function. The given parameters will automatically be inserted into the URL in their correct positions
So, use route() helper like this:
route('passengers', ['category' => 1])
Then you need to add {category} to the route. Also, it's really better to use show() instead of index() here. So, your route will look like this:
Route::get('passengers/{category}', ['as' => 'passengers', 'uses' => 'Controller#show']);
Yes, you can define the param in the url like so:
Route::get('passengers/{yourParam}', 'Controller#index')->name('passengers');
View in docs
Route::get( '{category}', [ 'as' => 'users', 'uses' => 'Controller#index' ]);
Remember to add this route at the end of your routes file in order to not to collide with any other route.
Now in your controller
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
public function index(Request $request)
$category = $request->query('category');
// $category will be passengers, attendees, etc
Your routes will be
/passengers can be accessed as route('users', ['category' => 'passengers'])
/attendees can be accessed as `route('users', ['category' => 'attendees'])

Using Named URL in blade template

In Django, I can do this:
Account Link
which would give me domain/account/login where I have that URL named in my
url(r'^account/login/$', views.Login.as_view(), name='account_login'),
I want to do something similar in Laravel 5.2
I currently have something like this:
Route::get('/survey/new', ['as' => 'new.survey', 'uses' => 'SurveyController#new_survey']);
How do I use in my template, plus passing in parameters?
I came across this:, but it was just a piece of a white page without relevant content of how to actually use it.
You can use the route() helper, documented here.
My Link
If you include laravelcollective/html you could use link_to_route(). This was originally part of the core but removed in Laravel 5. It's explained here
{!! link_to_route('new.survey', 'My Link') !!}
The Laravel Collective have documented the aforementioned helper here. The function prototype is as follows
link_to_route($routeName, $title = null, $parameters = [], $attributes = []);
If for example you wanted to use parameters, it accepts an array of key value pairs which correspond to the named segments in your route URI.
For example, if you had a route
Route::get('surveys/{id}', 'SurveyController#details')->name('detail.survey');
You can generate a link to this route using the following in the parameters.
['id' => $id]
A full example, echoing markup containing an anchor to the named route.
{!! link_to_route('new.survey', 'My Link', ['id' => $id]) !!}

How call route resource in Laravel

I have problem. My route definition contains:
but I don't know how can I call the edit action from basiccontroller in my a href link.
href='{{ link_to_route('admin/settings/basic/edit') }}'
Please give me some advice.
Given a route like the following:
Route::resource('profile', 'ProfileController');
Your controller could look something like this:
public function edit($id)
$profile = Profile::all(); // Grab some data
return view('profile.edit', [$profile]); // Pass some data to the Edit view
In the view, you might have a form for editing like so:
<?= Form::model($profile, ['route' => ['profile.update', $profile->id], 'method' => 'PUT', 'class' => 'form-horizontal']) ?>
That form routes to ProfileController#update
For other routes, such as an index, it is handled all for you. You just have to make sure you return the correct view in your ProfileController#index, and hitting the route for /profile will be passed through that method
You can always refer to the documentation as well - RESTful Resource Controllers

Laravel, Routing Wildcards to filter and then controller

I am trying to capture a wildcard from URL and then first pass it to a filter then route to controller. I am not sure how to plot the question exactly but here is what I've tried so far.
Route::get('test/(:any?)', array('as' => 'testroute', 'uses' => 'test#result', 'before' => "test_filter:$1"));
Route::filter('test_filter', function($id = NULL)
echo "This id is " . $id; // Prints "This id is $1"
Route::get('test/(:any?)', array('as' => 'testroute', function($id = NULL)
echo "this id is " . $id; // Does not do anything
}, 'uses' => 'test#result'));
Basically, I want to check if there is an id appended to the URL and set a cookie if there is one. But regardless of the case, I want this route to be handled by a controller no matter if there is any id appended or not.
I have to do the same thing with so many routes so I'd prefer something like a filter rather than modifying the controller's codes.
I know that I can directly pass the wildcard element to a closure, or I can feed this as a parameter to any controller but in that case I'll have to modify the controller codes, which I can't at the moment.
Can I do it through filters ? or any other way in which i wont have to modify the controller codes ?
Try passing an anonymous right after the before
'as' => 'testroute',
'uses' => 'test#result',
'before' => "test_filter",
// Set cookie here
Taken from here
I'd use a middleware (or filter for older Laravel versions) and add the route/s into a group which has the middleware as you can see in here
The middleware will be executed before the route code, where you can add a logic to manage your cookie.
