I am new to pentaho am trying create pentaho community dashboard with kettle transformation file....
but I am unable to create could you please help me to come out with this problem
I'm trying to read Oracle Database data on Azure Databricks platform.
Can someone share the step to step process on how I can connect Oracle data to Databricks? I've probably searched the whole internet and read documentation but I can't find a solution that actually works. Not sure if it's because I have the incorrect driver or what.
Here's my process:
Uploaded the ojdbc8.jar file on the cluster libraries (the instant client 19
Tried to connect the data on databricks notebook and it didn't work
Can anyone share their process?
Which jar to upload in the library and where can I find this file?
How to connect? Sample code?
Any better way to do this?
To install library use
pip install cx_Oracle
Then use below code snippet to read in data from an Oracle database
CREATE TABLE oracle_table
USING org.apache.spark.sql.jdbc
dbtable 'table_name',
driver 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver',
user 'username',
password 'pasword',
url 'jdbc:oracle:thin://#<hostname>:1521/<db>')
To read data from oracle database in pyspark you can follow this article - Reading Data From Oracle Database With Apache Spark
Refer for more information - Oracle | Databricks
I need to use an embedded DB (H2, Apache Derby) with talend open studio. I saw that it's possible with talend MDM, but couldn't find any tutorial on how to embed this in talend open studio.
I have a big amount of data, from different tables that are processed the first time, stored locally before a second step of transformations. But can't use cache memory or files (csv) as middle storage.
Any ideas ? help please
Talend MDM uses an internal Database for the purpose of the product (data repository). Talend Open Studio (DI) does not use it (there are no internal informations needed with Talend Open Studio for Data Integration).
If you want to connect and extract data from your DB2 database, you can use DB2 components inside your talend jobs.
I'm trying to create a rich online dashboard to analyze web traffic with monetDB.
Does anybody know how to integrate with an open source solution ?
I would recommend to use:
DWH: MonetDB
ETL: PDI (Pentaho Data Integration)
OLAP: Mondrian OLAP (OLAP schema workbench tool)
Dashboards: Pentaho BI Server CE (CDF: charts portfolio CCC + maps, etc.)
For a quick start:
Fill you DWH (MonetDB) with sample data (One fact table, few dimensions)
Create OLAP schema in on the top of the DWH tables using "OLAP schema workbench" tool
On Pentaho BI Server CE:
Add data sources - DWH connection, OLAP schema
Create dashboards (according to samples on BI Server)
I am using Talend Open Studio for MDM and I have a requirement to do version control on customer records.
When using an Oracle database, I can use tOracleSCD to capture the changes. Likewise, for MySQL, I can use tMysqlSCD.
But in Talend Open Studio for MDM, the only supported database is H2 and so I am storing all master records in a H2 database.
In this case, how can I achieve version control as there is no component available in Talend
for H2 database?
The SCD components just set up triggers on the watched tables and provide an easy interface into reading the trigger output tables.
You could set the triggers up manually on the H2 database by recreating the database in MySQL and then using the MySQL SCD components to work out what it's doing and work out how to read the data back in and then recreate those steps with H2 components as part of a data integration task.
That said, Talend MDM has the concept of a journal which stores all of the changes made to a data record. The Talend Open Studio for MDM documentation has some more detailed information about how to view the journal. All changes made through the MDM interface should make an entry in the journal automatically.
I have installed Oracle 10g database and Oracle 10g developer suite.
I am beginner to use Oracle BI publisher for making reports.
Today i have installed Oracle BI publisher desktop for making reports in ms-word 2007.
when i try to log on in BI Publisher option in ms-word. It ask for username, password & report server.
Should i need to installed the BI Publisher Server to fill up the report server details?
please advice.
Yes, you need to connect to a BI Publisher Server instance to create new reports unless you have a local XML file of sample data from the Server-side Data Model.
With the Template Builder Install you should have a good set of samples.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Oracle\BI Publisher\BI Publisher Desktop\Template Builder for Word\samples\RTF templates\Balance Letter
This Tutorial from the Oracle Technology Network will move you along nicely working with the sample files noted above.
Creating Report (RTF) Templates with MS Word (This tutorial shows how to work "off-line" with a Sample Data XML file)
For real work you will need access to a fully installed BI EE environment then you can reach the BI Publisher component (XMLPSERVER)
Username: weblogic
Password: ((PASSWORD))
Report Server: http://NAME:PORT/xmlpserver
For a simple install of BI the URL could be:
Without a corresponding server you cannot pull in the data elements defined against the source.
This tutorial will show you much more about BIP.
Getting Started with Oracle BI Publisher 11g (focused on using the Online Report Writer: