Xcode 6 continuous integration can't find provisioning profile - xcode

With Xcode 5 i was able to manually copy the profiles to where they needed to be. This is not the case with Xcode 6. I have added the server to the team and still cannot build. I can build fine from Xcode on the same machine. I get the following message:
Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profiles found: No provisioning profiles containing one of the following signing identities was found:
It should work since Xcode works but Apple keeps hiding these settings more and more and I'm left without a way to troubleshoot this.

It turns out I manually needed to copy the profiles to a new directory in /Library/Developer/XcodeServer/ProvisioningProfiles. Now I'm getting an error because "codesign" can't access the new special keychain apple is using for server, I can't access it either. Xcode 6.1 has a fix but I need server 4.0... It seems I can hack it but not sure if that's worth it or I should wait.


Xcode 10 - "Unknown Name" for team

In my projects target settings, when I select the provisioning profile I use to archive my application, I get a Unknown Name in the team field.
This is a provisionning profile my client sent me by email, and I do not have access to it's Apple Developer Account.
Does anyone know how I can fix this?
Is there a way for my client to send me a "team provisioning profile" or so?
Note: This does not prevent me to build/archive my project through Xcode. However, when trying to use xcodebuild command for continuous integration purposes, I get an error ( and I'm pretty sure it's linked to this weird configuration )
I finally managed to make my xcodebuild command to work. It had nothing to do with this weird behavious in Xcode config. Also when unzipping my app archive, I can see that the embedded provisionning profile contains the good team name.
To sum up, this "error" doesn't prevent build to proceed. This is just Xcode being Xcode, I guess.

Xcode 9 automatic signing failing

I had successfully uploaded an app for TestFlight but after archiving and uploading now it is giving me this error I can't explain. Just to make sure I unchecked all entitlements in the capabilities target tab but that doesn't seem to matter.
I looked over all the app id's, certificates and provisioning profiles but there's nothing that looks abnormal. I would look in the actual .plist file generated by Xcode but I don't see where it is or if it even exists. Where should I even check to verify what's going on? Xcode is a buggy mess so I don't even trust this isn't some random bug (I cleaned the target of course just to make sure).
Automatic signing is unable to resolve an issue with the "..."
target's entitlements. Switch to manual signing and resolve the issue
by downloading a matching provisioning profile from the developer
website. Alternatively, to continue using automatic signing, remove
these entitlements from your entitlements file and their associated
functionality from your code. Then rebuild your archive and try again.
Provisioning profile failed qualification Profile doesn't match the
entitlements file's value for the application-identifier entitlement.
I had a terrible time with some old projects where I had to use manual signing because I couldn't get automatic provisioning to work. Then I discovered the following solution, which has worked for me 100%:
Switch to automatic provisioning if you haven't already.
Edit the target build settings and search for Sign. You should see four Code Signing Identity entries and they should all say iOS Developer. (If one of them says iOS Distribution, that's the kiss of death.)
Still editing the target build settings, search for Provision. Scroll down to the bottom and see if there is an explicit extra provisioning profile setting giving a profile number. If so, delete it.
Edit the target capabilities. Turn Game Center and iCloud and In-App Purchase on. Now turn them off again. This will give you an empty entitlements file (you can confirm this in the project navigator).
You will now be able to build to a device, archive, and export to the App Store, using automatic signing throughout.
I have had a very similar issue with Xcode 9.4, the only difference being that the error referred to issues with both the application identifier and keychain access groups entitlements.
I switched from automatic Xcode signing to manual signing to try to fix the problem. After some mucking about that did not help (and that I don't think contributed to fixing the problem) I ended up re-enabling the Xcode automatic signing. This appears to have fixed the problem. I was able to clean, archive and upload without any issues.
Not a particularly satisfying answer, but it worked for me.

XCode9: code signing blocked mmap() while running on device

I encountered the following issue after upgrading to XCode9 (Well I could not completely isolate the cause because I re-generated the certificate right after upgrading for enabling Push Service) :
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/apowo.framework/apowo
Referenced from: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/2CD5CA32-1DAF-423B-B921-024DCBEE2AF0/picatown.app/picatown
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/2CD5CA32-1DAF-423B-B921-024DCBEE2AF0/XXXX.app/Frameworks/apowo.framework/apowo: code signing blocked mmap() of '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/2CD5CA32-1DAF-423B-B921-024DCBEE2AF0/XXXX.app/Frameworks/apowo.framework/apowo'
There are several similar posts over SO but I believe it might be caused by something new. In fact the original issue was not on XXX.framework but libswiftcore, and after I have done all the suggestions on SO the error came from my own libraries. And here is what I have tried:
delete the derived data
restart XCode, Mac, and my phone
delete all the certificates and recreate again
delete the framework references (and the binaries as well) from the project and re-add
None of them works.
Some additional data is I am using jenkins and fastlane to manage the build. The XCode project is re-created every time when the job runs. The same job runs well on another machine which is on XCode 8 and nothing breaks (runs after re-creation of the certs so it is with the new certs).
I thought it was about the libraries and I rebuilt them on XCode 9. The newly built libs were also in the XCode 8 built app and worked well but not on XCode 9.
Any help will be appreciated.
I have tried the following step and it's working:
In XCode -> Build Phase -> Linked frameworks and libraries: choose your particular framework status from required to optional.
And it should work ;)
I was having a very similar issue which ended up being a coding signing / Certificating issue. This article goes over two possible solutions in depth. For me, it came down to changing my Developer Certificate's trust levels.
Open Keychain Access: My Certificates > "Right Click" Certificate > get info > Trust > When using this certificates > Use System Defaults
"When using this certificates" should go from Use Custom Settings > Use System Defaults
Had the same problem, and no matter how many times I recreated the certificate, cleaned the project or toggled the "use system defaults" vs "always trust" setting in the certificate — nothing helped.
What did help is noticing that while I had an Apple Worldwide Developer Relations CA in the keychain, my developer certificate was still "signed by an unknown authority" (only shows up when I double click it, there is no red cross near it in the list like for the expired ones).
It turns out apple has 5 different WWDG CAs — https://www.apple.com/certificateauthority/ You may want to check which was used to sign your profile (Issuer Name -> Organizational Unit: Gx) and download the appropriate one (or all of them). In my case, for example, I only had G1 installed, while a new certificate auto-created by XCode was signed by G3 that was missing in my system. Installing G3 (download and double-click or drop into the keychain window) solved the problem and I was able to run the application on my phone again.

Xcode 6: No provisioning profiles found for AdHoc distribution build; after healthkit entitlements added

I updated to Xcode 6's final release last week, and all as gone well. I've been able to build my code, generate adhoc distribution builds (for legacy Testflight), etc.
Today I added some healthkit code, and had to enable HealthKit in the AppId to do the full build. After I did this, Xcode is refusing to Distribute the build I've just archived to create the final .ipa file. I get the error below no matter what now.
What I've done to try to fix this, as various tests:
regenerated my apps Distribution provisioning profile for adhoc release.
deleted all previous Xcode provisioning profiles, reinstalled and reimported all the provisioning profiles. The updated profile is present for sure.
changed the Team in the General settings, and changed it back to the correct one; allowed Xcode to try to "Fix" the issue.
Updated "build settings" to have the correct Distribution provisioning profile for Release, which Archives use. Confirmed code signing is correct for the Team
Tried "Automatic" for provisioning profile and code signing, as an alternate.
close and restart Xcode
None of this has helped generate the .ipa again, which worked before adding Healthkit support and invaliding all this.
How am I supposed to fix this to properly generate my ipa builds again?
I was able to get an IPA built by installing an XC generated provisioning profile that appears to match my Distribution Adhoc profile entirely, except that it includes ALL the user devices I have in the portal, including ones that have long since been phased out (ex-employees). The only difference is the desired profile excludes about half the devices. I'd prefer not to have to do this.
I'm facing more or less similar problems since i started using XCode6. Before XC6, i could use my ad-hoc distribution provisioning profile that was linked to a limited number of devices to create an ad-hoc distribution.
Since XC6, I get the same error message as above, while at the same time Xcode generates its own XC Ad-hoc provisioning profile. From that moment on, when you try again,this XC generated profile is always used and you don't get the error anymore. But of course, at that moment it is using a profile that links to all my registered devices, which i do not want.
No matter what i have tried, eg removing all profiles, it keeps on generating and using that XC generated profile that links to all registered devices.
It gets worse: as a workaround, i tried to modify the XC generated profile and simply remove the devices i don't want. After refreshing in XCode and creating an adhoc distribution, I get the same error again stating that no profiles can be found. Again Xcode generates its own XC-adhoc profile, which of course already existed, and again all devices are linked back to that XC-adhoc profile...
FYI: i don't use anything like Healthkit or so, just default features.
Strictly speaking, it is not blocking from creating an adhoc distribution, but also in my case I have registered devices which belong to different customers, which means i prefer to limit the number of devices for a particular adhoc distribution.
Did you enable HealthKit in the apple developer portal in the app id and update your provision profile?
You need to activate that, and update your provision profile.

"Application failed codesign verification" - Pulling my hair out

I'm trying to submit an update to my app. I had messed up some files, so had to generate from scratch all of my the certificates, keys, and provisioning files. Would that be a problem for updating? I read someone saying that updates to the app HAVE to be done using the same provisioning file... that can't be true, can it? Otherwise, I'm in major trouble.
Anyhow, my archive builds keep failing validation. I have triple checked that I'm using the Store Distribution certificate for my release. I also ran codesign command and it came through fine. I have also checked the contents of MYAPP.app bundle and the "embedded.mobileprovision" is there. Why does it say "Failed to load"?
Below is the output I get in my log. Any ideas?
(using XCode 4.0.2)
warning: Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate. (-19011)
codesign_wrapper-0.7.10: using Apple CA for profile evaluation
AssertMacros: signer, file: codesign_wrapper.c, line: 610
AssertMacros: profile, file: codesign_wrapper.c, line: 914
codesign_wrapper-0.7.10: Failed to load provision profile from: /Users/anna/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/MYAPP-fjmzhplryhwnsrgcsoyuivpwrojd/Build/Products/Release-iphoneos/MYAPP.app/embedded.mobileprovision
- (null)
You should remove your distribution certificate from your system. Revoke that certificate from developer portal, create a new one. delete the old provision profile and create a new provision profile for app store and use that.
I ended up resolving my issue by moving over to a different machine that had a clean install of all the dev tools. My original install got corrupted because I foolishly installed beta version over it and then tried to revert back, at which point codesign didn't want to play along anymore. I know that wasn't the smartest thing.. but sometimes you do things for the first time and learn the hard way :)
Anyhow, the good news is that new keys and certificates don't really mess things up and life can go on but watch where you install beta versions!
In dev center you can read that it is critical to store your private key somewhere save. It also says that this private key cannot be reproduced if lost.
Therefore I think you are in trouble.
