Fastest way to draw one million pixels in openGL 4? - performance

I started using opengl and I was wondering how I could put over 1 million pixels on the screen without getting under 10 fps. Currently I have set up a std::vector that takes in each pixel information during the update stage of the main loop then afterwards before it renders.
The render stage looks like this:
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, sizeof(float)*data.size(),
&data[0], GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW);
then I glDrawArrays
Each pixel takes color and 2d position. Is there a faster method of drawing one million pixels? I use dynamic draw because I want changing colors on the screen while each individual pixel gives random colors. Sort of like a tv on a broken channel.

Don't store the colors in an array but instead calculate them in the fragment shader.
You create a noise texture and use wrapping for its sampler. You should also pass in a few uniforms that change each frame and combine them in a non-linear way with the window coordinates.


GLSL Smoothly change temperature(color) of mesh over time

I am writing a small program using three.js.
I have rendered mesh from PLY object. And I want to heat polygons that are close to the mouse position. When I move mouse, all polygons near must smoothly change color to the red, and other polygons must smoothly return to their normal color over time.
I have succeeded in getting mouse position and changing color of the nearest polygons, but I don't know how to solve smooth fading over time for the other polygons.
Should I do it in shader or I should pass any additional data to the shader?
I would do something simple like this (in a timer):
dtemp = Vertex_temp - background_temp;
Vertex_temp -= temp_transfer*dtemp*T/dt;
where temp_transfer=<0,1> is unit-less coefficient will adjust the speed of heat transfer. The dt [sec] is time elapsed (interval of your timer or update routine) and T [sec] is time scale for the temp_transfer coefficient.
So if your mouse is far than let background_temp=0.0 [C] and if not set it to background_temp=255.0 [C] now you can use the Vertex_temp directly to compute color ... using it as Red channel <0,255>
But as you can see this is more suited to do on CPU side instead of in GLSL because you need to update the color VBO each frame using its previous values... In GLSL you would need to encode it into texture or something and render back the new values into another one and then converting it back to VBO that is too complicated... maybe compute shader could do it in single pass but I am not familiar with those.

How can I track/color seperate shapes generated using perlin noise?

So I have created a 2D animation that consists of 3D Perlin noise where the X & Y axes are the pixel positions on the matrix/screen and the Z axis just counts up over time. I then apply a threshold so it only shows solid shapes unlike the cloud type pattern of the normal noise. In effect it creates a forever moving fluid animation like so
I have been trying to think of a way I can track and maybe index the different shapes so I can have them all be different colours. I'm tried looping over the image and flood filling each shape but this only works for one frame as it doesn't track which shape is which and how they grow and shrink.
I think there must be a way to do something like this because if I had a colouring pencil and each frame on a piece of paper I would be able to colour and track each blob and combine colours when two blobs join. I just can't figure out how to do this programmatically. The nature in which Perlin-noise works and since the shapes aren't defined objects I find it difficult to wrap my head around how I would index them.
Hopefully, my explanation has been sufficient, any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
Your current algorithm effectively marks every pixel in a frame as part of a blob or part of the background. Let's say you have a second frame buffer that can hold a color for every pixel location. As you noted, you can use flood fill on the blob/background buffer to find all the pixels that belong to a blob.
For the first frame, assign colors to each blob you find and save them in the color buffer.
For the second (and each subsequent) frame, you can again use flood fill on the blob/background buffer to determine all the pixels that belong to a discrete blob. Look up the colors corresponding to those each of those pixels from the color buffer (which represents the colors from the last frame) and build a histogram of all the colors you find.
The histogram will contain some of the pixels of the background color (because the blob may have moved or grown into an area that was background).
But since the blobs move smoothly, many of the pixels that are part of a given blob this frame will have been be part of the same blob on the last frame. So if your histogram has just one non-background color, that's the color you would use.
If the histogram contains only the background color, this is a new blob and you can assign it a new color.
If the histogram contains two (or more) blob colors, then two (or more) blobs have merged, and you can blend their colors (perhaps in proportion to their histogram counts with correspond to their areas).
This trick will be to do all this efficiently. The algorithm I've outlined here gives the idea. An actual implementation may not literally build histograms and might take recalculate each pixel color frame scratch on every frame.

image smoothing in opengl?

Does opengl provide any facilities to help with image smoothing?
My project converts scientific data to textures, each of which is a single line of colored pixels which is then mapped onto the appropriate area of the image. Lines are mapped next to each other.
I'd like to do simple image smoothing of this, but am wondering of OGL can do any of it for me.
By smoothing, I mean applying a two-dimensional averaging filter to the image - effectively increasing the number of pixels but filling them with averages of nearby actual colors - basically normal image smoothing.
You can do it through a custom shader if you want. Essentially you just bind your input texture, draw it as a fullscreen quad, and in the shader just take multiple samples around each fragment, average them together, and write it out to a new texture. The new texture can be an arbitrary higher resolution than the input texture if you desire that as well.

How to draw "glowing" line in OpenGL ES

Could you please share some code (any language) on how draw textured line (that would be smooth or have a glowing like effect, blue line, four points) consisting of many points like on attached image using OpenGL ES 1.0.
What I was trying was texturing a GL_LINE_STRIP with texture 16x16 or 1x16 pixels, but without any success.
In ES 1.0 you can use render-to-texture creatively to achieve the effect that you want, but it's likely to be costly in terms of fill rate. Gamasutra has an (old) article on how glow was achieved in the Tron 2.0 game — you'll want to pay particular attention to the DirectX 7.0 comments since that was, like ES 1.0, a fixed pipeline. In your case you probably want just to display the Gaussian image rather than mixing it with an original since the glow is all you're interested in.
My summary of the article is:
render all lines to a texture as normal, solid hairline lines. Call this texture the source texture.
apply a linear horizontal blur to that by taking the source texture you just rendered and drawing it, say, five times to another texture, which I'll call the horizontal blur texture. Draw one copy at an offset of x = 0 with opacity 1.0, draw two further copies — one at x = +1 and one at x = -1 — with opacity 0.63 and a final two copies — one at x = +2 and one at x = -2 with an opacity of 0.17. Use additive blending.
apply a linear vertical blur to that by taking the horizontal blur texture and doing essentially the same steps but with y offsets instead of x offsets.
Those opacity numbers were derived from the 2d Gaussian kernel on this page. Play around with them to affect the fall off towards the outside of your lines.
Note the extra costs involved here: you're ostensibly adding ten full-screen textured draws plus some framebuffer swapping. You can probably get away with fewer draws by using multitexturing. A shader approach would likely do the horizontal and vertical steps in a single pass.

What are the pros and cons of a sprite sheet compared to an image sequence?

I come from a 2D animation background and so when ever I us an animated sequence I prefer to use a sequence of images. To me this makes a lot of sense because you can easily export the image sequence from your compositing/editing software and easily define the aspect.
I am new to game development and am curious about the use of a sprite sheet. What are the advantages and disadvantages. Is file size an issue? - to me it would seem that a bunch of small images would be the same as one massive one. Also, defining each individual area of the sprites seems time cumbersome.
Basically, I dont get why you would use a sprite sheet - please enlighten me.
Performance is better for sprite sheets because you have all your data contained in a single texture. Lets say you have 1000 sprites playing the same animation from a sprite sheet. The process for drawing would go something like.
Set the sprite sheet texture.
Adjust UV's to show single frame of animation.
Draw sprite 0
Adjust UV's
Draw sprite 1
Adjust UV's
Draw sprite 998
Adjust UV's
Draw sprite 999
Using a texture sequence could result in a worst case of:
Set the animation texture.
Draw sprite 0
Set the new animation texture.
Draw sprite 1
Set the new animation texture.
Draw sprite 998
Set the new animation texture.
Draw sprite 999
Gah! Before drawing every sprite you would have to set the render state to use a different texture and this is much slower than adjusting a couple of UV's.
Many (most?) graphics cards require power-of-two, square dimensions for images. So for example 128x128, 512x512, etc. Many/most sprites, however, are not such dimensions. You then have two options:
Round the sprite image up to the nearest power-of-two square. A 16x32 sprite becomes twice as large with transparent pixel padding to 32x32. (this is very wasteful)
Pack multiple sprites into one image. Rather than padding with transparency, why not pad with other images? Pack in those images as efficiently as possible! Then just render segments of the image, which is totally valid.
Obviously the second choice is much better, with less wasted space. So if you must pack several sprites into one image, why not pack them all in the form of a sprite sheet?
So to summarize, image files when loaded into the graphics card must be power-of-two and square. However, the program can choose to render an arbitrary rectangle of that texture to the screen; it doesn't have to be power-of-two or square. So, pack the texture with multiple images to make the most efficient use of texture space.
Sprite sheets tend to be smaller
files (since there's only 1 header
for the whole lot.)
Sprite sheets load quicker as there's
just one disk access rather than
You can easily view or adjust multiple frames
at once
Less wasted video memory when you
load the whole lot into one surface
(as Ricket has said)
Individual sprites can be delineated by offsets (eg. on an implicit grid - no need to explicitly mark or note each sprite's position)
There isn't a massive benefit for using sprite sheets, but several small ones. But the practice dates back to a time before most people were using proper 2D graphics software to make game graphics so the artist workflow wasn't necessarily the most important thing back then.
