I am trying to put a water jug problem into a heuristic function but I am finding some problems.
There are 2 jugs, one that can hold 5(x) and other that can hold 3(y) gallons of water. The goal is (y,x)=(0,4).
I can't figure out how to put it into a heuristic function and also I have a doubt about the number of states. If I admit the actions (fill one from the faucet, empty one to the drain, and pour from one to the other until either the receiving jug is full or the pouring jug is empty), there are 15 possible states, but if I consider all the possibilities regarding the number of gallons, there are 24 possibilities. Is that correct?
(3,3) (0,2)
(1,5) (2,0)
(1,0) (2,5)
(0,1) (3,4)
I think that the Heuristic function for this problem can be defined as:
h(x,y) = (x * 5) + (y * 3)
but I also found this answer for a question (Heuristic function for Water Jug)
and now I am confused. Can anyone explain it to me please?
max(estimate_from_parent - action_cost, estimate_from_this_node)
Number of states and reachability:
You are correct about the theoretical number of states (assuming buckets can only have an integer number of gallons - otherwise it's infinite). Because there are 6 possible numbers of gallons that bucket X can contain and for 4 that bucket Y can contain, the total number of states is 6*4=24.
Technically, (3,1) is also reachable, after you find the solution, so there are 16 possible states.
Heuristic Function:
In terms of the heuristic function, you might want to take a second and think about your goal. You want to have four gallons in bucket x. So the closer you are to having four gallons in bucket x, the closer you are to your goal, and the lower the value of your heuristic function should be (since it's an estimated cost). The lowest value of your heuristic function, then, should occur when there are four gallons in bucket x. The heuristic function you proposed here, h(x,y) = (x * 5) + (y * 3), is lowest at (0,0). Since this is not your goal node, this isn't likely to be a good heuristic function.
In thinking of a heuristic function, it's often useful to find a constraint that makes your problem harder and then relax it. This facilitates coming up with a heuristic that is admissible and consistent, because your heuristic will basically be a best case estimate. For this problem, a pretty big constraint is that there are only certain amounts of water that you can add to bucket x (i.e. the amount in bucket y, or the amount that it would take to fill bucket x). We could relax this constraint, and basically end up with h(x,y) = |X-4| (the heuristic function discussed in the linked post, adapted to your problem). This is definitely admissible and consistent, as it is effectively the amount that it would cost to get to the goal from that node in one step if taking such a step were possible. If you are at the goal node, it will be equal to 0. Note that the way your costs are calculated is critical to making this a useful heuristic.
Does that clear up your confusion?
Given this question, what about the special case when the start point and end point are the same?
Another change in my case is that we must move at every step. How many such paths can be found and what would be the most efficient approach? I guess this would be a random walk of some sort?
My think so far is, since we must always return to our starting point, thinking about n/2 might be easier. At every step, except at step n/2, we have 6 choices. At n/2 we have a different amount of choices depending on if n is even or odd. We also have a different amount of choices depending on where we are (what previous choices we made). For example if n is even and we went straight out, we only have one choice at n/2, going back. But if n is even and we didn't go straight out, we have more choices.
It is all the cases at this turning point that I have trouble getting straight.
Am I on the right track?
To be clear, I just want to count the paths. So I guess we are looking for some conditioned permutation?
This version of the combinatorial problem looks like it actually has a short formula as an answer.
Nevertheless, the general version, both this and the original question's, can be solved by dynamic programming in O (n^3) time and O (n^2) memory.
Consider a hexagonal grid which spans at least n steps in all directions from the target cell.
Introduce a coordinate system, so that every cell has coordinates of the form (x, y).
Let f (k, x, y) be the number of ways to arrive at cell (x, y) from the starting cell after making exactly k steps.
These can be computed either recursively or iteratively:
f (k, x, y) is just the sum of f (k-1, x', y') for the six neighboring cells (x', y').
The base case is f (0, xs, ys) = 1 for the starting cell (xs, ys), and f (0, x, y) = 0 for every other cell (x, y).
The answer for your particular problem is the value f (n, xs, ys).
The general structure of an iterative solution is as follows:
let f be an array [0..n] [-n-1..n+1] [-n-1..n+1] (all inclusive) of integers
f[0][*][*] = 0
f[0][xs][ys] = 1
for k = 1, 2, ..., n:
for x = -n, ..., n:
for y = -n, ..., n:
f[k][x][y] =
f[k-1][x-1][y] +
f[k-1][x][y-1] +
f[k-1][x+1][y] +
answer = f[n][xs][ys]
OK, I cheated here: the solution above is for a rectangular grid, where the cell (x, y) has four neighbors.
The six neighbors of a hexagon depend on how exactly we introduce a coordinate system.
I'd prefer other coordinate systems than the one in the original question.
This link gives an overview of the possibilities, and here is a short summary of that page on StackExchange, to protect against link rot.
My personal preference would be axial coordinates.
Note that, if we allow standing still instead of moving to one of the neighbors, that just adds one more term, f[k-1][x][y], to the formula.
The same goes for using triangular, rectangular, or hexagonal grid, for using 4 or 8 or some other subset of neighbors in a grid, and so on.
If you want to arrive to some other target cell (xt, yt), that is also covered: the answer is the value f[n][xt][yt].
Similarly, if you have multiple start or target cells, and you can start and finish at any of them, just alter the base case or sum the answers in the cells.
The general layout of the solution remains the same.
This obviously works in n * (2n+1) * (2n+1) * number-of-neighbors, which is O(n^3) for any constant number of neighbors (4 or 6 or 8...) a cell may have in our particular problem.
Finally, note that, at step k of the main loop, we need only two layers of the array f: f[k-1] is the source layer, and f[k] is the target layer.
So, instead of storing all layers for the whole time, we can store just two layers, as we don't need more: one for odd k and one for even k.
Using only two layers is as simple as changing all f[k] and f[k-1] to f[k%2] and f[(k-1)%2], respectively.
This lowers the memory requirement from O(n^3) down to O(n^2), as advertised in the beginning.
For a more mathematical solution, here are some steps that would perhaps lead to one.
First, consider the following problem: what is the number of ways to go from (xs, ys) to (xt, yt) in n steps, each step moving one square north, west, south, or east?
To arrive from x = xs to x = xt, we need H = |xt - xs| steps in the right direction (without loss of generality, let it be east).
Similarly, we need V = |yt - ys| steps in another right direction to get to the desired y coordinate (let it be south).
We are left with k = n - H - V "free" steps, which can be split arbitrarily into pairs of north-south steps and pairs of east-west steps.
Obviously, if k is odd or negative, the answer is zero.
So, for each possible split k = 2h + 2v of "free" steps into horizontal and vertical steps, what we have to do is construct a path of H+h steps east, h steps west, V+v steps south, and v steps north. These steps can be done in any order.
The number of such sequences is a multinomial coefficient, and is equal to n! / (H+h)! / h! / (V+v)! / v!.
To finally get the answer, just sum these over all possible h and v such that k = 2h + 2v.
This solution calculates the answer in O(n) if we precalculate the factorials, also in O(n), and consider all arithmetic operations to take O(1) time.
For a hexagonal grid, a complicating feature is that there is no such clear separation into horizontal and vertical steps.
Still, given the starting cell and the number of steps in each of the six directions, we can find the final cell, regardless of the order of these steps.
So, a solution can go as follows:
Enumerate all possible partitions of n into six summands a1, ..., a6.
For each such partition, find the final cell.
For each partition where the final cell is the cell we want, add multinomial coefficient n! / a1! / ... / a6! to the answer.
Just so, this takes O(n^6) time and O(1) memory.
By carefully studying the relations between different directions on a hexagonal grid, perhaps we can actually consider only the partitions which arrive at the target cell, and completely ignore all other partitions.
If so, this solution can be optimized into at least some O(n^3) or O(n^2) time, maybe further with decent algebraic skills.
Consider the problem definition of a knapsack problem. Given a set S of objects - each having a profit and weight associated with it, I have to find a subset T of S, which gives me the maximum profit but has a total weight less than or equal to a constant W. Now consider an extra constraint. In the above problem the profit of one object is independent of another. Suppose I say they're interdependent, say I've a factor 0<= S_ij <=1 for two objects i and j. This factor diminishes the effect of the item with minimum profit. Effectively
profit({i,j})=max(profit(i),profit(j))+S_ij * min(profit(i),profit(j))
This keeps the effective sum between max(profit(i),profit(j)) and profit(i)+profit(j) -> "Atleast as good as the best one but not as good as using both simultaneously". Now I'm tyring to extend it for n>2. Is this a standard problem of some variation of knapsack ? Can I formulate an LP(?) or NLP for this ?
The set T is a strict subset of S. So you can only use objects in S(use duplicates if it exists in S).
As for the objective function, I'm still not sure about how to go about it. Above I've calculated the score for a 2 object sack considering the interactions between them. Now i want extend it over to more than 2 objects, and I'm not sure how to do it. The letter 'n' is the size of sack. For n=2 I've defined a way of calculating the total profit of the sack but for n>2 I'm not quite clear.
This question already has an answer here:
Given n coins, some of which are heavier, find the number of heavy coins? [closed]
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
Suppose you are given n coins, some of which are heavy and the others
light. All heavy coins have the same weight, as do all the light coins, and
the weight of a heavy coin is strictly greater than the weight of a light coin.
At least one of the coins is known to be light. You are given a balance,
using which you can weigh a subset of coins against another disjoint subset
of coins. Show how you can determine the number of heavy coins using
O(log2 n) weighings.
I guess this must be a generalization of the problem where you have 8 coins and one of them is light. So you can perform a kind of binary search in order to find the lightest coin using a pair of scales balance. However, it is strange that you are supposed to find several light coins at the same time. In this case, this does not seem to scale with log2 n.
See the example below in order to understand my point.
In the case of 8 coins where one of them is light. You should follow three steps:
Step 1) Divide the sample in two parts and find the lightest part. => 1 weighting. [You got a sample with 4 coins that is lighter]
Step 2) Divide the lightest part of the previos procedure and weight these parts to find the lightest part. => + 1 weighting [You got a sample with 2 coins]
Step 3) Now you have only two coins. You have only to weight them to find the lightest.
Off course, the generalization to a sample of size n is trivial.
The proof that this scales with log2 n follows the binary search proof.
However, if the number of light coins is different from 1, you cannot focus only in the lightest part of the sample. [Disclaimer: Maybe I am wrong, but it is difficult to say that this will scale with log2 n. FOr instance, consider the situation where the number of light coins scales with n (the number of coins)]
Actually, the most beautiful solution to this problem is to find the lightest coin in only two weightings:
Step 1) Divide your sample in 3 parts. The first part has three coins, the second part also has three coins and the last part only 2.
Step 2) Weight the first and the second part. There are three situations:
a) The first part is lighter.
b) The second part is lighter.
c) The first and the second part have the same weight.
If (a or b) wight two of them. If they have the same weight, the other one that was not weighted is the lighter. On the other hand, if they dont have the same weight, one of them is the lighter
if(c) just weight the two coins to find the lighter one.
This can also be generalized, but the generalization is much more complicated.
I'm working on a problem that requires an array (dA[j], j=-N..N) to be calculated from the values of another array (A[i], i=-N..N) based on a conservation of momentum rule (x+y=z+j). This means that for a given index j for all the valid combinations of (x,y,z) I calculate A[x]A[y]A[z]. dA[j] is equal to the sum of these values.
I'm currently precomputing the valid indices for each dA[j] by looping x=-N...+N,y=-N...+N and calculating z=x+y-j and storing the indices if abs(z) <= N.
Is there a more efficient method of computing this?
The reason I ask is that in future I'd like to also be able to efficiently find for each dA[j] all the terms that have a specific A[i]. Essentially to be able to compute the Jacobian of dA[j] with respect to dA[i].
For the sake of completeness I figured out a way of doing this without any if statements: if you parametrize the equation x+y=z+j given that j is a constant you get the equation for a plane. The constraint that x,y,z need to be integers between -N..N create boundaries on this plane. The points that define this boundary are functions of N and j. So all you have to do is loop over your parametrized variables (s,t) within these boundaries and you'll generate all the valid points by using the vectors defined by the plane (s*u + t*v + j*[0,0,1]).
For example, if you choose u=[1,0,-1] and v=[0,1,1] all the valid solutions for every value of j are bounded by a 6 sided polygon with points (-N,-N),(-N,-j),(j,N),(N,N),(N,-j), and (j,-N).
So for each j, you go through all (2N)^2 combinations to find the correct x's and y's such that x+y= z+j; the running time of your application (per j) is O(N^2). I don't think your current idea is bad (and after playing with some pseudocode for this, I couldn't improve it significantly). I would like to note that once you've picked a j and a z, there is at most 2N choices for x's and y's. So overall, the best algorithm would still complete in O(N^2).
But consider the following improvement by a factor of 2 (for the overall program, not per j): if z+j= x+y, then (-z)+(-j)= (-x)+(-y) also.
If there is more than one constraint (for example, both a volume limit and a weight limit, where the volume and weight of each item are not related), we get the multiply-constrained knapsack problem, multi-dimensional knapsack problem, or m-dimensional knapsack problem.
How do I code this in the most optimized fashion? Well, one can develop a brute force recursive solution. May be branch and bound.. but essentially its exponential most of the time until you do some sort of memoization or use dynamic programming which again takes a huge amount of memory if not done well.
The problem I am facing is this
I have my knapsack function
KnapSack( Capacity, Value, i) instead of the common
KnapSack ( Capacity , i ) since I have upper limits on both of those. can anyone guide me with this? or provide suitable resources for solving these problems for reasonably large n
or is this NP complete ?
Merge the constraints. Look at http://www.diku.dk/~pisinger/95-1.pdf
chapter 1.3.1 called Merging the Constraints.
An example is say you have
variable , constraint1 , constraint2
1 , 43 , 66
2 , 65 , 54
3 , 34 , 49
4 , 99 , 32
5 , 2 , 88
Multiply the first constraint by some big number then add it to the second constraint.
So you have
variable , merged constraint
1 , 430066
2 , 650054
3 , 340049
4 , 990032
5 , 20088
From there do whatever algorithm you wanted to do with one constraint. The main limiter that comes to mind with this how many digits your variable can hold.
As a good example would serve the following problem:
Given an undirected graph G having positive weights and N vertices.
You start with having a sum of M money. For passing through a vertex i, you must pay S[i] money. If you don't have enough money - you can't pass through that vertex. Find the shortest path from vertex 1 to vertex N, respecting the above conditions; or state that such path doesn't exist. If there exist more than one path having the same length, then output the cheapest one. Restrictions: 1
Set states(i,j) as unvisited for all (i,j)
Set Min[i][j] to Infinity for all (i,j)
Among all unvisited states(i,j) find the one for which Min[i][j]
is the smallest. Let this state found be (k,l).
If there wasn't found any state (k,l) for which Min[k][l] is
less than Infinity - exit While loop.
Mark state(k,l) as visited
For All Neighbors p of Vertex k.
If (l-S[p]>=0 AND
Then Min[p][l-S[p]]=Min[k][l]+Dist[k][p]
If for state(i,j) there are enough money left for
going to vertex p (l-S[p] represents the money that
will remain after passing to vertex p), and the
shortest path found for state(p,l-S[p]) is bigger
than [the shortest path found for
state(k,l)] + [distance from vertex k to vertex p)],
then set the shortest path for state(i,j) to be equal
to this sum.
End For
End While
Find the smallest number among Min[N-1][j] (for all j, 0<=j<=M);
if there are more than one such states, then take the one with greater
j. If there are no states(N-1,j) with value less than Infinity - then
such a path doesn't exist.
Knapsack with multiple constraints is a packing problem. Read up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Packing_problem
There are greedy like heuristics that calculate an "efficiency" for each item, that run quickly and yield approximate solutions.
You can use a branch and bound algorithm. You can get an initial lower bound using a greedy like heuristic, which can be used to initialize the incumbent solution. You can calculate upper bounds for various sub-problems by considering each of the m constraints one at time (relaxing the other constraints in the problem), then use the lowest of these bounds as an upper bound for the original problem. This technique is due to Shih. However this technique probably won't work well if no particular constraint tends to dominate the solution, or if the initial solution from the greedy like heuristic is not close to the optimum.
There are better more modern algorithms which are harder to implement, see "multidimensional knapsack problem" papers by J Puchinger!
As you said vol and weight both are positive quantities, try to use that fact that weight always decreases:
Now t=0 when wt is positive, t=1 when wt is negative.