Send/receive SMS in Latvia - sms

Could anyone tell which countries would be able to send and receive SMS AND calls to Latvia?
I can't seem to find an answer, it appears that LV numbers can't send SMS, yet I see prices on the pricing page. I'm quite confused as of which country I should get a number in (and the price).
If I get a LV number, does it mean i can send, but not receive SMS? It would be fine for my app (already built, waiting to go live).
Basically, it is a browser app acting as a soft phone (single user), so no landline involved. Is there a way to solve the country problem?

Twilio evangelist here.
Looks like we currently only have Voice enabled Latvian numbers (numbers with a +371 prefix). Buying one costs you $1 US and use can use it to have Twilio make a voice phone call from it or receive phone calls to it.
For SMS, Twilio does support sending international SMS from US numbers, so you certainly could buy a US number and use it to send text messages to a Latvian number. The pricing for that is here (scroll down to see per-carrier pricing details).
Hope that helps clarify.


clickatell sms messages fail with no error or notification for non-US numbers

I have a web application that sends verification codes to users through clickatell. Nearly all users are in the US, and those work fine, but I have about 5 with international phone numbers who receive no texts.
I have a page set up to accept delivery notifications and dump them into a log file.
If I send a message to a US number, like +18161234567 I get a notification like so:
But if I send a message to a non-US number, like +393921234567, I get no response from the clickatell server at all. It's like they don't even get the request. The phone number is the only difference between the two requests.
I have a case open with clickatell support but they have been less than insightful so far, just telling me they need a messageID or error code to investigate further, but since I get no response, I have none to give them.
Has anyone else experienced this or have any ideas I can use to troubleshoot?
We have a two-way number because that is required for sending texts in the US. However, clickatell notes on the two-way settings page that
If the country does not support two-way messaging, Clickatell will not submit the message (you will not be charged for messages that aren't successfully submitted)
I can't seem to find a list of countries that do or do not support two-way messaging. Do I need to add a separate integration without two-way messaging to support my international numbers?
UPDATE: Upon further research, my international users are in 3 countries. Italy, which does not support two-way messaging, and France and Mexico, both of which do support it. Yet none of the three are working.
FURTHER UPDATE: I have tried creating a separate integration just for Italy, since they do not support two-way messaging. I have set it up to use the clickatell automatic mobile number formatting for that country. The result is the same. No text is sent and I receive no response of any kind from the server.
Can you please check/provide response from server when you submit message with number: +393921234567.
Most likely you get validation error - that this destination number not covered by number that you bought.
Have a nice day.

Can Twilio receive SMS from China?

Checking out the relevant guide page, I see that "Two-Way SMS" is marked "No".
What exactly does this mean? Does it mean that SMS numbers are not available in China? Does is mean that a U.S. Twilio number can't receive an SMS from China? Does it mean that the Sender ID will be modified when I send from my U.S. number to China?
Twilio employee here.
You're right that we don't support two-way SMS in China currently, but you can use Twilio to purchase a Chinese phone number and use it to send SMS messages to Chinese mobile users.
Since our Chinese numbers are currently one way, the recipients of your messages will not be able to reply to them. So if you need to get some information back from your users, you might want to include a link in your message.
Note that our Chinese numbers are currently an "alpha" feature, so you will need to contact support to purchase one.

Sending SMS from Twilio doesnt show friendly name on phone

When I send a test sms from with a predefined friendly name, it doesnt apear on my phone. I only see the number.
-if this isnt possible, do you know other providers with this function that work?
[UPDATE]: Twilio now supports this feature.
You can now send messages from an alphanumeric sender ID using Twilio. I wrote up a blog post on how you can achieve this in Ruby and you can check out this article on how to get started with an alphanumeric sender ID on Twilio for more of an overview. Then check out the documentation on how to send an SMS message from an alphanumeric ID.
[UPDATE] Previous answer is below.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You're absolutely right, the friendly name defined in your account is actually for your uses only and is not intended to appear in place of the number when sending an SMS. We have a few reasons for this, which might be interesting to you depending on your use case.
I don't have a particular company that I can recommend that does allow you to do this. A Google search might help though.

Twilio: Messaging is unavailable for this phone number

I have a Twilio test account for now. I got assigned a Belgian phone number and I validated my own mobile number. I'm trying to send simple SMS message from my assigned Twilio number to my mobile number but that doesn't work.
The dashboard indicates "Messaging is unavailable for this phone number." But in the messaging FAQ (, it is mentioned that Domestic and Global SMS is enabled for Belgium.
1) Why can't I send SMS messages if my country is listed as SMS enabled?
2) Is it because I have a trial account and will it work once I upgrade?
Answer to your questions:
1) Why can't I send SMS messages if my country is listed as SMS enabled?
For this, I can say may there something wrong in your code.
If your country is listed in SMS enabled countries, then it will work there is no issue.
2) Is it because I have a trial account and will it work once I upgrade?
From an trial account You can send SMS to the number with you registeted. To other numbers it will work after you upgrade your account.
If you share your code then will be easy to help you.
You can refer this, I think it will help you.
The problem is that the phone number you have configured is a Belgian phone number. Twilio currently doesn't support sending SMS from a Belgian phone number to a Belgian phone number.
The solution is that you have to configure Twilio to to send the SMS from a US number to the Belgian phone number.
If you're on a trial account, release the assigned Belgian phone number. Then under number management section in your dashboard you will see:
You don't have any Twilio numbers, but your first number is on us. Get it now.
Click on "Get it now". Then, if you verified using a Belgian phone number it will by default show you a phone number from Belgium. Click on "Choose your own number". Then go to the dropdown box and change the country to US such that the proposed phone numbers are US numbers.
With the US numbers you will see that they are capable of sending SMS to Belgian phone numbers. The only disadvantage of this approach is that the SMS will appear to be coming from US. But depending on your application this may not be such a big problem.
Twilio evangelist here.
Its likely that the Belgian number that you were assigned when you created your account only has voice enabled on it, but the good news is that Twilio does have SMS enabled Belgian numbers.
When you click the "Buy a Number" button, you can tell Twilio to only show you numbers that are SMS-enabled:
Hope that helps.
At the time of posting, there were no SMS enabled Belgian numbers available. It seems that the pool of Belgian numbers that support both SMS and Voice is very limited and you need to be lucky to get one.

Unique SMS sender id?

I want to build an app that send SMS to people. However, I want my users to know that the SMS comes from the app and nothing else so they can't fake it. Is there a way to guarantee that the sender ID is unique to my app?
It seems that sending a SMS by phone is with a unique SENDER ID for each phone number.
But, from what I read, I don't think it is the case when sending a SMS through a web gateway.
Is this correct? I am not an expert in mobile phone security.
Of course, I am willing to pay the price for a unique sender id, if such thing is possible.
The "Sender ID" is called the OADC code and some (depending on your location) SMS gateways will indeed allow you to set this to pretty much anything you like, meaning its probably not a good idea to rely on it as absolute proof of origin.
You could perhaps include some item of data in the message body itself that only you and they know?
