How to run gradle script from gradle - gradle

How can I run another gradle script from gradle. I have multiple gradle scripts to run tests under <root_project>/test directory. The <root_project>/build.gradle is invoked with the name of the test gradle file to be run. For example
gradle run_test -PtestFile=foobar
This should run <root_project>/test/foobar.gradle (default tasks of it)
What I'm currently doing is invoking project.exec in the run_test task. This works but now I need to pass the project properties from the gradle process running run_test to the one which runs foobar.gradle
How can I do this ? Is there a more gradle-integrated way to run a gradle script from another, passing all the required info to the child gradle script ?

I do something similar where a "construct" task in one gradle hands off to a "perform" task in another gradle file in a dir it has created (called the artefact), and it passes through all the project properties through too.
Here's the relevant code for the handoff:
def gradleTask = "yourTaskToEventuallyRun"
def artefactBuild = project.tasks.create([name: "artefactBuild_$gradleTask", type: GradleBuild])
artefactBuild.buildFile = project.file("${artefactDir}/build.gradle")
artefactBuild.tasks = [gradleTask]
// inject all parameters passed to this build through to artefact build
def artefactProjectProperties = artefactBuild.startParameter.projectProperties
def currentProjectProperties = project.gradle.startParameter.projectProperties
artefactProjectProperties << currentProjectProperties
// you can add more here
// artefactProjectProperties << [someKey: someValue]

If you want to specify another gradle script, you can use:
gradle --build-file anotherBuild.gradle taskName
gradle -b anotherBuild.gradle taskName


How to get the exact copy of original Run task in Gradle?

Does anybody know what the simplest way to register several run tasks that represent exact copy of original one with changed app’s arguments ? Or may be how to supply run task with an optional argument that would represent app’s arguments.
Basically, I want my build to contain some pre-defined options how to run an application and don’t want to declare new JavaExec that requires its manual configuring while I have already had ready-to-go run task supplied by default.
gradle run --args='--mode=middle' ---> gradle run || gradle runDefault || gradle run default
gradle run --args='--mode=greed' ---> gradle runGreed || gradle run greed
gradle run --args='--mode=lavish' ---> gradle runLavish || gradle run lavish
As for now I came up only with the option that suggests implementing my own JavaExec_Custom task class with supplied arguments property. And it seems to be too complex and boilerplating as for my goal.
You can create tasks that modify the configuration of the actual run task in a doFirst or doLast closure:
// Groovy-DSL
task runGreed {
doFirst {
run.args '--mode=greed'
finalizedBy run
// Kotlin-DSL
register("runGreed") {
doFirst {
run.get().args = listOf("--mode=greed")
You can use a property for the args
task run(type: JavaExec) {
args property('run.args').split(' ')
gradle run -Prun.args='foo bar baz'

How can I call an sbt task from Gradle?

How do I call a task on an sbt project from a Gradle build? I would like to call an existing sbt task, rather than port and duplicate the task's code into my Gradle build.
Ideally, I would like to be able to do this without needing to have sbt installed on the machine I'm running from.
As a simple yet concrete example, assume I have the following project structure:
and the following build.sbt file:
val helloTask = TaskKey[Unit]("hello", "Print hello")
helloTask := println("Hello world!")
I would like to call the "hello" sbt task defined in build.sbt from a "helloSbt" Gradle task defined in build.gradle.
The sbt-extras project provides a stand-alone script called sbt which can be directly used to run sbt without having it on the machine first. This can be called via an "Exec" task in the Gradle project, specifying the sbt task to run as a program argument.
First, copy the sbt file from sbt-extras/sbt into the local project. Assuming the sbt script has been copied into project as gradle_project/sbt-extras/sbt, the following Gradle task will execute the "hello" task in build.sbt:
task helloSbt(type: Exec) {
workingDir new File(project.projectDir.parentFile, 'sbt_project')
executable new File(project.projectDir, 'sbt-extras/sbt')
args 'hello'

Why does gradle run every task in

I'm very new to gradle and have a basic question.
When I add a custom task to my file and call "gradlw build" or "gradle clean" or any other gradle command,
it automatically runs my custom task.
Is that how things work in gradle? run every task in the build file?
Is there way to run a task only when I want it manually?
task foo {
println 'hello'
That creates a task, and during the configuration of the task, it tells gradle to execute println 'hello'. Every task is configured at each build, because gradle needs to know what its configuration is to know if the task must be executed or not.
task foo << {
println 'hello'
That creates a task, and during the execution of the task, it tells gradle to execute println 'hello'. So the code will only be executed if you explicitly chose to run the task foo, or a task that depends on foo.
It's equivalent to
task foo {
doLast {
println 'hello'
You chose not to post your code, probably assuming that gradle was acting bizarrely, and that your code had nothing to do with the problem. So this is just a guess, but you probably used the first incorrect code rather than the second, correct one.

I want to run multiple SOAPUI project xmls in Gradle script

I want to run multiple soapui projects in Gradle script. The SOAPUI project files are kept is following location:
d:/soapui/projects/path/a.xml, b.xml etc
Will be there any Gradle script that it will enter into the above mentioned location and execute the each project one by one using testrunner.bat
As #RaGe comments you can use the gradle SOAPUI plugin. However if you're looking for a more custom way you can proceed as follows.
You can generate a task on Gradle to execute testrunner to run your SOAPUI projects. Then you can create dynamically one task for each project you've in a directory path, and using .depends you can make that all these dynamic generated tasks are called when you call the specific task.
Your build.gradle could be something like:
// task to execute testrunner
class SoapUITask extends Exec {
String soapUIExecutable = '/SOAPUI_HOME/bin/testrunner.bat'
String soapUIArgs = ''
public SoapUITask(){
public void setSoapUIArgs(String soapUIArgs) {
this.args = "$soapUIArgs".trim().split(" ") as List
// empty task wich has depends to execute the
// ohter tasks
task executeSOAPUI(){
// get the path where are your projects
def projectsDir = new File(['soapuiProjectsPath'])
// create tasks dynamically for each project file
projectsDir.eachFile{ file ->
// create the tasks
task "executeSOAPUI${}"(type: SoapUITask){
println "execute project ${}"
soapUIArgs = ' "' + file.getAbsolutePath() +'"'
// make the depends to avoid invoke each task one by one
executeSOAPUI.dependsOn "executeSOAPUI${}"
To invoke this you can do it using the follow command:
gradle executeSOAPUI -PsoapuiProjectsPath=d:/soapui/projects/path/
Note that -P is used to pass the parameter for projects dir.
Recently I wrote an answer on how to write gradle task to run SOAPUI which can be also util, if you want check more details here.
Hope this helps,

Gradle multi project, scope task

I have a multi project in the following way:
task whatever << {
println "WHATEVER"
I want to be able to configure task 'whatever' once and execute it from any scope (root or subproject) and be executed only once!
This means:
If I run /gradle whatever, I should get: "WHATEVER"
If I run /subproject1/gradle whatever, I should get: "WHATEVER"
In summary, I don't what to execute the same task several tasks according to the number of projects.
I haven't been able to get such a simple result. Please let me know if you can offer any help! Thanks!
gradle whatever searches for whatever in the current subproject and below. Instead, use gradle :whatever and declare the task in the root project.
