In Go, how do I close a long running read? - go

It doesn't seem possible to have two way communication via channels with a goroutine which is performing file operations, unless you block the channel communication on the file operations. How can I work around the limits this imposes?
Another way to phrase this question...
If I have a loop similar to the following running in a goroutine, how can I tell it to close the connection and exit without blocking on the next Read?
func readLines(response *http.Response, outgoing chan string) error {
defer response.Body.Close()
reader := bufio.NewReader(response.Body)
for {
line, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
return err
outgoing <- line
It's not possible for it to read from a channel that tells it when to close down because it's blocking on the network reads (in my case, that can take hours).
It doesn't appear to be safe to simply call Close() from outside the goroutine, since the Read/Close methods don't appear to be fully thread safe.
I could simply put a lock around references to response.Body that used inside/outside the routine, but would cause the external code to block until a pending read completes, and I specifically want to be able to interrupt an in-progress read.

To address this scenario, several io.ReadCloser implementations in the standard library support concurrent calls to Read and Close where Close interrupts an active Read.
The response body reader created by net/http Transport is one of those implementations. It is safe to concurrently call Read and Close on the response body.
You can also interrupt an active Read on the response body by calling the Transport CancelRequest method.
Here's how implement cancel using close on the body:
func readLines(response *http.Response, outgoing chan string, done chan struct{}) error {
cancel := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
select {
case <-done:
case <-cancel:
defer response.Body.Close()
defer close(cancel) // ensure that goroutine exits
reader := bufio.NewReader(response.Body)
for {
line, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
if err != nil {
return err
outgoing <- line
Calling close(done) from another goroutine will cancel reads on the body.


Handle goroutine termination and error handling via error group?

I am trying to read multiple files in parallel in such a way so that each go routine that is reading a file write its data to that channel, then have a single go-routine that listens to that channel and adds the data to the map. Here is my play.
Below is the example from the play:
package main
import (
func main() {
var myFiles = []string{"file1", "file2", "file3"}
var myMap = make(map[string][]byte)
dataChan := make(chan fileData, len(myFiles))
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
defer close(dataChan)
// we create a wait group of N
for _, file := range myFiles {
// we create N go-routines, one per file, each one will return a struct containing their filename and bytes from
// the file via the dataChan channel
go getBytesFromFile(file, dataChan, &wg)
// we wait until the wait group is decremented to zero by each instance of getBytesFromFile() calling waitGroup.Done()
for i := 0; i < len(myFiles); i++ {
// we can now read from the data channel N times.
file := <-dataChan
myMap[] = file.bytes
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", myMap)
type fileData struct {
name string
bytes []byte
// how to handle error from this method if reading file got messed up?
func getBytesFromFile(file string, dataChan chan fileData, waitGroup *sync.WaitGroup) {
bytes := openFileAndGetBytes(file)
dataChan <- fileData{name: file, bytes: bytes}
func openFileAndGetBytes(file string) []byte {
return []byte(fmt.Sprintf("these are some bytes for file %s", file))
Problem Statement
How can I use to wait on and handle errors from goroutines or if there is any better way like using semaphore? For example if any one of my go routine fails to read data from file then I want to cancels all those remaining in the case of any one routine returning an error (in which case that error is the one bubble back up to the caller). And it should automatically waits for all the supplied go routines to complete successfully for success case.
I also don't want to spawn 100 go-routines if total number of files is 100. I want to control the parallelism if possible if there is any way.
How can I use to wait on and handle errors from goroutines or if there is any better way like using semaphore? For example [...] I want to cancels all those remaining in the case of any one routine returning an error (in which case that error is the one bubble back up to the caller). And it should automatically waits for all the supplied go routines to complete successfully for success case.
There are many ways to communicate error states across goroutines. errgroup does a bunch of heavy lifting though, and is appropriate for this case. Otherwise you're going to end up implementing the same thing.
To use errgroup we'll need to handle errors (and for your demo, generate some). In addition, to cancel existing goroutines, we'll use a context from errgroup.NewWithContext.
From the errgroup reference,
Package errgroup provides synchronization, error propagation, and Context cancelation for groups of goroutines working on subtasks of a common task.
Your play doesn't support any error handling. We can't collect and cancel on errors if we don't do any error handling. So I added some code to inject error handling:
func openFileAndGetBytes(file string) (string, error) {
if file == "file2" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%s cannot be read", file)
return fmt.Sprintf("these are some bytes for file %s", file), nil
Then that error had to be passed back from getBytesFromFile as well:
func getBytesFromFile(file string, dataChan chan fileData) error {
bytes, err := openFileAndGetBytes(file)
if err == nil {
dataChan <- fileData{name: file, bytes: bytes}
return err
Now that we've done that, we can turn our attention to how we're going to start up a number of goroutines.
I also don't want to spawn 100 go-routines if total number of files is 100. I want to control the parallelism if possible if there is any way.
Written well, the number of tasks, channel size, and number of workers are typically independent values. The trick is to use channel closure - and in your case, context cancellation - to communicate state between the goroutines. We'll need an additional channel for the distribution of filenames, and an additional goroutine for the collection of the results.
To illustate this point, my code uses 3 workers, and adds a few more files. My channels are unbuffered. This allows us to see some of the files get processed, while others are aborted. If you buffer the channels, the example will still work, but it's more likely for additional work to be processed before the cancellation is handled. Experiment with buffer size along with worker count and number of files to process.
var myFiles = []string{"file1", "file2", "file3", "file4", "file5", "file6"}
fileChan := make(chan string)
dataChan := make(chan fileData)
To start up the workers, instead of starting one for each file, we start the number we desire - here, 3.
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
worker_num := i
g.Go(func() error {
for file := range fileChan {
if err := getBytesFromFile(file, dataChan); err != nil {
fmt.Println("worker", worker_num, "failed to process", file, ":", err.Error())
return err
} else if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("worker", worker_num, "context error in worker:", err.Error())
return err
fmt.Println("worker", worker_num, "processed all work on channel")
return nil
The workers call your getBytesFromFile function. If it returns an err, we return an err. errgroup will cancel our context automatically in this case. However, the exact order of operations is not deterministic, so more files may or may not get processed before the context is cancelled. I'll show several possibilties below.
by rangeing over fileChan, the worker automatically picks up end of work from the channel closure. If we get an error, we can return it to errgroup immediately. Otherwise, if the context has been cancelled, we can return the cancellation error immediately.
You might think that g.Go would automatically cancel our function. But it cannot. There is no way to cancel a running function in Go other than process termination. errgroup.Group.Go's function argument must cancel itself when appropriate based on the state of its context.
Now we can turn our attention to the thing that puts the files on fileChan. We have 2 options here: we can use a buffered channel of the size of myFiles, like you did. We can fill the entire channel with pending jobs. This is only an option if you know the number of jobs when you create the channel. The other option is to use an additional "distribution" goroutine that can block on writes to fileChan so that our "main" goroutine can continue.
// dispatch files
g.Go(func() error {
defer close(fileChan)
done := ctx.Done()
for _, file := range myFiles {
select {
case fileChan <- file:
case <-done:
return ctx.Err()
I'm not sure it's strictly necessary to put this in the same errgroup in this case, because we can't get an error in the distributor goroutine. But this general pattern, drawn from the Pipeline example from errgroup, works regardless of whether the work dispatcher might generate errors.
This functions pretty simple, but the magic is in select along with ctx.Done() channel. Either we write to the work channel, or we fail if our context is done. This allows us to stop distributing work when one worker has failed one file.
We defer close(fileChan) so that, regardless of why we have finished (either we distributed all work, or the context was cancelled), the workers know there will be no more work on the incoming work queue (ie fileChan).
We need one more synchronization mechanism: once all the work is distributed, and all the results are in or work was finished being cancelled, (eg, after our errgroup's Wait() returns), we need to close our results channel, dataChan. This signals the results collector that there are no more results to be collected.
var err error // we'll need this later!
go func() {
err = g.Wait()
We can't - and don't need to - put this in the errgroup.Group. The function can't return an error, and it can't wait for itself to close(dataChan). So it goes into a regular old goroutine, sans errgroup.
Finally we can collect the results. With dedicated worker goroutines, a distributor goroutine, and a goroutine waiting on the work and notifying that there will be no more writes to the dataChan, we can collect all the results right in the "primary" goroutine in main.
for data := range dataChan {
myMap[] = data.bytes
if err != nil { // this was set in our final goroutine, remember
fmt.Println("errgroup Error:", err.Error())
I made a few small changes so that it was easier to see the output. You may already have noticed I changed the file contents from []byte to string. This was purely so that the results were easy to read. Pursuant also to that end, I am using encoding/json to format the results so that it is easy to read them and paste them into SO. This is a common pattern that I often use to indent structured data:
enc := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
if err := enc.Encode(myMap); err != nil {
Finally we're ready to run. Now we can see a number of different results depending on just what order the goroutines execute. But all of them are valid execution paths.
worker 2 failed to process file2 : file2 cannot be read
worker 0 context error in worker: context canceled
worker 1 context error in worker: context canceled
errgroup Error: file2 cannot be read
"file1": "these are some bytes for file file1",
"file3": "these are some bytes for file file3"
Program exited.
In this result, the remaining work (file4 and file5) were not added to the channel. Remember, an unbuffered channel stores no data. For those tasks to be written to the channel, a worker would have to be there to read them. Instead, the context was cancelled after file2 failed, and the distribution function followed the <-done path within its select. file1 and file3 were already processed.
Here's a different result (I just ran the playground share a few times to get different results).
worker 1 failed to process file2 : file2 cannot be read
worker 2 processed all work on channel
worker 0 processed all work on channel
errgroup Error: file2 cannot be read
"file1": "these are some bytes for file file1",
"file3": "these are some bytes for file file3",
"file4": "these are some bytes for file file4",
"file5": "these are some bytes for file file5",
"file6": "these are some bytes for file file6"
In this case, it looks a little like our cancellation failed. but what really happened is that the goroutines just "happened" to queue and finish the rest of the work before errorgroup picked upon worker `'s failure and cancelled the context.
what errorgroup does
When you use errorgroup, you're really getting 2 things out of it:
easily accessing the first error your workers returned;
getting a context that errorgroup will cancel for you when
Keep in mind that errorgroup does not cancel goroutines. This tripped me up a bit at first. Errorgroup cancels the context. It's your responsibility to apply the status of that context to your goroutines (remember, the goroutine must end itself, errorgroup can't end it).
A final aside about contexts with file operations, and failing outstanding work
Most of your file operations, eg io.Copy or os.ReadFile, are actually a loop of subsequent Read operations. But io and os don't support contexts directly. so if you have a worker reading a file, and you don't implement the Read loop yourself, you won't have an opportunity to cancel based on context. That's probably okay in your case - sure, you may have read some more files than you really needed to, but only because you were already reading them when the error occurred. I would personally accept this state of affairs and not implement my own read loop.
The code
package main
import (
func main() {
var myFiles = []string{"file1", "file2", "file3", "file4", "file5", "file6"}
fileChan := make(chan string)
dataChan := make(chan fileData)
g, ctx := errgroup.WithContext(context.Background())
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
worker_num := i
g.Go(func() error {
for file := range fileChan {
if err := getBytesFromFile(file, dataChan); err != nil {
fmt.Println("worker", worker_num, "failed to process", file, ":", err.Error())
return err
} else if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
fmt.Println("worker", worker_num, "context error in worker:", err.Error())
return err
fmt.Println("worker", worker_num, "processed all work on channel")
return nil
// dispatch files
g.Go(func() error {
defer close(fileChan)
done := ctx.Done()
for _, file := range myFiles {
if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
return err
select {
case fileChan <- file:
case <-done:
return ctx.Err()
var err error
go func() {
err = g.Wait()
var myMap = make(map[string]string)
for data := range dataChan {
myMap[] = data.bytes
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("errgroup Error:", err.Error())
enc := json.NewEncoder(os.Stdout)
enc.SetIndent("", " ")
if err := enc.Encode(myMap); err != nil {
type fileData struct {
bytes string
func getBytesFromFile(file string, dataChan chan fileData) error {
bytes, err := openFileAndGetBytes(file)
if err == nil {
dataChan <- fileData{name: file, bytes: bytes}
return err
func openFileAndGetBytes(file string) (string, error) {
if file == "file2" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("%s cannot be read", file)
return fmt.Sprintf("these are some bytes for file %s", file), nil

Goroutine safe channel close doesn't actually close webscoket

This one is a tricky issue that bugs me quite a bit.
Essentially, I wrote an integration microservice that provides data streams from Binance crypto exchange using the Go client. A client sends a start messages, starts data stream for a symbol, and at some point, sends a close message to stop the stream. My implementation looks basically like this:
func (c BinanceClient) StartDataStream(clientType bn.ClientType, symbol, interval string) error {
switch clientType {
case bn.SPOT_LIVE:
wsKlineHandler := c.handlers.klineHandler.SpotKlineHandler
wsErrHandler := c.handlers.klineHandler.ErrHandler
_, stopC, err := binance.WsKlineServe(symbol, interval, wsKlineHandler, wsErrHandler)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
c.state.clientSymChanMap[clientType][symbol] = stopC
return nil
The clientSymChanMap stores the stopChannel in a nested hashmap so that I can retrieve the stop channel later to stop the data feed. The stop function has been implemented accordingly:
func (c BinanceClient) StopDataStream(clientType bn.ClientType, symbol string) {
//mtd := "StopDataStream: "
stopC := c.state.clientSymChanMap[clientType][symbol]
if isClosed(stopC) {
DbgPrint(" Channel is already closed. Do nothing for: " + symbol)
} else {
// Delete channel from the map otherwise the next StopAll throws a NPE due to closing a dead channel
delete(c.state.clientSymChanMap[clientType], symbol)
To prevent panics from already closed channels, I use a check function that returns true in case the channel is already close.
func isClosed(ch <-chan struct{}) bool {
select {
case <-ch:
return true
return false
Looks nice, but has a catch. When I run the code with starting data for just one symbol, it starts and closes the datafeed exactly as expected.
However, when starting multiple data feeds, then the above code somehow never closes the websocket and just keeps streaming data forever. Without the isClosed check, I get panics of trying to close a closed channel, but with the check in place, well, nothing gets closed.
When looking at the implementation of the above binance.WsKlineServe function, it's quite obvious that it just wraps a new websocket with each invocation and then returns the done & stop channel.
The documentation gives the following usage example:
wsKlineHandler := func(event *binance.WsKlineEvent) {
errHandler := func(err error) {
doneC, stopC, err := binance.WsKlineServe("LTCBTC", "1m", wsKlineHandler, errHandler)
if err != nil {
Because the doneC channel actually blocks, I removed it and thought that storing the stopC channel and then use it later to stop the datafeed would work. However, it only does so for one single instance. When multiple streams are open, this doesn't work anymore.
Any idea what that's the case and how to fix it?
Firstly, this is dangerous:
if isClosed(stopC) {
DbgPrint(" Channel is already closed. Do nothing for: " + symbol)
} else {
close(stopC) // <- can't be sure channel is still open
there is no guarantee that after your polling check of the channel state, that the channel will still be in that same state in the next line of code. So this code could in theory could panic if it's called concurrently.
If you want an asynchronous action to occur on the channel close - it's best to do this explicitly from its own goroutine. So you could try this:
go func() {
stopC := c.state.clientSymChanMap[clientType][symbol]
// stopC definitely closed now
delete(c.state.clientSymChanMap[clientType], symbol)
P.S. you do need some sort of mutex on your map, since the delete is asynchronous - you need to ensure any adds to the map don't datarace with this.
P.P.S Channels are reclaimed by the GC when they go out of scope. If you are no longer reading from it - they do not need to be explicitly closed to be reclaimed by the GC.
Using channels for stopping a goroutine or closing something is very tricky. There are lots of things you can do wrong or forget to do.
context.WithCancel abstracts that complexity away, making the code more readable and maintainable.
Some code snippets:
ctx, cancel := context.WitchCancel(context.TODO())
TheThingToCancel(ctx, ...)
// Whenever you want to stop TheThingToCancel. Can be called multiple times.
Then in a for loop you'd often have a select like this:
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// do stuff
Here some code that is closer to your specific case of an open connection:
func TheThingToCancel(ctx context.Context) (context.CancelFunc, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", ":12345")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
go func() {
_ = conn.Close()
go func() {
defer func() {
_ = conn.Close()
// make sure context is always cancelled to avoid goroutine leak
var bts = make([]byte, 1024)
for {
n, err := conn.Read(bts)
if err != nil {
return cancel, nil
It returns the cancel function to be able to close it from the outside.
Cancelling a context can be done many times over without a panic like would occur if a channel is closed multiple times. That is one advantage. Also you can derive contexts from other contexts and thereby close a lot of contexts that all stop different routines by closing a parent context. Carefully designed, this is very powerful for shutting down different routines belonging together that also need to be able to be shut down individually.

Stopping other goroutines conditionally

I am in doubt whether all of my spawned goroutines are dying after doing their assigned work.
I have to make two HTTP calls(always), but based on a flag, read the response from either one of them.
what I have done so far is ->
var result error
resultChannel := make(chan error)
var wg sync.WaitGroup
wg.Add(1) // only adding 1, as I don't need to wait for other to complete.
go func() {
_, err := // HTTP call ONE
if flagIsTrue {
defer wg.Done()
resultChannel <- err
go func() {
_, err := // HTTP call TWO
if !flagIsTrue {
defer wg.Done()
resultChannel <- err
go func() {
for err := range resultChannel {
result = err
Hence, I will wait for the corresponding call, and listen to its response only. This is working well, but since the app is deployed on the server, where I guess the main goroutine won't die(henceforth killing other goroutines), my main concern is whether the other ignorable thread will die or not after it will get the response from HTTP call(afaik, we need to tell go that a goroutine needs to die).
My concerns:
The assumption(true acc to me) that the main thread does not terminate after serving one of these calls.
Will the ignorable(response is, but necessary to trigger the API call) thread die or not?
Should I use a select case to handle this, if yes then how(other suggestions are welcome)?
If the flagIsTrue is set before creating the goroutines, then only one of the goroutines will be able to write to the channel. The other one will not attempt to write to the channel, and thus will terminate.
You could simply move the check for the flag outside, and create one goroutine based on the flag.

How to use context.Context with tcp connection read

I am trying to create an intermediate layer between user and tcp, with Send and Receive functions. Currently, I am trying to integrate a context, so that the Send and Receive respects a context. However, I don't know how to make them respect the context's cancellation.
Until now, I got the following.
// c.underlying is a net.Conn
func (c *tcpConn) Receive(ctx context.Context) ([]byte, error) {
if deadline, ok := ctx.Deadline(); ok {
// Set the read deadline on the underlying connection according to the
// given context. This read deadline applies to the whole function, so
// we only set it once here. On the next read-call, it will be set
// again, or will be reset in the else block, to not keep an old
// deadline.
} else {
c.underlying.SetReadDeadline(time.Time{}) // remove the read deadline
// perform reads with
// c.underlying.Read(myBuffer)
return frameData, nil
However, as far as I understand that code, this only respects a context.WithTimeout or context.WithDeadline, and not a context.WithCancel.
If possible, I would like to pass that into the connection somehow, or actually abort the reading process.
How can I do that?
Note: If possible, I would like to avoid another function that reads in another goroutine and pushed a result back on a channel, because then, when calling cancel, and I am reading 2GB over the network, that doesn't actually cancel the read, and the resources are still used. If not possible in another way however, I would like to know if there is a better way of doing that than a function with two channels, one for a []byte result and one for an error.
With the following code, I can respect a cancel, but it doesn't abort the read.
// apply deadline ...
result := make(chan interface{})
defer close(result)
go c.receiveAsync(result)
select {
case res := <-result:
if err, ok := res.(error); ok {
return nil, err
return res.([]byte), nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return nil, ErrTimeout
func (c *tcpConn) receiveAsync(result chan interface{}) {
// perform the reads and push either an error or the
// read bytes to the result channel
If the connection can be closed on cancellation, you can setup a goroutine to shutdown the connection on cancellation within the Receive method. If the connection must be reused again later, then there is no way to cancel a Read in progress.
recvDone := make(chan struct{})
defer close(recvDone)
// setup the cancellation to abort reads in process
go func() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// Close() can be used if this isn't necessarily a TCP connection
case <-recvDone:
It will be a little more work if you want to communicate the cancelation error back, but the CloseRead will provide a clean way to stop any pending TCP Read calls.

How can I stop a goroutine that is reading from UDP?

I have a go program that uses a goroutine to read UDP packets.
I wanted to use a select clause and a "stopping" channel to close the goroutine to shut down as soon as it is not needed anymore.
Here is a simple code example for the goroutine:
func Run(c chan string, q chan bool, conn *net.UDPConn) {
defer close(c)
buf := make([]byte, 1024)
for {
select {
case <- q:
n, _, err := conn.ReadFromUDP(buf)
c <- string(buf[0:n])
fmt.Println("Received ", string(buf[0:n]))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error: ", err)
The connection is created as:
conn, err := net.ListenUDP("udp",addr.Addr)
And the goroutine is supposed to terminate using:
After closing the "stopping" channel ("q") the goroutine does not immediately stop. I need to send one more string via the UDP connection. When doing so the goroutine stops.
I simply do not understand this behaviour and I would be grateful if somebody could enlighten me.
Thank you in advance!
Your program is likely stopped at this line when you close the channel:
n, _, err := conn.ReadFromUDP(buf)
Because execution is blocked at a ReadFrom method, the select statement is not being evaluated, therefore the close on channel q is not immediately detected. When you do another send on the UDP connection, ReadFrom unblocks and (once that loop iteration finishes) control moves to the select statement: at that point the close on q is detected.
You can close the connection to unblock ReadFrom, as was suggested in a comment. See the PacketConn documentation in the net package, especially "Any blocked ReadFrom or WriteTo operations will be unblocked and return errors":
// Close closes the connection.
// Any blocked ReadFrom or WriteTo operations will be unblocked and return errors.
Close() error
Depending on your needs a timeout might be an option as well, see again PacketConn documentation in the net package:
// ReadFrom reads a packet from the connection,
// copying the payload into b. It returns the number of
// bytes copied into b and the return address that
// was on the packet.
// ReadFrom can be made to time out and return
// an Error with Timeout() == true after a fixed time limit;
// see SetDeadline and SetReadDeadline.
ReadFrom(b []byte) (n int, addr Addr, err error)
