Cloud9 Highlighting // TODO in comments - cloud9-ide

I'm using Cloud9 IDE for developing a project and often I'm placing //TODO comments to remind me idea/task that I should write. Cloud9 IDE doesn't highlight the word TODO in comments and it's hard to find them in many lines of code. It's not essential for developing, but very helpful.
Is it possible to add or enable highlighting TODO in comments?

In Ace editor was added highlighting of TODO, FIXME, XXX and HACK by nightwing.
The closed issue -
But I'm not sure when this feature will be in Cloud9.


In the extension development of Visual Studio, is there an API similar to the effect of the Decoration API in the extension of VSCode?

I am developing a code completion extension. I have achieved the effect in the figure below in both VSCode and Jetbrains IDE, that is, the completion content is displayed in gray text behind the code. In VSCode, I can achieve it through the Decoration API. In Jetbrains, I can achieve it by rendering a piece of text behind the cursor through EditorCustomElementRenderer. I like this completion method very much. The well-known completion tool Copilot also uses this mode. I have checked a lot of documents, but I still can't find how to implement it in Visual Studio. I want to see how to implement this in Visual Studio, many thanks!
VSCode JetBrains
I researched related documents and tools and found that in VS2019, similar effects cannot be achieved. But Copilot achieves something similar in VS2022. Wondering which API he used? It would be even better if there is such an API in VS2019.
If there is really no related API, I would like to know if there is an API that can render a piece of text near the cursor, which can be in the form of tooltips or something else, similar to the following effect.
What I hope is that I can control through code when to display this prompt near the cursor.
To summarize my problem is as follows
1. In VS2019, is there an API for rendering a piece of text behind the cursor, similar to Decortaion API in VSCode
2. If not in VS2019, is there any in VS2022?
3. If not, is there a similar API that can display a piece of text behind the cursor? Which can be in the form of tooltips or something else.

Change IDE warning highlight color in xCode? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Fix for Xcode's indiscernible highlighting of inline errors?
Does anyone know how to change the color of the in-line highlighting for warnings and errors in Xcode 4? With almost every theme, the yellow warning highlight makes the underlying code impossible to read.
Example picture
Just came across this, which seems to be able to modify some of Xcode's behaviors by creating some sort of plugin. Maybe one can be developed to change text highlight color. http:/
I've finally managed to implement a Xcode "fixin" to do it.
You just need to open the project and build it. Doing so will install an Xcode plugin called "XCFixin_CustomizeWarningErrorHighlights.xcplugin" into ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins. You can of course customize the colors to your liking.
Get the "fixin" here:
There is no (official) way to do this and I believe that it's like that for a reason... We all know how much attention to details and UI paradigms Apple is paying.
An error colored in Green for example would break that paradigm and possibly confuse the user. That being said, I think that a (somewhat) solution would be instead of recoloring the warning/error bubbles, to recolor the theme in such a way that every color would make a strong contrast with red/yellow (ie avoid reddish/yellowish tones) tints.
there is no options which you can change color of warning and errors.its inbuilt with Theme you are using for xcode. but you can change the style from xcode->fonts & colors and select different theme.

How does one change the color for text highlighting in Xcode 4 for warnings and errors? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Fix for Xcode's indiscernible highlighting of inline errors?
Does anyone know how to change the color of the in-line highlighting for warnings and errors in Xcode 4? With almost every theme, the yellow warning highlight makes the underlying code impossible to read.
Example picture
Just came across this, which seems to be able to modify some of Xcode's behaviors by creating some sort of plugin. Maybe one can be developed to change text highlight color. http:/
I've finally managed to implement a Xcode "fixin" to do it.
You just need to open the project and build it. Doing so will install an Xcode plugin called "XCFixin_CustomizeWarningErrorHighlights.xcplugin" into ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins. You can of course customize the colors to your liking.
Get the "fixin" here:
There is no (official) way to do this and I believe that it's like that for a reason... We all know how much attention to details and UI paradigms Apple is paying.
An error colored in Green for example would break that paradigm and possibly confuse the user. That being said, I think that a (somewhat) solution would be instead of recoloring the warning/error bubbles, to recolor the theme in such a way that every color would make a strong contrast with red/yellow (ie avoid reddish/yellowish tones) tints.
there is no options which you can change color of warning and errors.its inbuilt with Theme you are using for xcode. but you can change the style from xcode->fonts & colors and select different theme.

How can I customize the text editor or color tag parts of my code in Visual Studio?

How do I customize, extend the text editor, or color tag parts of my code?
I would like Visual Studio to color code parts of my code. Can I use #region and give it a color?
Is there any way to make the background between two parentheses have a different color? (I want each code "block" to have its own color.)
I've looked here for some insight, but they all are implemented based "on what you select". All I want is to have the text editor "render" the text in a different way based on some rules.
I haven't seen such feature, but there is something quite close to what you are looking for in ReSharper. A setting called "Highlight matching delimiters". Looks like this in use:
I wanted tell you this because
1) You might be interested in resharper and
2) resharper is able to do the highlighting so maybe someone can make an add-in or something to add this kind of feature. Maybe you? :)
I don't know of anything exactly like what you're asking for, but the VS10x Code Map extention might help:
It will give you a nice overview of the code on the side, and make navigation somewhat easier.
The download button on the right lets you download a trial version from the Visual Studio Gallery at I think you can also find it directly from the extentions view in VS2010.

How can I write a plugin for VS2010 using MEF?

I've seen lots of MEF code for plugging into custom apps, but I am yet to find out how to write a plugin for VS2010 using MEF. I was under the impression that the new IDE supported this.
Does anyone know if this is supported 'out of the box', or does it require an install. Does anyone have any links, tips, etc to get me started.
MEF is the primary extension mechanism for extending the editor. If you install the SDK, there are a few new project samples set up to create editor extensions, found under C# (or VB)->Extensibility. These include:
Editor classifier – for providing syntax highlighting
Editor margin – putting a margin along the sides of the editor, with arbitrary WPF content
Editor text/viewport adornment – for putting WPF visuals into the editor
You can find overview documentation on MSDN: Extending the editor, and Editor extension points.
Some samples you may want to look at: editor samples on, a couple more on, and the source for all the samples I've written.
I blog about writing editor extensions. On there, you can find descriptions of most of the extensions I've written, along with more general posts about performance, design of the new editor, etc.
Questions posted on the editor forum on msdn also are answered by various members of the editor team.
