Solutions for a secure distributed cache - caching

Problem: I want to cache user information such that all my applications can read the data quickly, but I want only one specific application to be able to write to this cache.
I am on AWS, so one solution that occurred to me was a version of memcached with two ports: one port that accepts read commands only and one that accepts reads and writes. I could then use security groups to control access.
Since I'm on AWS, if there are solutions that use out-of-the box memcached or redis, that'd be great.

I suggest you use ElastiCache with one open port at 11211(Memcached)then create an EC2 instance, set your security group so only this server can access to your ElastiCache cluster. Use this server to filter your applications, so only one specific application can write to it. You control the access with security group, script or iptable. If you are not using VPC, then you can use cache security group.

I believe you can accomplish this using Redis (instead of Memcached) which is also available via ElastiCache. Once the instance has been created, you will want to create a replication group and associate it to the cache cluster you already launched.
You can then add instances to the replication group. Instances within the replication group are simply replicated from the Master Cache Cluster (single Redis instance) and so are (by default) read-only.
So, in this setup, you have a master node (single endpoint) that you can write to and as many read nodes (multiple endpoints) as you would like.
You can take security a step further and assign different routing rules to the replication group (via the VPC) so the applications reading data does not have access to the master node (the only one that can write data).


how to use db2 read on standby feature

IBM DB2 has a feature for HADR database - read on standby. This allows the standby database to be connected to for read-only queries (with certain restrictions on datatypes and isolation levels)
I am trying to configure this as a datasource in an application which runs on websphere liberty profile.
Previously, this application was using the Automatic Client Re-route (which ensures that all connections are directed to the current primary)
However, I would like to configure it in such a way that I can have SELECTs / read-only flows to run on the standby database, and others to run on primary. This should also work when a takeover has been performed on the database (that is, standby becoming primary and vice-versa). The purpose of doing this is to divide the number of connections created between all available databases
What is the correct way to do this?
Things I have attempted (assume my servers are dbserver1 and dbserver2):
Create 2 datasources, one with the db url of dbserver1 and the other with dbserver2.
This works until a takeover is performed and the roles of the servers are switched.
Create 2 datasources, one with the db url of dbserver1 (with the Automatic Client Re-route parameters) and the other with dbserver2 only.
With this configuration, the application works fine, but if dbserver2 becomes the primary then all queries are executed on it.
Setup haproxy and use it to identify which is the primary and which is the standby. Create 2 datasources pointing to haproxy
When takeover is carried out on the database, connection exceptions start to occur (not just at the time of takeover, but for some time following it)
The appropriate way is described in a Whitepaper "Enabling continuous access to read on standby databases using Virtual IP addresses" linked off the Db2 documentation for Read-on-standby.
Virtual IP addresses are assigned to both roles, primary and standby. They are cataloged as database aliases. Websphere or other clients would connect to either the primary or standby datasource. When there is a takeover or failover, the virtual IP addresses are reassigned to the specific server. The client would continue to be routed to the desired server, e.g. the standby.

Loadbalancing settings via spring AWS libraries for multiple RDS Read Only Replicas

If there are multiple read replicas, where load balancing related settings can be specified when using spring AWS libraries.
Read replicas have their own endpoint address similar to the original RDS instance. Your application will need to take care of using all the replicas and to switch between them. You'd need to introduce this algorithm into your application so it automatically detects which RDS instance it should connect to in turn. The following links can help:

Amazon RDS Master-Slave Relationship between EC2 instances with load balancing activated

We're planning to move our Tomcat/MySQL app onto the Amazon cloud employing 2 EC2 instances (inst_1 & inst_2) running in different availability zones whereby inst_1 will contain the master RDS db and inst_2 the slave RDS db.
If we employ elastic load balancing to balance traffic between the two instances, will traffic directed to inst_2 that includes insert/update/delete db transactions first update the master RDS db in inst_1 followed by a synchronous update of the slave in inst_2; thereby ensuring that the two RDS instances are always synchronized?
Amazon's published info (whitepapers) suggests such, but doesn't explicitly state it. If not, how does one ensure that the two RDS instances remain synchronized?
Additional note: We're planning to employ Amazon's Elastic Beanstalk. Thanks!
You have to take a few things into consideration
AWS RDS instances are simple managed EC2 instances which run a MySQL server.
If you add a slave ( I think Amazon calls them read-replica) this is a read-only slave
Amazon doesn't manage the distribution of writing queries to the master server automatically.
Replication will ensure that your read slave always is up-to-date automatically ( with minimal delay which is increasing with write-load on the master )
This behavior is MySQL-specific
This means that you have to delegate manipulating queries to the master exclusively.
This can either be done by your application or by a MySQL proxy running on a extra machine.
The proxy then is the only interface your application servers will talk to. It is able to manage balancing between your RDS instances and the direction of any manipulation query to the master instance.
When RDS is used in multi-az mode you have no access to the secondary instance. There is only ever one instance that is visible to you, so most if your question doesn't apply. In case of failover the DNS address you are given will start resolving to a different ip. Amazon doesn't disclose how the two instances are kept in sync.
If instead of using a multi-az instance you use a single-az instance + a replica then it is up to you to direct queries appropriately - any attempt to alter data on the replica will fail. Since this is just standard MySQL replication, the replica can lag behind the master (in particular with current versions of MySQL the replica only runs a single thread)

Monitoring instances in cloud

I usually use Munin as monitoring software, but this (as others software I presume) needs an IP to make the ICMP or whatever pings to collect data.
In Amazon EC2 instances are created on the fly, with IP's you don't know.
How can they be monitored ?
I was thinking about using amazon console commands to read the IP's of the instances up, and change the monit configuration file on the fly also , but it can be too complicated ... or not?
Any other solution / suggestion ?
Thank you
I use revealcloud to monitor my amazon instances. You can install it once and create an ami from that systen, or bootstrap the install command if that's your method. Since the install is just one command, it's easy enough to put into the rc.local (or similar). You can then see all the instances in the dashboard or topiew as soon as they boot up.
Our instances are bootstrapped using chef recipes, so it's easier for me to provide IPs/hosts as they (= all members of my cluster) get entered into /etc/hosts on start-up. Generally, it doesn't hurt to use elastic IPs for a master server and allow all connections (in /etc/munin/munin.conf by default).
I'd solve the security 'question' on the security groups level. E.g. allow only instances with a certain security group to connect to the munin-node process (on port 4949). The question which remains is.
E.g., using ec2-authorize you can achieve
ec2-authorize mygroup -o monitorgroup -u <AWS-USER-ID>
This means that all instances with group monitorgroup can access resources on instances with mygroup.
Let me know if this helps!
If your Munin master and nodes are all hosted on EC2 than it's better to use internal hosts like domU-00-00-00-00-00-00.compute-1.internal. because this way you don't have to deal with IP addresses and security groups.
You also have to set this in /etc/munin/munin-node.conf:
allow ^.*$
You can read more about it in Monitoring AWS Ubuntu Instances using Munin
But if your Munin master is not on EC2 your best bet is to attach Elastic IP to your EC2 instance.

EC2 database server failover strategy

I am planning to deploy my web app to EC2. I have several webserver instances. I have 1 primary database instance. I have 1 failover database instance. I need a strategy to redirect the webservers to the failover database instance IP when the primary database instance fails.
I was hoping I could use an Elastic IP in my connection strings. But, the webservers are not able to access/ping the Elastic IP. I have several brute force ideas to solve the problem. However, I am trying to find the most elegant solution possible.
I am using all .Net and SQL Server. My connection strings are encrypted.
Does anybody have a strategy for failing over a database instance in EC2 using some form of automation or DNS configuration?
Please let me know.
tells you how to use the Elastic IP public DNS.
Haven't used EC2 but surely you need to either:
(a) put your front-end into some custom maintenance mode, that you define, while you switch the IP over; and have the front-end perform required steps to manage potential data integrity and data loss issues related to the previous server going down and the new server coming up when it enters and leaves your custom maintenance mode
OR, for a zero down-time system:
(b) design the system at the object/relational and transaction levels from the ground up to support zero-down-time fail-over. It's not something you can bolt on quicjkly to just any application.
(c) use some database support for automatic failover. I am unaware whether SQL Server support for failover suitable for your application exists or is appropriate here. I suggest adding a "sql-server" tag to the question to start a search for the right audience.
If Elastic IPs don't work (which sounds odd to say the least - shouldn't you talk to EC2 about that), you mayhave to be able to instruct your front-end which new database IP to use at the same time as telling it to go from maintenance mode to normal mode.
If you're willing to shell out a bit of extra money, take a look at Rightscale's tools; they've built custom server images and supporting tools that handle database failover (among many other things). This link explains how to do it with MySQL, so will hopefully show you some principles even though it doesn't use SQL Server.
I always thought there was this possibility in the connnection string
This is taken (but not yet tested) from How to add Failover Partner to a connection string in VB.NET :
If you connect with ADO.NET or the SQL
Native Client to a database that is
being mirrored, your application can
take advantage of the drivers ability
to automatically redirect connections
when a database mirroring failover
occurs. You must specify the initial
principal server and database in the
connection string and the failover
partner server.
Data Source=myServerAddress;Failover Partner=myMirrorServerAddress;
Initial Catalog=myDataBase;Integrated Security=True;
There is ofcourse many other ways to
write the connection string using
database mirroring, this is just one
example pointing out the failover
functionality. You can combine this
with the other connection strings
options available.
To broaden gareth's answer, cloud management softwares usually solve this type of problems. RightScale is one of them, but you can try enStratus or Scalr (disclaimer: I work at Scalr). These tools provide failover solutions like:
Backups: you can schedule automated snapshots of the EBS volume containing the data
Fault-tolerant database: in the event of failure, a slave is promoted master and mounted storage will be switched if the failed master and new master are in the same AZ, or a snapshot taken of the volume
If you want to build your own solution, you could replicate the process detailed below that we use at Scalr:
Is there a slave in the same AZ? If so, promote it, switch EBS
volumes (which are limited to a single AZ), switch any ElasticIP you
might have, reconfigure replication of the remaining slaves.
If not, is there a slave fully replicated in another AZ? If so, promote it,
then do the above.
If there are no slave in same AZ, and no slave fully
replicated in another AZ, then create a snapshot from master's
volume, and use this snapshot to create a new volume in an AZ where a
slave is running. Then do the above.
