Upload button appears when not called- but i have 2 instances - fine-uploader

I have created 2 instances of S3 uploader in a page and i have given them different div names.
One of the instances is set to auto upload and the other is set to manual upload with edit file names set.
However the instance with auto upload is pulling the upload button from the other instance as well. It sits there and does nothing because the upload works as intended- automatically. Other than this rogue button both forms work as i want.
This is the div for the button but i only have it in one instance
<div id="triggerUpload-feeds" class="qq-upload-button start-upload" style="margin-top: 10px;cursor:pointer;">Upload</div>

Fine Uploader UI looks for a template in the document with an ID of "qq-template". Therefore, both uploaders are being constructed from the same template. If you want multiple uploaders on the same page that pull from different templates, you'll need to ensure you define multiple templates in your markup, each with a different ID. You'll then need to reference the appropriate template when you construct each Fine Uploader UI instance.
For example:
<script type="text/template" id="qq-template1">
<!-- template markup here -->
<script type="text/template" id="qq-template2">
<!-- template markup here -->
var uploader1 = new qq.FineUploader({
template: 'qq-template1'
var uploader2 = new qq.FineUploader({
template: 'qq-template2'
For more info, see the templating/styling feature page in the docs.


How to add a Vuejs component to a Laravel Spark application?

I am working on a Laravel 5.2 project with Laravel Spark (which still in beta as at time of writing) and trying to add some Vuejs functionality using the default layouts and views.
My first attempt failed because I simply tried to create a new div within the home view and bind my Vue code to that div. Here is the div:
<div id="my-stuff">
<p>#{{ test }}</p>
And here is the corresponding JS code:
new Vue( {
el: '#my-stuff',
data: {
test: 'This is a test'
What I expected to see were the words "This is a test" appear within that div on the home screen, but of course nothing appeared because, as mentioned, Vue gets bound to a div immediately after the body tag (well, I'm assuming that's why anyway).
I think the solution to my problem is to use Vue components, which themselves look fairly straightforward, but I have no idea where to put my code, how to integrate my code with the Gulp process, which Spark file I need to modify (if any?) to register my component and how to ensure that my component gets registered before the Vue instance gets created.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Addendum 1
To reproduce the exact same set-up as I'm using, one would need to install a fresh copy of Laravel 5.2, then use the spark installer to add the spark stuff, then add app.js containing the code below to the public folder, add the corresponding div anywhere in the home view and add a script tag to include app.js right below the script tag that imports the main javascript file produced by gulp.
Whilst it is impractical to reproduce that entire setup in a fiddle, I think the following fiddle illustrates the essence of the problem:
From memory you have the same limitation in AngularJS. It is completely reasonable to me why this wouldn't work and the solution in Vuejs is most likely to use components, but the challenge in this situation is knowing how to bundle the component and where to save it in order to integrate it with the gulp config, or if that is even necessary.
Vuejs Components
If you want to have more than one vue instance the short answer is: yes, you need components.
<div id="main-app">
<p>{{ mainMessage }}</p>
<p>Some composable content</p>
And the scripts will have to be loaded components first:
Vue.component('my-app', {
template: '<div>{{myMessage}}<br/><slot></slot></div>',
data: function() {
return {
myMessage: 'This is my message'
new Vue( {
el: '#main-app',
data: {
mainMessage: 'This is the main module'
The output will be:
This is the main module
This is my message
Some composable content
Here is the fiddle: Components with Vue
Remember that you can always put the template in the page using a unique id or, more idiomatically using something like:
<script type="x/template" id="my-app">
Your template here
{{ your component variables }}
Laravel Spark Integration
The steps to adding a component within a Sparkified Laravel application are as follows:
(1) Add the placeholder HTML with the custom tag anywhere on the page, even if a surrounding div has already been Vue-ified. The HTML with the custom component might look like this:
<div id="example">
(2) Implement the Vue component and save the JavaScript file in resources/assets/js. By way of example, we might save the following code as my-component.js:
var MyComponent = Vue.extend({
data: function() {
return { message: 'This is a test' }
template: '{{ message }}'
Vue.component('my-component', MyComponent)
new Vue({
el: '#example'
(3) Add one require statement (the second line below) to the code in resources/assets/js/app.js so that the file looks like this:
require('./my-component.js'); // This is the key!
new Vue(require('laravel-spark'));
Note that it is super-important to include the leading ./ in front of the filename, otherwise Browserify will assume it is looking for a npm module instead of a raw file and will fail.
(4) Run gulp and once it has finished, refresh the page. Gulp will call Browserify, which processes resources/assets/js/app.js, which now includes our custom JavaScript to be processed and included in the final public/js/app.js file.
If you carry out these steps on a clean Laravel installation that has had the Spark installer treatment (I made my mods to home.blade.php), you should see the sample text appear on the page.

Openseadragon: Adding options to download and print images?

I'm using openseadragon to display deep zoom images, and my client wants there to be a button to download the image and a button to print the image, in addition to the regular nav items. There are no premade buttons for these functions in openseadragon, so I need to create the buttons manually. I have no idea how to do this, can anyone help me?
I need to:
(1) Add new buttons to the viewer nav
(2) Create functions to download and print the current image.
(1) We have similar functionality in our openseadragon (OSD) site. I made a custom toolbar including the default buttons and added our own buttons. The binding of custom actions are setup by simple giving OSD the id of the elements on init. The binding of the custom buttons was made 'manually'. The html code could look something like this:
<div id='viewerToolbar'>
<!-- Default buttons -->
<div class='toolbarItem' id='pv_home'></div>
<div class='toolbarItem' id='pv_zoom-in'></div>
<div class='toolbarItem' id='pv_zoom-out'></div>
<div class='toolbarItem' id='pv_full-page'></div>
<!-- custom actions -->
<div class='toolbarItem' id='customAction'>customAction</div>
<div class='toolbarItem' id='customAction2'>customAction2</div>
OSD setup something like this:
id: 'viewer',
tileSources: 'DZI_URL'
zoomInButton: 'pv_zoom-in',
zoomOutButton: 'pv_zoom-out',
homeButton: 'pv_home',
fullPageButton: 'pv_full-page'
Custom button setup something like this (jQuery):
$( '#customAction' ).on( 'click', function() {
//Do custom action
$( '#customAction2' ).on( 'click', function() {
//Do custom action 2
(2) We created our own services to generate a PDF for download which the user also can print which. I think this is easier and gives a more reliable result than trying to print/download from OSD. You will probably run into issues like: printing is done from current zoom level; resolution issues; you will have to wait until tiles a fully loaded before creating png for downlaod etc.

Can _Layout plus a partial view be specified in _ViewStart.cshtml of an MVC3 app?

I have a suite of several MVC3 web applications, all of which reference a common Core.dll. I have compiled common views using RazorGenerator, and the subscribing sites find the relevant views from the pre-compiled .dll without any problem.
I am trying to do the same for the layout page, as this is common across all the sites too, save for one or two divs that are specific to that particular site. This also works fine, in as much as the _layout view is served up by just doing this:
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
But, to get the site specific divs in the layout populated, I want to have a partial view in the specific site and use JQuery to set the HTML of the placeholding div in the _layout. Something like:
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
//Have a hidden div containing the partial view that sits in the specific site
<div id="SiteSpecificStuff" style="display:none">
#Html.Partial("_SiteSpecificStuff", model)
// Use jQuery to populate the html of the placeholding div on the _Layout
// with that of the partial view
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
I have tried this but the _ViewStart does not re-fire on every post. Is this possible using a different approach?
I think you're looking for this:
#RenderSection("YouSection", required: false)

jQuery doesn't work in AngularJS ng-view properly

I want to add multizoom.js in my AngularJS project.
This is my index page:
<img id="zoom" ng-src="example.jpg" class="example ng-class">
<div ng-view> </div>
and this is detail page:
<img id="zoom" ng-src="example.jpg" class="example ng-class">
My problem is jQuery multizoom plugin doesn't zoom image which is in AngularJS's ng-view part.
If image is not in ng-view part multizoom works fine.
This is because I presume you are initialising the multizoom behaviour on the DOM ready event, using $(function() { /* ...(multizoom init code)... */ }); or $(document).ready(function() { /* ...(multizoom init code)... */. If so, that will only be run once, and likely before the details page is loaded into the <div ng-view></div>. As a consequence, it will not be able to find the image on that page it is searching for as it hasn't been loaded in yet.
Instead, what you need to do is initialise your multizoom functionality whenever the ng-view content is loaded, using the event that is emitted, like so:
// (inside some function with $rootScope available)
$rootScope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function() {
// ... (multiview init code here) ...
Does that make sense?
As a small side note, don't have multiple elements with the same ID, it's not a good idea. Instead, use a class to signify the images you want to apply the multizoom plugin to.

Loading Page Content Only

I've been trying to add some AJAX/jQuery script to my site so that only the main content loads when you navigate through the site, and hence the navigation at the top will not reload.
This is my site structure:
<div id=container>
<div id="header">
<!-- Header + Navigation Buttons, same throughout the site. -->
<div id="main">
<!-- content of each page, different on each page. -->
Also note that each navigation button leads to an index.php file on a different sub-directory, e.g www.mysite.com/contact, www.mysite.com/comments etc.
How can I make the #header stay throughout the site, so when I click a link in the navigation bar that nav bar doesn't reload, however the #main content does?
I eventually would like to add transitions to the #main content aswell, so when you navigate through the site you'll never see a blank white page while the page is loading - instead you'll always see the nav bar etc. and the #main content would fade in and out.
Previously, I used this:
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#main').load('/subdirectory/ #main');
But it didn't work (note I did write the correct subdirectory) and the whole page would reload as normal.
If you could help me out I'd greatly appreciate it!
Thanks in advance!
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#main').load('/subdirectory/ #main');
That should work. Are you sure the address is correct? Maybe the whole page wasn't loaded yet either. Try this, then 'echo' the contents in the index.php file:
$(function() {
Code inside the above function is executed when the page is ready. See jQuery .ready().
