I am using maven to build my setups based on nsis-maven-plugin. Unfortunately Netbeans does not recognize nsis scripts.
That's why I am looking for a Netbeans NSIS plugin that supports syntax highlighting for .NSI files. Does anybody know about such a plugin?
I am unable to find a way how to run code coverage in STS4.
In Eclipse Oxygen, I needed to do:
Right-click on project > Properties > Coverage to enable code
Then, right-click on project > Run Code Coverage
However, both of these 2 options are missing in STS4
There is no code coverage feature installed by default in the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse distribution (and never was, as far as I remember), but you might have had an Eclipse installation with such a third-party plugin installed. Maybe installing this from the marketplace helps:
For future readers, if you don't find the tool "EclEmma Java Code Coverage" in Eclipse Marketplace, search it through the other setup menu : Help > Install New Software...
Installation's official guide: https://www.eclemma.org/installation.html.
I am trying to add a barcode scanner plugin to my phonegap/cordova project for windows phone. I searched a lot but couldnt find any docs on adding external plugins to visual studio. I am using 'Visual studio 2010 Express for Windows Phone'. I got the phonegap plugin from here. Even thought the plugin is depreciated, I had success in using it in eclipse for building the android version.
Maybe check this out or this
Application developers use the CLI's plugin add command (discussed in The Command-Line Interface) to apply a plugin to a project. The argument to that command is the URL for a git repository containing the plugin code.
PhoneGap-WP7 maintains the plugability of other platforms via a command pattern, to allow developers to add functionality with minimal fuss, simply define your C# class in the WP7GapClassLib.PhoneGap.Commands namespace and derive your class from BaseCommand.
For .cs file you just need to add it to your VS project
For .js file you need to add it to correct folder (to be a part of VS project), for example to 'www' and THEN add reference to this .js file in your html page (this step seems to be missed in your case).
Optional. For some libraries you will also need to add additional dlls, but you can't miss this step since there will be compilation issues.
Hope this help u
Is there a way to disable the visual theme of windows, when running some executables? (not manually, but with some ini or manifest file, or any other option)
Depends on the executable. Is it a managed exe? i.e uses the .NET Framework? Is it a Java Executable (*.JAR)? Does it use some toolkit that does not depend on the Windows Visual theme, but only emulates it? e.g Java Swing or GTK?
I think in GTK you can change the Visual Theme quite easily using the Gtk resource file. In Java Swing you can send the theme as a command-line argument. In .NET, I think you may be able to change it with a manifest file, but I don't know for sure.
i'm using xsd tool from console, to make classes from xsd scheme, is there any plugin for vs2010: when i'm changing scheme, classes changes automatically?
I'm not aware of a plugin but you could add an External Tool in visual studio to call xsd.exe with the path to the files - see this blog for an intro
See also this question which has some instructions for doing this in vs2005
Recently, I installed the JDK and a java library called LeJOS NXJ, for controlling a LEGO Mindstorms robot. I'd like to be able to set up the language to run through visual studio, which offers J# color coding. The command line to compile the program is:
nxjc "Myfile.java"
and the command line to deploy or download the program to the controller is:
nxj -r "Myfile"
How can I set up a way to make Visual Studio use these options?
When you use Visual Studio for Java work, the editor is more or less as comfortable and helpful as Notepad, so I'd strongly suggest to use an IDE with full Java support for this kind of work. There are plugins for LeJOS support for both Eclipse and Netbeans, two complete, open source, free and easy-to-use IDE's.
Try them (I'd start with Netbeans but that's entirely a personal choice) and you'll see right away what you're missing when trying to shoehorn Java into VS :-)
You should really be using Eclipse, as the Eclipse plug-in has been greatly enhanced.
Netbeans support has been dropped, as the (very simple) Netbeans plug-in that leJOS provided in the past never really was very convenient. It never properly overrided the bootclasspath of projects for NXT-side programs.
Example projects with a sample build.xml for use with Ant (or anything that supports Ant) is still available. However, the programming experience will not be as smooth as with Eclipse.