How can I find out hidden versions of dependencies and plugins in Maven? - maven

We do not need to specify the versions and other parameters of Maven dependencies and plugins we use. We can do it only once in parent POM or may be in some other way and inherit that properties in our children POMs.
Unfortunately for many times I have met the projects where I cannot find the real parameters of dependencies and plugins that easily. I.e. the versions of dependencies are empty, but in parent POM there is no information about this.
So my questions are:
What are all the possible ways to specify the parameters of dependency and plugin in Maven? I.e. where can I look for version number if it is not present neither in plugin in child POM nor in plugin management in parent pom?
Is there any Maven command to find out where Maven takes these parameters from? For example, I may use the dependency:tree command. It will print a list of dependencies which will help me to understand the version dependency I am stuck about. But this is a hack, and it cannot help me with plugins. May be there is something better?

Before executing any command, Maven builds the "effective POM", see this stackoverflow answer for more details. You may view the effective POM for any project by running mvn help:effective-pom. Typically when I run this command I redirect the output into a file so I can view and search it in a text editor.
You asked about specific parts of the POM, dependencies and plugins. You're on the right track, the maven-dependency-plugin helps. The goals I use most often are dependency:tree, dependency:resolve, and dependency:resolve-plugins. The first two assist with project dependencies, the last one with plugins. Add the -U option to force Maven to update dependencies regardless of the update policies/repository metadata values.
It is also helpful when troubleshooting to start with an empty local repository.
Last but certainly not least, Maven will give warnings when a build uses a plugin without a specific version. ALWAYS specify an explicit version to fix the warning and avoid issues like this one.


Comparing Maven project dependencies

Is there a simple way to list the differences between the artefacts added to the classpath by one version of a Maven project and another?
Here is the problem I'm trying to solve. If I change the version of an artefact declared in a Maven project, the list of transitive dependencies added to the classpath by the dependency may change. I want know what those changes are before I commit a change to a dependency version. The primary reason I want to know what transitive dependencies will change on the classpath when I change the version number of declared dependency is concern that changing the version number of a declared dependency may cause the version of a transitive dependency to change to one that has a security vulnerability in it.
At the moment, I'm using the dependencies plugin tree goal to produce a before and after change dependency tree and then comparing the two by eye. This is not ideal.
I also know of a way to achieve my goal using the OWASP dependency check Maven plugin but this also seem not ideal.
Can anyone suggest a better solution to my problem that using the dependencies plugin or the OWASP dependency check plugin? Is there a Maven plugin to produce what I need?
Please try
mvn dependency:list
It will list all the dependencies with version information.
now you can see the difference using any diff checker tool online.

Getting a filtered Maven dependency update list

I've got a question regarding updating dependencies. Im looking for a project that will lookup Maven (and eventually Gradle as well) dependencies based on my current dependencies and get the critical updates. I dont want to auto update everything, since that might mess up compatibility.
Maven already has mvn versions:display-dependency-updates which gives you a list of all outdated dependecies. What would be nice is to have something that takes the results of that command and filters all dependencies for critical/security updates.
Has anyone seen something to do that (or know a hidden mvn command) or should I start scripting?

Find dependant (reverse dependencies) in maven project

I'm trying to find a command that does the opposite of mvn dependency:tree. I want to find out all the projects that depend on a specific module. As trivial as it may sound, I couldn't find such thing.
The use case is in order to find, in a very large project, if I can delete a module or if there are other modules that use it as their dependency.
Try this:
mvn dependency:tree -Dincludes=module
Where module is the dependency you're interested in. You should get the list of libraries that depend on the module you've specified, either directly or transitively.
Although outdated since the question is from 2014, I was looking for something similar:
matching dependencies (f.e. junit) to a list of projects (f.e. maven-compiler-plugin 3.6.0) in use, which should give a list of dependent dependencies currently in use (f.e. junit 4.12). That should point us (for our own projects) to outdated dependencies (f.e. junit 3.8). This will be used for the undeployment of overgrown services (in this case).
Since I was unable to find an automated version (other than manual nexus/repo-plugins or maven-dependency-greps), I wrote a small java tool: reverseDependencies. Feel free to use if you come across a similar task. Note: it will check against the online Nexus-like repository or cache file that you specify.
This is something that is not part of Maven. But it can be implemented in Maven repositories like Nexus and Bintray. The closest I've found is in Bintray and its Build Integration.
But since my clients are using different Maven repositories I needed something that works for any repository. So I created Pom Dependency Analyzer Web that can keep track of dependents, and dependencies.

Creating Hermetic Maven Builds

I am attempting to create a way in which hermetic builds can be achieved while still relying on SNAPSHOT dependencies in your project.
For the purposes of example, say I have a project which has a dependency structure like this:
┌ other-1.2-SNAPSHOT
mine-1.2.3 ──┤
└ thing-3.1-SNAPSHOT ── gizmo-6.1.3-SNAPSHOT
What I would like to do is resolve all the SNAPSHOT dependencies locally to something which is related to my current version and then deploy those as releases to my Nexus' release repository. Not all of these dependencies are internal so I cannot simply just make a release on each.
So, in this example, other-1.2-SNAPSHOT would become something like other-1.2-mine-1.2.3 and thing-3.1-SNAPSHOT would become thing-3.1-mine-1.2.3. This is relatively trivial in about 60 lines of python.
The problem, however, is in resolving transitive SNAPSHOTs to concrete versions. So I also need to convert gizmo-6.1.3-SNAPSHOT to gizmo-6.1.3-mine.1.2.3 and have thing-3.1-mine-1.2.3 depend on it.
This is only an example of one way in which to achieve what I want. The goal is that in a year or two down the road I can checkout my release branch for version 1.2.3 and be able to run mvn clean package or the like without having to worry about resolving long-since-gone SNAPSHOT dependencies.
It's important that this branch be compilable and not just retain all dependencies using something like the jar-and-dependencies functionality of the assembly plugin. I'd like to potentially be able to modify the source files and make another release build (e.g., applying a hotfix).
Is there anything like this available that will be able to convert SNAPSHOT dependencies in a recursive fashion to be concrete?
Are there any plugins which manage this kind of thing for you? The release plugin had promise with some configuration options on its branch goal but it doesn't resolve external deps to the degree that I want.
Are other techniques available for creating hermetic Maven builds?
This is not a widely used technique, but you can always check your specific SNAPSHOT dependencies into your project as a "project" repository, as described in this blog post: Maven is to Ant as a Nail Gun is to a Hammer
In short, use the Dependencies Plugin to create repository located in your project directory. The below is copied from the linked blog post (which you should read):
1) Run mvn -Dmdep.useRepositoryLayout=true -Dmdep.copyPom=true dependency:copy-dependencies
"This creates /target/dependencies with a repo-like layout of all your projects dependencies"
2) Copy target/dependencies/ to something like libs/
3) Add a repository declaration like the following to your POM:
<releases />
You make this an automated part of your build/release process: step 1 by configuring the Dependencies plugin to a lifecycle phasephase, and step 2 using AntRun Plugin to move the downloaded dependencies to the right place..
Hope this works for you. I have to go take a shower now...
The maven versions plugin will do most of what you want.
However you will almost certianly need to run it in a pre-build step in which you resolve all the dependencies and update the pom file accordingly. Then re-run maven (which re-reads the pom) to run the real build. You might be able to configure everything within the pom itself triggered with a separate goal thus avoiding a separate script.
This works better if you use particular versions instead of SNAPSHOT dependencies and let the pre-build step upgrade them if necessary. The only real difference for dependency resolution is that maven will always re-download -SNAPSHOT dependencies whereas it will only download normal dependencies if there is a new version available. However many plugins (including the versions plugin) treat -SNAPSHOT dependencies differently causing problems. Since every CI build has a new version number I never use -SNAPSHOT, prefering a different tag like -DEV with more predictable behaviour for things like developer local builds etc.
I've spent a lot of time getting maven to do things similar to this. Most maven projects I know have some kind of pre-build step in order to set version numbers or get around other limitations such as this. Trying to do all this in one step usually fails because maven only reads the pom once, string substitution doesn't work in a few places and the deployed/installed pom doesn't generally doesn't contain the results of string substituion or changes made during the build.

Maven Grouping Dependencies without installing pom

I have a maven project which has multiple profiles and lots of dependencies which are specific to each of those profiles. The current solution to clean this up works by creating an intermediate dependency pom for each profile which groups the dependencies together as described here in 3.6.1: Each of these dependency grouping poms lives in their own svn project and is build and deployed as a separate jenkins job.
The problem is that these poms, and the dependencies within them change and are released often and it has become difficult to maintain. Ideally, I would like all of the dependency management to live under one svn project and one build.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
As khmarbaise writes, it would help with more information and an example.
However, just answering your actual question, how to get all your depenency grouping poms as one project and one build. It sound as if a multi module project with each module being one of your "dependency grouping pom" projects would be what you are looking for.
The Maven Release Plugin did what we needed.
