Bit representation and meaning of format - bit

I am working on a home assignment and I don't understand one thing about it.. Maybe some of you guys can help me with that.
(a < 0) ? 1 : -1
What does this mean?

This is basically saying is the variable a less then 0? if it is 1 if it is not then -1 it is like this


Ruby question mark operator, what does this mean? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I use the conditional operator (? :) in Ruby?
(7 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
this might be a very vague question. But i am wondering if someone could translate this into pseudocode:
a = (1 + (bool ? rand(13) : 0)
Does it mean that a will become any value between 0-13 + 1? what is the purpose of the boolean value and the question mark?
(true ? rand(13) : 0) mean (if true then rand(13) else 0 end)
if you have directly "true" in condition, the "else" is never called (is useless), you can write : a = 1 + rand(13) directly ;)
rand(13) give random int between 0 and 12 ;)
if you want "13" put rand(14)
personally I always use range like this (all range is include, it's easier to understand) : rand(0..13)

0 to Variable in Pascal

Lets take this code for example;
If (Random) <> (0 to Variable) then
Its very simple, I just want it to do something if Random is different than 0 to another number set in that variable, im not sure how to do this tho
if you want to check if the variable is not in range from 0 to Variable, it's better to use the code:
if (Random1 < 0) or (Random1 > Variable) then ...
I'm not sure that the code
if not (Random1 in [0..Variable]) then ...
will work for Variable values out of range [0..255]
Sorry, I should of explained better, they are both integer, and Random cant be used since its an instruction, it has to be Random1.
But the answer is
"if not (Random1 in [0..Variable]) then. [0..Variable]"
Thank you very much #lurker.

Ruby - print answer "if own answer (itself)"

Ruby question:
Can I shorten the following code:
total = Paper.where(available: true).count
puts total if total > 0
I imaged something like this, but I don't know if it's possible:
puts Paper.where(available: true).count if itself > 0
Is there a way to write this idea in one simple line?
if (total = Paper.where(available: true).count) > 0 then puts total end
Update: with an instance variable you can do
puts #total if (#total = Paper.where(available: true).count) > 0
What you have is perfect in every way. For fun, you could use Object#tap for a one-liner:
Paper.where(available: true).count.tap { |total| puts total if total > 0 }
The closest I can think of off the top of my head would be something like this:
total = Paper.where(available: true).count; puts total if total > 0
Its the exact same thing as your original except its separating the lines by a semi-colon instead of a new line. And its tends to be less readable, so I would generally avoid doing something like that.
As a side note, while I understand what you're trying to do, honestly, reducing your code from 2 lines to 1 is not a big deal. Frankly, its fine the way it is.

filtering /0 (division by 0) value in Report Studio 10.2

So I have a Rave Chart that is pulling in /0 and I can't for the life of me figure out how to filter them out. In a crosstab you are able to set what those values look like but in a rave chart I don't have that luxury. If anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.
Based on a/b.
I'd try something like this:
(case when b = 0 then 0
else a/b )
<> 0
Or, possibly (this may be over-simplifying)
where b <> 0.

How to create conditional breakpoint with std::string

Suppose I have this function:
std::string Func1(std::string myString)
//do some string processing
std::string newString = Func2(myString)
return newString;
How do I set a conditional break when newString has a specific value? (without changing the source)
Setting the condition newString == "my value" didn't work. The breakpoints were disabled with an error overloaded operator not found.
There is a much easier way in Visual Studio 2010/2012.
To accomplish what you are looking for in ANSI use this:
strcmp(newString._Bx._Ptr,"my value")==0
And in unicode (if newString were unicode) use this:
wcscmp(newString._Bx._Ptr, L"my value")==0
There are more things you can do than just a compare, you can read more about it here:
In VS2017, I was able to set the condition as:
strcmp(&newString[0], "my value") == 0
Some searching has failed to turn up any way to do this. Suggested alternatives are to put the test in your code and add a standard breakpoint:
if (myStr == "xyz")
// Set breakpoint here
Or to build up your test from individual character comparisons. Even looking at individual characters in the string is a bit dicey; in Visual Studio 2005 I had to dig down into the member variables like
myStr._Bx._Buf[0] == 'x' && myStr._Bx._Buf[1] == 'y' && myStr._Bx._Buf[2] == 'z'
Neither of these approaches is very satisfactory. We should have better access to a ubiquitous feature of the Standard Library.
In VS2017 you can do
While I've had to work around this using something similar to Brad's answer (plus using DebugBreak() to break right from the code), sometimes editing/recompiling/re-running a bit of code is either too time consuming or just plain impossible.
Luckily, it's apparently possible to spelunk into the actual members of the std::string class. One way is mentioned here -- and though he calls out VS2010 specifically, you can still access individual chars manually in earlier versions. So if you're using 2010, you can just use the nice strcmp() functions and the like (more info), but if you're like me and still have 2008 or earlier, you can come up with a raggedy, terrible, but functional alternative by setting a breakpoint conditional something like:
strVar._Bx._Ptr[0] == 'a' && strVar._Bx._Ptr[1] == 'b' &&
strVar._Bx._Ptr[2] == 'c'
to break if the first three characters in strVar are "abc". You can keep going with additional chars, of course. Ugly.. but it's saved me a little time just now.
I just used the condition below because newString._Bx._Ptr ( as in OBWANDO's answer ) referenced illegal memory
strcmp( newString._Bx._Buf, "my value")==0
and it worked...
#OBWANDO (almost) has the solution, but as multiple comments rightly point out, the actual buffer depends on the string size; I see 16 to be the threshold. Prepending a size check to the strcmp on the appropriate buffer works.
newString._Mysize < 16 && strcmp(newString._Bx._Buf, "test value") == 0
newString._Mysize >= 16 && strcmp(newString._Bx._Ptr, "ultra super long test value") == 0
Tried to use strcmp in gdb8.1 under ubuntu18.04, but it doesn't work:
(ins)(gdb) p strcmp("a", "b")
$20 = (int (*)(const char *, const char *)) 0x7ffff5179d60 <__strcmp_ssse3>
According to this answer, strcmp, is a special IFUNC, one can setup condition like this:
condition 1 __strcmp_ssse3(camera->_name.c_str(), "ping")==0
It's pretty ugly, don't want to do it the second time.
This answer gives a much better solution, it use std::string::compare :
condition 1 camera->"ping") == 0
In VS2015 you can do
newstring[0]=='x' && newString[1]=='y' && newString[2]=='z'
Comparing string works better than comparing characters
strcmp(name._Mypair._Myval2._Bx._Buf, "foo")==0
This works, but is very inconvenient to use and error prone.
name._Mypair._Myval2._Bx._Buf[0] == 'f' &&
name._Mypair._Myval2._Bx._Buf[1] == '0' &&
name._Mypair._Myval2._Bx._Buf[2] == '0'
You could convert it into a c string using c_str() like so:
$_streq(myStr.c_str(), "foo")
To set a conditional breakpoint in std::string you need to set it on real internal members of std::string. What you see on watch window is simplified.
You can display real structure of a variable in the watch window by using ,! suffix. In your example:
For MSVC 2015 – 2019 you can use:
For string that were never longer than 15 characters:
(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Myres < 16) ?
strcmp(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Bx._Buf, "short") == 0 :
For (even historically) longer strings:
(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Myres < 16) ? false :
strcmp(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Bx._Ptr, "My_test_str_value_longer_than_16_chars") == 0
The variable name is written twice in each condition!
You need whole expression on single line. Use the copy-paste versions bellow.
Universal condition needs to put the test value twice and variable name three times:
(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Myres < 16) ?
strcmp(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Bx._Buf, "My_test_string") == 0 :
strcmp(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Bx._Ptr, "My_test_string") == 0
Notes: use wcscmp instead of strcmp if you are working with std::wstring.
Find more info on small string optimization in C++ includes sample code to find size of string's internal buffer.
All std:string and std::wstring single line versions for your copy paste convenience:
(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Myres < 16) ? strcmp(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Bx._Buf, "short") == 0 : false
(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Myres < 16) ? false : strcmp(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Bx._Ptr, "My_test_str_value_longer_than_16_chars") == 0
(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Myres < 16) ? strcmp(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Bx._Buf, "My_test_string") == 0 : strcmp(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Bx._Ptr, "My_test_string") == 0
(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Myres < 16) ? wcscmp(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Bx._Buf, L"short") == 0 : false
(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Myres < 16) ? false : wcscmp(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Bx._Ptr, L"My_test_str_value_longer_than_16_chars") == 0
(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Myres < 16) ? wcscmp(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Bx._Buf, L"My_test_string") == 0 : wcscmp(newString._Mypair._Myval2._Bx._Ptr, L"My_test_string") == 0
All above copy/paste samples tested on MSVC version 16.9.10 and program for Windows 10.
