find the index of element being processed in a block, ruby - ruby

is there a way to know the index of the array element being processed by a block ?
I am trying to do something like this:
arr.any?{ |element|
# do some processing on the sub array [ element.index + 1 , end]
of course I can try and accomplish what I want using a for loop, but I was wondering if I can use blocks to do it, just to have a more ruby-ish code

You can make use of each_with_index and call it without block, so it returns Enumerator:
arr.each_with_index.any? do |el, index|
# your condition using index here

You can use
array.each_with_index { |item, index|
puts index
puts item


Best way to iterate a list of hash in ruby

I have data structure like List< HashMap< String, List>>:
records = [{"1"=>[{"account_id"=>"1", "v"=>"1"}, {"account_id"=>"1",
"v"=>"2"}, {"account_id"=>"1", "v"=>"3"}, {"account_id"=>"1",
"v"=>"4"]}, {"2"=>[{"account_id"=>"2", "v"=>"4"}, {"account_id"=>"2",
"v"=>"4"}, {"account_id"=>"2", "v"=>"4"}]}]
I don't care about the keys in hashmap ("1" and "2" in this case), and want to iterate values of map by group:
records.each do |account_map|
account_record = account_map.values[0] # This line
for i in (0 ... account_record.size - 1)
#do something and update account_record[i]
How can I merge account_record = account_map.values[0] into each loop or make it look better. Thanks
Your example is quite confusing, but the regular way to iterate a hash is the following
hash.each do |key, value|
So in your example it looks like you should do
records.each do |account_map|
account_map.each do |index, array|
array.each do |hash|
hash['account_id'] # This is how you access your data
hash['v'] # This is how you access your data
Of course you should use better variables names than index, array and hash.

Ruby: loop with index?

Sometimes, I use Ruby's Enumerable#each_with_index instead of Array#each when I want to keep track of the index. Is there a method like Kernel#loop_with_index I could use instead of Kernel#loop?
loop without a block results in an Enumerator, which has a with_index method (and a each_with_index if you prefer that.)
loop.with_index{|_, i| puts i; break if i>100}
You could use Fixnum#upto with Float::INFINITY.
0.upto(Float::INFINITY) do |i|
puts "index: #{i}"
But, I'd probably just use Kernel#loop and keep track of the index myself because that seems simpler.
i = 0
loop do
puts "index: #{i}"
i += 1
So, yeah, I don't think there's anything like Kernel#loop_with_index.
In recent Ruby versions, Numeric#step has a default limit of Infinity and a step-size of 1.
0.step{|i| puts i ; break if i>100 }

Ruby best practice : if not empty each do else in one operator

1.I can't find an elegant way to write this code:
if array.empty?
# process empty array
array.each do |el|
# process el
I'd like to have one loop, without writing array twice. I read this, but there is no solution good enough.
I am actually in an HAML template. Same question.
- if array.empty?
%p No result
- else
- array.each do |el|
%li el
What about?
array.each do |x|
puts "x",x
end.empty? and begin
puts "empty!"
The cleanest way I've seen this done in HAML (not plain Ruby) is something like:
- array.each do |item|
- if array.empty?
Nothing here.
As mentioned by other answers, there is no need for the else clause because that's already implied in the other logic.
Even if you could do the each-else in one clean line, you wouldn't be able to achieve the markup you're trying to achieve (<p> if array.empty?, <ul> if array.present?). Besides, the HAML you show in your question is the best way to tell the story behind your code, which means it will be more readable and maintainable to other developers, so I don't know why you would want to refactor into something more cryptic.
I think there is no much more elegant or readable way to write this. Any way to somehow combine an iteration with a condition will just result in blackboxed code, meaning: the condition will just most likely be hidden in an Array extension.
If array is empty, then it will not be iterated, so the each block does not need to be conditioned. Since the return value of each is the receiver, you can put the each block within the empty? condition.
if (array.each do |el|
# process el
# process empty array
Assuming that "process empty array" leaves it empty after processing, you can leave out the else:
if array.empty?
# process empty array
array.each do |el|
# process el
or in one line:
array.empty? ? process_empty_array : array.each { |el| process_el }
An if the array is nil then we can enforce to empty array
if (array || []).each do |x|
puts "x",x
puts "empty!"
I saw some people asking how to handle this for nil cases.
The trick is to convert it to string. All nils converted to string becomes a empty string, all empty cases continue being empty.
both will return true

Loop Controller for ".each do |x|" in ERB

I am trying to style the first element output through an object.each do |x| command by applying an .active class. I cannot figure it out though - how would I do that?
Use each_with_index(). Shown below in a non-ERB example for clarity.
['hello', 'world'].each_with_index do |item, index|
if index == 0
puts "This is the first item"
puts item
Prints out:
This is the first item
It seems very obvious:
objects.first.css_options += ' .active'
And then iterate through all objects in usual manner.
In case of variation can be different, for example you want also apply css option to last element:['active','','',...]).each do |obj,klass|
obj.css_option += klass
[obj1, obj2].each_with_index do |item, index|
item.css_option += ' .active' if index == 0

Index count method for iterators in ruby?

When moving over an iteration such as:
array.each do |row|
puts "Current row count: " + row.current_row_index
# do some more stuff
Is there a way to get the index of the current iteration / row? Obviously I can just throw in a counter, but I'm curious if there's a shortcut for an index function that shows it's current position.
Been digging through the available methods via pry, however I've not seen anything that seems to do this out of the box.
array.each_with_index |row, index|
puts index
If you need exactly the index
array.each_index do |index|
puts index
